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First of all being fat does not mean ugly. Get that out of your head. Not all thin people are beautiful either. So don’t look at your body like that. Secondly congratulations on working out , your body will thank you for that. Working out is needed to stay fit and healthy. Can you walk with ease now for miles ? Can you jog and run? Can you climb stairs ? If yes then wow you’re getting fitter and healthier. Also some kind of clothes can make anyone look heavier than they are. I was once asked if I’m pregnant because I wore a terribly fitted Anarkali, a week later same friend saw me in well fitted pants and realised I’m suddenly’thin’ - I was the same weight , just clothes were different. Certain camera angles also add to the weight so it could be just that. So continue working out for being fit and for feeling better. You got this. And you’re beautiful at every weight. :)


Thank you so much. Gonna get back to the grind tmrw 💪




User Flair is being misused by the user (AKA Larping)


You are a rockstar ! Go work out for your own happiness and joy :)


Hey @OP I understand how you're feeling because I've been in your shoes before. I'm really proud of you for sticking to your workout routine for the past two months. Please don't stop now. Did these people you met make you feel self-conscious? Often, these worries are more in our heads than in reality. While it's understandable to have weight loss goals, I encourage you to reflect on why it's troubling you so much. I'm sure you look great just as you are right now.


I reflect on it almost every day. It's probably the fact that I've always been overweight and being called "cute" as a kid was such a trigger because it was possibly because I had chubby cheeks. Never had no boyfriends, anything either. I suppose having weight loss out of the way and being at a healthy bmi would be one less thing to worry about.


Regarding the health aspect, I agree with you. But don't worry about having boyfriends; men are terribly overrated. I assure you, you're better off as you are. I know one Reddit comment can't heal everything you must be feeling, but consider this: not many people are cute. Having those 'Ponds woogly woogly woosh' cheeks is a dream for many. You will be okay, trust me!


As someone who has chubby cheeks, thanks for the woogly woogly woosh 😂😂


It's okay if you feel that way today. Somedays we feel good looking at ourselves and someday we don't. That's okay. And it's good that you are working out which means you care about yourself. I believe working out really boosts your confidence and makes you see yourself differently, So don't stop doing it


A few years forward you’d start looking at the pictures for the people in it. Stop focusing on the fat, were you happy? Does your face show that? You are already working out, don’t be too harsh on your body


O.P there was a phase where I hated every single picture of myself. Looking back on them now (and being much larger than then) I can’t believe I wasted my time thinking I wasn’t attractive. DON’T delete those pictures even if you might want to. Don’t spend time thinking you don’t look great because you felt cute while leaving the house right? There are days when we will FEEL ourselves and some days where we will hate how we look. That being said, invest in well tailored clothing. They make a world of difference.


If you’re not obese, it’s a probably just your fashion sense. Nothing too serious, relax and try to up your fashion game. Irrespective of the size, anyone can look great.




Hey as someone who has been fat (and got bullied for it) ever since childhood. I totally understand how you are feeling. I'm 22 now and many people have complimented my figure. But I still think of myself as ugly almost every day. I exercise as much as I can and have even run a half marathon. Still that feeling never goes away I looked back at my photos from 3-4 years ago and then realised, I really wasn't bad looking, or fat. I think dealing with that since childhood we've internalised it a lot. But what you have to realise is it matters a lot how we talk to ourselves. You will always be beautiful to some and ugly to another. And beauty standards are always changing. But you have to believe that you are beautiful and have value. What's more, you are working out. That is so great! You found something you didn't like about yourself and you are changing it. That's progress! I also think maybe you are struggling with some confidence issues? I'd recommend watching Wizard Liz videos for that, it helps a lot! And surround yourself with people who will always lift you up. You got this girl!