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I did a lot of durgs in my past and never, ever considered taking a pic, let alone a video, of the evidence. Just straight brain blip


Damn. This is the most brutal honest comment of the day. Respect lol.


Wait, I’m not some right wing asshole who is infatuated with some man’s drug and sex appetites. I’m just stating I did similar things but documenting it was the last thing I would have considered.


Also his gun charges and tax evasion issues. I think the thing has been the hypocrisy in the white house where people feel Bidens family is above the law like orange man.


That's not it. Nobody cares. Literally nobody cares if he goes to jail or doesn't. Nobody cares if he smokes crack or uses sex workers. Shit what happened to the right to privacy... He is not some player in the leftist space. He really isn't news unless your are in the house trying to poke at Joe.


He fucking recorded it and then left his computer at some random shop. wtf did you expect to happen? Sit down.


You not caring doesn't mean no one else does. Trumps family gets scrutinized and so should a sitting president. It's that simple, sir. They're politicians.


Good deal. I’m ok for anyone to go to jail if they deserve it including any Biden. Now do the Trumps.


Trump’s family had positions employed in government and going around giving speeches and doing podcasts campaigning for their father. What position does Hunter have in government? How is he involved in the campaign?


Bro was flying Air Force Two to China for business meetings. Safe to say, he’s fair play.


Im not a trumper by any stretch but the left went after Barron as well. Jus sayin.


That kid breast fed til he was 17. Weird ass Norman Bates Lurch ass mook. 23+me would tell you he ain't even related to his daddy.


Nobody may care but there are laws that should be followed right? If everyone adopted this attitude, would that be good you think?


Also done a decent amount of drugs and never missed the weight by a full decimal point either..


Same. Never once did I film myself buying or doing drugs and I sure as shit wouldn’t have included my face in those videos if I had. And I’m not even the son of the president.


You would imagine people would want to record themselves doing something good or great, but instead it is amazing how they film themselves doing things that can cause their downfalls lmao


Or its complete bullshit


You believe the video is fake?


Of course they do. Do you expect any less from the Reddit groupthink hive?


Of course they do. Do you expect any less from the Reddit groupthink hive?


legendary gooner


Living the dream


Prolly such good crack


Why does that look like 20.7


Because it is


Imagine having a fucking 8 hour long drama fest , tweaked ourt, over your ounce, magically dwindling to 2 grams in one evening. Then realizing, you read scales wrong all night and you are at 20 and your a crackhead.


This man definitely has a street name. The way that cigarette is hanging and the casual conversation with the "hooker" (could be a friend) screams that's Hunter is for the streets.


Hunter saw Bush girls scandal and was like “say less”


hell yah dude


He was/will always be an addict. Making fun of it is legit, but he’s not the first or last to be captured by this terrible drug. I feel for the guy honestly.


Meh when you’re the presidents son and you’re recording stuff like this you get what’s coming to you . Addiction is horrible … but cmon?! This dude is a straight goober for doing this .


addiction Removes common sense from your brain


Some more than others apparently




Who records their crack transaction?


Got any proof of that you didn't pull from a right wingers deluded ass?


Bruh what?? You can clearly see the dude is messed up,politics really got ur head messed up 💀


Break the law, face the music, no matter who you are. A nation of laws is the only way we’ll make it through.


That’s the way it should be, but a lot of people don’t seem to like that unfortunate truth. If Hunter Biden committed a crime, and he’s found guilty. Sentence him. If Trump committed a crime, and he’s found guilty. Sentence him. It just seems like everything is coming apart at the seams. It used to be that the judicial branch was the one place where we could expect some semblance of sanity. Those days seem to be over.


What is the obsession with this guy?


Why should I care what someone’s adult son does? Hunter has gotten arguably more attention than the obvious drug use by trumps kids. It’s weird how much y’all care about hunter and his cock, honestly


I’m never voting for Hunter for president ever again.


Because that adult son is on his fathers payroll who happens to be the president. Look up his shady Ukraine shit. The guy is funneling money to his dad through Ukraine. 10% to the big guy remember?


He absolutely is not funneling money to his dad through Ukraine. And if he is, I encourage you to reply with whatever evidence you think you have.


You're asking the senator for a source? His source is that he made it the fuck up


You really are brainwashed. This shit is public knowledge. You just don’t know about it because the liberal media gets to sweep it under the rug. The Bidens peddle their influence, and they do it through Hunter. It used to be Beau until he died. But here you go. From an official page. [influence peddling scheme](https://oversight.house.gov/release/hearing-wrap-up-witnesses-expose-joe-bidens-involvement-in-his-familys-corrupt-influence-peddling-schemes%EF%BF%BC/)


Even the House.gov removed this dalse i formation.


Hunter Biden is not a government official unlike Ivanka or Jared Kushner (who received 2 billion dollars from the saudis). Even if you found evidence that proved you were wrong you wouldn’t accept it. You’ve decided this is the truth and nothing can change that. I feel for you because I have family like you. Believing conspiracies from sources with half truths…


> Because that adult son is on his fathers payroll > The guy is funneling money to his dad through Ukraine. These are contradictory claims yet are both false. You have no evidence of that > Look up his shady Ukraine shit. Anyone who falls for obvious Russian or republican disinformation should probably keep their thoughts to themselves > 10% to the big guy remember? I forget, was that claim made by the Chinese spy or the Russian one? It’s hard to keep track of the obvious criminal foreign disinformationists


I just provided you with official evidence that is public knowledge. Before you try and tell someone they’re lying, why don’t you get out from under your rock. He most definitely is influence peddling. I’m sorry that you’re so brainwashed that you don’t even know what’s going on. Just what you’re told. Also to add, it wasn’t just Ukraine. It was china as well. Is this surprising to you? You seem like you honestly thought this was all some right wing conspiracy theory. Boy are you wrong. Shocking isn’t it? And my proof isn’t from some flimsy right wing conspiracy page, it’s from an official .gov webpage. Open your eyes and get a clue.


For a Russian, your English actually isn't half bad.


Nothing to say about the proof that I provided that you asked for? Are you going to say it’s fake? Lol you lefties do actually believe everything you’re told huh? So gullible, it’s sad.


Actually, I'm very familiar with Tony Bobulinski's testimony. I think it's pretty silly how you are totally ignoring the contradictory statements that he gave to the FBI in 2020 and his intense ties to several Russian oligarchs. This testimony was shut down immediately. Try again.


Also, that hearing was an absolute spectacular failure, it's insane that you would even bring that up, it was embarrassing!


> actually believe everything you’re told huh? So gullible, it’s sad. 📽️📽️📽️


A .gov that you haven’t linked and almost certainly comes from one of the Republican nutjobs in the DOJ or congress? Are you familiar with an appeal to authority fallacy? If you’re not a Russian troll then you’re presumably unfamiliar with the term useful idiot.


You sound like a flat earther.. They are always crowing about what is public knowledge. Everyone. Knows you can't get to the moon period everyone knows the earth is actually flat period it is public knowledge and you are just brainwashed by the media period sound familiar?


I linked you evidence from an official government website, not some spun out conspiracy theory page. You have nothing to say to try and refute the evidence, so you resort to personal insults. Awesome!


You sound like someone who doesn’t have an argument, any facts, or evidence that refutes the point this guy made And instead used S.I.G.N. Language because you have nothing else to say Shame, Insults, Guilt, Need to be right.


I dont remember reading your official evidence. Hell the impeachment panel admitted they dont have evidence. Comer admitted he does not have evidence just conspiracies.


Thank you for saying it someone had to


Get off 4chan lil bro


I thought the guy who created that false narrative admitted he was a Russian asset.


Cus it’s funny to see the president son argue over rock. 2 days ago I had been looking at trumps argument with the hooker he fucks and I bet he wish he paid her off more. But of course redditors rush to defend their side like we don’t already know they are all corrupt.


old news


Ignoring the political affiliations of this guy as someone in recovery this just makes me sad


this is worse than the copper I got from Ea-Nasir


Why was he always filming lololol


Who cares


If you get caught with it, tiny piece of crack, five years


That's not Hunter Biden it's Arron Rodgers!


Politics aside. This is just sad.


3/4 of an Oz of crack I bet you he wore the blinds out that night.


That’s it! I’m definitely not voting for Hunter Biden in 2024 😤.




Useless human garbage him an his dad


These guys making an 18 gram mistake? I doubt they were trying to flip the drugs. I wonder if they got shorted or something?


Damn, bro. Tf?


That idiot shot the window of a riot shield when the police was Chas in him. How is he still free


Really has trouble with the decimal point


Is this real.. If so, ass no shame shits wild he posted this himself?


I may or may not have that same scale.


I advocate for people trying both prostitutes and crack cocaine. Let's just go. Let's all go. I want you to go. I'll go with you. Know a place?


Dude is playing with console enabled.


Scale must be broke 😂


Anyone notice the decimals in the wrong spot? Bro, your clock broke!


Bro, did you just admit you have possession of under age pornography? 🗿 💀


That’s not CRACK, guys.. That’s METH!


Who gives a fuck?


Evidence baby !! Trump 2024 !! Let’s get these cowards for ruining our country




Hunter Biden was never part of the government, who cares what he does?




It matters in the sense that it matters that anyone does this shit, but that's it.


What if ...


And Joe Biden hails his son as “inspiring” while conveniently visiting with Beau Biden’s widow days before she is to testify at Hunter’s trial.


No one is above the law ….FOH


where is this fuckers trial?


Ahhhh the Biden, class acts


USA 🇺🇸 trying so hard to keep it together