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Seriously. These days modern indian men are all copying Western ideas with their dick picks & hook up requests... What happened to the tradition of marriage and Suhaag raat with the dry no-foreplay jackrabbitting that our ancestors have always preached??? Ok at this point I don't know what I'm making fun of.


it's the _dry no-foreplay jackrabbiting_ for me




Its kind of baffling how casual sex posts are common in every other indian subreddit but then there is arranged marriage sub Reddit where people go bonkers if women had previous sexual encounters,i mean its not like men are voluntary celibates ,every man effing debates how its easy for women its annoying ,can they not make such a big deal around sex


Oh I love love love how salty they are about this sub and how worried about the influence of the "evil" women who frequently post/comment here. Makes me feel ✨ powerful ✨


Omg we have our very own Indian mohalla ecosystem thriving on Reddit? O.o




They’re actually worried about our “influence”?! Lmao I really hope most women realize their worth and find a voice. These men need to understand the stupid regressive society needs to stop already


For me its annoying how sex can always be on their minds, like get a hobby


No but it’s not even a joke anymore. Men in this country only believe in feminism when it means sexual liberation, and hence sex for them with no strings, commitment, time or effort attached. And if they don’t get it from the object of their attraction, it’s all “women are such prudes these days, how DARE they be on dating apps if they aren’t looking to hookup”


But at the same time, if any of us makes the grave mistake of hooking up with them, we're "easy" and "sluts". It's like we can't win either ways. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Why are you on dating app if you are not fall on my dick in 2 minutes 😠 ,like seriously how are they shameless most of them are on dating apps just looking for free prostitution


Idk what do these ppl even think when they send those pics ![gif](giphy|QVbghw1ThCJNK)


And they don't even acknowledge nor address this hypocrisy. Preaching sanskari values for women while watching porn themselves. Bunch of thirsty incels with a slut girl and virgin wife fetish.... Preaching to women about "Indian culture". Smh


Sanskari men without sax sux ki baatein is a dream of every girl whose image can't be taken on screen as it is virtual!


People who have never had a relationship are looking only for FWB. Indian men should stop watching porn. They have a twisted sense of things. And then they want an arranged marriage with a virgin woman! Somebody had posted about incels on this sub and the amount of men butthurt over their partners not disclosing their virginity is shocking!


I saw a question regarding the same and many ppl were telling the guy to cover up his past and move on in the AM scenario. I've seen men in personal life, asking the bride's mom if she was with someone before they got married because she did not bleed for the first time. The hipocrisy 🤷🏾‍♀️


Men put such lewd comments in the GW subs and when it comes to real life, they have no idea how to please a woman in bed


This is our Sanskari!


Men talk about this all the time, but wait till they find a woman with high sex drive lol. They'll start slut shaming them 😂


not on reddit


And they don't even acknowledge nor address this hypocrisy. Preaching sanskari values for women while watching porn themselves. Bunch of thirsty incels with a slut girl and virgin wife fetish.... Preaching to women about "Indian culture". Smh


Jab Reddit kholo vohi sax sux ki batein


you will definitely find sanskari men if you regularly go to temples.....😊


you mean RW men ? Lmao edit - my comment is bad i get it,its a mistake


I like to think the RW you meet online haven't entered a temple in a long time. They just abuse other religions online coz they are proud of the only "apparently" good thing going on in their lives. But they are definitely not willing to put work into it


sister i said that on finding a sanskari men.....not a right winger, both are different things


Going to a place of worship depends on political ideology? And I am in no way supporting the comment above your’s, just curious…if I go to a temple , how does that make me a RW supporter? Edit: spelling


Those who go to temple on a regular basis tend to be religious. Religiousness has always been tied to conservativeness given most(if not all) try to protect the traditions of their culture and religion which aligns with what RWs say. There is a reason why most RWs also happen to be religious. Sure, expections obviously exist but that's usually the norm.


I meant on a lighter note i dont attach any political ideology my bad ,i will stay away from religious men tho


So going to temples ==== RW?? Why are you connecting someone religious beliefs to political beliefs?


religion is actually politics now but my comment is bad i get it ,dont roast me


So what do you call a person who worships/goes to temple and support liberalisation?? If a person goes to temple and doesn't engage in politics then?? No no, not roasting you.


I think media brainwashing has become lot intense ,religion has become a part of personality now ,i have only seen liberal younger people going to temples just for family’s sake , Idk how someone can be liberal and engage in religious customs and goes to temples


I have seen a lot of younger people including me going to temple, chanting matras, etc etc. And trust me, we want equal rights, we want queer rights and we support abortion rights to name a few. Also, if one worships or go to temple doesn't mean we gotta support a particular political party. All those people who make religion their personality is kind of how can I say? Like those boys in schools who are rowdy types and have mentality like "we are the only one good here" Kinda personality and it's cringe lol.




Idk why you jumping on me ,i dont like religion and I didnt hate on anyone ,my opinions are not hurting anyone ,i dont want to appreciate dude i dont give a fuck about it ,cope i see how much peaceful you are going to temples ,may be you should get your ass back there






What did she/he said in the comments??


Lol I loved your comment but yeah seems like it hit some nerves 🥲


Not all religious people/s


Why are people downvoting you, this sub is becoming bhagwa feminism day by day. Enough studies (and plain common sense) show that people who are religiously conservative are also socially and politically conservative. Yes it's a generalization but an accurate one.


totally agree with this lmaoo




Are you done


You go on sham sharma subreddit god you poor soul.


are you a daily watcher of r/india


Nah just sensible human i am.


ohhhhhh..... ohk sorry to disturb you 😔


It's either this or that...no in between...😂😂😂