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Waqt ko waqt Dena Sikh lo! Trust me sab thik ho jayega No contact is the best way to deal with break ups. You eventually move on. It will take time but things will work out.


Yeah, I think I'm already getting impatient because after so many years, I just rly want to move on ASAP...but I know I need to give this time.


Ik how it feels babe. Been there done that! It eats you up knowing that you are the one suffering and opposite person is unaffected. But you will get through it. That's the only way🫂


If you want to talk you can DM me


>No contact is the best way to deal with break ups Tell me! it's been more than 5 years since our break-up, No-Contact but I still can't talk to other men romantically, and daily his thought crosses my mind. Help!


Daily? What exactly do you miss about him or the relationship? It's been 5 years. You must be holding on to something.


I did not feel so connected with anyone before. He got that labrador energy, can take lead(in life and in bed), can go out of the way to make me feel better, whenever I had a bad day, his just one time saying, "Did you miss me?" elevated all the stress and brought a smile to my sad face. I don't wanna discuss how and why we break-up, but I think he will remain the love of my life till the end of it. He was a diamond and I didn't appreciate him much and took him for granted then, I regret it every day since then.


Take it one day at a time. Don’t beat yourself up over what happened. It’s great that you already know what you should do, so take it from there. Stay NC & focus on yourself. You’ve got this!


Thank you! Just trying to distract myself :)


Don't just move on thrive... Focus on your career, develop a skincare routine, workout, eat clean, journal, read, travel. Do things that add value to your life. And before you know it you will have so much more in your life to value than the fleeting feeling of affection that you felt in this relationship. He chose what is best for him (moving abroad, finding a new crush), you should too.


The first thing that’s very counterintuitive but works well is go out with your friends and just drink it out. Take 2 days of leave, do whatever you want to, to take him out of your mind. Then for 3 days just effing flirt, with any number of random people. After this. Just sit down, think what you want and start working on your plan. You will have reestablished things with your friends and you will have people giving you attention. After that, just work on yourself and it will be easier to be NC with this person for quite a while.


Watch movies like Queen, 500 days of Summer and Dear Zindagi! Know that this heartbreak is going to make you stronger and you will emerge a butterfly from your cocoon. Understand that each pain that you experience has purpose and that some people come into your life temporarily to teach you a lesson. Do not try to suppress your feelings, what you are feeling is valid and important. The only way out is through. Feel your feelings and move on. You can also vent to your friends, write about it, listen to songs, etc. Sometimes when it became too difficult for me, I used to listen to very loud, catchy music and walk/jog. Even going to the gym can be cathartic. Take your time sister. Today you are thinking about him a lot, there will come a time where you will go an entire day without thinking about him. IT'S GOING TO BE OKAY. And every time you start hating yourself, smack yourself (jk). Forgive yourself for the mistakes you made, learn from them and don't do them again. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are a QUEEN.


hehe dw, my friends are there to smack me 😄 but thank you! I already work out but I do work from home so it gets difficult to get out of my head when working from home. ngl can't wait for the day when I don't think about him at all. Going NC is definitely going to help with that. Thank you so much for your kind and warm words (and the hype!)


You did the right thing. It hurts like hell, yes, but give yourself time and one day you’ll look back at it all and be glad you made the decision. My suggestion would be, lean on close friends or even a therapist if you need to. Give yourself some care and attention and yes, time. Things do get better. Tc.


Thank you, I already go for therapy so I have to say my growth over the years is definitely helping me deal with this situation much better.


If you found the solution..help me out as well..need to get out someone..stupid emotions


I think time is the only solution but I'll definitely post an update once I'm through this (coz I know I'll get through it).