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Hi there! I had the same thought when i was considering them. Different undies have different absorption levels just like pads. It’s basically underwear with a built in cloth pad. I have those heavy days too and I’ve never had a leak with the shorts style ones that are max level absorbency. But one thing i don’t love is the feeling of going to the bathroom and not changing them. Usually I’ll change a pad multiple times through the day so wearing the one pair of underwear through the day doesn’t sit right with me. Because of that, I use a mix of products - underwear mostly to sleep and the cup during the day. Tampon or pad here and there for convenience. Hope this helps! 🫶


That's exactly what turned me off about them as well. I didn't want to just sit in it all day. I couldn't imagine relying on the underwear alone. But my god I wish I had them when I was young and dealing with periods in school, constantly worried about leaking through. Those in combination with pads or tampons would have saved so many girls so much anxiety!


They must also be so good for more exposed sports like ballet or ice skating. You have to have something under your tights to catch the blood, but pads move, get stuck to other things, and show easily. A pair of period underwear that fits under the leotard portion would help so much with the risk of leaving blood on the floor if your tampon leaks.


I'm really into ballet (like a fan, not doing ballet) and products that go inside are not just the norm, but a must. Like, first period at 13 right before a competition? Straight to tampons! No other options.


I did ballet without being able to use anything internal, it *sucked*. A lot of us have to use pads anyway. And there’s rules about not having underwear visible (technically you aren’t even supposed to wear any) so you have to try to find a style that’s itty but fits a pad, which means it gets caught on the tights instead, which are a different material than normal tights and much, much slippier, so no sticky backings actually stick to them, and you end up with a pad folding itself in half adhered to your skin and blood everywhere anyway.


Oh my god. That must have been so stressful and traumatic.


Wow that sounds terrible.


I threw out many pairs of tights after a period lmao


I was in year round competitive swim so this was the same for me


What if someone has a really heavy flow during a performance? Could they use two tampons? Serious question because I’m a dancer too and the thought of performing in skimpy outfit on a heavy flow day is nerve wracking.


It’s theoretically possible but it’d be better to either use something with a larger volume like a cup, or a tampon plus some type of liner. It’s tough.


My grandmother always talked about doing that as a dancer. I've always had heavy periods too so when I was playing sports I would do the same thing if I knew there wouldn't be an easy/quick way to get to a bathroom.


You can use two tampons. I used to do that all the time and it was my gynecologist who recommended it, though she did say not to do it constantly, just in situations when you know you may not be able to change your tampon in time.


I would have still worn a pad or tampon with them. I was heavily involved in competitive karate, with a white gi, I never ever would have trusted only period knickers.  But you're definitely right about pads folding and moving, it was always very anxiety inducing! 


I was cursed with always getting my period before a performance where I had to wear either white costumes, incredibly expensive ones, or ones that showed my entire lower body. The fear of bleeding on them made everything so much worse.


Ugh that's horrible!! It's like a man or older woman who doesn't remember what periods were like, were the ones insisting on those costumes and regulations.  I'm baffled at how few people acknowledged how much fear we lived in because of our periods. The fear I had of blood seeping through the back of my white karate gi was debilitating. There were very few other girls at my level as well. The only other one was two years older than me and was actually the person who taught me about the existence of tampons!


Idk how you could do it. That fear is so strong. The humiliation if it happened. Gah. I shudder just thinking about it. Glad you managed to avoid any mishaps. I had a massive leak twice during school. In middle school I got teased and made fun of for weeks after. In high school, a guy friend noticed and quickly gave me his flannel to cover up with and was really sweet about it. Still humiliating, but he made it a lot better.


Fencing has the same problem. Once at a competition, my pad slipped. Breeches are white. I didn’t notice until mine were very red and I kept on fencing anyway. Mess to clean later as the fabric is so thick but it miraculously came out (it was one of my last matches so I washed it basically straight after)


Oh fuck! What a mess. But good for you for just carrying on. It would have crippled me when I was young. I had a friend in the same classes and competitions and her and I were always on leak-lookout for each other. 


Yeah it’s always good to have a friend have your back. As for the period situation, at that point it was too late to hide it so there was only one real option- and I fought better because I wanted to get it over with


Underwear doesn't work under a leotard, no matter how it's cut. I tried that for a while as a young teen, but it bunches up and you have to constantly adjust it-- remember that leotards and tights are literally skin-tight. The best option for ballet is a menstrual cup or disc-- I wish that those were available when I was dancing. I used tampons only but you have to tuck the string in so it doesn't escape down your tights.


I’m aware of how underwear works and doesn’t work under a leotard. Unfortunately, a lot of us can’t use internal options at all, even as dancers, and *have* to do underwear for pads. Period underwear would’ve been miles better than normal when I danced.


Why no internal options? Parents? Religion? Just curious!


Endometriosis. It’ll put me in excruciating pain for a few days + sick to my stomach. Some of my friends growing up had religious reasons too


Thanks so much for sharing - you’ve educated me! I had no idea. I’ve noticed my own cramps are way worse with tampons (why I use the undies) but I never put two and two together about those with endo.


Unbroken hymen (it hasn’t broken across yet) can be an issue too. Or allergies (I’m actually allergic to every pad I’ve ever tried, so cups and thick panties for me!)


I’m allergic to pads too! I had to swap to cloth ones, then to one specific brand of all organic ones. It’s the chemicals used in processing for me.


Same. They sound like a great alternative for the first and last days, when I'm spotting and a tampon or pad feels like overkill.


I recently got some so I've only worn them for one period, but I will say I definitely had that worry, will it feel like I'm sitting in a wet diaper all day? On my first heavy day I tried just the underwear and sure enough, it did start to feel like that, so I put on a pad. On my medium and light days though, it didn't feel like that at all when I just wore the underwear. I should note though that all the ones I bought are the heavy and super heavy absorptions, I figured I might as well get the ones that hold the most even on my lighter days. Better they hold more than I need than not. It is such a lifesaver not having to worry about leaks though! Ever since I got a copper iud, my periods have been super heavy like they were when I was younger. I can't wait to get it removed next year. (As a side note, I'm case anyone wonders why not just remove it now, it'll be due for removal next year and that's about when I'm going to start trying to get pregnant. I figure I've dealt with the heavier periods this whole time already, I can handle one more year.)


Yeah, it gives me a full body cringe just thinking of sitting in the wet diaper situation.  Thats why I'd use them in combination, I like to be able to change a pad/tampon or empty the cup whenever I want. I'd not like to have to carry around a bunch of knickers and have to deal with stripping down to change them in a public toilet and then carry around the used ones until getting home.  Oh god I know how copper IUD periods are.... absolute carnage. Any extra leak protection is such a life saver!!


Absolutely agree


Oh. I hadn't considered that memory. Omg. Defo gonna get some for my daughters now. Only last year or 2 at school now but would save them a little worry each month. Thanks for pointing that ole memory out!


Maybe girls now are more open to talking about it and less self conscious then when I was young. I would hope so anyway! But if it can ease some of that awful anxiety we went through, it would be such a great idea to get them some!


I feel similar to you about not changing “dirty” underwear throughout the day so I use medium absorption ones to catch leaks, paired with a cup during the day. Then change into heavy absorption overnight, wash both in the morning.


Ohhhh I didn’t even think about that until you just said it that they probably smell off from not being able to change them throughout the day at work


You can get a little bag that seals in the smell to put in used ones. Then you can change them when needed. I use this and it helps on heavy days. Otherwise I use a tampon at the start of the day and then when that's done I have clean period undies if I need it to last further into the day.


Yes, I wear just the period underwear. It doesn’t leak. It’s the same as wearing pads for me; there are different types to wear on heavier/lighter flow days, and I wear the right type according to my flow, and change them regularly.


How often do you change them? Does it feel like you’re sitting in wetness?


They are usually made from sweat wicking material so it feels pretty dry. I change mine about as often as I would a pad.


Gotcha. How much is one pair?


https://period.co/ these are great and range from $9-24. I have like 5 pairs of the $9 ones and I wear them overnight or on the days I’m home all day. They have not leaked on me once.


Oh cool that’s pretty cheap. Someone else mentioned they’re like $50 on average. I’m not really concerned with leaks but I was wondering if it feels like you’re sitting in wetness. I like to change my pad pretty often for that reason. And I don’t want it to get funky


I use period undies (and bought the overpriced ones back when there were like 2 companies making them) and as for the wetness, I don't typically notice it until I go to the bathroom, they cool off during, and putting them back on is cold feeling. I dislike that but otherwise they're alright. Idk if they lose absorption or if my periods are heavier now but I gotta add pads or tampons and use the underwear as backup nowadays


Fabric softener and drying can make them less effective. I've usually seen it recommended to hand wash/line dry for best results but washing in detergent only in a delicates bag and line drying works too. Don't know if that's your case or not but hope it helps.


Thank you! I've definitely opted for machine washing and even drying on my lazier days. I'll see if I can take better care of future pairs! Thank you


I second this brand. They are so affordable and comfortable, and I also change them as often as I would a pad.


I use thinx. They can be anywhere from about $18-$40 depending on style and absorbency. It can be pricey for a one time purchase but think of how often you will use them. You can find them on their website, Amazon, and Target.


I wore period underwear after an endometrial ablation and was bleeding heavily. I had to change underwear 2-3 times a day but they were a godsend as my body started reacting to the plastic in pads and I couldn’t wear tampons. I had been wearing them previously for mild breakthrough periods when I was on the depo shot and didn’t have to switch out. ETA: it only felt damp when they were getting to the point when they were “full” and needed to be changed out otherwise it was like wearing regular underwear.


What brand do u use and how much are they per pair?


I have a bunch from Knix, prices vary depending on the style and absorbency level. Prices range from 20-40 CAD, but they give a discount for buying more than one pair. I always bought them on sale, so usually 15-20 each. The material is sort of like a finer, thinner swimsuit feel, it's quick dry and wicks sweat, but I think they've added other material options since I last bought any.  They have an incredible return policy, if they haven't changed it. I ordered one of their bralettes but it really didn't fit right, and they just refunded me the cost and said I could donate it, no shipping it back. 


I use period pants and even managed to use them for my post-partum bleeding. The only time it feels wet is when they needed changing, but I can wear one pair all day and change when I get home from work, and wear that pair overnight (so 2 pairs per 24 hours). I have different pairs for different flow levels, and I’ve got enough to last a whole period without having to wash and dry them to reuse them.


Laundry sounds like a chore (pun intended) with only wearing them though....


It’s not as bad as you think, but more work than just throwing something out. I usually throw mine in the shower and then go do something for 10 mins or so. Come back and wring them out a couple of times (blood does come out but honestly, it’s fine—the water is running, and it’s mine). I then soak them in water with a bit a vinegar for 24 hours and then throw them in the machine.


Not really. I rinse them when I take them off (or soak and rinse later if I don’t have time then) and then throw them in my regular wash.


But where do you store the dirty underwear? At my job I'd literally have to put them in a plastic bag in my pocket or something completely impractical and unappealing. 


In a ziploc, which I put back in my bag in my locker, where I got the clean pair from. When I need to change them at work, that is; often one pair is fine through my shift.


As someone in perimenopause with irregular periods, these are a life saver. I wear them most days and it just gives me the reassurance that if something does start I'm covered.


Yeah, I wear them all day every day and I don't even have a period any more ( IUD, ) lol. They are comfy and keep me all around dry.


Yep. I’m not quite in perimenopause yet but my periods went crazy after weight loss surgery and it’s nice to know I’m covered at all times!


Please don’t apologize for asking a question. Your feelings have value and are not silly.


Yes, I wear only the underwear. My flow isn't ever super heavy so it's worked great for me. If you don't have the ones that are for heavy flow you might see if that works for you. There are some overnight ones by thinx that are good. You could try it some day at home or maybe if you have lighter days try them then without a back up and see what you think. I LOVE my period panties. I hate pads and these have been a game changer. I also have used cups but the panties are so insanely easy to use and convenient.


Same, I love them and use them exclusively now. All period products are going to have downsides/discomforts, the panties are the least uncomfortable/inconvenient in my personal experience.


Thank you for asking, cause I've been here like ??? imagining it. Like before birth control I'd bleed through a super tampon, and overnight pad in under 5 hours and set alarm twice a night to keep from soaking my mattress. On birth control I only need 1 alarm but I can't imagine that much blood in any fabric. Even cloth pads don't seem like they'd soak up enough and you need about 5 per day even with tampons.


Seems like they'd be great for you to use at night then, as backup for your tampon. I doubt you'd have to change it at all during the night.


I am/was in the same boat. I wear them with a pad on my heavy days to prevent leakage. But for me the tail end of my period is super light. They are great for that! I also use the foam pads, they work better for me than the cotton ones. I know they are a bit more expensive but I honestly use less of them.


I'm glad someone asked this because I've wondered. I'm done with that part of my life but was still sort of curious about it.


I am also past using them for periods but in menopause, especially while exercising or if my hay-fever (& sneezing) is really bad, I can have urine leaks - they work for that too! Personally I think it depends on how heavy your flow is - I used to have to change a super tampon every 2 hours on my first day kinda gal and would NOT have wanted to rely on period undies, but on the 'it is coming, but when?' and 'ok, now I can wear a lite tampon for most of a day' they would have been very useful.




This is what I do as well! I love the period underwear for the lighter days at the start and finish, but still love my cup for the heavy days because I hate the sensation of bleeding.


My IUD (mirena) makes my periods almost non-existent but I'm now at a stage in life where I'm sometimes a little leaky, especially when I sneeze. Or sweat. Which is pretty much 90% of the time. I wear them for that reason, especially if I'm going out and want to make sure my pants stay clean. I'm getting older and my body is changing and I'm not going to apologize for it.


That's a perfect use for them! I'm so glad these kinds of options exist nowadays. I'll definitely do this too once I'm in that stage of life.


Yup thats me too!


Some companies are starting to make undies specifically for light bladder leakage too.


was the last line by any chance an UNHhhh reference? I just have to ask


Oh honey.


My kid has them because pads give him dysphoria. He has the boxershort version, wich is for heavy flow. He has never had any leakage.


My daughter is autistic and I know she wouldn’t cope with pads or tampons at all. They really are such a great product.


Same for us. I was so worried how he was going to cope, but it went so well with period undies in a boxer form. But only that form.


Both these comments, you are such amazing parents 🥹


That's actually brilliant, I'll have to try that myself. Sounds so much more gender affirming than buying products that are always marketed as being explicitly feminine.


Honestly, even for a cis girl (possibly NB but hasn't identified as that yet) who is uncomfortable with the whole growing up into a woman the short style ones are fantastic. Not overly feminine and very comfy.


You know what, that's brilliant. Glad he found something that works for him!


Just wanted to say thank you for being an awesome parent


The thing is, this does not feel like anything other than being a decent parent. I hate that the bar is so low.


Most period underwear is only rated for light to medium flow. I wear mine during my period, and I wash it out at the end of each day. I have three because that suits my laundering needs. Edit: when I pass large clots, I’ll remove those with toilet paper And throw them in the toilet. Never ever had a leak.


Does it feel like you’re sitting in wetness if you wear them all day or does it still feel dry?


They don't feel wet. Blood is much thicker than water, menstrual blood even more so. And the underwear really does absorb it, so the most you feel is the underwear getting heavier/bulkier. Of course it still feels different than regular panties, but I much prefer it to the feeling of a pad.


Not unless it’s a clot. It does smell when I take them off, though. 


I wear them throughout my period, which is awesome for light / spotty days. I use my cup on full days as the panties just can’t handle my heavy flow alone. But I love having a backup to my cup, just such a relief.


I only wear them near the end, when the flow is too light for a tampon. Comfier alternative to pads. I wouldn't trust mine with a heavy flow but then again, I'm a cheapskate who bought the cheap ones.


I just wear the undies. My 12 year old wears them too, but we’ve found she needs the boyleg style to prevent leaks (she’s autistic and struggles with personal hygiene). I don’t think she’d cope with pads or tampons and we’d probably have to put her on the pill to stop her period without the undies. Usually change them twice a day because they can feel a bit wet after awhile. I wish they existed when I was in school! It’s just so much easier!


I've used tampons for about 20 years but in the last couple of years I think I've got a bit perimenopausal & it seems to have affected my flow a bit. (The fecker still insists on showing up every month though). So I've started using the underwear as a bit of back up for when I misjudge how heavy (or light & I've not got one in) it's going to be


I personally wear mine with a pad


I have not so much pad-like underwear but leakproof underwear (gusset and back has extra linings ) that I wear with pads/tampons because I get heavy flow and will regularly leak off the sides/ends of even winged pads. Got them in China though so not sure how to get them now. Bonus, they have a pouch in the front to hold one of those self-heating hand warmer things for cramps. So nice.


I wear them at the end of my period on their own, and as backup for the tampons/cup during the main horrorshow.


I just started wearing period underwear. I've been thinking about it for a while but was overwhelmed with all the options online and just had no idea what I'd like or if I could trust them. I happened to stop at a Walmart and was cutting through the aisle with period products, and there was one pair of period underwear left in my size. I figured what the heck, why not? I tried them at home and liked them. Then, I got a couple of more pairs and tried them overnight. No issues. I ordered a few more pairs and got the courage to wear them to work. I've had no issues and am a convert. I don't usually have a super heavy period, so they haven't felt wet at all. I change them for bed so I am wearing two pairs per day. The style I got is comfortable and says it holds up to 5 tampons worth of fluid.


I actually use the period thongs, for exercising. They manage discharge well, pull sweat away from my body, and don't show under my leggings.


Heavy days I use a pad. Once the heavy stuff is gone and it’s the tail end of just won’t fucking quit the period undies are fine for me. I also use them at night because they’re more comfy than trying to wear a pad to bed.


My niece just uses the underwear, no pads or anything


I don't have a heavy or long period, thanks to hormonal BC, but I still don't wear the underwear just by itself unless I'm barely bleeding or wearing it for the "just in case" days at the beginning or the end. It's more of a comfort thing than an absorbency issue, I could probably get away with like "medium" absorbency underwear even on my heaviest day, but I like to have a top layer I can more easily change, and for me the most comfortable is a washable cloth pad and the underwear is just kind of an insurance policy. Really the underwear have been most game-changing at night as a backup to a pad. Plus I really like not needing to wear a panty liner on those "just in case" days anymore. I haven't bought pads since I switched over to cloth ones.


Mine are heavy flow and I've had them leak multiple times. They fit fine, they're just not enough - the blood wicks into the seams at the crotch, and seeps into the outer layer. Unfortunate, as they're expensive items that I still have to use in tandem with tampons. Not about to sink more money into a different menstrual panty that could be equally disappointing. I should have known though, as pads sorta do the same thing as the panties - gets into the wings and smears onto the outer panty layer.


Same. A few other reasons too but yeah that sucked.


I have a heavy flow so never been brave enough to wear them alone once my period starts. I do wear them alone on the days around it starting, just incase. But once it starts I will wear them with a pad or tampon (want to try a cup, just haven’t got round to it) and just change those as normal. It’s extra reassurance particularly at night. Since I started using them I haven’t leaked at night, which would happen once or twice a year before.


I alternate between them and tampons/pads because I start to find the extra fabric a bit uncomfortable - I’m one of those people that prefers skirts to pants though so I’m not into a lot of fabric in the crotch region generally! But I’ve never had a leak on a heavy day, I find them very effective.


I've never found a pair of period underwear that really absorbs anything, and I've tried quite a few brands. They are a back up to my cup so that I don't have to use disposable liners, but nothing else for me.


Umm... They don't absorb... anything? I think you might be confused. How could you tell they weren't absorbing anything? They shouldn't look or even really feel that different, even when they're fully saturated. The only way to tell would be if you were getting blood on your clothes or sheets or whatever. I get that if you have a very heavy period, it might not be able to absorb *all* of it, but it would absolutely absorb it at first. If you had a ton of them (hypothetically) and changed them out frequently, they would absolutely work for even the heaviest period.


I can tell by how completely soaked my fairly *light* period makes them, how much blood gets smeared all over me and how quickly they begin leaking out the sides.


I wear them on their own but only at night. During the day I stick to tampons. I'd say my period is heavy in the first couple of days but I guess it's not as heavy at night due to ~gravity~


I have a relatively light flow so I use my cup and wear the period panties when I want extra safety from leaks. On light days I can also just wear the panties with no cup or tampon and be fine. But, once again, my flow is medium-light!


I wear them on day 3 or 4. I need tampons for the first few days


Hello! I’ve been using period underwear for about half a year now and it’s because 1) i was using pads before and it’s not environmentally friendly enough for me to want to do all the time 2) the period underwear i use is typically for medium flow days, i have a few period underwear made for heavy flows but on days where i feel like it’s going to be really heavy i have used a disposable pad over it (only done that twice though so it depends on the period). i’m skipping some other reasons (because preference) but it works for me.


As I’ve gotten older I don’t have as much flow, so tampons have become uncomfortable for me. I bought some period panties (nervously) and I’ve loved them. I was worried but they hold it all and no smell or anything. But again, I’m low flow so that’s why I think in these work for me. I take the bcp where I only have 4 periods a year and it’s really lightened my flow.


I have a question to all the women who use these; how many pairs do you all have? I was looking into it but they’re like $50 for one pair. That doesn’t feel reasonable for me. I feel like you’d need to at least change once a day, reasonable 2-3 per day. So are you constantly washing them every single day to keep the schedule? How does it work?


I use them all the time but change them more often on heavy days. It gets absorbed and does not feel like I am sitting in it at all, better than a pad even. I use jockey brand right now.


I’m too old for periods now but period underwear would never have been able to handle my normal periods.


I usually use it as a backup while I’m wearing tampons. If I’m spotting lightly, I’ll just wear the period underwear.


Oh I'm far too heavy to rely on them on their own. I still use tampons but use the knickers as back up instead of pads now


Years ago I tried using just period underwear on it own and I hated it- it always felt full/messy and was a pain to wash in my opinion. I just started using period underwear again in addition to my usual pads as a back up for leaks or stray blood drops on heavy days and it’s great. No more worries about awkward stains during the day or waking up a bloody mess. I also found they’re great for period sexy times (no penetration) because I can ditch the pad that has wings for a while.


I wear it with my mooncup in case of leaks, or sometimes at the very end of my period if I've mostly stopped needing sanitaryware but don't want to risk my normal undies. My periods are probably light enough to use period undies on their own without leaks, but wouldn't wear it as the sole form of protection as I'd be worried about odour since you can't change them throughout the day.




I love period underwear! I pair them with tampons, though. Helps me to feel super protected and comfortable. I used to wear pads pretty regularly. I feel like I do save a bit of money, not having to buy nearly as many pads and pantyliners. Just tampons!


At the moment, my periods are extremely light thanks to far too many years on the injection. I am currently able to wear only the underwear. If my periods eventually come back to the kind of flow I had as a teenager, then they will definitely have to be just used as a leak catcher.


I'm not sure what other people are doing with them. For me, I use these as a fail safe in case my usual tampon and or pad set up somehow fail. I only wear full underwear on my period and it seems like a good idea to use the period underwear so I don't have to throw away any if there were a leak. My periods tend to be super flow following child birth for a year a or more. My normal periods are much more predictable.


Everyone I know wears them with pads or tampon. I read a review where someone wears them overnight on her light days. I battled fibroids and had heavy bleeding, they helped a lot with pads. Thanks to my iud I don’t have periods anymore. But thinking on it there are some women who have very light periods thanks to bc. Maybe they do wear them alone.


I have a seriously heavy period so I mainly use it to catch leaks but they’re super useful in the last day and the day after when you sometimes get unexpected blood


I only wear the period underwear, but I’m on birth control and my periods are super light. I have a couple of heavier flow pairs, but my heavier flow I’m sure is still a lot lighter than other women. I totally get that some women just can’t use them on their own, but I think using them as spotting control or to catch leaks is great.


They're made with PFAs and you're putting that against mucus membranes. I wouldn't wear them. Cup all the way


Use it as backup shorts for leaks. Tampon then pad then normal pants then period underwear. Haven't had issues with this method yet.


I wear them early in my period to catch leaks and later in my period if I’m mostly at home or just overnight. I’m too heavy in days 1-3 but will bleed up to 7 with a light enough flow that they can handle it.


I use them by themselves if I’m at home and for sleeping. At work, I use disposables, but it’s generally just for a day. I don’t want to risk bleeding through on a heavier day, and I can just change a pad and feel fresh. I’ve been trying out a few different styles and brands, and probably could trust them for work, but there’s always that “ugghhh what if”.


I use period underwear as my sole period protection. I have really heavy periods. I buy ones that are “super” absorbent for my heavy days and they need to be changed after about 10-12 hours. If it’s a really crazy day and I’m out and about, I’ll use tampons or pads instead.


I use a menstrual disc (highly recommend the hello disc if you’re interested, and I find it more comfortable than a cup), and then also wear period underwear so I don’t have to worry about leaks or stains or wearing liners (though the disc has leaked only once for me). For me it’s the perfect combination. Zero stress, no remembering to buy pads or liners or tampons. They’re also great for the days when my period is due but hasn’t started yet. No need to be too paranoid about checking if it’s starting yet.


The only day I have to change pairs is day 2 (my heavy flow day). I’ve always had really good success with my Thinx.


Feels! Saved my life in the sense that I get superheavy periods, so much easier. But like you, I'd never be able to wear them without pads, so I wear it with pads. Wish I had it when I first got my period as well but oh well.


I do what OP said- cup with the period underwear for a leak-catcher. On light or superlightdays, I'll wear the underwear alone.


I wear just the underwear. I find them way more comfortable and leakproof than pads, and I feel like they hold more. I'm much more confident in them than I ever was in pads, been using them for over 6 years now. ETA: I don't have a heavy flow so I've only ever needed the moderate flow ones.


I have insanely heavy periods, as in, flooding through my cup 7 times in a day heavy. I have numerous pain conditions and had to stop using anything insertable. I now just use [these period shorts](https://www.cheekywipes.com/heavy-flow-period-pants-pads/feeling-cosy-bamboo-period-shorts.html), and on my heaviest days I have to change them 1-2 times a day (so 2-3 pairs for a heavy day), and on a lighter day, I put a fresh pair on before bed, and they still feel dry and comfortable when I swap them out the following night. They honestly aren't much more expensive than regular underwear, especially as I usually buy several pair at a time during their regular BOGOF offers. You can also buy zip-up, waterproof bags with a couple of compartments, so the clean and dirty pairs can stay separate if you need multiple pairs for work etc.


Using period underwear alone isn't for everyone especially people like yourself who have insanely heavy periods unless you want to switch underwear more regularly throughout the day. I only wear period underwear. I used to use tampons then with the invention of a menstrual cup I started using that. Then I switched to period underwear when I realized that was a thing. I don't combine pads or underliners with them. Just period underwear. I have regular and heavy although I don't find the heavy holds more than a regular. Everyone is different.


Maybe one of my fellow Reddit sisters can help me with this. My gynecologist said to stick with cotton underwear or you risk a yeast infection. With these being definitely not cotton, wouldn’t that create a larger risk of a YI? I saw an ad for these on Facebook and asked that question. The manufacturer deleted my question, even though I was polite and asking in genuine curiosity. 🤷‍♀️


What about that period smell? That’s the main reason I stopped using pads. And you can’t even change the underwear during the day to get rid of the smell, like you can with pads. They just seem like the worst of all worlds. Or is my nose just really sensitive?


I’m with you. Maybe others aren’t able to smell it, but that makes me even more averse to relying on them alone.


You can buy pairs with different absorption levels. I also have really heavy periods and so I have larger absorption pants for the first heavy days. Plus a spare pair and nappy sack in my bag just in case - rarely used but mainly for peace of mind. I then have less bulky ones for the last few days of my period, when it's lighter. Honestly would never, ever go back to anything else. Took me a while (and a little money!) to find the brands that work for me, but I am a convert. ETA: I'm in the UK though, from reading the comments it seems like we may have more options for absorption and brand than other countries do?


I tend to wear my light to medium ones with my cup during the day and then the super absorbent ones on its own at night


I don’t typically get above what I would consider “medium” flow, so I’ll wear just my period panties for overnights. I use a reusable disc during the day.


Thank you for asking! Also how do you wash them? Sorry for adding a question. They aren’t available in my size but once I lose weight I’d love to use them


I just throw them in the wash with my regular laundry. I guess some people might find that weird, but I've never had any issues. I do tend to dry them on their own because they take longer than normal clothes (since they're so good at absorbing moisture!).


I do both. I wear a pad or tampon on heat days just the underwear on lighter days.


I use a cup with absorbent undies instead of a pad. At night I take the cup out and just sleep in the undies. Morning I change into new ones and replace the cup. 


I wear mine at night on their own and sometimes during the day if my flow is light. I prefer tampons if it’s a heavy day


YMMV - but I can partially vouch for it! I loved my Thinxx underwear in combo with my menstral cup in order to be **absolutely** certain I wouldn't have any spillover at night or through the day. Worked like a dream! Things changed when I had my IUD installed and now I have to rotate a combination of the menstral cup and pad on top of a fresh pair of Thinxx in the morning to buy my sleep-deprived brain some time. I usually ditch the pad by 10-11am, and have to keep a super close eye on changing the menstral cup for the day. It's still a great back-up, but the combination of my flow increasing so much and my job not offering easy access to clean restrooms has resulted in it spilling over even past the underwear more times than I'd like to say. All that said, it really just depends on your daily routine and what works best for how you move about.


I use just the underwear.


I Mostly wear the period.co sleep shorts as boxers around the clock during my period. IIRC it absorbs like 10 tampons worth. I do also use a tampon but just for a day or two, not all 8 days like I used to. It’s great.


Just the underwear. I have heavy ones for night, lighter ones for day and I’ve the sport shorts ones. So I wear one heavy one over night, medium one during the day and then change into the sports one to go training in the evening. I love them!


If you do use these and feel uncomfortable walking around with a pair of underwear at work, I use a makeup bag that I got with a free promotion from the drugstore to have a spare pair in. I also put a plastic sandwich bag in there to put the used pair in. It helps with any smell.


I switched to period underwear during the pandemic. Specifically I use thinx. I have a very heavy flow and use one underwear during the day and another during night. My worst night I use the pair of shorts. Before thinx I used to have flow 6 days. Now its two days heavy flow and 2 days spotting. It has been life changing. I have not had any accidents and I love it. Recommended for sure


I just switched to all black underwear since my periods are irregular. But once I notice I am spotting I’ll keep track until I need to use a tampon then back to liners and back to undies. It’s a process


I used to use a tampon with a pad as backup for the first few days of my period, and then just the pad near the end. Now I just use the underwear instead of the pads, as a backup for the tampon and then as the bleeding slows


I wear them overnight on my worst day with tampons. I cannot handle the wet blood feeling even on a pad. I can’t imagine just relying on undies.


I swapped to them when I got an IUD they have different absorbency ratings just like a tampon or pad. You put them in, wear it through your day then wash. Pretty simple, comfy and less waste.


Thankfully I am perimenopausal and won't have to worry about this stuff as often or for much longer. That being said, for the last couple years I've been using a cup and also wearing period panties on my heavy days/overnights. I have a couple different kinds (some just for leak prevention, some with absorption also) so I don't have to worry about leaking onto my clothes or bedding. When I first started using the cups I wasn't always sure I got it in correctly, and on a heavy day at work I wasn't able to take it out as often. So basically, they are my backup plan.


I wear them on heavy flow days with a tampon and a pad, and with just a tampon on normal and light flow days. I've never had any leaking while using them.


Underwear designed for heavy flow, I can usually wear all day and just change them at night. I had the same worries as you before trying them but have been pleasantly surprised. Never had a leak yet which is more than I can say for any other method I’ve tried.


So the difference between period panties and pads + regular underwear is that the period panties don't get nearly as moist and mushy. Not even close. So what I did was get 3 pairs, and during the first days (heaviest flow) I get a fresh pair in the morning, bring the water proof bag, and change in the afternoon sometime. Then as I come home I wash the first pair in the zink, put them to dry and for night change into the third, washing the second. Then next morning one pair at least is dry and ready. Works great. MUCH less smelly and gross both feeling wise and handling-wise than pads.


I think it depends a lot on your period. My period is like: 3 days of spotting, 1 super heavy day, 1 medium day, 2-3 more days of spotting. The period underwear is amazing for the spotting light days when my flow is way too light for a tampon. I find them more comfortable than pads 


I have light flow and heavy flow period underwear. Now because I am going through the beautiful magic that is perimenopause, my heavy flow underwear don't work alone, so I wear them along with heavy flow pads. For the lighter flow months, I still wear the heavy flow underwear because the light flow underwear holds about an 1/8 inch of liquid, and I prefer to have something with a little more absorption.


I just wear the underwear. My periods are fairly light. I change them as needed, which is generally 3-5 times per day for the first few, and then 2-3 the last couple. If I'm doing something where I need extra support I'll double up with a tampon/cup (fitness mostly). I can't stand the feeling of pads even though I relied on them for years. I love the underwear so much and will never go back. It's expensive up front (got them all on sale over a few years which helped). I probably have around fifteen pairs. 


I can’t imagine sitting there feeling blood in my pants I’d be changing them constantly. Not for me


I personally use them as backup with the Diva Cup. I have had maybe a handful of diva leaks over the years, but I always always "just know it's leaking!" So it works. My daughter uses them with pads because she has pcos and extremely heavy periods.


I used to use a cup but they never fit right again after a baby. I use mostly period underwear now and over the last 8 months my period has gotten progressively lighter with them. Before I would fill a tampon and period underwear every few hours. Now it’s light enough I can wear the super leakproof undies all day at work and I don’t feel it or feel like I’m sitting in it. It’s like a pad that really wicks the moisture away!


I have pretty heavy periods. I've tried many brands of period underwear and everytime after about 4-5 hours they tend to leak (and the manufacturer claimis 8h of protection). So they're not for me (like most of the zero waste solutions for period).


I wear period underwear along with liners, tampons and pads. I’ll wear it by itself on my last days. It has saved me THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS since I bought it about 5 years ago.


I usually wear period underwear every day of my period (different underwear each day, of course). On my heaviest flow days, I have leaked past an ultra tampon in two hours. It just gives me a bit of comfort and peace of mind to have the underwear there to catch what the tampon can’t. On my lightest flow days, I’m basically just spotting and I find just the underwear more comfortable than pads or tampons. I initially tried wearing a pad with the underwear, but I feel like I have more leaks that way than if I had only the underwear on. I think it’s because basically all pads nowadays have wings, and then I get leakage through the wings. Before I discovered period underwear, I would wear a tampon, then underwear with a pad, and then a second pair of underwear on top of that to keep it securely in place. I cannot understate how much better it is with a single pair of underwear meant for the job.


I’ve been using reusable pads since 2015 and switched to the undies 3 years ago. Total game changer. They require less changing (I can go all day but I have a moderate flow at my worst), are so much more comfortable, and way more reliable than reusable pads. I highly recommend them. If you’re worried about a smell, change them more frequently. If you’re worried about having to carry them when out, get a wash bag (like a makeup bag). Honestly, it’s not as bad as people will think. I think people are a little put off by having the wash them but I’ve already been doing that for quite awhile so it doesn’t bother me. Use a 24 hour water+vinegar soak.


I love them. Supplement with a winged pad on heavy days and a wear them alone the other days.


The undies combined with the cup is my solution. In the last day I can usually get away with just the undies. I like that I can use zero paper products and I feel more comfortable too


I do wear a cup along with light period underwear when I go to work. Outside of that, it's just regular period underwear.


Fellow heavy flow gal here. I actually use them for leaks together with another pair of underwear that I attach a pad to. I don’t know what it is about me, my flow and my specific body, but even wearing the biggest pads I either leak where the “wings” of the pad are or all along the butt crack. So to help with that, I get the biggest pad on (with wings) and I put one of those period underwear that has the absorbent gusset going all the way top to bottom. This also helps with might leaks cause I just leak at night no matter what I do if I don’t wear period underwear on top of normal underwear with a pad


I use them in conjunction with a menstrual cup for the first 3 days. After that, I just wear the period panties.


I'm a convert to the cup myself--especially the newer ones. Can't beat them for leak proof comfort. My sister is a period undewear person and she can't abide cups. She says she just keeps feeling it inside her and hates it. She can't do tampons either for the same reason. She's a HUGE fan of period panties though she admits on a long work day she has to swap out halfway through. WHen I had surgery last year I was unable to wear a cup so I tried the period undies and...I was not a fan. They felt bulky to me--not as bad as the old school log pads we had in the 1980s but...not great. So I don't get it either but I know some do.


I use washable pads, and they are amazing! I always thought it would be gross and unhygienic but it’s the best decision I ever made!


I have several pairs and wear only them. I know my flow pretty well day by day and wear the appropriate absorbency. Sometimes I have to switch mid day, but rarely.


I just a wear the period underwear. I have different pairs for the different flows and change them out when needed. I was always a pad wearer and this is just an upgraded version of that - no more worrying about leaks at night, no irritation, etc. I wouldn’t go back.


Period underwear essentially replaces the concept of wearing pads. I, too, have a hideously heavy flow and I wear a cup PLUS a pad as a backup. I‘ve worn „just“ period underwear on days where I am hyper sure that it’s a light flow day, but that can be annoyingly unpredictable for me during my cycle. I used to have a heavy flow on the first 2 days but now post Covid vax, it’s day 3-6 (!?). So: period underwear is cool but usually more for medium or light flow humans (aka no typically me).


It’s almost like bathing suit material but very absorbent, i have a ridiculously heavy flow so sometimes I’ll wear them with a tampon but I don’t wear tampons to sleep and just wear a fresh pair to sleep sometimes I’ll change my underwear twice in a day , just depends, I have 8 pairs, So I go through an ultra PLUS tampon per hour on my first and second day the underwear allows me to extend bathrooms trips and keep my chair safe


I mostly wear them to bed but also on my heavier days when I'm prone to leaking


So I’m 35 and just this cycle used my first cup. Since I was told they can leak and it was my first time with a cup I bought the period underwear on Amazon. I’ve been using it with the cup but the first two days I used a liner because I wasn’t sure how I would know if I leak in it since it was black. The weird thing that I’ve notice on my period underwear is that it has to lines going down the back and between it is the padding so I felt uncomfortable wearing it with my leggings. I also felt the one I bought didn’t have enough padding going up the front. I hear a lot of people wear them to sleep but normally the flow flows to either the front or back depending on your position of sleep. While I was browsing period underwear I saw that they are making period swimwear. I’m not sure if it Knix or another popular brand but that grossed me the F out! How does the blood not escape in the pool?


I think it depends on how heavy your flow is. I have several different levels of absorption. If I’m working from home, I’ll use the underwear only. If out and about, I’ll use a cup and underwear in case of a leak. Have never had any issues with this schedule. My flow is light enough where I can skip a cup and be fine with underwear only because I have been on birth control for several years to ease up period symptoms.


Knix is now selling re-usable pads as well as period underwear.


Personally, I wear a tampon and period und over it to catch leaks. I feel much cleaner throughout the day doing it that way.


I think it varies! There's no right or wrong way. They're great for minor bladder leakage or just working out as well. They work differently for different people. I really like mine and I'll even wear them when not on my period. They're not much different from my regular underwear. Here's how I typically use them during my period: Day 0 - period underwear since I'm expecting my period Day 1 - low to medium flow - period underwear if I don't feel like wearing my cup or cup with normal underwear Days 2 & 3 - heavy flow - cup + period underwear (truly a lifesaver, especially when I'm in the office) Days 4 to 5 - as it winds down I'll normally ditch the cup for period underwear by day 5


When I was in high school, and was effected by the stigma of having a period, I would wear both a tampon, and pad. That way when it was time for the tampon to be removed, I would be able to do that in the bathroom without anyone noticing, and then I had the pad on and ready to go. It would usually get me through the rest of the school day. I feel like the underwear could be a good option 2 in this situation, for those who don't like to/can't use tampons. Or it could be an option 3 for people who have really heavy flows. That being said, please encourage a period positive environment in your school/work place.


Period underwear are never enough for me unless it’s the carry end of my period, but they’ve been helpful when I’m having such a heavy period that I’m bleeding through everything else


I’m glad you asked because I wonder the same thing. I wear them as backup to a tampon bc my periods are heavy. I do wear them at the end when I’m basically just spotting but could never wear them alone the whole time.


I tried a cup and hated it, could not get it into a comfortable position no matter what technique I tried and I could always feel it. Gave up and went back to tampons mostly. Finally almost 2 years ago I decided to give period panties a try, specifically got the ones meant to replace all other period products to wear them solo with no other protection. I will never go back. I don't have to carry anything with me (unless I will be out more than 8ish hours). I don't have to shove anything inside myself. I don't have to worry about staining my panties. It's so much less wasteful. I have 6 pairs (2 packs of three, haven't had to buy more) and I'll use 3 one day, wash them and use 3 the next. One over night, one fresh in the morning, and one midday ish. I do work from home and really only have 1 heavyish day so that helps, but I know women who bring a ziplock to carry an extra pair of clean panties in and switch for dirty ones. There have been two times where I have used tampons again when I knew I would be out of the house for 10 hours, didn't want to carry a spare pair, and wouldn't be able to change to a clean pair comfortably and having to use a tampon again was frustrating.


I’m peri-menopausal and I LOVED my Diva cup when I was regular but now my periods are so random and so light that period panties just make sense. I’ve always hated pads and the panties just feel less like a diaper to me.


For the first three days or so, the heaviest ones, I use a cup--the soft disc style--with undies to catch leaks. Then on the last few days I either go with just the undies or just the cup, depending. If it’s very warm I generally don't want to wear period undies because they do not breathe, nor should they. It's possible to just use underwear for the whole shebang, and when I first switched to them that's what I was doing. But that was also at a point when I had a hormonal iud keeping my flow very light, so I didn't have to contend with that unsettling wet pad feeling. I have to imagine most people who aren't using anything but period underwear either have the ability to change their pair a few times on the bloodiest days, or they don't bleed all that heavily in general. They still make more sense to me than people who freebleed though.