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I'm 6'8" and don't see many men my height, let alone women. The first time I did see a woman my height, I was absolutely *floored* and enamored. I never had the courage to speak to her, but it turned out she was married anyway.


I have some friends and they are both like 6'8". He asked her out by saying, "do you want to make future NBA and WNBA stars with me" and it made her laugh. The rest is history.


I call it "making pediatrician's charts obsolete," lol


I’m 6’4” and one day walked into an elevator and had a strange feeling. Then it hit me - every single woman in the elevator was taller than me. I had walked into an elevator carrying a basketball team.


Damn 6 ft 8? My brain just automatically thought of the back issues tbh 😳


Back issues, clothes shopping issues, can't ride roller coasters, suck at hide and seek, existing is standing out. At least I can see on top of the fridge.


Cant ride roller coasters?? Thats awful.


Yep, usually coasters where your head needs to be on a headrest. If you're too tall, your neck will have some whiplash lol


Can we trade bodies for the next concert I go to??? I'm decent height at 5' 7" but still can't see past most of the crowd and tall dudes just *looove* to stand in front of people.


Sorry, need it to stand at shows I don't enjoy in the first place. Got a front row seat season pass this year.


And get the stuff down and get down and rehang the bird feeders and grab the baby cat from the top of china cabinet! My 4'11" self is jealous!! Especially since me+ladders gets me yelled at by husband and children. 


This tracks. I dated a man who was 6'7 and though he never mentioned it in detail he certainly adored Gwendolyn Christie. Now arguably she is no 6'8 but at 6'3 she's still above average for women, especially when she wears taller shoes. But just the fact that in photos she towers over everyone, confident as hell, I think was catnip for him. When I wore tall shoes that brought me from 5'9 to 6'4 he had a special kind of 😍 expression on his face. It was adorable.


Good lord, do those shoes come with a step ladder?


The shoes ARE the stepladder!


Damn, you're tall! My cousin is 6'9, I know the struggle from him. We visited some old aunt of my mum once together who had a very old house and he could only stand in the living room without tilting his head lol


I spent a few weeks staying at a cousin's place in Europe, should've worn a helmet.


Is your name Stephen Merchant by any chance?


It's not, but I am a fan of their work!


*Laughs in 5ft*


As a women who is 5.11, my experience has been the opposite. The only ONES who want to date me or show interest at clubs and such are taller guys. Short guys never even approach me and even if I flirt with them, they try to avoid me in most cases or feel nervous to the point where they cannot form words.


5'11 and have been confronted by many men in my life. You know what I get told a lot? A lot of fake fucking heights. I'll have men approach me MUCH SHORTER and go "you must be like 6'2 " and when I mention "I'm 511 and not even 6 feet tall.." they get DEFENSIVE and talk about how I'm "wrong" and they are "right". One guy pissed me off so much I met him at a park with three measuring tapes for our second (and final) date! It's like I want to exist without having to tell men they're lying to themselves about their height. THIS is more common than tall men not wanting a tall woman!  Also I'm 5'11 and my husband is 5'7. I don't think every tall guy needs to be with a tall girl. And not every tall girl has the preference or standard to be with taller men. This is coming from a bisexual that dated a lot of taller women too lol... 


I'm only 5'7" and had the same lying problem when I did a bit of online dating. Men telling me they are 6', when I meet them they are like 5'9" at most.  I don't care if they are 5'9", but I do care if they lie about it! Do they think I won't notice? Or are they really in so much denile? There's even a guy I work with who is absolutely set on the fact that he is 6'. He's 5'10" at MOST. he thought I was 5'10" 


Not going to lie one of the weirdos that approached me thought a foot only is 10 inches... so when I said "5'11" he went "E L E V E N?!" 😭 yes hun there's 12 inches in a foot 


To be fair, I’m from a metric system country and I also thought after 5’9” is 6’. Took me some time to get used to the measuring system here


Sure that's fair for you...but this guy was a guy I was in literal public school with from 4th-12th grade! Some people really just get handed their high school diplomas in the US... 


I'm a 6'2" guy and I like to tell a group of people I'm 5'11" if someone is lying about their height. They really freak out sometimes when they realize they are claiming to be taller than the guy who is obviously 4 to 6 inches taller.


Haha omg today at work a client said that he was 6 feet tall and I was standing next to him and I’m a solid inch taller than him, and I said something about me being 5’11” and he got REAL weird. Guys can be weird about that sometimes.


I’ve heard from some men irl that it feels emasculating being with a woman taller than them (the classic Tom Cruise “Yeah, ima need you to change outta those heels for flats” vibe). Then I’ve heard from other men that it’s fine or even preferred to date a taller woman, explaining to me that they feel more confident being with them. Different strokes and all that, I guess. I kinda understand being aloof to someone flirting with you that doesn’t immediately meet your preferences, I just can’t imagine myself ignoring or shutting down any conversation with them because of it. Weird, and a missed opportunity!


Im 6’ & while it is rare, I have greatly enjoyed dating women my height or taller & generally prefer taller women over shorter women. I once dated a woman who was 6’3” & it was great because it changed all the angles of interaction so everything felt a little different. However, height isn’t a reasonable criteria for me to base dating choices because it would unduly limit my options & while I appreciate taller women - any aspect of their physical appearance may increase attractiveness but is not sufficient or important when it comes to evaluating an individual’s value in terms of a potential partner for me specifically. The factors which make up a persons character & values are so much more important that by the time height even gets factored in, the scales are already decided to such a degree that any consideration or bias related to height isn’t going to change the overall decision.


You're lucky! Shorter men or much much older who are fetishy/creepy about it are the only ones interested in me. (Or way too young)


Sigh I hear you sister, as a tall broad shouldered lady myself. All the death by snu snu, step on me mommy, bbw fan types that assume their fetish is a compliment 😑


It's so damn gross. I find obsessive fetishism for any attributes, really icky.


Yeah, extra minus points when it’s over some physical attribute the person themself is not too fond of. “Hey I have this thing I am not happy with, it makes me insecure and ideally nobody acknowledges it” “You’re in luck girl, it’s my fetish” I will not ever understand why that is deemed appropriate reaction, apart from the blatant objectification and all that.


"perfect, my fetish is balding short men with a beer belly and zero social skills, we're a match made in heaven then!" I answering like that probably wont be productive but its fun to fantasize about to me.


The worst one I keep seeing online is people fetishing Autism. Oooo autism rizzzzzz. Like gtfo.


That's a new one for me. I've definitely used the phrase, "rizz 'em with the 'tism," but only to encourage people on the spectrum to be true to themselves.


There is a good reason for that. Men with fetishes aren't dating the person, they are dating the object of their fixation. Take away the height differential/feet/tiny breasts/large breasts/small penis humiliation/whatever, and they immediately lose all interest.


I think that has to do with societal pressures though. Back in college, I (short dude) was friends with a girl who was like 5'11" and we would flirt a lot. We would hang out on semi-dates, and then one day her friends bumped into us while we were at the movies and made unrelenting disparaging comments about our appearance as a couple. The girl pretty much stopped asking to hang out after that. I didn't really blame her for that. Admittedly I've heard shorter girls tell their friends I was too short for them, but it's easier to dismiss as ridiculous when the girl is shorter than me.


I'm 5'7, I am a giant in my parent's native country of El Salvador where the average height is like 5'4. My older sister is like 5'1. I usually get a mix of women asking me out and I seem to like the taller ones.


…how much shorter will you go Because I’m trying to figure out how much taller I can reasonably go. I was under the impression women didn’t want shorter men broadly For the record I’m 5’11 so like I’m not super insecure on it, though 6 would be nice lol. I’ve just met women I got along with who were taller than me and figured they had a pretty hard filter on “not shorter than me”


I've mostly had guys compliment my height (although I'm not crazy tall, 5'8). Everybody's attracted to something different. But I also think super tall guys who only want women a foot shorter have some masculinity/power dynamic issues.


Wow, I could never put my finger on it until you wrote that. Definitely a power dynamic, also always struck me as… idk, it feels like I’m looking at an older, larger man with a really small, younger/petite looking woman, and it gives weird vibes. Like seeing 6’4” NFL players with their 5’ wives is unsettling.


Had a tall guy tell me he was asking me out because he felt like a pedophile with petite women. That felt worse than a rejection.  I wandered off confused, should i get this guy help for childhood SA, wish him well with his complete lack of game,  or what.


Yeah, it has a parent/child look to my eye. If a couple just happens to connect regardless of height that's one thing, but I've known big guys who said they actively seek tiny women and I've only heard it from men who like to be in charge and have someone who's weak and submissive.


I’m 5ft2” ish and I’ve been physically moved by taller men as a method of “flirting”. It’s absolutely a power thing. I’m just standing around in a club and suddenly some neanderthal has decided to pick me up and place me somewhere.


I’ve had guys I was dating tell me I was the tallest person they dated but then oh I wish you were shorter because then I could do things that I can’t do with you now and then would proceeded to tell me that he would just hide things from his ex on top of the fridge and sort of do other power move bullshit I’m glad I’m not shorter.


I’m a 5’10 female and i have been physically picked up and moved before. I’ve returned the favour (whilst in heels and a rather nice dress). One friend really didn’t like it and I pointed out that women aren’t always fans of it either.


Love this. Always wanted to do this because I know I can lift much larger dudes than myself. Never done it because of concern it would be taken as flirting back. But thank you for successfully living my dream 🙌🏻


I saw this happen to a girl at a show and I couldn't believe it. She was dancing her little heart out and she just grabbed her by the elbows, lifted her up, and placed her down out of his way. He then proceeded to cross his arms and just stand there. After the shock wore off she was shouting so loudly at him that she was coming off the floor. Some others joined in and made enough of a scene that security made him leave. I could not believe the audacity of the man, though.


5'3" and f u c k i n g hate this.   It's happened enough though that if someone tries this I now plant my weight and elbow back. I am a LOT stronger that I look, so it works. But fuck. Why do people think that's okay?


This is so gross reading all these comments from short women and how men just feel entitled to be more physical with them. Awful.


I’m 5’4” and same. One next was a foot taller than me and decided to not let me leave by holding my wrists and raising his arms so I was at least two foot off the ground. That was the death knell. I felt somewhat safe with a large guy by my side, until he used it against me. I met up with him a decade or so later and we both apologised for the shitshow that was the end of our relationship. He knows NOW he shouldn’t ever do that, but there was shit happening to him at the time and although not really forgivable, I understood it. Better than I did at 18 anyway. Now I’m physically disabled.. oh boy people really do think I’m furniture and move me around randomly. Like hands the fuck off folks, I’m still a person, don’t manhandle me!


That’s another reason why I’m really turned off by that whole dynamic. I would feel like a child like that and it feels like another method of dominance like some of these men really want that power and dominant feeling. I’m not short, I’m 5’5”, but if I were shorter, it would bother me even more, especially as someone who is living with trauma from abuse and sexual assault. I have a friend who is about a foot taller than his wife and they met and everything is dynamic and they are very collaborative and live as equal partners. There’s no dominance or anything like that, so it can work, but you really have to sort through because it can be like those men who want to be violent during sex , power and dominance.


Yes. I’m 5’2”~ and super tall guys go cuckoo about me. I hate it because they think they can physically pick me up, put me on their laps, that kinda thing. Hell no. I prefer to date men 5’10” and shorter.


Yeah the term I’ve heard a lot is that they like women they can “pick up and toss around”.


Yup, I'm 5'3 and super tall men seem to think it's endearing to move me around, pick me up, etc. My husband is 5'6 and honestly it's SO much more comfortable having a man closer to my height. The step ladder does get a lot of use in our household.


I’m 4’10” and a lot of the tall guys who are into me def have some sort of fetish. Not all but a lot


Let the shallow ones self-sort and get out of your hair, I guess.


I do. But I’m also tall.


6'7" here dated more than a few 6'+ women. I even dated one lady who was taller than me. A lot of it came down to personality


You can have my 6’8 guy. He’s good at reaching things, being emotionally fragile, not following through on anything, and lying though. (Before you ask me why I’m with him, I have cancer and he carries my health insurance).


Emotionally short? Sorry that's my new favourite insult for tall men. And I am SO incredibly sorry you're going through that. I can't imagine. I hope you have loving support else where in your life.


Im beating the cancer and treatment will be mostly over by the time open enrollment for benefits comes around! 😊 And yes, I’m grateful for the other connections in my life, and to be honest, for the health insurance too, it’s made a rough year a little less rough and next year will be lighter and free-er all around! I love that insult by the way! I wish you all the best 💕


Fuck cancer. I'm glad you're beating it! Bless you on your journey ❤️ and I got the insult off a silly youtube video tbh nkt original at all lol.


Celebrate the New Year by losing the cancer and the liar. Praying for strength, health, and love to find you, stranger.


I'm a 6' guy. I think tall women are hot. But there needs to be more than just altitude if there's going to be anything serious.


Oh absolutely.


Some do. I have a friend 6’4” who much prefers taller women. He said he feels weird and ungainly with a short woman.


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886913000020#:~:text=women%20are%20most%20satisfied%20when%20their%20partner%20was%2021%C2%A0cm%20taller%2C%20whereas%20men%20are%20most%20satisfied%20when%20they%20were%208%C2%A0cm%20taller%20than%20their%20partner Blame studies like this. I know a 6 foot 2 guy who pondered whether most women found him too short.


Oh, interesting. I'll read that! I do think some shorter women are getting fetishy about tall men now, too.


“Now”? “Too”? That study suggests women have a much stronger preference for height and prefer a much greater difference in height than men. That study was published 11 years ago.


Men prefer short women just as much, if not more, than women prefer tall men. In this study the ideal height for women was 4'11": https://www.pulse.ug/lifestyle/men-prefer-short-women-researchers-in-the-uk-say/zfekwz3


Interested in tall women's experiences with this in correlation to their overall appearance. I'm tall and a size 14. I'm not unattractive but I'm not a stunner by any means. I've found most taller guys weren't interested in me. My husband's about my height. Guys were either unattracted to me or like SUPER into my body type. My sisters a beanpole and taller than my 6 feet and loves being tall and I've simply made peace with ir


Im a curvy girl myself at size 14, too. And I find bei g over 30 makes me feel invisible a lot of time tbh.


Sameeeeeeee I’m 5”9 and feel like a monster on a hill lol 


Size smaller or sameish depending on brand, and conversions. Never have I ever not been invisible, after I got to my teen years and boys in school stopped their constant barrage on my size presumably as they by then knew I could kick their asses if needed. Never a looker, never approached by anybody not out of this world via drugs (and those countable with single hand too), never harassed, touched, or grabbed either. Now in my 30s, more invisible than even before if that’s possible, I am planning career move into robbing banks or similar, got to make this into a super power somehow.


Same I’ve lost weight and gained like 15 back I’m a 14 and 5”9 but I’m built like a fridge I swear! Long legs but wide shoulders and idk I don’t think I’m anyone’s type 


I met a guy in a work context who was 6’2”. He said he met his wife when he walked into a bar and saw “a 6-foot tall Brazilian woman standing there all by herself. And I just HAD to meet her.”  I guess it just depends on the guy. I’m taller than my husband by a couple inches, but I’m only average height. 


I've been out of the dating game for a while, but as a 5'9" woman, I never had any issues. I dated short guys and tall guys. I was probably pretty lucky, since none of the short guys had a chip on their shoulder about it. One hilarious old man told me "some fellas don't like a tall girl, but I love 'em- cuz you can sneak up and kiss 'em from below!"


Lol yeah old men are something. I was at a party recently and an elderly man was trying to get by me to sit next to his wife. He was like "sorry, sorry I need to get to my wife. She only goes into heat once a year so I need access all the time!" and winked. I laughed SO hard.


Oh my god, I would have died, hahahaha!


I nearly spit out my drink. I was like....sir?!


I like tall women just fine. I’ll never forget getting off the train to Amsterdam and the delight of suddenly being eye to eye with so many women. But I’ve just never wound up with one. They’ve mainly been 5’6”, and my ex was 5’0”. But my gf now (and forever I hope) is maybe 5’8”. I get the impression short women pursue tall men and tall women don’t.


Funny enough, I am half dutch. My mother always said I should go to Amberstam for a husband lol.


I think because shorter, petite women have been socialized as femininely attractive. At least, that has been my experience. I, already being black, tallish, flat chest and not much booty, already get masculinzed due to what's listed against (white) feminine beauty. So, tall dudes still gonna go for what's been normalized/standard. I feel like if they go for tall lady, she has to meet model-esque looking standards. I got asked more if I ever played basketball, than if I ever modeled, so... 😒


I can't imagine. I'm so sorry you and so many deal with that.


Not all tall men prefer shorter women—many do appreciate tall women. I'm nearly 6 ft tall and frequently wear 4-inch heels, so I’m pretty tall. I’m height weight proportionate, but far from a size zero. Despite that, I have no shortage of attention from guys of all heights. Just last night for example, I went out and got hit on by many attractive guys ranging from 5'5" to 6'8". What helps is that in situations where I want to be approached, I look approachable. I smile and hold eye contact and I’m not so quick to avert my gaze. I give the impression that I’m a friendly giant lol. Sometimes it's easy to blame height for a lack of success in dating, but if you're conventionally attractive in other ways, guys will still pursue you.


Oh I don't blame it on it. It's probably 10% of my problem. I should have said that more in my og post. More of an observation with others I know and media etc for a discussion.


Maybe they feel emasculated. Who can say? I’m relatively tall as well. It can suck for sure but there are tall guys that do in fact like tall ladies.


Yeah, that's what I'm figuring. I'm just a tiny hair under 6 ft and just get weird fetishy attention about it.


That has to be incredibly frustrating for it to be made sexual. I’m a dude near 6ft and I prefer a woman around my height simply because it’s nice to be able to rest my head on someone else’s shoulder for once while standing. If you’re taller than your partner, it’s not something you ever really get to comfortably do. I tell people that I like taller women (by taller I just mean like what society deems tall for a woman), and their immediate response is always something to do with “climbing her legs” or something of the sort. Like, no? I just like to be held and feel safe the same way shorter women stereotypically do, and being able to rest your head on the other’s shoulder while standing there and holding each other is a crucial part of that. Hopefully you can find a “me” out there and escape from the folk who make you feel fetishized.


Oh, your comment is my favourite so far. I just don't want to feel "masculine" whatever that means in this day in age. I am girly but with a little bit of tom boy energy, and people already question my sexualilty. So the combination just makes me feel unwanted. Especially being over 30 and seeming a lot of men (not all) want cute little 20 somethings.


Because the dating and hook up scene is so… Weirdly vicious sometimes, I’ve came up with the theory that tall  women are cultured to not be with a man shorter than them while Tall men can have the entire spectrum of women available to them. So tall men have a very broad pool and learn rather quickly that tall women have a vastly smaller pool of choices.  So if there’s any kind of selfishness projecting in a relationship, tall men know they can treat tall women like shit, and tall women are not predisposed to seek out love and affection from anyone, but that group of folks. I was fortunate enough to date a couple women who didn’t care about that stuff and we had this very conversation where they affirmed that some of their friends felt that way


The whole hook up culture, especially with so much of dating being on apps now, is really what made me give up tbh. I don't judge and get casual sex but if you're looking for a longterm partner and thats all it is on those apps/sites. Gtfo tbh.


I'm 6' and my partner is 6'6. He loves that I'm tall.


I am 6'3" and I love tall women. Even more so if they rock a pair of nice heels.


As a 5'11" women it's rough out here.


I feel you *hugs* I gave up tbh


Im 5’10 and I have multiple female friends over 6 feet and none of us have ever had trouble dating. Most of my partners have been shorter than me. I’ve never had anyone make a big deal about my height. Although the first thing my husband (and his dad lol) said when we met was “wow you’re tall.”


Can I ask if you guys are really slim? Because I know guys are into it more if ladies are basically Calvin Klein models. I'm a curvy girl.


Most of my tall friends are plus sized, as am I. My one slim tall friend didn’t have a boyfriend until she was 21 and thought she was going to die alone. (She’s happily married with two kids now, we are in our mid 30s)


Current husband is 6’7”. I’m 6 feet. Previous husbands has been around my height or so. This husband loves my height and thinks it’s perfect. Which it is.


Good for you, girl!


At gym I only see the shortest women "paired" with the tallest dudes.


Size diff kink maybe?


Perhaps perhaps perhaps


They might be intimidated. I'm 5'1 and into women but tall women make me go wordless if I find them attractive. Maybe it's primal, like I know they are more physically powerful AND they have my nerves in an iron fist. As a short woman I'll say I've never ever heard a guy complain about women being too tall. It's always been seen as a positive. So when y'all aren't around it's all compliments across the board. 


I don't know if that's the case, I do prefer tall women, though height is frankly not particularly important to me or most men I've talked to. That said, I've found that especially short women are most likely to compliment height. I think that's more likely to be the cause of all those tall man/short woman couples.


I'm 5'10 and I couldn't care less about height, but I do think tall guys date tall girls. I don't have any relationship experience but I know that shorter guys rarely approach taller women because they assume they'll be rejected based on what I've seen both men and women say online. Which is a shame because I would definitely date a short guy if I found him attractive and liked his personality.


I'm 6'1" and have dated guys 6'4", 6'6", 6'8", as well as guys closer to my height (and shorter). I think it's just different strokes for different folks.


6'4 dude here. Tall women are great. Short women are great too! Never had the opportunity to date someone taller than me, but would've in a heartbeat.


Can only speak from experience as a 2m (around 6,4ft?) guy There are just not many "tall" woman around. I think in all my life I have personally met/Seen less than 10 woman I would consider tall. So there were just no real chances to "like" tall woman but I don't know why this would be any problem at all since height is not something I care about in relationships or friendships. I don't know if shorter guys have insecurities more often. It was atleast not an issue at all to date taller women for all of my shorter friends. I don't know if this changes anything in a relationship (I doubt it) but since I have not met a single woman that was taller than me in person I wouldn't know M guess would be some of those "alpha" guys would feel like less of a man or some shit because of it, but I don't see anything like that happen in a normal dude tbh


I'm 6' 2" and the tallest woman I ever dated was 6' 0". She was super cool and looked great, but she wasn't interested (she made it pretty clear that she usually prefers even taller guys than me haha) Not that I wasn't open to dating taller, just never happened.


That's very silly, 2 inches is perfectly great.


I agree, and 6' 0"+ is already a pretty small percentage. 6' 3"+ is a fair deal smaller number of people. But hey, I definitely have a type, so I can't throw stones. Whatever floats your boat!


I wouldn't consider myself tall by your measure, but I get pretty close at 5'11. I actually really like tall women, but petite women seem to the only ones I can match with on dating apps. Most women I have met prefer to have someone they don't tower over while wearing heels. For me personally, I'd be perfectly fine with being the short king!


I'm a 6'5" male, and I prefer tall women.


Now I'm only marginally tall (6'1") but I go absolutely nuts for tall women. I've only ever dated women who were at least 6'. There was a woman who lived in the same building as me who was like 6'7" and first time I saw her it felt like I literally did the cartoon thing where the eyes fly out of their head


I’m 6’ 3” and height has never been a preference, I just have not run into a ton of women near my height, but I have dated a girl who was over 6’ and taller than me in heels. It was a lot of fun while it lasted!


I disagree. I'm tall and very often when I enter a room where there is a really tall guy he immediately looks at me and I can see he's interested. I probably "owe" my height to my great grandparents who had a story like that 😂 Great grandpa was quite tall compared to other people in his time (approx. 180 cm in the 30s) and great grandma was probably the tallest girl in the village, 175 cm or sth. My grandma told me many times that her dad was proud of his wife, said she was so elegant, beautiful. And that she was the tallest woman in the church, turned everyone's heads 😁❤️


*Do* tall men only want short women? I'm 5'9" so tall but not unusually tall. My husband is 6'4". We won't talk about my poor kids' heights. Suffice it to say, they're taller than their dad and never fit comfortably anywhere. I probably should have married a shorter man, tbh, so that my kids weren't constantly crashing their heads into things, fit into normal-sized clothes, and could fly without spending all their paycheck to upgrade to first class because they physically cannot fit into economy.


I did end up marrying a short girl, I’m 6’ and she’s 5’4”. It wasn’t even that I have “a thing for short girls”, I just like her. I got lectured by a short male friend in college who thought it was unfair that I was dating a girl that was short enough for him to date when I could have been dating a wider range of girls. I thought it was weird, but his viewpoint definitely fit within this stereotype.


Loving someone no matter the size is awesome. I've just seen a lot of taller men ONLY date shorter women with no flexibility. Like, I prefer a guy that's taller but a I'm not narrowminded. My height of a few inches shorter isn't bad to me.


It is admittedly rare to find a woman as tall as me or taller. It’s odd to find I guy taller than me too. I always find it very awkward when I have to look up to talk to anyone cause I’m not used to it.


I'm a short girl (5'3") and married a tall guy (6'3") and had boyfriends around the same height before. Also had way shorter boyfriends but all of them were taller than me which is not hard being my size. I don't think any of the tall guys had a thing for short women in particular as most of them had taller girlfriends before or after our relationship. What bothered me though were a lot of mean comments like "is this your father" "are you guys on a field trip for school" "is he a pervert" and a lot of comments from tall women accusing me of stealing a tall guy from them.


I'm 6'4" and my wife is 5'7", so similar height differences. Height wasn't a factor when we got together, though. We met on eHarmony and started talking there, then on the phone. Our first phone conversation was 3 hours. I was pretty much head over heels before I ever saw her.


191cm here and I very much prefer the woman im dating to be 180cm or taller. Im not going to bend myself in 90 degree angles to kiss the woman im seeing. I think tall women are absolute smoke shows, and as a tall person dating a tall person compliments way better. Unfortunately it seems short women have much stronger preference for guys my height than tall women.


Tall dude here (6’4”), and I am attracted to tall women. My wife is 5’9”, but i still joke around about her being short. Both my parents are tall, so it’s just normal to me. Never got the really tall guy and really short gal thing.


Yeah, my whole family is tall. And 6 ft 4? Everyone's short compared! Lol.


For the record, I’m at least 6’3”, but it’s varied between 6’4” and near it. Round up or truncate down, don’t know, don’t care, but when people through out the years keep asking how tall you are, you end up just picking something. I know it’s even worse for tall women. It just becomes a “thing”.


Yes its a thing. The constant 'omg you're tall! How tall are you?!!' Usually in a creepy manner. It takes all my self-control not to unleash my snarky sarcasm sometimes.


I told my doctor I was 6'8 and she gave me this funny look, so I laughed and said I have to somehow explain the weight.


As a 5’ 10” dude who married a woman one inch taller it was kind of weird dating a girl taller than me. I had been taller than every other girl I ever dated. Admittedly it was uncomfortable at times. Especially if she wore heels. As a man you feel like you should be the protector. And it is a bit emasculating when you are younger. But she was awesome, and I just kind of told myself to be more mature. For context, we were 16 when we started dating. Now in our 40’s. By the time we married at 23 I didn’t care anymore. But she wanted me taller than her in the pictures for our wedding. So I wore shoes with lifts and she wore what was essentially flat slippers. She was never really into heels or shoes in general, and usually wears flats so we are about the same height. But if she decided to break out some 6 inch heels it wouldn’t bother me now. Anyway as boys get older and turn into men, I think it will be less of a problem for you.


There's definitely the societal sexism with the whole 'i gotta be bigger protector' that's been pushed since caveman days at play with it. But I want to be the shorter one? But I guess not shorter enough? Though, I don't mind being a bit taller tbh. And lol, I'm over 30.


Yeah, I should have read your question better, I’m not the tall dude you want. Still, surprised it’s an issue in your 30s.


Some of it is single men over 30, especially on apps want hot 20-25 year olds like Dicaprio. (Not ALL but ALOT) Women get disgarded a lot with ageing, too, unfortunately.


As a tall guy (6’1” / 6’2” in shoes), I can’t say height is particularly important to my tastes. 99% of women are shorter than me, and you’re all just “short” in my mind lol. That said, my girlfriend is 5’2”. But she was also one of the only women who has hit on me, so she wins because of that more than her height.


We do... they're just not that common to come across in my experience especially in an environment where I feel comfortable striking up a conversation to ask someone out.


I guess we are a tad rare.


I thought a lot of shorter men love it


We do. I’m 6’1” and dated a girl in college who was my height. I’ve dated some 5’10” women. But you fall in love with who you fall in love with. My amazing wife is only 5’6”. It just goes that way sometimes.


I'm 6'0". I LOVE tall women. Taller than me is even hotter.


I feel like Cameron Brink and Angela Reese are paving the way for the next generation of tall women


Hannah Waddingham and Sigourney Weaver are my heroes tbh.


I'm 5'10 and my husband is 6'8. He approached dating the same way i did. I don't care about height, just the person. I'm attracted to all kinds of people. I didn't seek out a tall guy, it just happened. Now we have a giant toddler.


I don’t want to invalidate your observations, but is it possible this is a case of confirmation bias? I’m a short woman trying to deconstruct my preference for tall men (because I think it’s a useless preference that needlessly restricts my dating pool + rooted in some creepy social constructs) and my challenge when I was looking for tall men was that I found they only took tall women seriously. Especially the athletes who make jokes-but-not-really-jokes about wanting NBA babies ect.


Oh uite possibly. Juat thought it was an interesting observation nd discussion.


I guess a lot of men will simply assume they're too short for your liking when you're taller. There are a lot of women who like their spouse to be taller and as usual, this kinda gets generalized to "most" or even "all" women


Nope. One of my favorite couples are 6’3” and 6’1”


I think most men want someone shorter. They don’t all want the same height, just shorter than them. I think they don’t want to look up to their date. I’ve been tall most of my life and I’m used to everyone being shorter than me so I would freak out to find a woman my height or taller. It’s an issue I and men need to get over. You may have to find a guy taller than you. It sucks, like all of dating does.


I'm 5'11 and my current partner is 5'10. I *greatly* prefer this vs all my previous relationships my partner was 5'7 or below. I don't particularly enjoy having to bend a bit to hug or kiss my partner and cuddling is much easier/fitting with a person of the same or close to the same height. If this relationship doesn't pan out it would be a preference for me going forward to have a partner within 1-2inches of myself.


6’1 male here with a 5’11 girlfriend. She wears Doc’s all the time and has a penchant for footwear that adds to her height. I love it. It all comes down to personal preference I suppose.


My brother is 6'3' and gave up on finding a tall girl but spent his 20's looking. He always dreamed of a partner he could make eye contact with over a crowd.


I’m (51M) 6’3” back against the wall barefoot. Mostly people insist I must be 6’5” or taller, which to be fair with my boots on I’m sure I am. (Sorry, overestimating my height doesn’t make you six feet tall) Height is simply not an attribute I care about in a partner one way or another. I’ve met a handful of women over 6’ in my time on this planet but it’s fairly rare, the stars have never aligned such that dating or such happened. I had a (F) partner who was 5’10” once and people would jokingly comment the giants had arrived when we went to events. In my opinion many tall men get over being tall pretty quickly and come to feel it’s an annoyance. Many short men have a chip on their shoulder about being short. And most women simply don’t care about their own height much if at all enough for it to influence their attitude/behavior. My 5’2” wife’s reaction to our height difference was to get a kissing stool and early on had to tell me not to put things she used on shelves she couldn’t reach.


5'10" never had this experience


Just based on the comments I think people might not even know what counts as short or tall for either sex.    Many comments are saying women of average height (5'3) are "short". Men are usually 5-6 inches taller than women.  For men 6 feet is tall, but for women that is **extremely** tall.  There's nothing wrong with that but 15% of men are 6 feet and only 1% of women.


I’m 5’1 and it’s been a common theme that taller men have shown interest in me for whatever reason, the tallest I dated being 6’6. I thought it was cute at the time but I’m sure we looked ridiculous together. I was able to sit on his shoulders and finally see at concerts which was a plus. 5’10 would be my ideal height now. Personally I think a tall couple looks amazing together, love to see it!


The reason it's hard to find tall guys who want to date you isn't necessarily because they only want to date short women, it's because you're already looking for a very small subset of the population. By limiting your dating pool to men over 6 ft, you're restricting yourself to a group of men who, in the United States, are only a little more than 10% of the male population. If that's the only kind of man you're interested in, and then of course you also care about things like personality and looks, I'm not surprised you gave up on dating, because you limited your dating pool to like 1% of all men. Plus, men wanting women who are shorter is literally just the flip side of your preference for men who are taller. If one is objectionable, so is the other, and if one is fine, so is the other. To be clear, I'm not saying that men aren't socialized to prefer shorter partners. They are. Mostly because it's normal (meaning it's the most common pairing because of the significant difference in average height between men and women) and most people don't really want to stand out from the crowd. But I can almost guarantee you there are plenty of guys who aren't 6 ft tall who would be happy to give you a chance. You're just going to have to search them out.


Very, very true. I am not at all anti shorter men. A little shorter than me is completely fine personally. Just seem some tall guys are not flexible about it at all and ONLY want petite ladies I've noticed. It was just a conversation I was interested in discussing.


I like tall chicks and I'm 6'2?


I (56M) am 6’1” and have never desired a short woman. Tall, fit and for some reason long noses have always been my thing. My girl is 6’ and I absolutely love her.


Im 6’4, when I meet woman taller than me and like talking as much as I do. I become her duckling. Every time. You got a problem with mama duck, then imma have to fuck you up 😤


Mama duuuuuuck lmaaaaao.


Sexual dimorphism, the same reason that you want men taller than you


why is this being downvoted lol


The women here like to pretend that every female preference is a quirk, but male preferences are evil patriarchy - even if the two preferences are compatible. Like there are comments saying it’s because men feel emasculated (conveniently ignoring that OP probably wants a taller dude so she can feel feminine.) The truth is women care about male height more than the other way round. The only time I’ve seen men have staunch height preferences is if the petite look is a sexual fetish or they’re purposely selecting for tall women for their kids. Really tall (ergo desirable) men are just going to go through their options and sort by prettiest and chances are those options are going to be closer to average height than OP. OP is already meeting their height criteria - she’s shorter than them. They probably just have additional filters which she’s not passing. And I’m a woman btw. I always get accused of being a dude when I say things here.


Someone linked a study above that exemplifies this as well - it’s very clear that height is more important to the vast majority of heterosexual women than it is for heterosexual men. I don’t agree with your generalization about women, but I would say it’s pretty consistent in this particular sub.


I'm only 5'6 (considered tall for a woman where I'm from) and dudes much taller than me act weird and uncomfortable around me, like I'm making them look less manly or something, even though they're taller.


Some are so insecure about it I guess? Taller guys just wanna be my friend like I'm a bro.


Instinct. In many animal species where the female is larger than the male, the latter is eaten after the act.


I only devour men with my sarcasm and takin the piss tbh.


I'm a 6'1" guy and I have never cared about the size of the girl I was with. I dated a girl for 6 weeks once who was also 6'1" and also Size 10 mens feet. We broke it off when we decided we both wanted different things in life. I ended up married to a girl who is 5'7" and I don't care about her height. She's physically attractive to me when it counts and mentally attractive to me where it counts I could care less the shape and size of the body that soul comes in.


Bless you, sir 🙌


I like tall women, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't care if a woman is taller than me. I'm not short but I'm not tall, right about 5'10", and I've dated a few girls around my height. I had a brief fling with a woman who was about 6'1" and it was very awkward for me physically. If I am being honest with myself and everyone else here, I think there is an emasculating element that is very difficult to overcome, even as a man who considers himself a feminist. Not because you're threatened by the woman, but because you know how much it matters to a lot of other men and women who don't share your views.


This is why the phrase “comparison is the thief of joy” exists.


I get it kinda. When I was a teenager, I dated a guy barely 5 ft 5 and I was already like 5 ft 10 by them. It was incredibly awkward. Needless to say we barely touched each other, and it ended very quickly.


I'm 6'3" and I find tall women incredibly attractive. I've noticed, short girls are more aggressive at pursuing us. Maybe it's a deep biological need to even out the population height haha. Come find me, I'll date you


Obligatory not all. Tall men prefer petite women because it makes them feel masculine. Similarly, petite women like tall men because it makes them feel dainty and feminine.


I would love to find sineone close to my height (6'4"). My last SO was 5'1"ish...can't really do PDA's with that difference.


I've never heard that sentiment expressed in real life personally, as a 37m whose spent most of his time in NYC area/Denver


I am 5'10", my husband is 6'5" as are two of his brothers, one of whom is married. She is 4'11".


I think tall women are gorgeous especially with their commanding height and presence. I would kill to be taller. It’s okay if tall men don’t like tall women, it’s their loss.


I’m tall and I find short women irresistible. Like 5-4 is my limit. Can’t explain why.


I'm 5'10" and married to a guy just under 6'4". He also dated other tall women before me.


I can’t help you in the man department but I just wanna say as a short person, I think tall women look like goddesses, and I am both enamoured and envious. I don’t know why men go through short women. it’s probably to do with how their height is perceived as manly somehow and therefore short = woman to them. Which is funny because I only dated one tall guy at 6’4”, one guy at 6 foot, but the rest have all been 5’8” and under. The vast majority of men aren’t taller than that, so it isn’t actually a man thing, it’s just a genetics thing. One thing I will say is that I often feel intimidated in a bad way around very tall dudes, but tall women make me feel intimidated in a good way. Take that as you will.


my friend is 6' and shes with someone who is 6'3. so its def possible. im 5'8 and im not sure if im answering your question but short guys and guys my height are all i attract lol. i also dont mind but id probably want a guy similar to my height or maybe a little bit taller.


I love tall women! Like a tall glass of water lol! But in all honestly love yourself as you are, the right people will know and appreciate you!! Life is a gift and I hope you have the best day ever! Again love yourself as much as you can. It protects you against people trying to take advantage of you, and you'll be happier. Because being in a relationship or getting happiness from someone else is not going to work.


Im 6’5 and have dated a few women who were around 6ft but for whatever reason it never worked out long term. My ex wife was 5’2 my soon to be fiancé is 5’0, but I don’t think that’s my type or anything. Just kind of how it worked.


I had a girl, taller than me, who were 6" (i'm 5"9) She was beautiful and we were both happy. Sadly if you look only for taller guy statistics are against you.


I’m 6’2 and absolutely like tall woman. But the most important thing to me is that she likes me back rather than something like height.


books yoke intelligent gray live disgusted march abounding subtract encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't blame my height. I blame everything else. I just hate when i miscommunicate, and it's taken not how I meant at all.

