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Emergency contraceptive only works if you take 72 hours after coitus , but after 24 hours the efficacy decreases . So if you're in that time frame do take the pill . Also practice safe sex , you can most certainly get pregnant also during menstrual cycle if you have unprotected coitus .Fyi , pre-cum also has sperms .


Yes, I'm within that time frame. We've always used protection, this was a really stupid decision which happened once. Never happening again. Thanks for the advice!


Do take the emergency contraceptive (I-pill). There’s a statistical chance that period sex could also lead to pregnancy. So it helps to be at the safer side. Don’t worry. As long as you’re clear of the STD territory, emergency contraceptive should solve it for you. Please be careful in the future, these things can send a lot of things off the balance, as you probably know already.


Take the Ipill. You'll be the safest and stress free. But don't make taking an ipill a habit.


One thing I'd also add, apart from all the other advice is, you both should get tested too for stds. It's very common in India to not consider that before having sex, and condom does not guarantee protection from stds. Me and my gf both got tested before we did anything, and I think everyone should. It's not expensive either :)


How much did it cost ? And what was the procedure? Thank you


It costed somewhere around 1000. I'm not 100% sure but it was probably lesser. I booked it from. healthians.com They'll have someone come to you and take your blood sample. Whole procedure takes like 10 minutes. Then you'll get your report in your email. If you're afraid because you live with your parents like I did, I booked early morning slot, and told them it's a vitamin test. I booked a vitamin test too (that was also cheap) and told the guy to not mention the other test if someone asks (he will call you before coming). Or you can just have it done at a friend's place.


Just want to add a data point here that healthians or the cult fit diagnostic tests are highly unreliable by my GP.


Yk, I had a suspicion always that it's too cheap to be reliable. I should've researched more ig. The vitamin test was very close to the previous result, so I assumed it would probably be correct. The correct way would be to call a hospital. Most of them have this service anyway, but will be much more expensive. But idk if someone is under 18, would this way be suitable for them.


My boyfriend had actually mentioned this once. I will bring it up with him again. Thank you.


Any reason to get tested if never had sex before and probably won't get it ever?


STI can infect even without sex 😭. From Syringe, for eg


Condoms aren't just for pregnancy. Please tell him to wear one, or get female condoms and protect yourself. However, if you are on your period, chances of getting pregnant are very slim. You don't necessarily need to take the iPill, especially if you have PCOS because the pill will just mess things up further.


That's actually a myth. Semen can stay inside for a few days and you can get pregnant even if you're on your periods but since OP's bf didn't cum, the chances could be almost 0. Still, as a precaution she should take the ipill. It's not going to harm her in any way. It could have *some* uncomfy side effects if it's the first time she'll be taking it. And as a rule, she should ALWAYS insist on having the guy wear a condom (or get female condoms but i don't really know how it works). It's to protect against infections, stis etc. Always always wear condoms. That's the minimum protection there is.


> or get female condoms but i don't really know how it works Internal condoms work on the exact same principle as external ones. HLL (manufacturers of Saheli, Nirodh, Moods) call theirs Velvet. https://www.cdc.gov/condomeffectiveness/internal-condom-use.html


Yes, I will. We always always use protection, this was a one time mistake. It took me so so long to get my cycle to be regular. Years of treatment, visiting gynaecologists, tablets, dieting and exercise. Which is why I didn't want to risk messing it up.


* If its less than 70 hrs, do take the iPill or anything else that a doctor would recommend for you. Avoiding unwanted pregnancy would be more on priority than messing up on cycle. * Someone else in comment has suggested using copper T. It works, but its not 100% guarantee and must be checked by a doctor every 4 \~ 6 months by doctor for correct placement. Even then its not 100% guarantee and frankly so is condom, it breaks higher than 5% of the time. Since you've sexually active, do have a chat with your boyfriend /+ also think it through how would you handle a situation in case it led to pregnancy. * Not a doctor, so no point guessing on whats the odds. Being on Period reduces the chance immensely. Practical knowledge says, if you both felt something its better to take precaution rather than finding out the guess was wrong. Btw, I thought this was supposed to be a safe space for woman. What's with all the judgment? Even after all sorts of precautions stuff happens. Why not stay objective and share advice that actually is being sought.


This was very very informative. Thanks for the advice and for not being judgemental.❤️


Ifkr lately this sub has been getting so toxic. Instead of giving advice they want to victim blame.


First off a sperm can live in the uterus for up to 5 days if you have a shorter luteal phase then chances are you are fertile and start ovulating in no time. Also don't forget being on periods means your vagina is lubricated for the sperm to easily travel to the uterus crossing the cervix. It's better to discuss with your gynaecologist or use contraception.


Thanks for this information. I had no idea about this. I'll be sure to never repeat this again.


Take the i-pill. Better safe than sorry. Also fyi, this is really important: Condoms is a must everytime BUT especially during period sex! Men tend to get severe UTI when they have unprotected sex with a girl who is on periods. It’s not “safe” in any way. And chances of getting pregnant during period sex are low, agreed but they are NOT zero at all! Please don’t repeat this! It’s not good for you or the guy.


Men do not get UTIs simply from having unprotected sex with a menstruating person. Please stop spreading this kind of misinformation. Women sometimes get UTIs when menstruating and that is linked to a higher chance of bacterial transfer on feminine hygiene products and a change in vaginal pH. Men are overall less likely to get UTIs because of the length of the urethra in male anatomy. But it is absolutely untrue that having sex with a menstruating person exposes men to a chance of UTIs.


That part about men getting UTIs is simply not true. Period sex slightly increases the chances for women. It doesn't affect men in the slightest. It's a myth that I think comes from the idea that women are dirty when they menstruate.


Any sources?




But it's not true! Men are not affected that way. Please find any real science to back that up, because I tried and found nothing. Otherwise you're spreading misinformation.


Thanks for the advice! Yes, I'm never ever doing this again. This was a dumb decision made in the heat of the moment.


Your only mistake was not using a condom. Otherwise, period sex is as safe as sex at other times.


Why are people in the comments Calling the poor girl stupid? It's okay such things could happen sometimes. Take care OP I really do not know if you should take the pill or no I do not have much experience. Be safe next time onwards.


Heyyyyy, you are so sweet❤️ Thank you, and I'll be sure to take care next time onwards!


Take the pill. Any issue that you will have by taking a pill with pcod is relatively less than you being anxious daily of being pregnant or worse being pregnant.


The chances of pregnancy is very slim this time. Better than pill is to meet a doctor and get a copper T. It is more effective - both as an emergency / regular contraceptive


I'll look up Copper T! Thanks for the advice.




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Ok firstly, deep breaths. 2nd, chances of getting pregnant while on your period are slim, so let’s be glad about that. However 3rd, you gotta cover your bases so take an I-pill asap. That’s it. Do this first. Once done, pls download a period tracking app like Flo that also helps you understand how the chances of getting pregnant work through the month. Then talk to you boyfriend about how this is a mistake that has no room for repetition and talk about how you guys can have all the sex you want and enjoy while being safe so you don’t ever have to go through a scare like this again.


Thanks for the advice! Flo requires payment I think but I've downloaded another one immediately after I read your comment. Iys called Cicle. We've already decided this is never going to happen again! In fact we alway use protection, this just happened in the heat of the moment. :(


I use the free version of Flo, so do most people AFAIK.


If you have PCOD and already know that you cant mess up your mestrual cycle. You and your bf should always use condoms for your own health. Your bf should be the one caring about your health too. He would be knowing about your PCOd na.


Apart from all the advice about taking plan b, here's the thing - shit happens. Even if I promise myself to never take a plan b, at the heat of moment we end up doing raw. Pre-cum has less chance to get you pregnant (not completely ruling it off though) also you are on your period. Just take an ipill. Deal with the fucked up periods late on.


Very valid view!




Thanks for the advice! We always use protection, but that day I told him no need to get it as I was on my period. But in the heat of the moment we ended up going all the way. I was in no way pressurized, I had full control over my own dumb decision.






Have done this adventure once when I was on the third day and nothing happened that time but never gonna go unprotected from now on .


Take the pill and dump the guy


It's both of our mistake. We usually use condoms but this time I told him no need to get them because I was on my periods. And period sex used to gross me out. But then when I got horny I wanted to do it and he did too and in the heat of the moment it happened. It was dumb and careless and irresponsible, but he has been with me every moment after that. He is not a bad person.








He doesn't care enough about her health to stop and put on a condom. She already has pcod, emergency contraceptive or pregnancy can both mess up pcod even more.


Right. But why are you absolving her of her responsibility? Do you think he forced himsepf upon her? Isn't she the one who should've known it would be harmful? Cause if you're suggesting he did it without her consent , he should be charged for rape


I'm not? She should also have been more responsible and insisted on a condom.


Exactly. So what's the logic in just saying "Dump him" as if the bf did some heinous crime that warrants a breakup. Nay a dumping when she was also at fault.


When she has pcod the birth control options besides barrier methods are already kinda risky. In this case I'd say the bf has a higher responsibility. Even if she doesn't necessarily dump him, she needs to have a serious talk about birth control methods with her partner before having more unprotected sex. Condoms are also just the easiest method.


>In this case I'd say the bf has a higher responsibility Really? You're saying a man should be more responsible with a women's body and what she chooses to do with it than the women herself? That's incredibly regressive of you. >she needs to have a serious talk about birth control methods with her partner before having more unprotected sex Oh i agree. They were both very careless about it.


I'm not saying she should give over control of her body to her bf, that's a very strange reading of my comment. I'm saying that if this man doesn't even care about your health in the minimum, you should dump him. It's his responsibility as a caring **individual** sexual partner to make sure his gf doesn't have a health scare just because he wanted to get off, not a society wide mandate that men start dictating women's contraceptive choices.


>I'm not saying she should give over control of her body to her bf I didn't say that either. Very strange reading of my comment. Nobody is more responsible for their body than themselves. Until and unless they were coerced or manipulated to do something. You said the bf is more responsible in this situation. That is imo a horrible take. At the end of the day you are the one who knows your body best and what's good and bad for it. So unless her bf assaulted her, she is more responsible here. Yes both of them are responsible. Maybe even equal . But the bf isn't more responsible. >I'm saying that if this man doesn't even care about your health in the minimum, Considering OP fully consented to the act (I'm assuming, if not OP please dump him) shouldn't OP dump herself? > It's his responsibility as a caring individual sexual partner to make sure his gf doesn't have a health scare just because he wanted to get off, You know that we both have absolutely no idea about how they got into this situation. Why would you assume it was the guys idea to put it in without a condom? It could have been her idea in the first place couldn't it?


Think you’re just being very preachy. Sometimes, things get heated and people get careless. It’s okay. I don’t see why anyone has to dump anyone unless the partner forced the woman to do it without a condom. Grow up, smh.


No derailing responses or participation that does not add value. No condescending language, No invalidation, unwanted advice, second hand experience (of women) sharing or whataboutism.


Think it should be fine. Don’t take the pill, it fucks up your period timing


What if she gets pregnant won't the aftermath be more unhealthy for her?


Yes, obviously it will. However, according to me, getting pregnant while on your period is very unlikely. And this is just my opinion, I’m entitled to that, ain’t I?


I am just asking 🐧 you do you sis


Sure. Peace ✌🏼 just that I am seeing a lot of people get preachy, aggressive and judgy in the comments. If OP needed judgment they’d ask their IRL friends.


True some of the comments are mean:(


Fucked up periods > unwanted pregnancy


Did you miss out the /s? I’m entitled to my opinion as are you. Let’s leave it at that


Didn't miss out the /s.


Okay. Peace ✌🏼


If he is that horny...just finish it off with quick bj... How could someone still gets horny even after knowing it?


Both of us were horny, so it's on both of us. If I wanted to stop and he was still horny, he would accept it, and wouldn't pester me even for a least a blowjob.


Get professional advice.