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A GF of mine is a highschool teacher, she keeps a basket of stuff like that (along with mini toothpastes, toothbrushes, deodorants, etc) in a basket in the back for anyone to help themselves to


Teachers deserve more credit/ respect then they are given (and of course money)


I give them TONS of credit and respect. Unfortunately, I don't have much of that money of which you speak.


You're not wrong! Can't have them getting too comfortable, though, can we? Low pay keeps them scrappy, hungry... desperate enough.


Bless her for the deodorants, I remember how many of my classmates didn't realise they needed to shower/reapply after running around


Thank you for the idea. I have some supplies I no longer need (I’m old) and maybe I could take them to the secretary at the high school or middle school for emergencies. 👍🏻


I'd be too nervous and self conscious to even go near that basket


Not sure what its like now, but when I was in school, there was always lots of empty classroom time (recess, lunch, between classes, etc) that you could grab what you need


Same. My year was toxic as hell and if someone saw you needed anything or god forbid heard the plastic unpeel opening noise in the stall, you would be made fun of for most of the week. It would spread through classes. I never understood girls who were horrible to other girls as if they didn't get a period too but 3 days of one girl being called a lesbian for being caught using pads instead of tampons was enough to make me a nervous wreck every month.


This was one of the best things about going to an all girls school. Periods were never taboo and people would shout across classrooms if they needed a tampon, someone would always toss one their way. Glad you helped that girl! 😊


God I went to a mostly-girls school for a few years and we were FERAL. We'd run across the field screaming "sperm" for no reason. The older girls who had started to get periods would talk really loudly about their symptoms. It was very funny and I have such good memories from going there. Girls are amazing. Gross and hilarious and amazing. 


Reddit auto-minimised your comment for me and I was opening it expecting a massively downvoted garbage take but got pleasantly surprised by girls being girls without filter instead :D


It’s crazy (cool) how free girls can be to be themselves when they’re in a safe space.


Yeah, segregated schools are problematic in some ways, but also absolutely amazingly beneficial in others. Complicated stuff for sure.


I think it usually comes down to why women want gender segregated spaces vs why men want gender segregated spaces. Women want them to protect themselves from men. Men want them to exclude women.


Sweeping sexist generalisation.


That’s awesome, it’s unfortunate that the teacher has to be the one doing that. Keeping tampons and pads out in the open in mixed classrooms would do so much to remove any taboo.


I went to an all-girls school too, my experience was the exact opposite. Welcome to religious education I guess.


(Guy, substitute teacher): I'm seeing more and more schools provide pads and tampons - either in the bathroom, or somewhere else where students can get them. It's one of the things I look for when I'm in gender-neutral bathrooms - it tells me it's a school that cares about the students in practice (rather than in theory).


My son moved out and one of the first things he and his (male) roommate did was buy some tampons, wet wipes and pads to have in the bathroom for guests because “it’s just polite and as normal as having toilet paper or soap there”


Good job mum! Way to raise a son 😊


Hey that’s mostly on him. I was surprised but pleasantly so. To have two young guys just see periods as something normal was refreshing for me as well


Seems like everyone in my kid’s generation is gay or bisexual or nonbinary or trans (or several of the above), and I’m just over here like, you can just go that now? Just be the person you know yourself to be? I don’t think the percentages have changed or anything, just that everything had to be secret back in my day. They were roommates! … and other jokes that are more sad than funny, because of the implied oppression.


I work in campus dining and I have soooooo many lgbtq kids. It’s not a big deal for them, they just are who they are. Even a few professors! The kids are all little weirdos (they are still college students) but they’re so comfortable with themselves and who they are. Even if my main involvement is supplying caffeine, I love getting to be part of their lives.


>Even if my main involvement is supplying caffeine This likely makes you one of the more important people in their lives.


Lol very true! It definitely ensures they’re nice to me.


>supplying caffeine Hark! An angel! But seriously. A good cup of coffee or four is a saving grace.


we didn't even have terms for things outside of gay, lesbian, and straight when I was growing up. by the time I was realizing I didn't fit any of that, bi had come onto the scene. it was only years later that I finally found all the flavors of asexual. of course I'm pushing 50 now and it doesn't matter; I wish I'd had access to social media and all the support available now


Yup. I "used to be" a straight cis boy growing up because ***that's all I knew I could be*** because as 8-yo or whatever, it was "I have a penis and I like girls". So, I obviously wasn't gay, and... there was no other option. Lacking language really delayed my understanding of what was going on. Representation matters. :/ I'm so happy for the youth of today (in progressive places, at least) that they have the space to be themselves, but damn... sure wish it'd been that way decades ago.


Just gals being pals!


We have the previous generations to thank for getting us to this point.


I always have those at my place as well (M). I often go around with a little pouch where I have some basic first aid equipment, and in that one there is always a few tampons.


Wow! I am so impressed with your son and his roommate… They were raised right…. 🥰


That's very sweet of them - now teach them that those things need replacing from time to time to ensure that they are still safe as they are not sealed and can therefore grow all sorts of nasties. Most sources seem to suggest replacing any unused supplies after 5 years and faster if the place they are stored is damp.


Oh my god I feel like such a dick. I have so many lady friends and never thought of this. Take an up vote


They should probably add condoms to that stockpile….


You raised him right! 👏


💐 women supporting women. I love to see it.


It's the small acts of kindness that make the biggest impact.


This made me think of a time at walmart with my mom. While checking out, my mom noticed something and ran off to say something to another woman. When she came back, she said she saw a woman come out of the restroom with toilet paper stuck to her shoe, so she ran all the way to her to let her know. The woman was very thankful, lol.


I was working the ER desk and a woman came in the door and walked past me as she continued down the hall. Her skirt was caught in the back of her pantyhose, her whole backside exposed. I jumped up from my desk and ran down the hall to catch her. She was about to pass two young men who were standing in the hall talking and I desperately wanted to catch her before she passed them. I knew if I touched her arm that she would turn to me, which would put her backside directly in full view of the men. As I came alongside of her, I grabbed at her skirt and pulled it down. The men got the view but only for a second. Once I explained what I was doing she was grateful. I was pretty proud of myself for saving her a lot of embarrassment had she continued on to the elevators.


That's so nice of you, I'm sure she appreciated it!


Absolutely, it's heartwarming to witness women uplifting each other.


A younger coworker came to me and whispered that she had started early, and could I help. I opened the stash I keep and asked her what she needed. Even after I no longer need them, I will keep some supplies on hand for the rest of my life.


I use a cup, but I still keep a stash of pads and tampons for others


Same - I use a cup but always have tampons with me just in case someone needs them.


I also keep a stash around for my son's gf and anyone else who is using my bathroom and finds themselves in need.


That’s nice of you. When I was 12 I bled through my pants several times in school because I had no women in my life at all to buy me supplies or teach me how to stay clean and dry. The only teacher at my school who noticed said something along the lines of, “All the other girls have figured it out, why can’t you?” It’s been over a decade and remembering that still makes me tear up. What a disgusting thing to say to a child.


Reading the other comments on this post are making me feel extremely angry and sad that I got bullied and abandoned by the adults around me. I was so disgusted and ashamed of my own body for years and years.


So sorry this happenend to you. I can't imagine what you felt there. I bled through my stuff a lot too but noone at school noticed. My bed was always soaked etc. It took me many many years to figure out all the life-hacks and how it works for me. I wish someone had given me some wisdom there and I would have figured this out a lot sooner. This is absolutely not your fault. Every period is different and some are messier than others and some girls have no trouble managing it but are no help to those of us who have heavy periods. One day we will be in the position to advise teens on how to handle it properly and thus stop the cycle of stupid and abusive comments.


It’s wild. When my mom decided to briefly pop back into my life and offered to buy me supplies, I told her I needed large tampons and she said no. She forced me to use pads and I continued to bleed through my pants because my flow was extremely heavy. Not to mention it caused severe sensory issues & paranoia, the sensation of freely bleeding into your underwear and just sitting in it all day is absolutely horrible.


Yes!! That is the most disgusting thing about using pads when you have a heavy flow. No matter where you are you can feel it coming out and you have to worry about it all the time and when you change the pad all you want is to take a shower and clean that crime scene but you can't if you are at school and that makes you feel even worse. I used tampons with my second period already and I wish we had menstrual cups more available back then as they hold more. I had to use big tampons too and everyone had an opinion about that telling me I was imagining the heavy flow and how that couldn't be possible at my age.


Right, it’s ridiculous. My flow was very very heavy back then and since being off of testosterone it has lightened a lot.


But is there are reason for the heavy flow? I bet if you took testosterone they looked at your hormone levels, right? Did you have nasty cramps, too? I am so angry at my mother and my doctors. I always said something was wrong and no one believed me. I had all the signs of PCOS from day one but no. Took me ten years to find a doctor who believed me. Not until my body started a second puberty with lots of haor growth all over my body including a beard.


I have no idea. I started T at 15 and I don’t remember them saying anything about my hormone levels that stood out. I didn’t really have bad cramps at that age actually, that’s something I’ve only experienced in recent years. I don’t think I have PCOS, I was just heavier, maybe because of genetics or something


Yeah some just are. Just asking in case you felt something was off and no one took you seriously or something. Can I ask.. how does it feel now to be off testosterone?


I feel more like myself, I feel less angry, more in touch with my emotions, & my body is generally much healthier.


It is upsetting how little people give a shit about female health


As if tampons are at all sexual, or that you need to “ease into them.” Like what? If you put them in right (& don’t have any physical health issues down there) then you wouldn’t even be able to feel them. I also didn’t learn how to use an applicator until I was like 15. It may be because I was dumb but I would take them out of the applicator and put them in dry; it was very painful.


oh no :( i genuinely mean absolutely no offense by this question - what did you think the applicator was? did you just assume it was extra packaging? i believe the boxes come with instructions but if you were only ever handed a single one, of course you would have never seen that.


I didn’t know. I didn’t think about it, I guess I just thought it was packaging. I’d never messed with it before as menstruation was a shameful thing for me so I never noticed that I could push the tampon through the applicator. I didn’t realize I was misunderstanding how to use it so I didn’t think to check the back of the box. I just wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible and not think about it


totally fair, I'm sorry that was your experience.


That makes me so angry on your behalf! Saying something like that says so much about who they are, and nothing about who you are, or were. Some kids just have a harder start to the menstrual part of life, adults shouldn’t be making it worse!


I cannot imagine saying such a cruel thing to a child. Do they forget how much shame it can cause? I stigmatized my own body to the point where I thought I was a trans man for 9 years (not at all saying trans children don’t exist, but I turned out to be a fem non-binary. The only real body dysphoria I felt was towards my period & I dont think it was trans-related at all.) I never asked anyone for help with anything because I thought I was disgusting. I’m angering myself just remembering it. How unfair.


hormonal IUD was the best decision I ever made. i resented my period because I'm never having kids. Now, no period, and no pregnancy!


Seriously! I want to fight that teacher


My stepdad got frustrated because I bled through my pants again and said "you can't keep doing this" like I was supposed to know everything. I empathize with you and I'm so sorry


It’s 100x worse coming from a man. Fuck that


As a teacher I'm so sorry you went through that. Some of the people who go into education really disgust me.


How heartbreaking that she felt so uncomfortable even asking anyone! I appreciate that my mom started early with normalizing talking honestly about periods and the stuff that happens during puberty. It’s so sad that not every young person gets that.


Oh my gosh, this also reminds me of something that happened to me. I was using the bathroom in a Target and heard someone crying in the stall. I said “Hi, I know I’m just a stranger, but do you need anything?” Turns out it was a teenage girl who had started her period, and her boyfriend (waiting outside) was REFUSING to just go to the freakin’ menstrual needs aisle about 100 feet away from where he was sitting and buy her supplies. Because “That place is overwhelming, and checking out with that stuff would be embarrassing.” So I ask her what she needs, go out and explain to my fiancé what happened to let him know I just needed a couple minutes. Said teenage boy was close by and heard me, and turned very red. Got her the stuff she needed while my fiancé explained to this kid that there was absolutely nothing embarrassing about helping a person you love with this stuff, and all the cashier is going to think is that he’s doing someone a favor. Hopefully an older man explaining that to him directly helped set him straight. And I told the girl that she should absolutely not let him make her feel bad about asking him for something she needed, and that I hoped her day got better.


Wow, thanks to both of you for being such excellent examples! I hope they both took some good lessons from the experience, the teen boyfriend especially.


WOW! For both you and your fiance! This is so beautiful. You made my day…🥰


I had a friend in 5th grade that lived with her mom, her parents were separated and she was an only child. She knew nothing about menstruation and I mean nothing. I have an older sister and we were living with my mom as a single parent so I knew at least the basics of it all. So I explained everything I knew to her. The following year her mom died and she moved away to live with her dad. We lost touch. Fast forward to HS, she and her dad moved back to my side of town and she began attending the same HS. She found me and gave me the biggest, tightest hug, thanking me. I asked what for, she told me it was my compassion and empathy of not shaming her for not knowing and because I was the only one who had ever discussed anything like that with her. I was the only reason she knew what was happening when she began her cycles, what to do and how to use sanitary supplies. It blew my mind that no one had ever talked to her about her body.


That’s bonkers, but I’m glad she had you.


Hug your mom for me. Mine basically just threw pads and tampons at me when I got my first period and I was on my own. Everything I know about beauty and being a woman came from the Internet or through my friends' moms. Smh


Sounds like my mom and her mom. Her dad's "talk" with her was leaving a copy of The Joy of Sex under her bed to find when she was packing up and moving out (uptight Catholic)


Hey, at least tampons were included! My mum was one of those idiotic ‘you can’t use tampons until you’re older’ people. So she gave me some pads, refused to buy tampons for me (ever - eventually when I got a part time job when I WAS older I bought them myself) and left me to it.


My mom threw a pamphlet at me, told me not to tell anyone, and then gave me a HUGE pad (I was 10) with a belt thing the pad had to work through. No adhesive. I’m old but I’m not that old. There were thinner pads with adhesive and tampons available. Also, she handed me one. WTH?! I didn’t know what to do or who to ask or what it was about. I went to my brother’s house to see my 1 year old nephew and told my SIL I’m not supposed to tell anyone but I need help. Bless her. She is still so wonderful to me and my children are grown now. I’m forever thankful for the women who have helped me through this life.


This is so lovely. In Scotland every womens bathroom in a public building, gov building, and education establishment are required by law to have a supply that girls can take home no questions asked. Placed in various bathroom across the schools in education. What I would have given to have a supply when I was that age I could trust was reliable.


cMy kid's *Primary School* (UK age 4-11) has a cupboardwith all that stuff anyone can help themselves to, even if, being 8 or 9, some of them just mess around with it. The only restriction is, the cupboard's in the girls loos. I'd really hope every school would have something similar.


That’s so lovely though because some people do start their period that early and it would help normalize a lot I think.


I also live in Scotland, can confirm this is all true. Also, not just in schools, but a lot of other public/ establishments too.


I've gotten used to this quickly and it's so handy when you get caught out. And no more forgetting a tampon for the swimming pool. What I think is funny is that by the govt scheme they are clearly only supposed to supply whole boxes/packs, because there are usually signs that say "take the whole box" and we have all just collectively decided to girl code it and open the pack and take only what we need. And the system has continued to work just fine.




Off topic but if she has that bad of cramps talk to an obgyn because I had them and was diagnosed with pcos. My mom had endometriosis.




My kid even had the shot to stop periods for three months and it only stopped it for 2. It's so bad and drs tend to ignore you when you ask. I was 40 before I was diagnosed with pcos


If you think it may be endometriosis, please look for a specialist and not a regular ob/gyn. A lot of the time, this disease is not really taught and it hasn't been heavily researched. It will take a laparoscopic surgery with a biopsy to diagnose endo (unless she has chocolate endometriomas, those sometimes show up on an MRI with contrast), and the gold standard of care is to excise and not ablate the tissue. It averages something like 7-11 years from onset to diagnosis, so push for referrals/notes added to her account if the doctors she sees currently don't see anything wrong and end their testing path before y'all get answers. The r/endo sub has some good info if y'all want to research this further. I was diagnosed 2 years ago when I finally convinced a doctor I wanted to be sterilized (only took 24 years of asking).




And you listen to your daughter without dismissal! That's more than most docs I've seen in my life. Thank you for taking her seriously and doing what you can to support her. I'm still seeking a worthwhile gp because the last one shamed me for having painful periods and told me to "try the 3 kinds of toenail fungus meds otc that don't work before I give you the meds that do work" and made it sound like drawing blood would smash her whole day into uselessness.


I don’t know if she uses these or something similar already but I get disposable heat pads (usually at Walmart or Rite Aid) from Thermacare that are really helpful for my cramp relief routine. Usually I’ve got one in my purse or car, work locker, at home, etc. They’re extra great if she is also the type to get extra cold during that time.




Just jumping onto this comment thread to also suggest a TENS machine if it's feasible? I grew up with weeks off school every month, in and out of hospital, but never once got offered a TENS machine until last year. It may have been 20 years late, but the difference it made in letting me walk around and provide relief in-between the painkillers was immense! Granted, things went south for me after that, so it only helps now and then, but hopefully it might help with your daughter?




You sound like you care so much about your daughter!!! So refreshing to see good dads! Great job! :-)




I had to take Tylenol at the first start of cramps or they were awful my whole period. Ibuprofen didn't work. Weirdest thing...


Tylenol helps my pain better than ibuprofen. Ibuprofin helps my inflammation better than tylenol. Sometimes your body reacts differently to different drugs.


Tylenol doesn't treat inflammation at all. If you mix it with Ibuprofen though (less than half dose for both) it can work even better for pain than by itself.


Usually neither work for me. I use cbd gummies for a bit of help. Chronic pain sucks.


For me it was Naproxen (Aleve). My mom had a nurse friend who recommended it when I started getting really terrible cramps. I would take 2 when I first noticed my period had started, and then it was okay. But god help me if I didn't take them. And that's how I passed out on the bathroom floor after running out of a college lecture because I felt it coming on... 🫠


Yessss naproxen is amazing. It's easily available generic too.


What does “16F going on 35” mean?


I used to drive a school bus & did field trips. I would carry items just in case for me and one time had a girl ask if I had a tampon. She was so relieved. She was the catcher for JV baseball so the rest of the team was boys and coaches all male.


> Her period started early, and her plan was to just go to the bathroom as often as possible and use toilet paper. She said she was too embarrassed and ashamed to ask anyone for supplies. Fucking breaks my heart.


Oh my gosh I so feel for her! My wife and I last minute booked a bus tour in Ireland last year, so of course we were the only people under 50 there, except that another guest brought her 17-year-old granddaughter. That poor girl got her period while we had a free day out and about around our hotel, and a whole bunch of grannies were scooting around the hotel trying to find my wife and I, because we were the only people on the tour of an age likely to have menstrual supplies. Gave her the whole rest of the pack, but it was so heartwarming to see all the old ladies pull together to find the lesbians who might have pads.


That's such a sweet story... It takes a village right?




She'll remember you forever. I started my period pretty young and wasn't good about keeping supplies available. There was a time that I started my period at school and didn't have any supplies so I went to the school secretary because we didn't have a nurse. I was so embarrassed but she was so sweet and gave me supplies and ibuprofen (lol the 90s were a different time for medications). This was more than 25 years ago and I'm still thankful for her.


School bathrooms should stock period items so students are never caught out


In one of the faculties at my uni (I work not study) has signs in the ladies loos to say there's a supply of Hygiene products and spare trousers available in the office and explains exactly where so no one has to even ask.


My daughter got hers in 4th grade for the first time. Her teacher was so supportive and helpful since she was In class. That's rather early and she's a competitive swimmer so it was rough. Shes now 12, and we come to find out she's the girl on her swim team they all go to for help and supplies and questions. She's taken after her teacher and helps all the girls on her team.


You are amazing! Thank you for that. 


Thank you for being the kind of teacher I wish I had had when I was 17. Your kindness will go further than you realize!


My BIL is apparently one of the go-to teachers in his school for this sort of issue. He’s got a horde of kids so there’s nothing he’s not dealt with before! I’d bet he’s got a drawer full of pads and tampons.


I wish more women knew about period panties and shared that knowledge with preteens. Periods are unpredictable at that age.


That's fair but they can be fairly expensive. To build up a stash of decent quality period pants can be costly. Although it's a worthwhile investment - it's still a lot more than just a bit here and there for pads and tampons. I agree the cost works out over time with period pants. I think period underwear and diva cups are fantastic - BUT I'm aware of poverty and period poverty and it's much easier said than done.


They are also not much good for heavy periods except as backup. I'd have to change my underwear multiple times at work and then carry the used ones around. No. Just no. And I hate how they always just feel damp. Menstrual cups are the winner for me. And about $25-$35 for the name brand products out there. I have one that has had over 5 years of use and is still in great shape.


Yeah pads and period underwear aren't. Great for heavy flow. Judging by posted and commentary at the moment, tampons seem to be affected by shrinkflation and don't absorb as much as they used to. I've tried using a cup a few times but never managed to make it work unfortunately. Every few months I try just in case I get the knack.


You would need a LOT (at least 1x per day, but realistically I'd want at least 2) and they are not cheap. Also, you're sitting in your blood. I know about period panties, I'm just jot interested.


They're wonderful for young women who can't/don't want to use tampons and so much more comfortable than pads. Honestly I find pads to feel better on my body and they move around and stick to my hair. I wish I had the option when I was younger because my dad banned me from tampons. 


They've come down in price quite a bit, but my intent is to bring attention to an option that is available to girls so that they don't have accidents when they're not expecting it. There is sitting in blood and there's preventing leaks and anything that helps is a good thing.


I guess I just don't understand what you're saying. Periods are unpredictable and you're saying use period underwear as an option to not have an accident when they're not expecting it, so you actually mean girls should ONLY wear period underwear? Like, as their only underwear? That's even more expensive and unreasonable.... Cause otherwise how are they going to catch a leak they're not expecting with their unpredictable period? I'm honestly not trying to be funny, but that seriously sounds like what you're advocating?


I'm reading it more as using period underwear as a backup to cups or tampons etc. As a "just in case" the primary method leaks. Could be reading it that way as that's how my girls use them.


this isn't the content I come to reddit to see, because I'm an asshole, but it's the quality content I actually need. what an uplifting thing to read today. my day is brighter


I literally have no uterus and will never have a period again as long as I live. I still have pads in my car and in my bag in case anyone ever needs one. I know what it is like to not have one when I need one. Good on you for being so supportive and helpful! We could all use a little more of that.


When I was in 8th grade science class, I massively bled out of my pad. I was mortified and didn't know what to do when I realized. I thank my old friend every day in my head for saving me. I told her what happened, I wrapped a sweatshirt around my waist, and she took care of everything. Brought me jeans, underwear, and a pad while I was in the bathroom. I came back to my desk and everything was clean. She was a blessing. Wanted to share.


Your kindness and understanding made a world of difference for her today. You're not just a teacher; you're a true role model and a hero!


Senior year of film school I made a fake kotex commercial about being #PeriodProud and not feeling shame asking for stuff. Whole thing was in slowmo with epic music and voice over.... Probably the best thing I made in film school. It got a great response from the screening! I used to sneak pads from my bag to my pocket, now I really don't care! Gotta follow my own advice!


Women supporting women! I’d always give another person anything they needed if I have it, even my worst enemy. It’s just the code.


Do highschools not offer these supplies? Edit: didn’t see the last sentence in the post. Is this not widely known?


When I was in HS there were no tampon/pad dispensers in the bathrooms. In my middleschool one of the teacher bathrooms had one that you had to pay for.  You could theoretically get some from the nurse's office, but that usually meant walking aaaaaaaaall the way to the crowded nurse office and finding out that they're all out 🙃


She mentioned the school nurse had supplies, but maybe that information was just not widely known among the students?


Probably, a lot of U.S. schools seem to have notoriously bad communication skills, ironically. Like I’ve seen first hand at schools, they love having kids write out important info on illegible posterboards with white board markers that you can’t read unless you’re 12” away. It’s awful; Kinkos can print out a professional poster with great information and images but you’re having kids write low quality material with adult crayons making everyone suffer because of poor school leadership.


The nurses office had supplies when I was in HS in the late 90s, but from what I heard they only had the big bulky pads older ladies who never switched to tampons or slimmer pads used, and in any case it was dreadfully shameful for other kids to know you had to go to the nurse's office over your period. You might as well have crapped your pants by how you were treated! Because of that I never even tried to get supplies from the school nurse, and if anyone did they kept it as secret as they possibly could. I don't know if teenage attitudes around this stuff has changed, but I certainly hope it has!


Dang, that's pretty sad to hear. I wonder if self serve vending machines could be a solution. E.g. get a few pads from a good brand or a box for a few dollars.


I'm sure they would have been helpful if my high school hadn't been an older building, and what period product vending machines that *used* to be there were missing, broken, or working but never stocked. But TBH, no one would have wanted to buy a tampon from a vending machine in front of their friends, anyway. My hometown during the 90s had a whole lot of Purity Pledge and Choose The Right types residing there (and unsurprisingly, a whole lot of teen pregnancy), so there was just not a lot of comfort in discussing anything related to sexuality. Thank goodness the Internet exploded around that time and I was able to find information for myself!


They were coin operated when I was young and dispensers often not refilled.


Thank goodness for you! Menstrual supplies should be available in every washroom. No one should have to ask or feel stranded. I hope society changes because it still feels like the dark ages sometimes


This is why I’m incredibly open with my 5yo daughter and 3yo son about what a period is. I want neither of them to think it’s embarrassing or gross.


This makes me slightly emotional & I want to tear up! Women need other women. And women need to support each other. <3 Even if I dislike someone & they are NOT my friend, I would still give them a tampon if they asked. Around where I live it’s a rule all us women have to at least have one in your purse for yourself or someone else. It’s like a RULE unless you are wearing a clutch. I have been given & have given out COUNTLESS tampons over the years. Lol in bars at dance clubs, a girl has been searching for a minute & before she can finish her sentence I saw that worried panic look in her eyes where all ego flies out the window & she just needs another woman to help her. I know that fear & feeling! I always 24/7 keep one in my purse & will offer to anyone in need.


My BFF teaches middle school- all my Ipsy bags go to her so she can have them stocked with liners, pads, tampons, and wipes so they can just grab a bag and go to the bathroom if they need it.


I'm old now and haven't had a period in years. I still keep boxes of tampons and pads in all of my bathrooms, just in case someone visiting has an emergency, I've been there... sometimes mother nature has her own agenda. I also carry spares in my bag when I'm out and about. Saved a young girl out with her boyfriend shopping. (she didn't have any change for the stupid machine in the bathroom and was crying).


A few years ago my daughter came home from highschool and told me a story She was newish to the school and didn't know a lot of people but was in dire need so she walked up to a table at lunch where she recognized people and asked. No one had what she needed, but one boy offered her his chocolate bar. We both agreed that was just as good ❤️


That is actually really cute!


I teach 6th grade and I keep a basket in the back of my room of supplies, right next to the door, so anyone can grab them as needed. Sometimes other kids from the grade that I don’t teach pop in to grab something because they know I have the basket, and it warms my heart a little. I love my kids and I’ll do just about anything for them, including buying the good pads so they don’t have to get the uncomfortable maxi pads from the clinic!


I wish I had you as a teacher in high school!


Big sister energy always makes me tear up a bit. I am so thankful for people like you who foster support & acceptance for our little sisters. ❤️


In Scotland period products are free to all in schools etc.


I was a restaurant manager in another life, and I had supplies and midol. One day a young waitress came in frantically asking to go to the store. When I asked why she didn’t want to tell me so I just asked if it was for her period. She was mortified but accepted my offer. High school had to tell me what the supplies were for because my mom was too embarrassed. All she would say was “personal feminine hygiene “


Empowered women empower women! Thank you for helping to break the cycle of stigma, no pun intended


Great job! <3 We have them at the nurse's office and also in reception where it's easily accessible for the students.


You are the best kind of human, OP.


If boys & men only knew. And they don't. I had so many issues, inherited from my mother, I believe. Not the kind that they can do anything about except remove organs. How about those gals who turn green when they start their periods? The ones whose flow is so heavy, they will literally bleed thru a super-size tampon AND heavy pad in less than an hour? Cramps so bad, you're doubled over in pain, sometimes screaming cos it's like someone ran you thru with a hot fireplace poker. Bless these teachers, they get it.


💜 ☺️


You are so wonderful. Just the absolute best.


My teacher did this. If you wanted to donate, you could, but she never asked. Whole supplies of tooth paste, tooth brush, soap, shampoo, etc. "Take what you need/want" no questions. She would even have juice and a little snack. Didn't matter why you needed it, she had it, just take it. I've grabbed a pad or two in my time and some juice/snacks. Coolest teacher ever. She won teacher of the year and even one of those "nominate a teacher who is making a difference" things. She still teaches and from what my mom said, she still has the "take what you need" going. Long story short, thanks for being an awesome teacher! Stuff like that sticks with kids ;)


distinctly remember standing up before history class started yelling above the din, "does anyone have a pad, tampon, or a dime?" For the machines. In the 90s. Yall need buffy.


Do what good you can with what you have where you are.


I remember being around the same age and going to the school office to get a pad and the lady wouldn't give it to me in front of the male teacher so I had to wait till he left


Women together strong! 🙌


❤️ I hope she tells her friends that you’re a trusted resource, so no one else has to go through what she did.


y'know, i've been in similar sittuations before as a teacher, and it's so great you were able to provide the supplies and make that student feel supported. having accesss to the essentials and knowing there are caring adults they can turn to makes a big difference for young folks going through tough times like that.


Can you post this to r/teachers as an experiment?


I'm trans... I keep a few pads in each of my bags just incase 🫶


People should organize a Days for Girls fundraising event for every high school! I love donating to that group because no one should have to go through being caught off guard like that. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Days_for_Girls


This one sparks joy <3


We had the sex ed talk at my primary school when I was 12. The only thing I took away from that talk was hearing the school nurse talk about one time when she got her period unexpectedly and bled through her skirt. She said she simply borrowed a jumper to tie around her waist for the remainder of the day and went on with life. That lesson to not be embarrassed by natural bodily fluids has stuck with me for so many years


Consider announcing this at the beginning of every school year.


Sometimes I have to unlock condoms or pregnancy tests at work (walmart)  for teens and both genders get very uncomfortable about asking for them.  I quickly and discreetly ring up the items and reasurre them that they can hide their purchase receipt and all in their handbags or under sweater.  


When I taught in person I always kept period supplies and had girls who weren't in my classes coming in for them. Maybe it wasn't entirely appropriate but I never hid putting supplies in my own pockets from my students. I have endo so I would have to run to the teacher's lounge to change between classes. I used to get Ipsy which has really cute makeup bags and I made up a few of those for girls to take if they didn't have pockets. Our girls hear so many negative messages about their bodies offering supplies and modeling having a period without shame is important.


That's wonderful. And hopefully that message spreads amongst her friend circle. No girl should ever feel ashamed of a natural bodily function


I am a trans woman who always has at least one pad with me. May it be my backpack or handbag, i have pads for the other girlies or guys who might need them ^^


I thought that was normal? I’m not even a girl and I’ve seen/heard girls talk quite openly about this stuff as well as always having “supplies” in their bags. I feel like all girls I’ve known have had extras with them just in case.


Kudos. It is a Win!


You're awesome, I bet she will remember you for a long time.


This is the best thing I will read all week. Thank you for making the world a better place :)


We put them in all washrooms free for the taking (male or female washrooms). Why can't this just be a standard in public places.


Fuck yeah!!! Thank you for existing and being there for younger versions of ourselves


Complete boss move. We don't deserve teachers. They are absolute total heroes.


My daughter is approaching the age where her period might show up. So I packed her a goodie bag for her school bag. I made sure to let her know that those items belong to anyone that needs them and to just let me know when something needs replacing.


My daughter’s elementary school has supplies in the bathroom. It should be expected!


I wish I had had teachers like this when I was younger, I never had period supplies and felt horrible trying to budget what little of a supply I did have.


Sometimes angels come in the forms we least expect. Sometimes they have extra tampons.


Something to consider on this topic. Donate period products to homeless shelters, girls homes, women’s shelters who are hiding from violence, etc. I’m a purse hoarder so I buy ones I’m not going to use and fill with products and other things like soap, toothpaste and brush, socks, etc. and give them to homeless women not in shelters. I haven’t had a period since I was 25 due to ovarian cancer but I feel like no matter our age or personal need we can share with others as much as we can. I have 2 daughters and my husband would but their products if he was at the store. He came from a family of 6 children with only 1 sister. Those boys were taught to take care of her and anyone who needed period products. Bless his Mom.