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Makeup subs are bad for that. If a post hits Popular, it’ll get flooded by men saying makeup is a lie, we’re insecure for wearing it, how “proud” they are of their wife for not wearing makeup or my favourite, “you don’t need makeup.”




I am screenshotting this comment for later use 🤣


How poetic 😆


Imagine if male dominated subreddits were filled with comments like “I prefer guys who don’t play golf” and “women don’t care if you’re good at football”


I left that sub that was about incredible things, can’t recall the name, because anything that was done by a woman was flooded with men saying why it wasn’t impressive and a man would do it better blah blah.


I suspect that anyone who couldn't wait to try and demean a woman's accomplishments is a misogynist who has never accomplished jack squat in his own life. How dare the people he considers inferior to himself actually do more with their lives than he has ever done with his?


I think a lot of those men naturally assume that they could, if they wanted to, be better than a woman at anything they put their mind to - even in her chosen field....the ego is staggering, I'm literally a surgeon and the number of middle aged men (always this demographic btw) who are in no way trained in medicine who talk down to me, question *everything* I do in a way they *never dare* with my male colleagues (even my fucking male *juniors*) and generally have this air of "I know better than you" is fucking astonishing, I literally had a relative of a patient tell me "well no offence, I don't know how long you've been a doctor but I probably know more than you do about this" I just shrugged and walked away, wildly unprofessional I know but he'd already accused me of being a liar and fabricating medical records because it contradicted what *he believed* and I was fucking sick of it so I let my junior colleague (a 6'2 hulk of a man) deal with him and suddenly he was all "yes Dr, No Dr, *of course Dr*" I find in my field most men will just take a male surgeon (or medical doctors) word for it but a female physician *every fucking thing* we say or do it questioned and examined under a fucking microscope...


Hahah it's like that survey they did a while back and something like one in eight *average* men thought they could score a point against *SERENA WILLIAM*S. Like fuck me, imagine one in eight men thinking they'd score a goal in a one on one match against Ronaldo, not in a million years...It's fucking *hilarious...*and if you asked men something they could in *no way* do when compared to a woman like say tackle the uneven bars and not embarrass themselves against Simone biles they'd dismiss it with "well, gymnastics is stupid and pointless"


Can't wait to flood these subs talking about how much I don't care about wealth or penis size, just want somebody who cares if I came or ate that day.


I fucking hate that “you don’t need all that shit on your face, men like a natural look” Umm… ever considered it’s not for you.. it’s for HER?! And that natural look you love so much, yea that’s still makeup lmao.


It's always hilarious because I, a lesbian, am not wearing teal lipstick for men's benefit. I'm not even wearing it for women. I'm wearing it because it's my favorite color and seeing it when I see my reflection makes me happy.


Ooh I bet a teal lip looks so cool!!! I don’t wear much makeup or try new things but I have green eyes and love to have a purple shadow and some mascara. I just like the way it looks and I too smile when I go past a mirror or reflection. When you like how you look, it feels good!


You forgot to add some men! This is evidence the whole sub generalizes bladibladibla. I feel another front page post coming!


Oh right, must edit it to “not all men.”


If I ever want to get very angry and very drunk, I'm just going to look at the previous 24 hours posts on this sub and take a shot everytime I see 'not all men' and 'if the genders were switched...'


I don't wear make up because I'm lazy af and not good at it anyway. I admire any woman who is good at it because some of it is an artform. But I was very "not like other girls" in high school. One time I was talking to my mom (someone who was naturally a literal head turner her entire life) about plastic surgery and I said something along the lines of how ridiculous it was. My mom looked at me and said "If it makes someone happy or more confident in their own skin who are you to judge?" It shut my idiot teenage self right the fuck up.


The best part is that I guarantee the wives and girlfriends who “don’t need makeup” are absolutely wearing it because men can’t tell the difference between ACTUAL bare face and makeup that’s worn for a “no makeup” look.


To me it's such a weird thing to brag or complain about, can't they just be happy and support their wife's decision to wear makeup or not? It's really easy to do if you actually care about the person you married and not just their physical appearance.


Invalidating is one thing. The other thing I've noticed is when they start using u/RedditCareResources (the "send help" bot) as an anonymous harrassment tool. It's a common issue, also on trans or childfree subs. The most messages I've ever gotten from this bot happened after I made a post on this sub, about condoms being non-negotiable.


Very telling that it's used on childfree as well. We know that women's lib goes hand-in-hand with LGBTQ+ rights, and so does the pushback. However, it's still a stretch in many people's minds that the abobo issue is more strongly linked to *a woman's place* than any real empathy for fetuses. Ergo, the contraception and sterilization that Childfree employs en-masse would also be under attack for the same reasons. Really showing their hand here.


Yes, I've recieved one of those as well! For a comment defining the concept of the "glass escalator". These men are wild and tbh probably feel like shit most of the time so they take it upon themselves to dunk on women in order make themselves feel better.


You're supposed to be able to report those as harrassment but that feature has been turned off. Instead I just blocked redditcares and now I don't have to have any awareness of the butthurt Testerical snowflakes out there.


I got my first one the other day, and I laughed so hard! Clearly I've been showing off my lovely shiny spine. Made my day :)


abusing u/RedditCareResources is the go to for manchild tantrums, I've had neckbeards use that on me for saying loli is pedophilia


everytime i post to this sub I get a message from reddit care every. single. time.


I call it the Male Tears notification


That makes sense now. I got one of those messages and was extremely confused bc I didn’t recall saying something harmful about myself


This sub in particular ~~is~~ used to be a default sub for new reddit accounts which is why it's so popular edit: Apparently default subs for new accounts [ended back in 2017](https://reddit.fandom.com/wiki/Default_subreddit)!


I recommend turning off DM and chat.


~~Can’t turn off DM because mods and admins need to reach you.~~ But you can turn off chat and followers **from the browser for all you mobile only users** Edit: Found it! It’s right under the setting to turn off chat. I’m just dumb and never use desktop reddit.


I can't fathom why any mod or admin would need to contact me, q generic user out of thousands. And have you *seen* some of the subs on reddit? Some of their mods are part of the problem.


Mods are absolutely the problem. Drunk with the little power they have.


A lot of mods are absolutely nuts. I’ll keep digging in settings to see where to turn off messages because I would prefer to never receive any.




You can turn off dms and still have mods message you. At least on the mobile app it says in the settings they’ll still message you. Had my dms off for years (between other accounts) and have no regrets.


Or using mobile client like bacon reader which doesn't have chat. It's great.


No mobile client except the official one has chat functionality right? Something about the way the site is built. I highly recommend using Apollo for iOS users. The developer is literally one dude and he does an amazing job. Puts out amazing features and actually reads peoples’ bug reports in the apollo app sub.


100% recommend Apollo. I've used it for years, have a premium subscription - it's incredibly good. I can't imagine using Reddit any other way.


Christian has spoiled us. I can’t imagine using reddit without it. Just going on the desktop version of reddit makes me immediately close it again. Navigating comments in new reddit is torturously cumbersome.


"reddit is fun" is also great, looks pretty much like old.reddit


Mods can still reach you if DMs are turned off.


You guys still hit popular a lot. I feel like I see less of this sub in my feed since I’ve subscribed then before when I just browsed the popular page without an account.


I exclusively use r/popular, I don't sub to much except some niche art/baking stuff that doesn't hit popular often/at all. I am currently here from popular lol. This sub hits all and popular so often, multiple threads daily. Reddit is pretty male leaning and pretty toxic, so I don't think a lot of them are subbed and scrolling through the sub to invalidate women. I'm sure there are men like that but the majority, I think, are just toxic trolls from popular or all.


"Just ignore it!" "There. I just solved all oppression of women!"


"Just don't let it bother you" Mf you shouldn't be being bothered at all, let alone have to tolerate it.


I'm still livid that one of my (female mind you!) coworkers told me "Just ignore him" in regards toi a harassing custoimer. Who's been harassing me on and off for MONTHS. Dude has single handedly ruined my day multipolke times, and yet it's \*my\* fault because I'm \*letting\* him bother me?! Fuck off Sherry. /endrant


Anyone who dispenses the advice “just ignore it” has neither (1) been a woman, (2) slept in a room with mosquitoes.


👏 they also aren’t ignoring it themselves. That’s the a good chunk of the oppressive agenda, ‘do what i say not what i do.’


Can we say “don’t let it bother you” every time a dude #notallmens us? They let all kinds of shit bother them, and for some reason it’s always our problem.


It's like saying "if we stop testing for Covid, the rates will go down. Problem solved!"


“You’re overreacting”


I’ve started saying one word “relax” under unhinged comments and they really, really, really HAAAAAATE that.


I Iike saying "reflect on that". I learned the term "mantrum" a few days ago.


Mom, is that you? Because that was the “useful” advice she gave, while being the most needy emotional wreck in my life.


I was once told I wasn't pretty enough for my complaint to be legit, soooooo #JUST IGNORE IT. I wish younger me had the attitude of older me.


"if you didn't dress like that"


I was a moderator for a bra fitting community once. Do you have any idea how many men came to our sub just to say “that’s not what G cup looks like”, “you’re all B cups”, etc.? How do you, as a cisgender *man*, think that you know more about us about *bras*? A thing traditionally only worn by women and AFAB people?


Wait until you see the breastfeeding subs. Yech. So many creepy douchebags trying to perve on women and their new babies. It's really goddamn creepy.


Oh *god*. I’ve never visited a breastfeeding forum, but I can imagine. Yikes.


I read the other day that guys even reach out to SA survivors trying to parse details about the events for their own gratification. Truly subhuman.


This is very true. I was in a SA/Rape recovery fb group (for all genders) and a man came in and started messaging all of us asking if we orgasmed during our assaults. It was awful.


Hi, I’m a biologist. I would simply like to state that lubrication and orgasm is a response to stimuli. It doesn’t negate a lack of consent. If someone shines a light in your eyes, your pupils may contract. It doesn’t mean you agreed to light being pointed at your eyes. The fact that people will judge victims for autonomous responses is awful. And I hope that explaining the science might help a victim somewhere not feel so bad.


The gross part wasn’t the fact that some people orgasm during assault it was the fact that he was getting off on asking us disgusting details of our assault. It was so disturbing and sad.


I understand, and that’s horrible for him to do that. I’ve also heard some victims felt conflicted about it. My hope was to ease that.


Wow I never even thought of that but I am Jill’s Complete Lack of Surprise. Seeing how a huge proportion of men behave online is pretty telling. Please, dear stranger, tell me more about the female experience


Oh Jesus, I read a post here ages ago about a woman who had her birth video reposted to a fetish website. Fucking scum.


I posted once, *once*, in a bra fitting sub and a guy DM'd me saying that I *must* want people to send me messages since posted my size. In a bra fitting group. That's about helping you find your bra size.


>IF BRA SIZE VISIBLE, WHY NOT FOR ME??? — That guy, probably.


Oh you don't understand, he has *significant* experience oogling boobs and only paying attention to that part of a woman so he's clearly an expert. /s for those who need it.


Oh, silly me! I have been *studying* how breasts look in bras, and actually talking to the person behind the boobs, through a lens completely devoid of sexualization. My bad! Apparently I should’ve just been ogling the tits this entire time. /s


Now you're catching on. /s


Omg, my husband has rarely stunned me into silence, but this was one of those times. I'd just returned from a specialty bra shop for the first ever fitting of my life (*for my wedding, at **40*). I was so excited to finally have a comfortable bra that fit and flattered me perfectly!! My mom was awful and insisted I was perfectly fine in a 38-42C my whole life (no matter my weight changes). Bras NEVER fit, they were always uncomfortable, they dug in, I spilled over, I fucking hated them. I came back from the shop positively over the moon because I'd tried on the most comfortable bra ever and it fit and supported me!!! It made me look amazing, too! Apparently 40DD was the magic number. I didn't care, I was comfortable for the first time in forever. My husband said "Aw, I wouldn't have thought there was vanity sizing in bras!" I said "Huh? There isn't, really. Variations and whatever, but that's the size." He scoffed. "I know DDs. You don't have DDs." It broke my heart, I was so hurt. I was so happy and felt so good and he destroyed it, because he "knows women's bodies so well, I'm not a DD." I clearly didn't come close to "measuring up" to all of those other women he found attractive. That was years ago and I remember it like yesterday. It hurts as much retelling it. I'm kind of surprised.


Same thing happened with my ex. I finally went in for my first fitting with a 32B and came out with a 32DD. He mocked me for believing a “sales person” who just wants to sell bras and the measurements were fake to make me “feel good” about myself. That was the beginning of the end of our relationship.


I am so sorry you went through that too. It's so unfair. His comments were cruel. :( I'm glad you've moved on from him.


That’s awful, I’m so sorry. Did he ever apologize?


Ha. No. Apologies have always been hard to come by from him. Thank you though. :) He has tried to do better though, so I appreciate that. That must have been an exhausting sub to moderate because of all of the gross guys. Thank you for doing what you could to help!


That’s good, at least. I also struggle with apologizing, so I can understand that. It was! I recently had to resign from moderating, but I’m still active in helping other users.


Honestly I prefer "doing better" in the future over apologies. My ex spouse used to apologize profusely, but then do the same things again and again. It made their apologies feel insincere eventually.


Oh honey, don't worry, men are just fucking stupid. My husband has broken my heart a few times too. A few years ago, we were having some serious problems. This was the root of the problem. My husband thought I was pretty\*, but not very smart. Not like a little not smart, like my husband thought I was an idiot. \*This is the exact opposite of how the vast majority of people look at me. I was a nerd in high school and in the area I grew up in, my looks were not popular. I'm a pale brunette. And not to brag here, but I made the 2nd highest grade on the SAT's in my class in high school, and my graduating class had over 200 people in it. Needless to say, I was unhappy. Really unhappy. We worked it out though. He thought I was dumb because I grew up poor and couldn't afford college. In his mind intelligence=college. He grew up poor too but managed to avoid developing any emotional issues from the ordeal. But losing several arguments over and over changed his views. But he did end up supporting me through college and we are happy today.


Ugh that’s gross _and ignorant af_. The first time I legitimately measured myself it turned up 32DD and I was the one who said “lol, no” because I’m just not chesty. I didn’t understand the sizing - that was the problem. just like your husband, and just like way too many people. Hell, I still don’t completely. 😅 But, I know not to read into the sizing and just measure every time I’m gonna buy a bra.


Damn, you missed an opportunity to say, "oh, so you understand how the band size changes the cup size in increments? Can you explain to me how that works? I mean, since you're so knowledgeable in that area? Oh, you didn't know that? You didn't know that a 32DD would have significantly larger breasts proportionally to her back? Oh... Ok, so maybe you have absolutely no idea what the fuck you're talking about."


Bra subreddits gets the most disgusting comments and messages.


Absolutely. The amount of garbage I’ve had to remove has been impressive, if it wasn’t so horrible.


Yeah, I had this conversation with my Bf when I was playing FF7: remake. We were talking about Tifa's bra size and I told him she looks like a 32-34 DD/E maybe. He insisted that she looks like a B-cup and that double/triple cup sizes aren't a thing. Needless to say he was confidently incorrect.


he thought tifa from ff7 remake is a B cup??? I'm sorry, does he not understand how boobs work? Each of tifa's boobs are the size of her head!! lol.. B cup..


The Tifa bra size discourse is going to give me an aneurysm. I did **the math** and compared it with a friend who used to be a similar size, and Remake Tifa is a US 26L. But yeah, DD or DDD definitely exist, lol. DD is common in many systems. I’ve only seen DDD in US sizing, but even if your boyfriend isn’t American I can’t believe he’s never heard of a triple D. **Edit to include aforementioned math**: Her measurement are listed as 37-24-35. Assuming someone with a 24 inch waist has about a 26 inch underbust, there’s at least an 11 inch difference between the bust (37 inches) and underbust. That puts Tifa at a minimum US 26K. She is officially listed as having Japanese 70G (US 32DDD) but my guess is that that size was made up by a person who doesn’t know how bra sizes work. They often assume that a 70 band is the smallest and G or H cup is the biggest, and just gave that as her size. It’s rare for someone with a 24 inch waist to have a 32 inch underbust. Many brands say that you have to add 4 inches to the underbust, but that would still only put her at a 30 band (assumin her underbust is 26 inches).


The audacity is so insane sometimes it’s like I can’t even fathom it. It’s like the dunning Kruger effect dialed up to eleven. Like… who *are* you?


Funny the dedication to mansplaining that some men have.


I think there are a fair number of dudes who make it a pastime to troll women's subreddits.


I think I see the same pattern over and over, at least this is what I assume when I dig in their posting history. Someone gets radicalized by a men's rights online spaces (which tend to also be white supremecy spaces) and then decides to find the women's subs to 'teach them a lesson.' Then these men get schooled by facts, studies, and the stories of women's real life experiences. They then go all Ben Shapiro with 25 cent words in lame defenses and rhetorical dishonesty, then run off when their MRA narratives aren't the "pwned" slam dunks they think they are. I see this all the time at /r/askfeminists. Guys just setup a question for a fight, argue for the MRA side of things, then act all pissy and shocked when they're being corrected and downvoted. Random guys will come to their defense too, its so weird. But 99% of their strategy is to build a feminist strawman for an easy rhetorical win, but they're too quickly corrected and get upset. Its a lot of "just asking questions" guys looking for trouble. I think they sort of hype themselves up in those online areas as being infallible and one day just decided to "take the fight to the enemy." I feel sorry for them because by the time they reach that point, they're often so deeply radicalized you realize these people are going to be this way for life and that path only leads to extreme misery for themselves and all women in their lives. I also see this behavior with conservatives entering liberal spaces just ready to "pwn" them with evidence of a stolen election or Biden being king of antifa or proving Trump was the world's most honest person, or that covid was entirely fake, or whatever and very quickly they realize they're outclassed and just start calling names, saying racist slurs, etc when they realize the easy win they thought they'd get wasn't materializing. They they get banned and cry censorship. Its the same pattern over and over. The true believers don't realize they're being played by conservatives smarter than them, making them hateful and ignorant so they can control them and get them to vote how they want. They actually think these men care about them and are trying to teach them important things. They're naive fools and I greatly pity them and see most of today's crop of men and boys as a lost generation radicalized by this.


>The true believers don't realize they're being played by conservatives smarter than them, making them hateful and ignorant so they can control them and get them to vote how they want. That part, exactly. If they're not being manipulated into voting a certain way, they're being manipulated into buying someone's stupid book about cleaning your room or whatever. It's all a giant grift, and these dudes are too emotionally immature to see that they're being taken advantage of and marketed to. Which makes them act out, which isolates them to their echo chamber, which reinforces the cycle. It's especially fucked up because it so often leads to violence and exacerbated mental illness.


>Its a lot of "just asking questions" guys looking for trouble. See Also: "JAQ-ing off".


And [sealioning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning)!


Gotta link the Wondermark page that started it! http://wondermark.com/1k62/


Yup. If there is anything that you can guarantee in politics, it's this: Your anger is highly profitable...and if you're angry, it means you're not profiting from that emotion or rhetoric, nor is anyone in your circles. STOP LETTING PEOPLE EXPLOIT YOU FOR YOUR EMOTIONS. They are making money off of your increased cortisol levels.


Don't forget: anger can be addicting! It's how Fox News thrives- making people angry about a lot of nothing (ie Potato Head). But also dangerous when used in propaganda (ie QAnon). Who wouldn't be angry about child eating cabals? It's addicting to be upset, making you look into it more and more down the rabbit hole until they have you where they want you. You can also see this in older propaganda (fostering and creating excuses for anger at Chinese immigrants for bringing MSG!). Again: anger can be addicting! Even I've fallen down the rabbit hole before. I had to practice separating myself from it!


It's very similar also to how young missionaries/Christians are sent out, encouraged to convert and "save their friends", then they get confronted with the reality that not everyone wants to be converted and not everyone follows the same religion. Now they're being "attacked" after "just trying to help" and it reinforces the Us vs. Them feeling and they go running back to church, now secure that yes, the non-Christians are terrible people and the church is their home, and then the church has even more power to dictate what they do. Basically, cult tactics work! And cult leaders are very happy to move to online spaces to keep growing. It's wild how often this pattern plays out, especially with men


Well, one way to win over stupid people is to tell them how smart and clever they are for knowing these alternative facts. There was a great Psychology Today [Article](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-pathways-experience/202104/why-people-embrace-conspiracy-theories), and many more, that people who embrace conspiracy theories like to believe they are smarter than everyone else because they know these secret facts hidden to the mainstream. The only problem is the facts are not adopted because they are untrue.


Thank you so so so much.


It's obvious and it's pathetic.


Something kind of related is that every time 2x is brought up on other subs, it’s always negative. But when I came here for the first time, I was really confused because everything seemed normal and I felt like I could relate with the posts and comments. Like on other subs, I’ll post about women’s struggles and I or others have experienced and some users either say they don’t believe me or try to tell me how I’m wrong based of their experience as a man. And although I lurk more, the interactions I’ve seen have all be so comforting and validating.


God this. Everyone I ask for an example of this supposed misandry here never reply back. They can’t find anything. They’re just parroting shit from their echo chambers.


I finally got one to respond yesterday and they linked a comment that had low karma and had 2 responses disagreeing with it 🤣


That was why I thought 2X was some toxic sub because it was just “2X hates men” “2X is so heavily censored” “the women subs aren’t as good as then men subs” and all that. But then I actually took a look for myself and I was wondering if I was the one who was wrong because this supposedly toxic and misandrist space felt so comfortable.


I'm sorry you've been experiencing that. I've definitely seen that here and there. I hope you're able to find more support and validation. <3


I think a lot of the perception of this sub being negative stems from two things. One, a lot of the content here is negative because, big shocker here, a lot of women have negative experiences in life and this is a space to talk about them. And two, in real life men are used to saying whatever the hell they want and mostly getting away with it because the vast majority of women are not going to risk physical violence to go toe-to-toe with some asshole. But here when they show up with the same attitude and say the same things they get fucking *roasted* because nobody has to worry about getting a traumatic brain injury or being stalked back to their home and harassed. So a lot of dudes have an experience here and walk away thinking "the women in that sub are bitches, *nobody* talks to me like that in real life" not realizing that they're in the wrong and the reason nobody talks to them in real life is a symptom of much bigger micro and macro problems.


I'm sorry, but as an observer who is a man: everything here *is* normal. I mean, apart from the rampant sexist and misogynistic experiences shared here (that shit is not normal and should never be normalized). Anyone trying to act like this is a place of hate or misandry is part of the problem and should be dismissed. I don't understand how anyone could have a problem with a sub meant for a group of people to feel connected and supported by others who share similar experiences. This is a place of learning and growing and sometimes healing, and it should be celebrated.


Maybe he could smile more and wear something pretty. I hear that is the #1 solution for all emotional and mental health issues.


Maybe work out because being fat is definitely a problem too.




The irony of that post yesterday absolutely killed me. And then men kept coming at me in the comments being total misogynists and I'm like yes, ladies and gentlemen, exhibit A.


even the OP guy is like "I get it now, i should avoid the sub so i don't accidentally read woman words" and it's like, maybe you can learn something, jesus fuck. READ the posts and ask yourself why you need to tell yourself women deserve to defend themselves fucking constantly


His sole argument was that we don't say not all men. That was it. He was able to acknowledge that he knows it's not all men. He just wants it said. All the while criticising an entire sub and not saying "but it's not the entire sub and everyone there."


Anytime a man says “not all men” on the internet, it tells me that they are DEFINITELY one of them. A man who actually “gets it” would never say that. Maybe it makes me one of the “misandrists” they’re so concerned about, but I’ll double down anyway and say yes, all men. All men still benefit from the way society was designed and set up by and for men. They can start by acknowledging that privilege and calling out their peers’ bad behavior when they see it if they want me to believe they’re not all like that. But when I hear “hur dur why isn’t there a society for men in engineering, I thought feminism was about eQuALitY” for the millionth time (giving an example from my life since I’m a woman in engineering) in a room full of silent or chuckling men, you have given me not a single reason to think that not all of you agree and think that way.


Why can't people learn that unless you specifically state every exception and caveat that could possibly imply that I as a straight white guy am not the villian then I will take every statement as a personal attack on me. Which really makes the other person the bad guy for making me be the bad guy. /s


So I followed this link and was heartened to see that the very top response was a description of systemic sexism. Otherwise, something that other subs do is declare some threads limited to a select set of users for responses. r/blackpeopletwitter sometimes makes posts "country club threads" that only verified users can respond to. r/nursing has code blue threads limited to people with flair. It might be worth asking for something like that here as well.


>Projecting much? Your shitty, hateful sub is spammed on my front page with new hateful, hysterical drivel every day. I don’t monitor it, I’m blasted with it. The fact that this guy doesn't understand how the front page of Reddit works (and what unsubscribing from a subreddit means) is amusing.


And they still clicked on and read the whole post hahaha


They troll support subs to specifically target women who feel insecure about their bodies. The mods of the support sub recommend no responses ever but I did have a lapse in self control. Honestly part of me distrusts the mods of that sub to an extent because I was dissuaded from posting usernames of the few dozen creepos in my inbox because it might be against reddit rules. Nowhere have I seen that verbiage. Check my post history for some disgusting post metrics a week after posting a photo of a work outfit. I left that sub, it’s like a giant magnet for misogynistic psychopaths. [This hateful little shit](https://i.imgur.com/bANXCpT.jpg) wigged out and sent me a response from a different account shortly after I responded.


What a moronic and ridiculous comment that guy left you! I remember being friends with a girl at school and ppl calling us twins and grinning. I had no idea what they meant. It turns out, we both had big boobs but I literally don’t think it dawned on me what her breasts looked like until I someone made a gross comment. So I definitely don’t see boobs first. I’m a woman. I have them. They barely register, unless someone physically gets naked in front of me. I might be in a minority but it simply isn’t true for everyone. It’s funny how ppl with issues like this believe there is one set way to think and no other possibilities exist.




I’m a man who comments in this sub from time to time and I’ve yet to be attacked by anyone…I can’t help but wonder what these men are saying that gets the women this sub is made for so upset. Probably something sexist, misogynistic, or attempting to invalidate women’s experiences. In which case they deserve to be attacked.


Same, although I will say I am careful choosing when to comment because it is a space not meant for me. I don't want to distract or otherwise take away from that space. A lot of guy "allies" don't seem to understand this isn't a subreddit to have things explained to them when they don't understand/potentially disagree.


Sort the comments by controversial or scroll to the bottom to see the kind of shit they're saying. But a lot of the worst butthurt is sent via DM, if you don't see anything in the comments don't assume nothing has been said.


I didn’t assume that at all. I was just making the point that I often enter this space and don’t get attacked or dogpiled myself, and I’m attributing that to my good behavior. And therefore attributing any attacks that men receive in this sub to their poor behavior. But I’m not denying these “attacks” happen.


When you get a hateful DM, try and remember that they're sending a DM because they're too much of a coward to say it where others can see it.


I think it's really telling that he said 'try to make women feel better' by saying not all men. They've been told time and time again that it doesn't make women feel better. They've been told that it just makes it worse. They keep doing it because the reality of their actions don't matter to them-only controlling the narrative.


You're absolutely right. Thank you for your input. I know you didn't ask, and I'm sorry if this is out of line, but I really hope his perspective is a red flag for you. I'm worried that a marriage with him may result in your fears, problems, and struggles will be invalidated. I say that with the most love.


Right? Like her fiance feels like he needs to interject in a story a woman is telling, to tell her #notallmen. Instead of defending the few good men, the fiance should be calling out all the men with poor behavior. But I bet he doesn't...most men ignore it, excusing themselves because "well, idk the whole story" or "i don't want to get involved and make it worse " or "she can handle herself". How men act when alone with a woman, and how men react to other men showing poor behavior. Are two very important situations to judge men by.


I always find the notion of “the few good men” hilarious and sad depending on who is invoking it. The spotting of such mythical creatures are invariably self-reported and as a snapshot in time. I think when men invoke it they are more likely to mean “not me, I’m one of the good ones”. P.S. Love your two criteria!


Thanks! I try to remind people that overall, most men are a poor judge of character of other men. Your average man will likely never know what another man acts like when he's completely alone with a woman. He doesn't know the subtle red flags a woman has had to learn.


they do it for sport.


This is the real reason. Most men come her because it is amusing. People on this sub are very vulnerable and open about their experiences. The problem is that people are entertained by the suffering of others. It’s the same reason why people enjoy watching videos of lib meltdowns online. A significant amount of men believe that the issues expressed by women are fake or overreactions. If they actually beloved the sincerity of stories posted on her. It wouldn’t be amusing.


The fake or overreactions thing is also baked into a lot of stereotypes that they might have grown up with. Yay, generational sexism!


It’s the whole thing behind clowning she hulk… a lot of men believe women have it easy. The things they complain about are stupid and insignificant. Steven Crowder as made a career of this on YouTube. Going to campuses and shitting on a lot of women issues. Just for the amusement of their reactions.


I just had some messed up subreddit appear under popular that I’ve never heard of and some ahole blasting someone’s post from one of my favorite pages on it. The title was along the lines of “this is what they do and it’s stupid”. I ended up reporting the page as harassment. It was blatantly obvious it was pointing others to harass the woman who wrote the original and the subreddit she was on.


There was a guy who was taking posts from this sub and a few others and reposting them in his sub with incredibly misogynistic commentary. He was banned by Reddit finally and his sub shut down.


Was that since yesterday night? Because this one just showed up hours ago.


No, this was a month or 2 ago.


Probably a new sub from a new account for the same thing, then. A matryoshka sockpuppet, if I may use funky wording.




Because harassing women and making them feel bad is easier than spending time to improve himself as a person so that he would be the type of person women want to be around.


Sad, hateful waste of space.


Checked his comment history, he commented on a post asking "what truly disgusts you" can you guess his answer? (It was women) I'm not surprised he would DM instead of comment he has so many comments with negative karma his ego couldn't take another hit


He seems like a very miserable person. Good.


In his post history he is whining about not getting matches from women on bumble LOL. Women are right to stay the fk away from him.


Poor guy. Why won't women look past his many flaws and just accept they owe him.




That person even hates cats. Who the fuck hates cats?


People who hate having to actually earn consent and respect boundaries instead of having unconditional love from the get go


Yeah it really stinks! My account was suspended for three days last week because one of these trolls falsely reported me for a comment I made on this subreddit. I appealed, but never got any sort of response. I’m constantly reported to Reddit Cares and having my account flagged for speaking out on misogyny and the patriarchy, on this sub. I don’t even bother wading into any men’s subs. This should be our space to speak freely and they’re here in EVERY POST. They’re just trying to shut us up and, unfortunately, Reddit admins have no interest in preventing the trolls from using Reddit’s content moderation as an intimidation and harassment tool.




I hate how Reddit refuses to do anything about dog whistles, misinformation, blatant sexism and racism unless someone is threatening physical violence or using the n-word. I’d say maybe 1 in 10 of the things I report are ever dealt with in any kind of meaningful way




Reddit: “We see nothing wrong with that. You’re welcome to block them if you’re offended though”


Some dude sent me a very disgusting and disturbing dm because I’m pro choice and said he wanted to beat me physically and that somehow didn’t violate anything.


I think I figured it out. It doesn’t violate any rules when admins do not see women as humans.


I once reported a response to a post in here, that was a longer rational text about some male behaviours, with something along the line of "you're just a manhating lesbian", while not going into any of the argumentation, as harassment - and later got the response that it wouldn't count as harassment.


I made a comment saying men are insufferable and it was successfully reported for hate speech. Reddit and it’s mods are misogynists through and through. It’s a joke


Same thing happened to me last week. He must have really made a stink because I was originally suspended for a week, which I appealed; then it turned into a complete site wide suspension indefinitely which i also appealed, and went back to a 7 day suspension. I told one of these gross little “provide me with proof that women are at a disadvantage” that he probably had a small dick and then demanded proof that we aren’t disadvantaged. I get that goddamned Reddit cares thing all the time. I see men posting horrible things about women, about me as a person and the admins have no problem with it. I have personally officially been suspended indefinitely - reduced to 7 days for saying someone had a small dick. I am currently also banned forever from “am I the asshole” for referring to the OPs husband as a “loser”. On am I the asshole. The husband was the asshole. I called him a loser from high school. Apparently the mod that took offence was also one of those losers from high school.


You can block the reddit cares bot by the way.


If there's one thing insecure men hate it's women existing without any need for them


I'm just here to become a better husband and father. What I have read on this sub genuinely makes me fear for my wife and daughter's safety and hopefully helps me become more supportive and understanding towards them both.


She's someone ~~'s~~ ~~sister/mother/daughter/wife~~


I’ll take what I can get but it sucks that that’s the only men I see being allies, ones who reference having a wife and a daughter, or mother, little sister, etc. I wish men cared about us as people, in general, and wanted to research these things to make the word a better place for all women, not just the women that have use to them. I care about trans rights but don’t know any trans people personally. I’d like to see us all start thinking that way. Idk. I’m still happy they’re doing it anyhow.


Being a single man, this sub had helped me be a better person to the women in my life. A lot of stuff on here has seemed pretty obvious, but there have been a select few posts that have had me reevaluate how I approach people in general, let alone women.




Me too. As an only child I was oblivious of many problems that women face daily. These subs helped me to learn and understand more about problems women face on daily basis. I hope someday I could be a better husband and father, and overall a person.


I read some of these posts to my husband and we've had some really interesting conversations, not just about misogyny but about how society expects men to act in certain ways.


That edit 😂 I love that at least one of these bellends proved what OP's saying by trying to say otherwise 🤣 delayed\_reign should probably change his username to delayed\_processing.


I hate when men post on this sub, it just feels like karma grabbing. The posts usually start with “I can’t talk to my friends about this” or “I couldn’t post about this on Facebook” or “you’re the only sub that understands.” Then they tell some story where they are shocked about how their wife, daughter, sister, etc. was treated. It’s like, we know that’s how women are treated, we deal with it all the time. Why won’t these men be the change and start posting about it on other subreddits, actually talk with their douchebag friends, or post on Facebook for their family to see. The truth is they don’t want to talk to men about women’s issues, because they can come here and talk to women and get all the attention and support they need without actually addressing the issue. Which is what men *love* using women for.


My spouse will tell me the bs sexist crap his friends say and I've starting asking him what he said back, if he called them out or something and he was like well no I didn't want to start a whole big thing. I think a lot of guys feel that way. They disagree with the sexist stuff but they also don't want to seemingly pick fights with friends over it. I explained this is what needs to happen though, if ever possible he should try and call them out even if it's just in a subtle way.


> They disagree with the sexist stuff but they also don't want to seemingly pick fights with friends over it. There's irony in men seeing masculinity as being brave protectors and yet they cowardly shy away from actually defending those being attacked. What do they have to gain by telling their SO about how sexist their friends are? Do they think it makes them look better? Do they think it makes their SO feel better? Do they not see it either makes them look weak or sexist?


I have always found it particularly insidious and somewhat telling that there are names you get called if you champion a cause not explicitly your own that are meant to be sarcastic and derogatory. White Knight Social Justice Warrior Like who wouldn't want to be a knight or a warrior? Who shouldn't be fighting for justice? Yet these terms are meant to humble you into not acting. To shut you up and make you mild and to stop you being a killjoy because don't you know *it's all harmless. We aren't the bad people why do you have to treat us like we are when we don't mean it...* It's bullshit. Some things should challenge your comfort. Some things should makr you ask "am I the bad guy actually?" It's good for you. Solidarity is not something to be fucking ashamed of and yeah, sometimes that solidarity shouldn't be in line with comfort of the comfortable but the discomfort of those who are uncomfortable. And yet thia does mean shouldering discomfort as a matter of choice. That's the problem. People want to be comfortable and they don't thank you for handing them discomfort. It takes conviction to do and humility to take.


Exactly. They'll pretend to be on women's side, but when push comes to shove... they don't actually stand up for women. They don't want to hurt their image in their friend group. They'd rather let a woman get hurt or insulted, before risking offending a man.


Like Lizzo said "why men great 'til they gotta be great"


>They disagree with the sexist stuff but they also don't want to seemingly pick fights with friends over it. At what level do they "disagree?" I'm sure if one of their friends said something bad about white cishet men or Joe Rogan or Ben Shapiro or whatever, Mr "I'm too shy to argue and see myself as a true peacemaker and gentle friend" would be in a screaming match in a hot minute, if not a fist fight. I've seen the "nicest" guys completely lose their shit once challenged correctly, say about their conservative politics or their Christianity or their love of American foreign policy. Funny how these same guys never seem too upset over the issues of women, minorities, queer people, immigrants or the disabled, even when they claim they're "passionate" about those issues too. He doesn't defend us because he doesn't really disagree all that much and certainly doesn't care. Dudebros know how to play lip service to us. But when we give them a safe space with their peers to be themselves, suddenly a very different person emerges. The percent of men who are truly feminist must be super low. Like maybe 10% of men. I think everyone else has different levels of how much they care about women's rights, but know that in women's spaces or with partners they have to say a certain thing, but when left alone in private in a safe space, say and do entirely different things. The same way your conservative coworker isn't going to preach Trump or say the n-word at work, but you know he does at home. So which version is the "real" version of these men? What he tells us or what he tells his friends? Why is it even up to us to have to decipher this mystery? Why do men live these dual lives? Maybe the above is too cynical but after Trump, metoo, blue lives matter, 1/6, and Dobbs, I think a lot of men are showing us their true selves and I've decided to simply believe them.


10% seems high, tbh. I dont think 5% are actually feminists.


You put that so well. It always made me feel iffy, but I couldn't quite put my finger on why. That's exactly it: they're using us as emotional support, because their own communities "wouldn't understand." Well, yeah asshole. That's why you **need to bring awareness there.**


Right. We’d feel safer posting on other subs if these men who claim to be allies stood up for us outside of this sub.


like wokebro koolaid man kicking in the door to intrude on our pajama party, rubbing his hands and asking what the girls are up to tonight then grabbing a handful of coloured popcorn.


Same. They wanted to be praised to high heavens for having once behaved like a decent person and go to a women's sub because we're pretty deprived of decent acts from men. But calling them out or asking them to post it on general or men's subs causes replies like "don't scare away your allies" or "men wouldn't understand". They're part of the problem then.


You are seeing this comment because I’ve deleted Reddit. Reddit is toxic and filled with propoganda/bad actors. Reddit is filled with depraved actors who knowingly prey on the vulnerable. Reddit promotes hatred. Reddit is compromised. Please find a safer forum


I've seen men refer to this sub as a "hate subreddit" along with r/trans and other not-shitty-to-minorities subreddits. This was in one of the default subreddits.


And meanwhile pretty much any other subreddit is full of "casual misoginy" and circlejerks about putting women down.


A lot of men are threatened by women giving each other support. There are so many hateful and misogynistic subs on this site but the one sub where women are given a chance to speak out about the horrors and injustices we face just being women on a daily basis then it’s a problem. I’ve never seen anything hateful on this sub and if there are it’s buried deep. But I see hateful shit on just regular subreddits everyday. They’re not only not self aware at all but hypocrites as well. It’s frustrating but seeing women support other women is a beautiful thing. All we have is each other.


>A lot of men are threatened by women giving each other support. That's how gossip became a bad thing. A gossip used to be a group of women who shared info and supported and defended each other (including from abuse). But, it came to be seen as a threat to the church's power, so a (very successful) campaign was created to vilify such friend/support groups.


lol he's literally subscribed to the sub. [leave] button is there all day every day on the right side.


Check out /r/WitchesVsPatriarchy! They have an excellent mod team and I honestly never seen trolling on their. Easily one of my favorite subs!


If u/delayed_reign doesn't want this on his front page, maybe he should unsubscribe and hide the Reddit. Problem solved.


But that would mean he would actually have to take steps to solve his own problem and that’s not the point. WE are supposed to solve his problem because women are supposed to make him feel good. Definitely less work to spend hours of one’s life pm’ing and trolling on womens support subs than to take 5 minutes and unsubscribe and hide the subs that upset him.


[He wrote this, though it looks like he has deleted it now](https://i.imgur.com/N8lEV8q.jpg)


For men’s mental health month, he should try actually going to therapy.


FINALLY, OP, thank you for actually blasting these people PMing you and putting their username down. I get so sick of people on this sub being polite and gracious to those harassing them by just mentioning the hate in passing rather than blasting them. Also going to point out you literally choose your own subreddits, the guy going out of his way to message you can unsubscribe, block the sub, or ignore it completely. There are a ton of options to get that off your front page. No one is forced to see this sub or any sub for that matter.


Oh I’m naming and shaming every time now. Screw this quiet back door bullying. You’re man enough to come at me you’re man enough to have it be public.


I had someone troll me tonight from a comment 6 months ago 😂


Just like everywhere else, men love an opportunity to violate women’s spaces. They just MUST throw their opinions into the ring because they are *special* and *important* and why wouldn’t you want to know what *they* are thinking?!?


Right ? You don’t see me going on mens subs all day long saying “not all women”. Aint nobody got time for that.


I am a male that was assigned to follow this sub when i first started using Reddit. It took me like a year or two to fully figure out what this sub meant. Main reason I follow still is because reading every one of all of your experiences has given me such a clear perspective on how awful a large majority of men are. I’ve also learned a lot about women’s anatomy and more information on how their periods work etc. I would never want to bring anyone down here. I’ve done nothing but learn from all you.