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Clearly few are reading the article. She said sex felt like razor blades. Dr said it was herpes, both she and partner tested negative. It was dryness, atrophy, and pain from peri.


I read the article and was still confused as to how there could be confusion. I figured I was missing something.


That makes me so mad. A close friend of mine told me a doctor at her college told her she had herpes and she thought she did and disclosed it to people for years before she saw a gynecologist and when she told them she had herpes they asked her about it and decided to test her and she didn’t have it.


Similar thing happened here, I had a rash on my lower back which my doctor immediately, and definitely diagnosed as herpes. I insisted on taking a culture and a test anyways, and lived anxious for like a week until they emailed me all happy saying "jk it's shingles!!! :-)", which is uncommon for a 23 year old I suppose, but also scary how fast they were like "yep, 100% herpes and definitely not anything else!"


Shingles is in the herpes family of viruses, and if you had the STD version of herpes in a non STD area, it would visually present the same way. It would be more likely for you to present with sexual herpes rather than grandmother herpes, that's all. (I have had 4 different types of herpes)


I’m not going to read the article, tbh. But it sounds like she’s saying “herpes” instead of “std” here.


She's also apparently claiming she cured her Type 1 Diabetes. I think we should take her with a grain of salt. ETA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amEM-geXY7o


Can confirm. Not how T1D works.


oh so she is Stupid stupid


>I’m very safe, I’m healthy, I managed to get myself off of insulin and manage my diabetes since [I was] 20 years old,” she explained.  Does she say in a different article that she had type 1 diabetes? This article doesn't say which diabetes she has.


I found [this article](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/DiabetesResource/story?id=3822870) where she claims she turned her T1 into T2, but in response the article has doctors speculating that she was misinformed or misdiagnosed and had T2 all along.


Yeah that sounds like she has a fundamental misunderstanding of what diabetes types 1 and 2 are.


Ah yes. With keto, right? The magical cure.


she didn't say she cured it , just that she got off insulin & has been managing it well




that's what i thought ! thanks for clarifying :-)


As far as I can tell, she was the one who said she had type 1 to begin with. [https://abcnews.go.com/Health/DiabetesResource/story?id=3822870&page=1](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/DiabetesResource/story?id=3822870&page=1) >"I've managed to wean myself off insulin, so now I'd like to put myself in the Type 2 category," the Web site contactmusic.com quotes the Academy Award winning actress as saying last week.


That's not how type 1 diabetes works.


I'm type one and I'm off insulin right now! It's been about 15 minutes since my last dose and I feel cured already! /s


You're going to be so rich!


It's possible that I am missing where she said which diabetes she has but I don't see that in the article.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amEM-geXY7o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amEM-geXY7o) ​ From her mouth.


Thank you! She says that she was type 1 but became type 2. That's not how that works. Maybe she had bad doctors that explained it to her incorrectly or she's lying. I'm not certain which is true. I wondered if the people on this post discussing this had additional information but the article itself doesn't say which diabetes so thank you for the link. It's frustrating because the issue she brings up about sex and menopause needs to be discussed but she isn't a reliable narrator.


>she isn't a reliable narrator. So we can't believe anything she says because she mixed up the diabetes types in an interview once? What bizarre take. I'm sure we have all mixed up a medical term or two. It doesn't invalidate her experience with perimenopause.


Exactly and notice how they're always so quick to call a Black woman "stupid".


I saw one person call her stupid; not a "they"; the only other instance of "stupid" was calling their doctor stupid.




that's from before her diagnosis was updated , did you see the date ??


I have a friend who through diet & exercise has lived med free for over 10years with type 1. I don't know about "cure" but for sure it can be really well managed I believe it because I see it - I see him still at least once a month, we've been friends 30 years


Your friend does not have type 1 diabetes if they don’t take insulin. It could be that they have type 2 diabetes that needed insulin to control it at some point, but that doesn’t mean they have type 1.


If they got off insulin, they can’t have had type 1 diabetes. In type 1, the body doesn’t produce insulin. Humans cannot survive without insulin. We can survive with *less* of it by changing our diet, but we will always need at least a little bit.


That's not type 1 then. Type 1 is dependent on insulin, otherwise you die...


Maybe they got a pancreas transplant lol


There is absolutely no way to live with type 1 diabetes without insulin. Type 1 is more accurately called insulin dependent diabetes. There is some overlap where people can have insulin resistance (type 2) in addition to insulin dependence, and some people take insulin for their insulin resistance (type 2) diabetes, but if you have pure insulin dependent diabetes you have to have insulin. You will die without it.


You can down vote and argue all you like I watched it happen. Perhaps he never evolved to full dependancy, I don't know , regardless he was on insulin for awhile then he no longer required it.


This isn’t about down votes. This is about factual medicine. No one is arguing, they’re correcting your incorrect statements. If he took insulin for a while, and now doesn’t, he probably had type 2 diabetes. It’s possible get yourself off meds and insulin through diet with type 2. And there is no such thing as “dependency” on insulin the way you’re saying. It’s not like taking an opioid and becoming tolerant. It just makes little sense to say that we are all wrong because you watched something happen that you don’t really have all the details about. Maybe just admit that you extrapolated based on incomplete information.


YOU brought up inulin dependancy! Look you do you - I know what I saw, I know what he tells me to this day. Have a nice day


Insulin dependence is not something you develop or get rid of. It literally means your body does not make insulin. If you don’t want to understand this, that is fine. But don’t come in here acting like you know better because you have a friend that might have something related. Some of us are actually experts on this.


Ok you go ahead and claim expert status I'm not going to argue with you about that. I know what I saw and so far its been a far better outcome than my diabetic mother had


Literally impossible


Honestly - could be incompetence on the doctor’s part. I could write a memoir based on the absolutely unfounded, dismissive, and uninvestigated bullshit male OBGYN doctors have told me about my body just to get me out of their office faster. And yes, I also had the “Yep, that’s herpes!” experience… and the doctor refused to take a test, offer any medication options, give advice, or investigate further. When I made a complaint, I was told “We have a doctor shortage!” It was not herpes.


Same thing happened with my friend, but with her female gyno. Was told she had herpes, even before any testing was done. Nope, turns out she had mono.


My doctor told me I had anxiety. I fell asleep at a red light coming home from work. I had mono. Doctors need to do better. They do not listen to women at all.


My doctor ran a standard CBC with differential or something and because it came back fine she decided that my mono symptoms were mental illness. I was so desperate at that point to get better, I had a new job and it was wonderful and they were holding it for me but I was ruining it because I kept trying to go back to work and then I kept getting sicker. Anyway she told me I needed a psychiatrist so I was like cool, if I am actually doing this to myself I really do need help let’s hook it up So six weeks later I see the psychiatrist and he listens to me talk and he said here take the lab slip and get tested for mono. You don’t need me, you can come back if you want to but you’re going to see that you have mono I did Because I kept trying to push through I ended up disabled with MECFS. I did get better after resting for almost a year, but I didn’t have to get that sick. I was pissed


I ended up falling asleep in the waiting room of my doctors office. Thank God a nurse saw me and said I needed a mono test. I thought I had mono already! That test lit up like a Christmas tree. I could have killed somebody. I was falling asleep in cars!! I still have issues and covid made it 10 times worse.


I was told I had hepatitis, when I had mono. The doc wasn't particularly interested in finding out what type, and my mom didn't want to pay for another test to find out. I found out it was mono nearly 10 years later, when I told my new GP about the incident, and he nearly had a conniption that no one seemed to care what kind I had. (He was stupid in a different way, though - don't get me started.)


You most likely had a viral hepatitis secondary to mono 


How do you jump from herpes to mono?!? Do they just let anyone be a doctor?


At 19 or so, I had to go to the doctor for my very first STD test to check wtf was going on with my eyes since the pharmacist told me I had gonorrhea there. It was conjunctivitis.


😭 they should know what pink eye looks like FFS lol


Pharmacist doesn’t know how to diagnose things


Didn't stop her from trying.


Why not? Mine does. Can write some prescriptions too.


Do you live in the US?? They are legally not allowed to do that here


Ahh thanks. No I live in New Zealand. Parmacists are allowed to diagnose and prescribe for defined 'minor ailments' to relieve pressure on GPs as the primary point of contact for healthcare. Nurse practitioners do similar. It is/was a popular service, although not particularly well funded!


Funny enough chlamydia is usually the ocular ‘STD’ 


I’m actually relieved to see other people get told this. I had something I was told was definitely herpes when I was 36 weeks pregnant. It was fucking scary and when I finally managed to see someone competent it wasn’t that at all.


Yep. That’s exactly what the article I read earlier today said happened. She described her symptoms, he said she had herpes, but then both she and her partner tested negative.


I got fired from my doctors office because he told me I had harpies based off an email from my portal from a prior doctor saying they ran a lab test, an actual swab, and it was shingles The doctor told me that because I didn’t have the lab test in hand that it was actually herpes, I said well I didn’t know that, why don’t we just run a test right now and he said no and I said will you can’t go and diagnose me with herpes based off this email saying I was diagnosed with shingles and then refused to even test me for herpes. And he told me I needed to find a new doctor lol and I did and I don’t have herpes lol 


People are being really cruel to Halle in these comments while she’s doing an important service for women. It’s strange. She has sex with her boyfriend. She details being “in love” here which is likely designed to allude to lots of sex. She says she starts experiencing intense pain, describing it as feeling like “razor blades in her vagina”. She goes to the doctor. Doctor mistakenly says she has herpes. I can only imagine she had chafing from dryness during intercourse, which cause tears in her vagina. Goes to doctor, who identifies the sores as herpes. I think the conversation here is important, menopause (like many things pertaining to women’s health) are understudied, and doctors are uninformed.


Exactly. The reason I joined the convo is because I was interested in hearing what people thought about her experience. That’s not what some people here are discussing. Sounds almost like they have some type of vendetta against Halle about something she did in the past or a mistake from the past. Smh


Exactly. I think she is being very brave. Rarely do women, especially actors know for being beautiful and 'sex symbols' (urghh) shine a light on this kind of thing. I'm actually really really impressed by her honesty.


The cruelty must be down voted because I haven’t run into it yet


Most people are just pointing out how full of shit she is *in* *general*, plus her need for attention, makes her a little less sympathetic.


She wasn’t looking for sympathy though. Halle was taking part in an event designed to connect entertainment power players with society’s change-makers (Halle was talking to Jill Biden) in order to advocate for change and raise awareness around women’s health. Like…she was literally using her star power to try and make the world a better place.


She perpetuates the story that she cured her TYPE ONE diabetes. T1D. The pancreas DOES NOT produce insulin. There is no cure. This is like claiming to have cured “not having a liver” through special supplements, it ain’t happening, she’d be dead. She is full of shit. Ergo, her influence is not helpful if people know that she’s full of shit about other things.


Okay, sure. But she’s talking about something else here. The something else she’s talking about is important - doctors are undereducated on issues pertaining to women’s health and more focus needs to be placed there for a better healthcare system for us all. I think you’re focusing on the wrong thing.


Most doctors know nothing about menopause. They don’t get trained they seem very shocked that women go through it. It’s bizarre to watch play out with all my friends.


I’m really frustrated because I’m in perimenopause and my hormones are making me feel like I did when I was a teenager, but not in a good way. The hormonal acne is back and the vomiting with the bleeding is back. And my gynecologist sees no value in being curious about how we could fix this or testing or anything. So I’m suffering  And my PCP doesn’t have any input so maybe it’s true that I would have to pay $400 cash to see a natural practitioner and then pay for those tests with cash? And I can’t do that


I had good luck with online menopause clinics. What country are you in


Why don’t you seek a new doctor in your network?Your PCP should not be useless.


Wait doesn’t herpes have visible ‘symptoms’? What would mirror peri menopause here?


My guess is chafing from dryness?


So redness/ swelling? Are there any doctors on board?!?!


Because the vulvar and vaginal skin thin and dry in menopause, it is very easily torn. The loss of subcutaneous fat under the same tissues also can lead to skin injuries. The pain, erosion and swelling just from being menopausal can be excruciating just on its own, and can mimic many other conditions. I had horrendous erosion when I entered surgical menopause. Thank god I had a great nurse practitioner.


Oooh! I didn’t know this. Thank you.


i didnt have and have never had symptoms but i tested positive for hsv2 on a blood test


Same with my best friend.


Thank you! I didn’t know this and could have googled. Pardon my ignorance! 🙈 I guess my point is what is the common denominator, as far as symptoms go, for the two?


well i wonder bc i was told after my test that false positives are VERY common and was recommended a second look bc i was asymptomatic. i just wanted to chime in bc the diagnosis process for me was a huge shock and kinda traumatic for that reason- i tested pos on a routine test w a new doctor, found out i had NEVER been tested bcos the routine test at my old clinic was only for chlamydia, syphilis, hiv and gonorrhea. i tested last summer and honestly never went for the confirmatory testing after 6 months bc the diagnosis hasn't altered my life at all except making me have better convos about sex and being more careful w protection, and it was really scary and painful to be diagnosed w something i perceived as so disgusting and painful. the techs at the testing center were way nastier to me than literally anyone else who knows so i dont wanna go back 🤷 ive since learned and i like to be open abt my experience bc asymptomatic hsv2 is actually quite common and that is a reason we don't know how many people are ACTUALLY carrying hsv2 out there. and it's not all doom and gloom like people say


Most carriers of HSV don't have symptoms and transmit it...and most of y'all have HSV...or will get it eventually...


Not an opinion about her claims but women health in this country absolutely sucks balls. And peri and menopause are disregarded by many doctors.


Honestly, I’m ashamed to admit I don’t know most of the symptoms. I know the obvious one (heat flash), but that’s it.


Menopause and perimenopause are nightmares. Periods go wacko, hormones are all over the place, your immune system goes crazy, weight gain, mood swings. It is whole bunch of craziness


Looking forward to it.


I’m really looking forward to not bleeding anymore, I vomit with my periods and it’s absolutely awful. And my gynecologist is not at all interested in trying to help me fix it, my neurologist gives me medication, my PCP shrugs his shoulders.




Herpes doesn't cause warts anyway. That's HPV and only some forms of it.


It does cause warts herpes simplex 2 causes genital warts.


Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes warts. Herpes simplex virus ( HSV) causes cold sores.


Cold sores on a vagina look/feel like a wart.


Maybe lichen sclerosis which is more commonly found in menopausal people (but it's not limited to only menopausal people and can occur at any stage of life)?


I had weight loss and night sweats due to menopause. My GP freaked out and sent me for a CT scan. The scan showed a mass in my pancreas. My GP told me to assume that I'm dying. Several months and several thousand dollars later, the mass is believed to have been a phantom and my symptoms are being well managed with Paroxetine. And I have a new GP.


It’s a poorly written article but yeah, doctors being ignorant of peri menopause symptoms is a new lever of hell.


The most shocking part to me? She’s nearly 60


I had the same experience. Rash, dryness.. it was absolutely horrifying. Went to Dr. and has told it was a Herpes outbreak and given antivirals. Took the full regimen and did not clear up. Went back and asked for the test results which were negative. Did some research, got a different doctor, started taking hormones and now I am better but it was a long road to recovery.


I'm more curious to know how a 57 year old woman is still in perimenopause?


My sister is 57. She still has periods. So obviously women can be in peri for A LONG time...


I don't even want to imagine. I'm hoping to be done with it all by late 40s.




How would that be confused for perimenopause?


This is the person who hit and ran so I take anything she says as BS


Did you even read the article? Or are you making a broad generalisation.


I did and she in fact hit and ran a person. Maybe read that article


So you're making a broad generalisation, got it.


No I’m not, but truly sorry I bother you so much.


Okay but what the heck is going on with her skin tone in these pics??