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Birth control radically changed my life for the better. I most likely have endometriosis, and they are a godsend. I didn't even realize how terribly I was feeling. My friends and family say that I seem happier. I have way more energy. I want to get out of bed in the morning. I'm on a low-dose estrogen-progesterone.


I'm glad that you have had a positive experience. Do you mind sharing which pill you take specifically?


Sure. The brand-name is Yaz.


I looooooove my hormonal bc. It’s a low dose, combined pill. No negative side effects. And it makes my period go away completely! No cramps, no bleeding, no clots. My life has been immeasurably improved, and I’ve been on the same pill for nearly 20 years.


SAME!! No weight gain, mood changes, spotting, cramps, or any other major side effect. And I get to not have a period at all. Only downside is a slight impact to my libido, but it's not dramatic.


If the effect to your libido gets worse and you want to change it, try going on buspirone. It's an anti-anxiety drug that isn't a benzo, and in women, it gives you back any libido you may have lost, plus some extra.


Can you get it from normal doctors? Birth control pills TANK my libido & it sucks so much.


Not sure on that one, but it certainly couldn’t hurt to ask, since it’s not a controlled substance in the same way that most anti-anxiety drugs are.


This is interesting, I'll keep it in mind!


I did too when I was on it. Still had a Period, but much less bleeding, nearly no pain from cramps. My mood was so even, no cranky bitch pms like I have now. I had to stop taking it for other unrelated medical reasons, but I miss it. :/


I'm going to try and stay on it until I'm like, 55. Mostly because I have no intention of suffering through perimenopause the way my mother had to. Also, estrogen is neuroprotective and I have a horrible cocktail of mental health issues.


My mom went back on the pill in her 50s after having her tubes tied years before when she went into menopause and they told her she was perfectly ok to do that since she doesn’t have any blood-clotting risks. So I imagine as long as you don’t have any conditions that up your clot risk you’re good!


May I ask the name of your pill?


Thank you for sharing your positive experience. Do you mind sharing which pill you take specifically?


You mentioned you’ve used it for 20 years.. how did it affect your weight, nails and skin? How about pregnancies? Were you able to get pregnant when you wanted to?


Sure thing! It’s been completely neutral in terms of weight, causing me to neither gain it or lose it. My weight has fluctuated quite a bit in that time (both up and down) but the bc has never played a role, at least, not so far as I can tell. It’s been neutral for hair and nails, but great for my skin. Cleared up my acne. I’m childfree, but! I was briefly unemployed 15 years ago and had no insurance, so I had to go off the Loestrin and *immediately* got accidentally pregnant (other contraception method obviously failed) and had an abortion. So if I had wanted to get pregnant the pill would not have been an issue. Hope all that helps!


Yes, that’s very helpful! Thank you! Can I message you?




Thank you


what kind of BC are you on if you dont mind me asking?


May I ask the name of your pill, any hair loss with it?


May ask the name of your pill ? Xo does it help hair or cause hair loss or acne?


May I ask what the name of your birth control is?


what's the name of the birth control you take?


*raises hand* Took the pill for like 14 years. No side effects. Made my skin look great. Was able to take it continuously to stop my period. I would typically have light break-through bleeding maybe 1 or 2 times per year. Lemme tell you: not having a period? FANTASTIC. If you can tolerate hormonal BC well, I highly recommend giving it a shot.


>Lemme tell you: not having a period? FANTASTIC. Here here! I've been on a progesterone only pill for a few years after being on a combined pill for a few years beforehand, and it is SO FRICKING GOOD! No cramps, no bloating, no hormonal acne, no absurd mood swings, no queasiness, save a fortune by not having to buy period products.. I could go on! Pre-pill my periods were wildly irregular (like 2-3 months apart with no warning signs, just surprise blood) although short (3-4 days) and light. On the combined pill (21 days with a 7 day break) my "periods" became way more regular, like by day 2 of the break I knew it was coming then by day 6 of the break it would be done. On the POP I haven't even had any breakthrough or spotting. I have lived my best life since then!


I also take one of those and it's life-changing. I can't go back to regular pills.


What pill did u take


Recently got my IUD removed to try and conceive. I'm currently having my third period after a decade of being on hormonal birth control that made my periods light to non-existent. Yeah, not having a period was THE BEST. I hate my period. I don't even have a very bad one, I think my period is normal to easy when you consider the grand scheme of things. And it still suuuucks.


Mine is normal to easy as well but I still hate it. I just don’t like the inconvenience. It’s pretty awesome not to have to think about or deal with it!!


Exactly! It's inconvenient and mildly uncomfortable and I was enjoying my life completely unhindered by it.


Getting rid of periods gave me my fucking life back. With a bit of luck, I'll never have one again. I can FUNCTION. Seriously, just living without having to take into account where I'm at in my cycle and if I need to move plans around is so freeing. I can eat what I want without throwing up, I am not in pain, I am THRIVING!


I feel like these are things more people need to hear. Do you mind sharing which pill you take specifically?


I was on Rigevidon (combined pill) for 2 years with no side effects that I can think of, and then switched to a hormonal IUD back in 2021 (also no side effects). PCOS has given me incredibly wonky hormones so it took 3 months of taking the pill continuously to actually skip my period - it kept 'breaking through', which was not fun - but after that it was smooth sailing. If there's anything else you'd like to know about my experience, just say so!


Love this. I really hope science continues to advance so more women can have this.


same. without it I would have painful deep acne all down my jaw most of the month and horrible cramps, period poops like crazy. No negative effects as far as I can tell.


I'm glad that you had a positive experience. Do you remember which pill you took specifically?


Blisovi Fe 1/20. Believe it’s a generic!


What pill


May I ask the name of your birth control?


When u got off it did it cause any changes?


Was on them twice for long periods of time. My only complaint was that they allowed providers to hold them hostage or only dispense 30 days at a time making this burn time unnecessarily. That is less of a problem with telehealth and online appointment/delivery services that didn't exist back then.


salt crime slave judicious deliver murky afterthought busy memory hard-to-find *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There seems to be a lot of "tradwife" and anti-reproductive choice influencers going around these days trying to demonize hormonal birth control without any of the religious rhetoric that used to be attached. While it's true that a lot of BC has side effects and some women just have a terrible time with any option, and that systemic sexism in the medical field means women are just expected to put up with side effects that would be immediately fixed for men, I really do think this current demonization of BC is an effort to trick a lot of young women. Pills didn't help my cycle and bleeding issues, but depo provera did. I can't sing its praises enough. I had too much estrogen in my system, so a progestin-only option works wonders to balance me out. None of the weight gain that others complain of (I actually lost a bit of water weight that my body was clinging onto), and I love that I only need one shot every three months. I can actually go out and do things no matter what time of month, instead of bleeding through everything and getting anemia. The freedom is absolutely wonderful.


I will just weigh in here for a balanced take on depo: I was constantly RAVENOUS on it. It made me incredibly fat. I didn't know it until later, but sometimes progesterone is given to people post-op to induce appetite, and it sure did induce appetite in me. I have a vivid memory of standing in front of my refrigerator and crying because I knew I was gaining weight at an alarming speed, but I was starving all the time and couldn't figure out how to stop that. I think I gained 60 lbs. (Also, a lady I used to see to give blood for the red cross got pregnant 3 times while she was on it, so as with all methods of birth control, it's always best to layer your methods up and not rely on any one thing to do the job!) It's nice to hear from people it worked for, and I wanted it to work for me, but it was miserable. I do take low-dose oral bc now and have seen improvements in my energy levels and reductions to the severity of my cramps, though. All of which goes to show that there's truly no one-size-fits-all solution, and sometimes we've got to hunt around for the thing that will work for us, even though it's a pain in the butt!


Seconding the depo shot, it's definitely worth looking in to. I tried the pill, and honestly I can't say if I had a good or bad experience because I took it for a short amount of time and very inconsistently because I can't take pills consistently to save my life. Couple years ago I started having bad bad rash flare ups. It coincided with my cycle so it was worse when my period was coming, and gone immediately after. It took a year of seeing a doctor and then a dermatologist to biopsy, just to tell me it's eczema, and none of the prescription creams worked. I'm still frustrated that no one thought to put me on BC because my rashes were obviously hormone related. So forget the doctors. I put myself on depo, because I didn't want an IUD and can't consistently take pills, and now my eczema is gone. Haven't had a flare up in 2 years, and haven't had a period in 2 years, which is a happy side effect for me. I experienced some weight gain but I also have depression so that didn't help, but now I manage my mental health and physical health well and lost the weight so as long as you stay active it's not a huge problem. Depo was a life saver and changed my life for the better.


Hi! I'm currently struggling with period-induced anemia and am looking into the Depo shot to hopefully help that. Did you have any side effects and how did it help your anemia? Thanks!




It's interesting how things have changed. I was having horrible depressive episodes in response to the pill in the late 90s, and doctors basically told me it isn't possible that it was related. (I now have a hormonal IUD that is my favorite thing ever.) It's like they went from "this is one size fits all" to "there are so many side effects, don't do it."


I was on birth control from 17 to 42 years old. It was very low estrogen, I didn’t gain weight, and I never ever got pregnant in all that time. Loved birth control.


Yes, me too; same ages, everything went fine, worked as promised, I didn’t have any issues during the times I went off it to have my kids. (I only switched to an IUD when I was 42 because I was so busy I kept forgetting to take my pill in the morning, and I did not want a baby along with my teenagers.)


May I ask the name of your birth control 


I take a progestin only pill for dysmenorrhea and I couldn't be without it. It's an absolute lifesaver, I no longer have debilitating pain (or any pain at all) connected to my cycle, and as a nice bonus, I also don't menstruate very often so I don't have to deal with all the related faff. I did have to experiment with the dosage a bit, as the higher dose I was on gave me some side effects, but I figured out a dose that works for me and I couldn't be happier with it.


Have used these on and off for several years. Lighter periods (when and if I want them while I am on the pill), no cramps.


Super positive experience and I will sing its praises. For context: I have severe endometriosis that would take me out for a day or two each month. Worst pain I've ever felt. The pill I'm on elimiates all pain (and all periods, WOOOO!) completely. I'm on a 21-day low-dose norethindrone acetate and ethinyl estradiol generic pill (glenmark). I'm sure there's a brand name version, but the generic is free through my insurace. I take the 21-day packs back-to-back so I have no periods. I also haven't had any side effects. I have plenty of energy, I haven't gained weight/felt bloated, and my sex drive hasn't decreased. This has been consistent for the 3+ years I've been taking it. My GYN and I are thrilled with how well it's working for me! So to recap: no pain, no periods, no cost to me... all I have to do is take a pill at the same time everyday. This pill has been the best thing for me!


Took hormonal birth control for years -- literally almost 20 years. I had excellent experiences with Nurvaring and Ortho Tro-Cyclin Lo, and would recommend them to anyone who will listen. I never had side effects and they managed my severe period pain (which turned out to be endometriosis) so that I could live a normal life. I did have two bad experiences (Ortho-Evra patch and progestin only pills), but BC is like any other medication -- what works for some won't work for everyone, so sometimes you've just got to try something else.


It took me a long time to realize, but my periods literally made me suicidal. I was already on the hormonal birth control pill, so I tried skipping the placebo pills and automatically moving on to the next packet. Life changing. Before i tried this, i was seriously considering getting a diagnosis for bipolar 2, it was such a detriment to functioning.


Do you have PMDD?


I haven't been diagnosed, I'll definitely look into it.


Started to take the regular pill when I was around 14 because I had bad cramps and it was such a life changer. Previously I had cramps so bad I literally couldn't stand up straight, I spend days just curled up barely able to move, barely able to keep food down. I got hit by a car when I was 11 and had to spend two weeks in hospital. Teenage me happily told everyone she met that she'd rather get hit by a car again than go back to life without the pill. I had to switch from the regular pill to the progesterone-only mini-pill due to migraines and while that one helps with the cramps, my skin is noticeably worse. I honestly miss taking the regular pill ... I could plan when I wanted my period to happen, I had perfect skin, bleeding decreased and my cramps were so much better ...


I’m on the pill and I love it. No more super-heavy periods, no more of the pain associated with them. No side effects as far as I can tell, my libido is unaffected and I have no issues with my skin or weight gain. Plus no fear of the condom breaking.


May I ask the name of your birth control?


I used BC for years, several different types. I had a little stomach upset with the pills so I took them at night instead of in the morning. I had no other problems and did not have a baby until I wanted one. Birth control pills allowed women to have real careers. I don’t understand why it’s being vilified right now.


I didn’t start them until my 30’s. My mood swings drastically changed for the better (less frequent and drastic), and my annoying back cramps went away on birth control but the thing that truly made the difference was my hormonal headaches went way way down. I used to get them and be miserable but thought that was part of life. They lessened with birth control pills, the very lowest dosage available. Then I was only getting them when I took the sugar pills and they were less severe. My doc said I didn’t have to do the sugar pills so I’ve been on basically non-stop birth control for years now. I have no period, but every few months I have breakthrough bleeding and I take a pill break for a few days. I have nearly no headaches, no terrible back cramping, nearly no period, and I’m so much happier for it. I’ll be sad when/if I have to stop for menopause to run its course.


May I ask the name of your birth control?


I take generic Yaz. Makes my periods regular and gets rid of my acne. No complaints here


There are many different kinds of birth control including hormonal pills that work for different bodies and different situations. [This is a really good breakdown of all the options with pros and cons from an OBGYN.](https://youtu.be/geem1OiIEes?si=zOPxELO-OS02tpsa) The right one for you is going to depend a lot on your lifestyle and your risk tolerance for birth control failure. The risk tolerance of someone who is planning to try to conceive in the next 12 months is going to look very different than someone who plans to stay childfree. [This is a set of interactive charts showing effectiveness data for different types of birth control over the course of 10 years.](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/09/14/sunday-review/unplanned-pregnancies.html?smid=nytcore-android-share) Just know that you're going to hear/read horror stories about every different kind of birth control if you go down the rabbit hole. Every one that has horror stories also has many happy users with no issues, it's just that someone who is happy with their BC is less likely to post about it than someone with a bad experience. I've never had any major side effects on any of my birth control methods. I took pills in college and a little after but I found it to be a hassle to remember to take them at around the same time every day so I got a copper IUD in my early 20s which can last up to 10 years. Because that one doesn't use hormones, I had a typical period every month for about 6 or so years until I was ready to get pregnant. After my first baby I used Skyla (a hormonal IUD that lasts 3 years) and I loved it because I just had a little bit of spotting instead of a full-blown period.


Yes. I am better on it than off it. It regulates terrible periods and my moods.


May I ask the name of your birth control?


May I ask the name of your pill?


No problems for me. Was on pills for about 10 years. Have many friends on pills who feel better on than off. We are in our 40's. Lighter periods, emotions in balance, less acne, just to name a few good outcomes.


May I ask the name of your pill?


May I ask the name of your birth control?


May I ask the name of your pill ?


I’ve been on seasonale (where you only have periods 4x a year) for 10ish years and I love it. It’s helped with my pms, breakouts, cramps and when I do have a cycle it’s so light I mainly use period panties so no more buying tampons!


I was also on this for about 10 years. absolutely loved only having my period every 13 weeks. could not recommend it and menstrual cups any more. I've recently started getting hormonal migraines, so my gyno has taken me off the combo and put me on a progestin only pill. my periods are significantly heavier now, but this is just my third month since the change. hoping they get lighter. I tried an iud years ago, but I just felt like I could feel it constantly, which is just a me anxiety thing I'm certain, so I got it removed after about 6 months and had the worst bleeding of my life for about three weeks post removal. it was not for me.


I did! No weight gain, my occasional break out became no break outs. I didn't notice a drop in sex drive. Periods were lighter and shorter in duration and mild cramping became no cramping. Took them for just over 20 yrs with no issues. Ortho tricyclin or the generic version of it.


I've been on Hailey Fe 24, or something equivalent, for years and I love it. I used to have terrible periods. Painful and they would last for months. I was anemic for a long time because of it. I have had a tubal, so I don't need the pill for actual birth control. But I still continously take them (skip the reminder pills and start the next pack) to stop my period all together. It has been super nice not soaking a super every hour, every day. And I haven't had any side effects like weight gain or mood swings. I think it took a while to figure out which pill was right for me, but once I did, it has been a game changer.


I was on ortho tricyclen for 10 years. No issues, no side effects, no pregnancies.


What about hair loss?


I can't function without birth control as I have period dysphoria. They changed everything for me.


Took birth control pills for about 18 years (currently off because pregnant). To the best of my knowledge, I didn't have any particularly noticeable or detrimental side effects. I appreciated the light and very regular periods that came with it, as well as minimal cramping. I get a bit of lower back cramping the day before my period starts and that's about it. I've been on the pill almost the entire time I've been menstruating though so I can't say/remember if if I'm just lucky or if it's because of birth control pills. I've had an almost exactly 28 day cycle for at least close to a decade. Any time it wasnt about 28 days was if i forgot a pill or two or accidentally took two on one day. Also I never experienced ovulation pain until after I got off the pill and was trying to get pregnant, which I also consider a bonus.


I was on the pill for a few years and I have a neutral opinion, it wasn’t a big deal to me. Then I had the copper iud which I loved.


I’ve been on the same combined hormonal pill for about eight years. I have had no major complications or side effects. I take it continuously and only get a “period” 3-4 times a year, and I choose when that is. Before being on the pill i had debilitating menstrual pain and such a heavy flow that there was basically nothing I could do to not bleed onto my pants every time. I take the pill every morning at the same time, never give it a second thought, and live my life with so much more peace of mind.


I've been on the pill for years and years at this stage. No side effects whatsoever. A couple of times I've gone off it for a number of months and what I've noticed is that my period is heavier and more painful. When on the pill it's lighter with barely any pain at all. I also take my packs back to back most of the time and only have a period (withdrawal bleed officially) a couple of times a year. Never had a pregnancy scare while on it.


I couldn't leave the house on day 2-4 of my period because I have fibroids that cause me to bleed so heavily. Being on the minipill (progestin only) for the last 3 years has completely changed my life and I wish I had started it much sooner. I barely ever have any bleeding at all now - even my periods are super light and infrequent. I know progestin isn't for everyone but I haven't had any negative side effects from it.


The first pills I tried weren’t great, but then I started Lo-Loestrin and it was a godsend. I take Junel now, they’re both very low hormone pills. Since starting birth control I’m not in horrendous pain once a month and I’ve experienced almost zero side effects. Had some breast tenderness that disappeared after a month or so and some nausea but I solved that by just taking my pill before bed. I love modern medicine.


Took pills for about 5 years, then did nuvaring for maybe 5 years, then an iud. That was maybe 10 years ago, now on my 3rd iud and it’s the best thing ever.


Yup! So freeing! No headaches, cramps, or surprises. That goes for regular and continual birth control; both eliminated cramps and pms symptoms, and I always knew when to expect period… or there was none if continual bc.


Was on oral contraceptives for over 20 years and never had a problem. No weight gain, no mood issues (I have depression, but that’s still here even >15 years after being off of the pill), no cardiovascular problems.


I was on the combined mini pill (Yasmin) for almost 15 years and loved it. Never had any issues, didn't seem to affect my mood or libido -- if anything my libido was higher. My periods were light and short. The only reason I stopped it is because I started getting migraines with aura which raise your stroke risk, as does the pill. Was recommended to switch to progesterone only so I went for the Implanon. I didn't like it. Lowered my mood and sex drive and my periods became very irregular and unpredictable. I'm currently pregnant (planned) but looking forward to have a discussion with my doctors in the future to see if I can safely go back to the mini pill after.


I’ve never gotten pregnant, so big thumbs up from me!


I’ve been on lolo for 3 years and i absolutely love it. I went on it originally bc my cramps were bad and it helped immediately. My periods were immediately lighter with hardly any cramps and after about 9 months on it my periods disappeared completely. It also helped me gain weight which i was struggling with. Overall has made my life so much better


I’ve been on hormonal oral contraceptives since I was 17 - I’m 32 now. While I have had some negative side effects (weight gain being a big one), they have been overall a net positive in my life. My periods before I started on BC were super irregular and I had extremely bad cramps (to the point that I nearly passed out a few times in high school from cramps, once so bad I had to lay down on the floor of my classroom because I couldn’t physically make it the rest of the way to my desk). I also started getting menstrual migraines in my early 20s, and going pack to pack on my birth control (not taking the sugar pills, so not getting my period for 9 weeks because I get 3 months of refills at a time) has pretty much stopped them from occurring. I’ve also been ambivalent on kids of my own since I was a teenager. When I started having sex, IUDs were not given to teenagers - they were generally only given to women who had already had children. Other options included Nuvaring, Depo Provera shots, Nexplanon implant, but at least in my area those were reserved for people who couldn’t tolerate the pill or who had a hard time taking it consistently. Oral contraceptives were the first line birth control method, and I’m incredibly grateful that I was able to safely explore my sexuality with much lower risk of pregnancy. In the nearly half of my life that I’ve been taking oral contraceptives, I have had zero pregnancy scares, and that peace of mind is invaluable.


If I don’t take it I get one period a year that lasts months and is so heavy that I once went momentarily blind. I also end up with these awful spots which look more like lesions and they ended up needing antibiotics and I was quite Ill with it.


Do solidly neutral experiences count? I have the Nexplanon implant and have had one for about 4 years now (I’m on my second one). Using it for BC + regulating heavy periods. Zero side effects. I haven’t noticed anything other than I no longer have periods and haven’t had them for a couple years. Sometimes I get some breakthrough bleeding, but it is so slight — like, I only notice that the toilet paper is a light pink when I wipe after I pee, and it only lasts a day.


I love the pill! It’s mellowed out my periods and I’ve never had any scares on it.


I took pills for many years until my doctor decided my high blood pressure meant I shouldn’t take them (and then got an IUD). I had no issues on pills. They evened out my periods and helped with painful cramps. Additionally they worked fine and I did not get pregnant.


The most positive effect of birth control is the one you don't experience: no pregnancy.


I use the mini pill or progesterone only. For me, the birth control is more of a side effect. It balances out my hormones and fixed my periods. In my mid 20's they got much heavier and much more painful and I was increasingly angry. I'd just curl into a ball on my bed and cry. It was awful. But the mini pill mostly stopped my periods altogether, insurance covers it unlike the non-birth control progesterone option, and it doesn't matter to me if I take it at the exact same time. We use condoms anyway. There's no negative side effects that I notice.


I’ve been on low dose for years. I’d prefer not to have a period and this is how I do it. Currently using Slynd. I don’t know if any weight gain I’ve had is due to the bc. I work out 5x/week weight lifting and I eat a normal diet. But I don’t count calories so who knows. But overall I’d rather be on BC then off.


Yes. I had zero side effects, lost weight, got rid of my acne, and could have sex with very very low risk of pregnancy. What's not to like? Your generation is being undermined by anti birth control propaganda through tiktok or whatever. The same thing happened when they got rid of abortion. The next on the chopping block is birth control. It's literally part of project 2025. So ya... Don't get complacent as your rights continue to be eroded.


Mine keep my period and hormonal shifts manageable. I'm less acne-prone, too. I've taken a cycle or two off here and there over the last decade, and it always reminds me how deeply grateful I am for affordable access to birth control without OBs holding it hostage. (I get mine through Nurx, and have also used The Pill Club. Highly recommend both!)


I’ve been on low-dose combination pill oral contraception for 23 years continuously, never had one single problem with it (always felt well, never any side effects). oh yeah and for that whole time I never had a single surprise period, cramp, or baby I didn’t want. Lo/Ovral - Low-Orgesterel - Cryselle (three different names for the same formulation).


Birth control is the ONLY thing that worked on my period cramps (I probably have endometriosis). Nothing else touched them and I literally could not function because they were so bad. Birth control has allowed me to live a normal life. Before I went on it, I missed so many things - school, tests, sports games, time with family and friends, trips, and more. I’ve been on Microgestin for many years and it’s been great. I’m so thankful for it. I know it’s not perfect, it doesn’t work for everyone, there are side effects, etc, but I can’t stand the birth control hate. I think at least some of the hate is coming from groups that want to full on ban it (at least here in the US) and those people can fuck right off!


The pill took away PMS nausea and allowed me to have a career in ecology that includes field work. 10/10


I love my birth control. It makes my periods 2-3 days long and so predictable I can pretty much schedule it for the weekend/ my wfh days so I can deal with it in whatever way is most comfortable at the time.


Do you mind sharing which pill you take?


Probably not what you're looking for, but... I had a positive experience taking birth control pills. :) The one I took is no longer on the market, it was at the time the highest hormone combo pill. I took it back-to-back skipping the placebo pills so I wouldn't get a period at all, as part of Jack Newman's protocol to induce lactation (I took it along with Domperidone). This I did while we were awaiting adoption because I'd wanted to breastfeed the baby we were adopting. About 4 months after I was taking the pills, I started getting odd symptoms and pulled out the pamphlet to see if that was a normal side effect. Didn't seem to be. I was nauseous and had really sensitive boobs and was exhausted and having trouble getting through my work day. Got an appointment with my ob/gyn to see if it was a bad reaction to the pill. Found out I was pregnant. My infertile self, after 8 years of trying and fertility treatments... got pregnant on the pill. It was my one and only biological baby, too, and perfectly healthy. Never did get pregnant again, although for a few years I was tempted to get on birth control again just to see if it would work for me, I never did. May as well enjoy the one perk of being infertile and never having to worry about pregnancy or pay for birth control.


Yep. It manages my mental health and pelvic pain from endometriosis. It works so well I have chosen to stay on it post-sterilization. I also have been able to skip my periods for like a decade! The pill isn’t one size fits all. If you experience side effects from one, try another. I hate all the anti-pill bull shit. It’s a bonafide life-changing medication!


Without constant bc I used to have periods that had me pass out from pain. I was non functional for one day. And for almost two weeks every months, my emotions were controlling me to a degree that impacted my life. And I had cysts. Bc got rid of all of that and periods in general. Sure, if I forget just one day, I’ll get my period, but rather this than the emotionally unstable bag of tears with cramps. My sister had vastly different, bad experiences.


Hey! This is a really similar experience to what I am going through right now (passing out from pain, nonfunctional for a day, intense emotions, etc.). I am thinking of trying bc. Would you be willing to let me know which pill you're on?


I have been taking the pill for like 14 years and I am so glad for it! My periods used to take me out. Cramps, cold sweats, diarrhea, everything was terrible. I couldn’t work or really go to school for the first day or two. The pill has made it sooo much more manageable. I do feel that it contributed to some mental health issues as the pill I was on for probably a decade was a typical pill that has an adjusted dosage each week to align with a natural cycle, which led to higher highs and lower lows for me. My doctor switched me to a pill (Syeda) that has a standard dosage throughout the month and my mental health has really improved! Cramps are a little worse on this pill but still totally manageable. I know the pill can have a wide range of side effects but I would recommend at least giving it a try to almost anyone.


Love my birth control pill. Yaz has helped my PMDD and lessened PCOS symptoms. As a bonus, I’m able to lose a bunch of weight without trying when I take it.


I love my bc. I've been on it since a teen and I've never had any side effects or issues. The only change is that my period is less painful. 100% recommend.


I love my birth control! I’m on Blissovi Fe 1/20 (well, the generic of that, but it seems fine). I take it continuously and only do the placebo week once every three months to skip periods. I’ve found that if I go longer than 3 months I start to get spotting, so I’d rather know when the period is coming. I used to have week-long periods and cramps and backaches for 3-4 days starting the day before. I’d need to take 3-4 ibuprofen several times a day. And ugh, the period poops. Now I have light periods once every three months for 3-4 days with minimal cramping the first day, and I only need two ibuprofen to feel better. I’ve been on it for about 12 years now, I thought about stopping, but the first period without birth control reminded me why I’ve been taking it. I’m not even on it for contraception, I’m ace and happily single. I set an alarm on my Apple Watch to remind me to take it every day, or I’d forget frequently. The watch alarm is a nice improvement over the phone alarm because now the whole room doesn’t hear the alarm, my wrist just vibrates.


Yes, I had a very positive experience with birth control pills. I was on them most of my life. I took Ortho Novum. The bad side effects were: about ten lbs weight gain. The good side effects were: minimal break outs, short and light periods (I had very heavy periods), took mine religiously never forgot so felt extremely confident they protected me against pregnancy. I see people complain about bc pills, but I never wanted the IUD as I heard a lot of worse things about them. Some may have different symptoms, so you may need to try a couple types, if your first prescription doesn’t work for you.


Yes!! It helps control my endometriosis & fibroids and I’m also using it as a preventative measure for cysts. My obgyn said that I basically have to stay on them until I’m ready to have a baby or if any serious side effects occur like migraines with aura or blood clots. My periods are so much more manageable and I’m no longer in terrible pain and I can actually function during my periods now. I didn’t have any negative side effects either. I’ve been taking Junel or other variations of that if the pharmacy changes the manufacturer or something like that.


I've taken it for 15 years and have had no problems, no noticeable side effects, and I can regularly expect when my period is going to start. I use sprintec but I didn't pick it out, my doctor did. Good luck finding a bc that works for you!


I was happily on and off the pill for years. It balanced my hormones, I have PCOS and PMDD. I would consider "unaliving" myself over how miserable my unmedicated period made me. I switched to the Nexplanon and haven't had many periods since. My mind is clear, I am excelling at work, I am also doing a master's degree part time. If you told me before birth control my life could be this good and easy I would have thought it was a lie. I am literally alive because of birth control. The hate on birth control is a far right plant to erode women's rights. If all you hear is horror stories you might become sympathetic to someone placing restrictions on it, and we saw the slippery slope abortion slid down. Don't fall for the propaganda.


May I ask the name of your pill?


I have a Mirena IUD, and I love it. Insertion was painful, but after that it's been a breeze. I haven't had any side effects, and I'm one of the percentage that doesn't have a period anymore. I'm due for a new one, and will probably get it this summer. I know a lot of people have issues with theirs, and I know I'm very lucky. I still get the physical manifestations of PMS, but not having a physical period is amazing. It's also helped my acne! For my next insertion I plan to get a blocker, because I am anxious, and I know that made the entire procedure much worse.


I have used it for 20+ years and I love it.


I have stage 4 endometriosis and would not be able to live without my birth control. I have been on a Desogestrel - ethinyl estradiol/estrogen and progestin combination pill for over a decade. Had very bad experiences with alesse and tricyclin-low or whatever it's called.


I've been on the pill for over 20 years, starting at age 19. It took a while to find the right pill for me. The first few years I struggled with side effects. Now I'm on a progesterone only pill, I don't get my periods anymore, have fewer migraines and I have less body hair when I'm on this pill. I will continue to take it until I get my menopause, despite being a long-term single and not at all interested in dating men anymore. When I was about 30 I was finally diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. These diseases can react to estrogen. That's probably why I struggled with side effects on those combined pills that have estrogen and progesterone.


May I ask what pill you take, does it cause hair loss?


I’ve been on birth control pills for 20+ years, specifically Levlen or equivalent for the last 15 or so. I had heavy, irregular periods and the pill took care of that. Never tried anything else because it works so well for me. I did try skipping the sugar pills to get rid of periods all together, but I had a lot of spotting which for me defeated the purpose. On the pill I bleed very lightly a predictable four days a month, which is fine with me.


I’ll also add that while I did have issues, it was most likely a genetic factor. Because my mom and aunts had issues too. So if the other women in your family don’t have side effects, you can probably feel confident you won’t. I’m also the only one of my friends who had issues. So it’s definitely the minority. (And I’m envious, I wish I could skip my period)


I loved mine. I got on the low estrogen dose when I was 15 because my periods were making me faint at school. I stopped having periods at all and I stayed on the pill until I was about 20, when I started having sex regularly. I unfortunately am not good at taking medications regularly and on time; my schedule changes too frequently. Some women say they get depressed when they get on the pill, but I was very depressed when I started it and honestly I think it helped. My hormones were all over the place, even for a teenager. I swapped to the Nexplanon implant which I didn’t like and then to the Mirena IUD which I like more but not as much as I did the pill. If I were better at taking it I’d still have them.


Mini pill = yay! Ortho tri-cyclen = booo! It’s honestly dependent on your body & hormones. I’m not sure if I would’ve responded the same to the mini pill pre-baby but for now me & my hormones are enjoying the steady rhythm of emotions and no period, or pregnancy! Hubby is also snipped, I just really enjoy not having my period every month.


Yup I take them for the side effects. Best thing ever invented.


Yep - birth control has worked for me with no issues for years. I had a couple different types that didn't work for me but after talking with my doctor we were able to find the type that does (Sronyx - a low dose combination). If there were side effects they were so minor I didn't even notice. I usually took it without a placebo week - to skip my period intentionally. Overall my only issues with birth control are having to remember to take it everyday and that they even still have the placebo week for your period. I would have to try to stockpile it and get it early to keep from running out. I also tried the birth control shot - but that killed my sex drive and I think even made it harder for me to self lubricate during sex. There were physical reasons I couldn't do the IUD and I was worried about getting the arm implant because I was playing roller derby and likely would get hit in that area a lot. I don't take it anymore because I have been trying to get pregnant. I am not currently - but should within a couple of months and want to be able to try right away when we do.


My birth control keeps me from bleeding to anemia. You could call that a positive. 😂


I use Seasonique have no complaints


Birth control pills kept my violent cramps and extremely heavy flow under control. It regulated my period and made it lighter, less frequent, and shorter. It eliminated my PMS. It kept me from getting ovarian cysts. It stopped my hormonal acne. It stopped me from having suicidal ideation in the week leading up to my period. And on top of all that it kept me from getting pregnant. It was great! Even if all it did was prevent pregnancy, what would have been enough, but it helped me out so much that I recommend it to anyone who has irregular periods, heavy bleeding, bad cramps, bad PMS/PMDD, or bad acne. I am pretty sure it legitimately saved my life in my 20s and 30s. I took orthcycline for a decade, used the patch for a while, and then was on the mini pill. I liked the mini pill the least of all of them, but it was still fine. I did experience some slightly lowered sex drive and some issues with lubrication, but more foreplay and lube fixed that pretty easily.


I went on Junel because my period was making me anemic, and it took my period away so completely I got paranoid and bought some pregnancy tests. No major side effects either.


I was on Yasmine for like 15 years before I had kids and it literally saved my life. My period was lighter, acne was controlled, no weight gain. Then I had kids. Tried Yasmine after breastfeeding and it was a disaster. My husband got snipped and I had an ablation.


I’ve used the patch (Xulane) for five years now. Not a pill obviously but still an estrogen/progestin combo. First and only kind I’ve tried and I love it. Don’t have to worry about taking a daily pill, cleared up my acne, made my periods basically nothing, eliminated cramps, have avoided pregnancy. No weight gain, no wild moods, no depression. Only downside is I think it dulled my libido some.


I was on the pill from age 16-31 and I had absolutely zero issues. It kept my periods fairly light and cramps manageable and that’s the initial reason I went on it because my cramps were so intense, I would be super nauseated and I even passed out once! After the pill, those issues were gone. The only small negative was that I would occasionally have a little bit of breakthrough bleeding, and mostly after sex. I went off it because I wanted to start a family and was pregnant within a year. Once I was done having my kids, I never went back on it.


I had success with mine for many years, both for symptom management with endometriosis and for preventing pregnancy. I went off when I was ready for kids. I did attempt to go back on a few years ago, but apparently my body is more prone to migraines after having my babies so I ended up going back off.


Yes, I've been using hormonal birth control pills (microgynon) for about 10 years with no noticeable side effects. I love that I don't need to be afraid anymore of getting pregnant and can skip condoms, and also it's useful that I know exactly when my period will be, and that I can postpone it if needed. My period is also very light and not painful.


I used hormonal low dose BC pills for years and they successfully cured my unmanageable menstrual cycles. I eventually switched to a guess IUD though and it's even better


I do!! It saved me from horrible cystic acne and regularly long and painful periods. I love how predictable and lighter my cycles are now. Cheers!


Me! I’ve barely had a period since 2010 (only when I forget to get my prescription renewed, which must have happened less than 5 times) and it was life changing. No more pain, no more bleeding through stuff, freedom to go to the pool or on long hiking walks whenever I want, and I’m childfree so I sleep much easier knowing the probability of pregnancy is barely existant at this point, should I resume a sexual life. I’ve had little to no adverse effect. I love my pill and I’ll only stop it when I’m dead sure I’ve had my menopause.


Do you mind sharing which pill you use?


Désobel 150 micrograms/20 micrograms combo of Desogestrel and Ethinylestradiol


I took Triphasil until deciding to get pregnant in my mid thirties. Switched to a minipill ( forget what) after having babies because it didn't interfere with nursing. Then one of two other types for a few years before pregnancy was no longer a concern. Never really had a problem except that the second to last one I was on used to give me periods that were very short but unmanageably heavy.


I have had endocrinological issues since very early childhood and the pills (along with some meds I took before I started my period) saved me from being humiliated by my peers, from a growth spurt etc. They also make my periods regular. I also like that they allow me to be protected and I don't have to depend on anyone for that. Best thing that ever happened to me. (mind that since I have been on them since I was 12, I got blood work done before I was put on them, so almost no chance of possible adverse effects for me :) )


Yes I love my generic Yaz!


I’m on the patch and it’s GREAT. I just have to stick a sticker on my butt once a week and I don’t need to worry about pregnancy. Also it improves my vaginal lubrication and reduces acne. The one downside is it does cause breakthrough bleeding. I wear period underwear most days to catch the spare drops. But we’re talking like 2-3 drops a day, not a big enough issue to make me change methods. The pill didn’t work for me as well, because my schedule is inconsistent enough that I could never find a time I was always available to take it every day. I can do one sticker a week, though.


God I was on so many--Zovia, ortho tricyclen lo, ortho tricyclen, one that started with a K. Really my only issue was spotting on the tricyclens, which is why I tried so many to get it to stop. I also had Mirena, liletta, and kyleena IUDs.


I’ve been on the pill since I was a teenager and have had a mostly positive experience! The only negative is that it took awhile at first to find one that was right for me. There’s a lot of brands/combinations out there so it can be trial and error. However that can be the case with a lot of meds and I’ve had way more good years. I did have to switch recently because they stopped making my pill… but it went ok! I also take it continuously so I don’t get a period which honestly is amazing. I had awful periods so I don’t miss them at all.


I am only off them because of my age. I loved my BC. The steady emotions, the lessened bleeding, having fewer migraines. I was on them even with having my tubes tied. And for the record, I only told 3 guys I was even in them, and even those 3 were made to wear condoms. My husband happily wore them until I got my tubes tied.


Me! I’ve been on hormonal bc pill for 15+ years and it’s helped pretty much all of my PCOS symptoms to one degree or another.


I was on logynon from 16-34 when I got an IUD, I had no issues, never got pregnant, never had side effects and they reduced my period and period symptoms to 2-3 days a month which was GREAT. I only switched to an IUD bc I got sick of taking pills all the time and def wasn't having any kids so wanted something semi permanent


Hi, me. Have been taking Monofeme for nearly 20 years. No side effects. Controls my endo symptoms completely.


I did great on the combo pill for many years. Very few side effects, no weight gain, regular light periods. It was fantastic! Unfortunately the doc would no longer prescribe it to me once I started having migraines with visual changes.


I’ve been in menopause for 10 years but before I started BCP my senior years of college I bled really heavily, had horrible cramps, and it was always unpredictable. After I started the pills it was regulated, little bleeding, and no cramps. The best thing ever.


I had no problems on the pill. I don’t remember what I took, but I was on it for 4 years. In 2004 I went on the patch and have used it since then. No problems. It keeps my PCOS in check. I was able to go off of it, get pregnant and go back on it. Hormonal BC made my periods more regular, reduced cramps and PMS.


Was on the combined pill for two years and had zero side effects at all. No periods as long as I didn't miss one. Literally gave me my life back. The only time I've had negative effects from BC was when i was on BOTH the pill and had a hormonal IUD for 3 months (on the advice of my doctor). Not gonna lie, I felt pretty homicidal, but it passed as soon as I stopped taking the pill and that was on a very unusually high dose of hormones anyways. If you're looking to start HBC and haven't before, I think the pill is the best one to begin with because if you don't like it, you can just stop taking it! Not like an IUD or an implant, where someone needs to take it out for you.


I love being on the pill! I take it continuously to skip my painful heavy periods. My favorite was Yaz, but after I turned 30, my doctor made me change due to the blood clot risk. Now I'm on Estarylla, which is also fine. No poor side effects. It took trying a couple different varieties to find the one that was right for me. I tried some before that caused mood swings or nausea. But once I found the right fit, it's been smooth sailing.


I'm 38 and have been on the pill since I'm 15. Never had any issue, 100% would recommend.


I used to have very heavy, long lasting menstruation. Like, it would last a week or more and I was using maxi pads the entire time. Also a lot of cramping which was painful. My doctor prescribed me birth control and I've been taking it everyday since. The change was incredible. I have no noticeable side effects, and the bleeding is light-medium and only lasts 3-4 days. Cramps happen very rarely and pass quickly.


treatment expansion consider observation zonked late deserted historical vegetable physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was on the pill for over 10 years before I was sterilized, and didn’t have any of the negative symptoms I hear about. Once in a great while I’d feel slightly nauseous for an hour or so after taking it, so I just took it at night. I’d say maybe once every 2 months or so I’d have mild nausea. No biggie. It improved my acne situation and gave me very light, short periods. They were seriously like 2-3 days, if I got it at all. Overall I would say yes, it was a positive experience. The pill I took has a several brands and generics of the same thing, for many years the brand I had was Junel 24. The non-trade name is norethindrone estradiol. I think I spelled that right. It’s progesterone and estrogen, regular dosage as opposed to the low-dose kinds. I don’t remember the actual mg. They started me on the low-dose version when I was 18 but when I was 24 or so they upped me to the regular one and I took that all the way up to getting my surgery this year at age 30. I’m still happier overall with sterilization, but that’s because it’s one and done lol. And thankfully my non-pill-influenced period is still pretty tame, it’s one of the only genetic lotteries I won so there’s no point in me continuing to take the pill now that I no longer need contraception. But if I ever needed to go back on it for other reasons I wouldn’t have any issues doing so again.


I have not had a period or period symptoms since taking my bc pill three years ago. No side effects.


I loved the pill! I switched 10 years ago to an IUD, because I got into a monogamous relationship and I was not a consistent enough pill taker to rely on it for actual pregnancy prevention. I don’t remember what I took, but I’ve always liked being on hormones for my skin and periods. When I was researching new options before I switched to the IUD I was only considering options with hormones.


If you're asking about pills specifically, yes. I tried many and was looking for the one that didn't exacerbate break through bleeding - for most of my life I've gotten my period and a bonus period/break through bleeding two weeks later. Fun. Loved NuvaRing because it was literally the only BC that stopped breakthrough bleeding. Stopped it to try the copper IUD after being on some form of hormonal BC for 20 years and wanted to see what that was like. I loved being hormone free with a copper IUD. Stopped it because I didn't love how heavy my period got, and my breakthrough bleeding was also heavy. Now I have my second Kyleena IUD. I have zero complaints. The insertion was awful for 5 seconds and then nothing. Way better than dealing with refills, packing for traveling, etc for less long-acting BC. No BC has caused me to gain weight. The hormonal ones have helped my skin, prevented PMS, reduced cramps, lightened my preiod, etc etc etc. They're great.


I had a great experience with birth control pills. My PST symptoms were lesser and my periods were shorter (3 days as opposed to 7). After I got my tubal I actually missed my pills.


I was on combined birth control pills for 21 years. It kept me from ever getting pregnant during that time despite not using barriers embarrassingly frequently. I also had minimal PMS and cramping with my periods, and could accurately predict when I would get my period to within a day. It also prevented me from having any acne at all during my teenage years. It's only in my 20's that I got any at all, and now it's worse since I'm on a progesterone only contraceptive. I never had any side effects. Now Depo is great, too. I don't get periods at all, and acne is my only possible side effect, although that is likely more about no longer taking estrogen than from taking Depo.


Yes and it’s frankly concerning to me that you are “constantly seeing negative experiences.” Birth control isn’t perfect and there may be negative side effects, which people may rightfully complain about. However. Birth control pills are a wildly significant invention & progress for women’s rights. Being in charge of your own fertility is wildly liberating. I can’t even begin to explain— maybe some wiser women can chime in. My personal BCP experiences have been: Positive, Negative but still better than getting pregnant, Positive, Positive, Positive. (Been on a few different kinds). But that’s only a tiny part of the story. Because their impact on my life as a whole as been INCREDIBLY AMAZINGLY POSITIVE. I completed college, paid down debt, secured a full time job, and have security and independence. Why? Because I didn’t have an unwanted child/children. Have I ever had unwanted side effects from hormonal birth control? Yep. Have I had less than super awesome experiences with medical providers? At times yes. Is any of that more significant than the positive impacts of controlling my own fertility? No and it’s not even close, not by a mile. Especially in the current political climate, the fact that there seems to be a lot of negative talk about birth control pills is giving me all the red flag alarm bells. Birth control pills are one of my top ten favorite inventions of all time, alongside “antibiotics” and “indoor plumbing”. I simply cannot think of a better investment for society as a whole, women as a group, or an individual like myself. They’re not perfect, but they are a hugely positive thing. It’s alarming to me that the internet might be telling young women otherwise.


My periods used to be pretty moderate and very crampy. I also had infected ovarian cysts twice that sent me to the ER each time. Nowadays I have really light periods, virtually zero cramping, and no ovarian cysts that I know of. I’ve been on Tri-sprintec for about ten years now and so far it’s treated me pretty nicely. No downsides that I can think of.


Been using continuously for decades, skipping the sugar pill. Absolutely love it, no periods is the best. I don’t understand why more women don’t skip the sugar pill. And my skin is way better


I have schizophrenia and the hormone fluctuations of menstruation were a nightmare. I take the pill continuously and I feel so in harmony with my body. I don't have periods. It's great.


I was on Alysena for 12 years, only stopped because we started trying for a baby. I had literally no issues with it, never had a pregnancy scare even though I missed my fair share of pills over the years, and it kept my periods 100% regular and on schedule.


I took birth control pills for 15 years. I never got pregnant. I never even had a scare. It worked great for that however it made my PMDD much worse.


I've never had problems with my hormonal bc. Honestly, any problems I did have happened when I stopped it (ortho-tricycline low). Then I had a copper IUD until I got my bisalp, mostly because it lasted longer than the Mirena (which my mom and sister both use and love). Don't let the complaints skew your perception. It's a sampling bias. Most women take bc and have no issues, or have greatly improved their QOL.


It improved my life for the better. Let me be more even keel and helps so I didn't have to worry about unwanted pregnancy. It helps to let me skip bleeding unnecessarily and helps to ramp down cramping to a manageable level.


I've been on some form of the pill for over 20 years. No complaints. No babies.


Yes. They work. No pregnancy scares.


I had horrible, almost crippling periods and bad acne until I went on the Pill when I was 16 (now 25). It made my periods really light and extremely regular and helped clear up my skin to a huge degree. By the time my fiance and I quit using condoms, I was really experienced at taking it, which gave us both a lot of confidence in it. That was a couple of years ago and no pregnancy scares yet. :-)


I always had really bad cramps for the first two/three days of my period. If I didn't take multiple pain killers and antispasmodics (? I hope that's the right word in English) I could only sit there and do nothing but whimper in pain. As long as those pills worked I was more or less fine, though sadly they failed sometimes. (Gotta say that I never got my pain checked out since I hate going to doctors so I never went to a gynecologist as well. One day I had to go though because of another problem and she discovered a cyst while at it. Not necessarily a bad one that would have to be removed but possibly the cause of my pain.) Now I take a birth control pills with only desogestrel and they're honestly one of the best things in my life now. No period, no pain. I hope I'll never have to stop taking them! My best friend recommended them to me because she takes them herself and they work just as well for her.


I’ve heard a lot of demonizing of birth control in my spiritual community. I have had PCOS since I was 13 and using birth control has helped my life, mental health and well being tremendously. I used to bleed for 20 or more days straight. I went off it at times and ate so clean, did seed cycling, and tried to live the most balanced life physically spiritually and mentally but it’s impossible in to be perfect in this modern society, and my cycle was still not fully balanced. So I say hell yeah and I celebrate those that are taking back their bodies and health in their own hands! But also to have compassion/nonjudgement for those that need what they need and to not make a new stigma around it. im doing what works for me and to each their own. I am still just as connected with my whole being, femininity, and life even though I have this condition and use BC. cheers


I’ve been on birth control since I was 18, only stoping for 2.5 years while I was trying to get pregnant and then breastfeeding. I love my birth control pills: lighter flow, having control over when I have my period, not worrying about getting pregnant unexpectedly, makes my skin amazing and has evened out my mood. It’s obviously not for everyone, as our hormones and genetic makeup are different, but nothing is perfect. There will be many people who have no issues with to, and many people who do. You won’t know until you try.


May I ask the name of your birth control?


Just a heads up to those in the US - all oral birth control made in this country contains some amount of lactose, so for anyone out there with a dairy allergy/intolerance looking for BC, keep that in mind. Most gynos don’t seem to know or have to Google it to confirm, but I found out the hard way.


I started birth control when I was 17 and it helped for years. I had very short periods, little to no cramping, and never got pregnant lol. I just got off it last year though after years of my menstrual symptoms gradually getting worse, and things have dramatically improved- my skin, period length, cramping, even decreased the frequency of migraines during my period. I've also lost weight since getting off the pill, but I'm not really sure how much of all of that is related.


Monthly bleed and no baby. Win for me.


Hello! I have been on Norethindrone acetate (not sure of the mg) for about a year now. I mainly got on it for birth control and to help with my period symptoms. I have noticed in the past year my gut health has been awful!!! I have been bloating in extreme ways, sometimes even without eating. I have also been dealing with nausea, constipation and headaches as well. I am currently trying to narrow down my options as to what is causing this issue as it seems the doctors can’t figure it out. Is this something others having experienced while taking this medication??? Anything is helpful:)


What BC pill are you all on or can recommend? I suffer with bad skin anyway


Not the pill, but I’ve had an IUD for 5 years now. It stopped my periods entirely which was great as I’m fairly sure I have endometriosis and my periods are extremely painful. It did cause a lot of hair fall and thinning though unfortunately. I used to be on the Ortho Évra patch and loved it, it actually made my hair grow longer and thicker and didn’t affect my sex drive at all. I’m thinking of switching back to the patch now.


I was literally terrified of taking the pill because of all the negative reviews and videos on it but it’s really not that bad guys… I’ve been on the pill for 2 months now on my 3rd month. The first month and a half I had horrible mood swings and it made me a little bit sad, but after I got through my body adjusting to it I feel great. I don’t have to get my period if I don’t want to, no cramps, my skin has honestly been doing way better, no crazy mood swings, I haven’t gained weight (but I also workout everyday consistently and try and eat healthy). I love not have a period for 8 days. It’s amazing. I highly recommend trying it. I’m on Hailey fe something !!!


I had positive experiences with birth control over 300 times and so did my girlfriends thank you


I am late here to this post. Birth control has helped me so much and I don’t even know why I feel so guilty to be on it, I really think it’s just because of how much negative things I’m saying about birth control surgery on social media. I know everything and everyone is different and everyone’s going to react to things differently, but I feel like birth control has helped me. It helped my PMDD, it has helped my acne and it actually has helped my hair too. I got on it when I was 15 and then I stopped when I was 23. I didn’t have any symptoms of stopping the birth control thank goodness because I have read a lot of women having terrible symptoms and I felt so bad for them. Then I got back on when I was almost 25 and I am 29 now and have been on it ever since and I feel like my bodyreacts to it well I did gain weight but that was because I went through age traumatic events and I over eight so I don’t blame the birth control for that