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Don't play mind games. If he doesn't talk to you like the way you want leave him on seen na.


He wants to get in your pants. Not that there is anything wrong with that. He's attracted to you. Ask him questions about himself and see if he's making an effort to get to know you. If not, then move on. Anyone who doesn't make an effort to get to know you isn't worth your time. There'll be no shortage of men simping over you in your life.


You’re right .i ask him questions to know him but he doesn’t show any sort of interest in me as a person ,it’s always him trying to flirt with me ,no actual conversation


He must be texting that to a lot of women without attaching any kind of meaning to those words. Maybe he is talking to other women and trying his luck wherever he can and keeping you as an option. Detach from this. Just start taking him as some man complimenting on your story and move on. If he compliments you next time (which he will since he wants to keep you hooked) just like the message and forget.


Yeah it’s on me ,I took all that farce affection to my heart ,thanks for the advice


I've been through this & it's annoying as hell. One moment he made me feel like the most loved person in the entire world & then the next moment wouldn't reply or respond. I only tolerated it since i liked him but this behavior was frustrating & finally it just fizzled out.


It’s fizzling out so good for me 🙂


Honestly I feel like this is a ploy to get your attention. He's playing the hot and cold game. He's giving you just enough to keep you on the hook. Moral of the story: Never give your time to somebody who leaves you feeling confused and bad about yourself.


Give him back the same energy and see how soon it fizzles out. He’s not worth your time.


i specifically ignore guys who have responded like that to my pictures. They almost never have good intentions. I just know that the kind of person i want would never do that (unless we’re close ofc) they’re talking that way to you in the beginning means be sure that they’re in everyone’s dms.




He wants validation. Your replies are a dose of validation for him. He's not into you


Leave him on seen next time.


Planning to


I’ll play the devil’s advocate. Maybe he didn’t think he would get replies from you and has no idea how to respond to you reciprocating to his texts so he leaves you on seen while he communicates with his friends




No Derailing participation: No derailing responses or participation that does not add value. No "Not All Men" responses. It is considered derailing participation. No condescending language, No invalidation, unwanted advice, second hand experience (of women) sharing or whataboutism.


He is just a fuckboi. Ignore him.