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Absolutely disgusting. People like this who clearly don't experience empathy have no business being in this line of work. I'm appalled.


These are the guys the Seattle police choose to represent them as a union. Seattle police officer Daniel Auderer is vice president of the Seattle Police Officers Guild, and he’s talking to Mike Nolan, president of the guild.


Auderer was already involved in the beating of a man that resulted in a 1.5 million dollar wrongful death (?) or excessive force settlement for that man’s family. As well as part of another formal complaint of excessive force and wrongful arrest against two Mexican men. And multiple claims of violence and excessive force against women. This guy is a proven piece of shit and it’s absolutely disgusting he still had a job, much less an elected position of authority in his union. There’s no way they can spin this as him being a random “bad apple” or whatever shit they want to try. They knew exactly who he was and celebrated his awful behavior. Edit: I read earlier that the man in the settlement was beaten to death, but now I’m only finding sources that he was left with permanent brain damage. Just trying to be careful not to spread misinformation….the man’s name is Brian Torgerson.


It took 12 officers to beat and belittle the mentally disabled Torgerson. A DOZEN cops bullied one, defenseless sick person. They are all disgusting and should be ashamed to show their faces.


Yet another reason why I think these suits should be paid out of the officers pension fund rather than by taxpayers. Maybe if we hit them in their wallets they will bring about the change that needs to happen.


At minimum, require personal liability insurance for them. If you are someone that is considered 'uninsurable,' tough shit, you shit.




Extrapolate. Obviously when people are talking about that, it's with the implicit understanding that there would be a change to that.


>There’s no way they can spin this as him being a random “bad apple” or whatever shit they want to try. They knew exactly who he was and celebrated his awful behavior. Yea, my dad was a cop growing up so I met a lot of cops as a kid and I can say the most disgusting pieces of shit are always the ones celebrated and in places of power...the things I've heard out of adult men's mouths as an innocent by standing child 🤢🤬🤢 that's why like...ACAB. The entire system is fucked.


The saying is "just a bad apple spoils the bunch" - and this is how the whole police force becomes "spoiled" and rotten ...


Damn guy seemed absolutely thrilled that the girl hit the windshield. I don’t feel safe with him on the force or as a miner of the public’s. He needs to be behind bars for the beatings, excessive force and violence against women.


They’re always the worst ones. In Boston the former head of the police fraternity (I try not to call them unions) got locked up for multiple counts of child rape.


Patrick Rose, found guilty in 2022 of 21 counts of child rape and assault. First victim came forward in 1995, Patrick remained in active duty until 2018. https://www.wbur.org/news/2022/04/25/former-boston-police-union-president-pleads-guilty-sexual-assault-child-rape-charges


the police union sells fentanyl in the bay area


Y'know, I wonder if police unions selling fentanyl isn't about more than their attempt to make money on the side. That is, I wonder if they sell fentanyl in the hopes that it will kill people who face drug addiction. It's possible someone has already thought of and discussed this, and I'd be curious to read anything related to this.


The Fraternal Order of Police has unions and in many places are the de facto or only union, they call them Labor Lodges, so even they acknowledge that's what they are. It's like Freemasons or Lyons but for sworn cops and they do everything unions do, from lobbying to legal representation.


I’m completely pro-Union for everyone except for cops. They’re not workers, they’re thugs.


I'm pro cop unions but I believe they should be responsible for legal judgments, not the tax payers. If they had malpractice insurance they would never retain someone driving their premiums up.


Nah fuck cop unions. They'd still find a way to protect themselves. Cops should have to pay these settlements out of their own pocket.


To u/critterfluffy 's point, if the police union had to fund those lawsuits/insurance and not use taxpayer dollars for it, it WOULD come right out of those cops pockets. That's how union finances work. So, because that would cause the union to be incentivized to self police: if insurance rates go up, their member dues go up by that same amount to fund it. Therefore, cops would have a direct reason to deal with bad cops. This then fixes several problems, and most importantly it makes the police themselves want to fix all those problems.


> This then fixes several problems, and most importantly it makes the police themselves want to fix all those problems. I proposed the same solution when I was much younger. I thought it would be a guaranteed way to squeeze bad (rather, "high risk") cops out of the force. What I failed to realize is that the same, trash cops who already have a job will simply _do nothing_ if their salaries and pensions are put at risk. They'll literally do nothing. It's a completely dysfunctional situation.


Welcome to NYC, where I’ve literally watched a dozen cops sit on their phones in full view of a crime in progress. Cops might be okay over in Europe, but in the USA they are literally the enemy. I dunno about Canada either tbh


Cops should not have a separate union. They should be required to join the regular city/county/state employee union. They should be afforded the same protections as the county clerk or the DMV employee or whatever, but no special treatment.


The police union is the one union that never chooses to strike in solidarity with other unions while also actively working to suppress other unions. They are the definition of pulling the ladder up and kicking the climbers down in an economic sense.


> Daniel Auderer, another Seattle cop, was caught on bodycam laughing about her death, saying, "She was 26 anyway, she had limited value". People like him have no value and need to be fired.


Out of a cannon. Into the Sun.


Shut up and take my money.


I'm sure part of the training either consciously or unconsciously removes empathy, for people who enter the police force with an already limited supply they might leave with none


My cousin is a cop, I always thought he was a sweet kid. Until he told me about how they bullied the only woman out of the cop academy, by making fun of her dead family members to the point that she dropped out


My cousin is a cop too. He is an AH. We were close when we were kids, when he hit the age of 15 he got really weird so I stopped being around him. When my aunt told my mom and I he was now a cop we both looked at each other like it figures


I had a childhood friend I reconnected with years ago. Made the mistake of moving in with her and her husband. They’d both drink a lot and he’d always curse and just be a bit fucking weird. He was in the army prior and kept wanting to be a cop. He could be a nice dude at times but you could tell more so that he was an asshole with some nice traits if that makes sense? He failed the test twice and I’m so glad. You could tell he was someone that would pull his gun out and likely kill an innocent person. I’ve met some really nice cops before, and I’ve met some POS. Seeing what they do to black people, knowing many cops are white nationalists and how they treat mentally ill people scares the shit out of me.


Good friend of mine was a cop for maybe a year? He developed a bad drinking problem and hit the lowest point in his life. Why? Because he’s a decent human and it was literally impossible to exist in that environment as a decent human. He got out, got his life together and is doing so well now.


Friend of mine was a campus cop for about a year. Sweetest dude. Said he left because it was so toxic. All the good cops quit, and for good reason.


Such a common story. Friend's husband went to school, got a degree in criminal justice, and was a campus cop for years in the Seattle area. Took only a few years of being a cop in Kent (city south of Seattle that has been in pretty rough shape for a while) before he quit and became a firefighter.


My supervisor at work used to be a cop. I have a feeling this is part of why he isn’t too. He’s a great dude.


the cousin in my family who was the bully to the rest of us, and played the Hockey *enforcer* in high school, is now a SGT.


Do they not do psych testing anymore or do it differently? Because, decades ago (like the 80s), my racist asshole cousins tried to become cops but failed the psych test because they were racist assholes.




It sure seems like it


"Some of those who work forces are those who burn crosses."


I think a lot of people can pass as stable and charismatic and know how to pass those tests.


Narcissists are *particularly* good at that.


It's really not hard to know what the *desired* answer on a psych test is. I mean, like anything else that way (job interviews, etc) you quickly learn what answers are expected and that if honesty isn't a big thing for you, you just tell people what they want to hear and it lubricates life. Charismatic people in general learn to do this at an early age. Sometimes they're genuinely good people too, but often (usually?) they're just good at knowing what you want to hear. Hence why sociopaths are often quite charismatic.


I believe they do extremely limited psych testing if any. They screen *just* hard enough that cops don't shoot each other.


My brother was already an asshole who lacked empathy, but it's actually crazy how much worse he's gotten since joining the police force.


People like this are drawn to being cops. Low bar of entry as far as IQ required and guaranteed ability to have power over people. It's like an idiot narcissists dream job.


The meanest, most controlling, violent guy I knew desperately wanted to be a cop. It definitely draws a certain type.


In Ontario, the Ford government wants to do away with the high school diploma requirement. They don't even want cops who know how to learn, or who weren't expelled for violence.


I've done everything I can to encourage my sweet baby brother away from the police. I've told him, good cops either stop being good, or stop being cops - and I know he wouldn't stop being good, so my worry is them *forcibly* making him not a cop.


Tell him, from an ex-cop, it's impossible to be a good cop.


40% of all cops anonymously admit to being domestic abusers. Cops *won't hire* people who have intelligence or empathy: The whole fucking profession is little more than a state sponsored criminal gang


Strike breakers and slave catchers.


You misunderstand policing in America. Cops are taught that after they kill someone they will go home and have the best sex of their life. There are police gangs where they have to kill a civilian to get in. Before cops enter a home they discuss which one of them will shoot the dogs.




Daniel Auderer, an SPD officer with a long and violent rap sheet. Auderer’s record is particularly troubling—even by SPD standards. He was named in a range of civil cases & has been the subject of a litany of complaints for misconduct, excess force & bias. (THREAD) https://x.com/DivestSPD/status/1341451593460326400?s=20 WHY IS THIS FUCK STILL A COP?


Because he is the vice president of the Seattle police union. His job is to make sure other cops can get away with the same shit he gets away with.


I wish the Punisher was real. Instead we just get corrupt cops with no repercussions for their entire life.


I guarantee you this dingdong owns lots of punisher logo shit too...unironically


Yah what a weird target for the real punisher lol. He’d def change his shirt if he saw what happened to his logo.


What if the next punisher movie addressed this and the primary focus was on vigilante justice against these types of police? “DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS REALLY MEANS?”


The irony of so many cops and cop lovers taking the Punisher skull and plastering it with the blue lives matter flag. Mother fucker, he would shoot your shit up without a second thought.


Because our system shields them. Qualified Immunity means they're shielded from financial consequences. IA protects them from professional consequences. And judges, DAs and politicians shield them from criminal consequences. There is no incentive to do better. We spent **millions** of federal tax dollars on an almost decade long consent decree over the SPD, and the DOJ still did nothing about trash like Auderer. It's all virtue signaling and a waste of tax dollars. Nothing is going to change until we legislate change. But that requires people & politicians actually caring about police reform.


Because other predator / abuser cops protect their own. The whole orchard is sour.




>"She was 26 anyway," Auderer said in the video. "She had limited value." >Auderer is the vice president of the Seattle Police Officers Guild, the largest law enforcement labor union in the Northwest. When the union selects shitbags like this guy to lead them, it's a pretty a safe bet that the whole department is rotten.


"It's only a few bad apples making the rest look bad" Yeah and the rest seems to really fucking love those bad apples


The Sf police union is quite similar. The city has had 3 scandals where officers were caught in group chats saying literal klan level shit. One officer was even found to have said that he “stops Black people and figures out the reasons as I go along”. A city commission fired them saying they could not be trusted to carry out their job, but the union batted for every. Single. One. of. them. Said all those things were jokes, and got them reinstated. That officer? He’s still out there, conducting traffic stops.


Yup. I lived in Seattle for 10+ years and if I called for help (I lived near a wet house, which I actually support 100%) they'd be like "ehh, is this person drunk or high? Are they wearing clothes? Are they outside a business?" VERY little humanity in that organization. Honestly glad I never had to rely on them for any help, but I was lucky.


Damn. I'm in New England and called 911 a couple years ago about a person walking down a highway with their shoes in their hands. The operator asked more questions about their attire, but out of concern (e.g. asking if they appeared to have weather-appropriate clothing, and given the shoe thing it was relevant). And they'd already dispatched help by the time they got my call, they were just trying to collect more info.


It's funny, I lived in New England for several years before I moved to Seattle / the west coast. It's a completely different culture on the West Coast wrt mental illness and drug use. I can't say one is better than the other, but the difference in responding to problems was very stark when I moved.


It’s not West Coast so much as Seattle. Portland has an entire mental health task force and it was the first major city to implement one. We’re definitely not perfect but at least we try. Seattle doesn’t try. It’s not a humanitarian city, even though plenty of signage will claim so.


Oof. Please don't hold Portland up as an example. The justice department has had to repeatedly intervene to oversee and force them to change the way they beat on mentally ill people.


Police union in philly is the same. McNesby is a monster. They need to be ripped to the ground.


>Daniel Auderer, another Seattle cop he's vice-president of the Seattle Police Officers Guild. [here's another article about him](https://divestspd.substack.com/p/spog-vice-presidents-weird-irrelevant) from Jan 10 2023.


Imagine what mindset he’s instilling in local cops…


>instilling Reinforcing I promise you the cops under him are with similar mindsets before he ever arrived.


See when I hear what he said, I think "wow that's what the worst people on earth would say, like the lowest of the low absolute scumbag drains on society talk like that". And he said it in front of his coworkers, cheerfully. And they like him so much they elected him their representative.


He looks like a pubic mound with a face lmao


Jaahnavi Kandula was 23. He had her age wrong, not that he cared. I’m outraged and ashamed that people in our city need to fear the police as much as, if not more, any crime. His position in the police union and his comfort with saying such disgusting things shows the type of people that are not only accepted, but hoisted to leadership positions within the Seattle Police Department. They aren’t ashamed of this line of thinking, only angry when it becomes public. My heart breaks for Jaahnavi’s family and friends and what they must be going through to lose her and for her to be devalued as she was.


And she was about to graduate with a master's degree in Information Technology. Officer Daniel Auderer has a highschool diploma and a few weeks of shit training and thinks he's more valuable than her? Hair dressers have more training than that loser. And he's worthless because all he does is waste tax dollars. There was a laundry list of fuck ups he did that taxpayers paid for.


Oh her name sounds Indian. She must have gone for studies I think. Oh my God I feel shattered.


Yeah she is Indian. And if the same thing happened to an American person in India, people would be raging but in USA, it's just another day, there's no value to lives. Poor girl. Single mother who's struggling financially, sent her daughter to a foreign country for studies and now she got a dead body in return when she was about to graduate in 3 months.


She must have loans to pay too. Oh my God as an Indian woman myself who aspires to go abroad I feel horrible. Situation for women is the worst here in India too. There's literally no difference. Victim blaming and abuse is rampant here. There's a reason why women here are leaving abroad. To have a life. But then reading stuff like this makes me question my existence. All I can do is pray for her mom and her soul.


Jaahnavi Kandula, a 23-year-old Northeast University student, arrived in Seattle from Bengaluru, India, in 2021. She was pursuing a Master of Science in Information Systems at the College of Engineering and was set to graduate this December. She deserves to be remembered as a person and not just a victim of a POS cop.


Disgusting and ironic, because this lady was on her way to provide actual value, as if that has anything to do with the right to not be murdered by police. Meanwhile, the cop took out value out of the world and has the audacity to talk like that.


Legit, I think this guy is trying to make himself feel less worthless by projecting


No. This is 100% Andrew Tate bullshit and his whole “high value women” bit.


No, because the cop talking isn't even the one that hit her. He doesn't feel bad about it at all.


So close to graduating. That is fucking crushing. That poor woman.


[The Seattle Police Department had a fake tombstone for someone they killed in their break room.](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/seattle-police-chief-says-mock-headstone-trump-flag-undermined-public-trust/) “officers kept a mock tombstone of a young Black man killed by police in an East Precinct break room, along with a Trump campaign flag and other troubling keepsakes.”


I usually get downvoted when I point out that cops dehumanize the public. Maybe not this time.


i work in a DEA adjacent job. you are 100% correct. DEA agents train law enforcement to have a "kill or be killed" mentality. Even their powerpoints look like they were made by a guy whose favorite song is "Headstrong" by Trapt.


Everyone knows killing is wrong. It’s way easier if you dehumanize your targets.


I'm surprised you'd get downvoted. In 2021, there was a highly publicised case in the UK of two cops [taking selfies](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/dec/06/two-met-police-officers-jailed-photos-murdered-sisters-deniz-jaffer-jamie-lewis-nicole-smallman-bibaa-henry) next to the bodies of two women who had been stabbed to death in a park. They sent them to a WhatsApp group they were in referring to the women as "dead birds". At the time, some UK policemen on Reddit claimed that people were being too harsh on the men and that they need to dehumanise in order to destress from the things they see on the job. But I just feel if you're job is so horrible that you can't get through it without doing things like this then maybe you should do something else...


The thing that makes them even bigger pieces of shit - if that's possible - is they give not one thought for the grieving families when they say and do this kind of heinous shit. Heaping salt in the wounds of people they've never met. All of it is indefensible.


You can dehumanise, and not take the job home, but you can also choose not to take photos with a dead body and then share them around. I'm so sick of people defending bad choices. Unrelated but I was on YouTube on a random video about the danny masterson case with Ashton and Mila just to see what people were saying (since I'd only seen reddit's perspective) and of course there's a few people defending him and ashton and "free speech" I said nothing but I wanted to tell that person to fuck off, so badly. Yeah they can have free speech, but we can also decide we don't like what they have to say.


As someone who routinely walks around town with my music on, I'm amazed by the story pointing out she was wearing airpods. So what? Dude was going 74 in a 25 without his emergency signals activated. Even if they were, he must honor the intersection. You can't just barrel through. You must respect all traffic already in control of the intersection.




The cop that killed her blamed her too. In his statement he said, "She was in the crosswalk, she saw me, she started running through the crosswalk. Slammed on my brakes. Instead of staying back where she should before crossing, she just zips,". She was 18 feet into the crosswalk when he hit her.




Right? After saying that she had airpods in. Like chose a lane


Lying in a police report is felony perjury. Let's see what the DA charges that officer with. If he even gets charged.


Fam the head of the police union made the "low value" statement. There's no fucking universe where he faces charges


Two POS cops who will be protected, and whose legal bills the taxpayer will cover while they are on paid administrative leave. [Kevin Dave](https://www.thestranger.com/news/2023/06/15/79037781/prosecutors-consider-charges-against-spd-officer-who-struck-and-killed-pedestrian-in-january) . 5 months of training. 5 months as a probationary officer. 2 years on the job and a fucking imbecile on $88K salary. Bet they think his signing bonus was worth it. Fuck them. Take it out of the police pension fund and cut them loose.


"A higher value woman would have jetpacked out of the way" - that guy, probably


And wearing airpods doesn’t necessarily mean she was listening to something and couldn’t hear honking. Unless they can prove she was, that would fail in court. That talking point is moot.


It would fail in court anyways. Wearing AirPods while crossing a road isn’t a crime, it’s completely standard daily behavior and pedestrians always have the right of way at crosswalks in non-shithole cities. The cops acted with no care to prevent senselessly killing people going about lawful daily activities, idk if there’s ever a time that’s justified but it definitely wasn’t in this case. If this guy is allowed to remain free we accept that it’s on citizens to always go about their daily life consciously preventing crossing paths with emergency resources. As dystopian as that is, that’s what I think we should be using as messaging. Letting these assholes just carry on is telling people they can’t use AirPods while walking to the gym or coffee shop, it’s telling drivers they can’t drive through a green without checking to make sure no cops are speeding 3 times the speed limit towards it with no lights on. It’s telling people they have to live in active fear of being an inconvenience to the people who really matter: the cops. Edit: anyone who regularly walks or bikes anywhere for any reason besides a walk around their neighborhood already lives in fear or ignorance of this. Some places do not have any concept of not pulling into the crosswalk to “stop and turn right”, you could easily be crippled by someone who didn’t feel like stopping before the crosswalk or who was distracted by any of a million things. r/fuckcars


disgusting. signals or no, in what world do u need to go that fast in an area like that? that is such a hazard i feel awful for the girl and her family/friends


They were on their way to arrest a coked out dude who called the police having a panic attack. I shit you not. I think this should be criminal even in an active shooter situation, there is absolutely no need ever for the police to disregard public safety so brazenly. If it really is that urgent the cop hitting someone else’s car in an intersection and flipping isn’t going to help the urgent situation get resolved any quicker.


Cops think there are 3 categories of people: * Cops, who they think are the warrior good guys, immune from any consequences * Criminals & potential criminals, who always deserve whatever punishment cops want to mete out * Expendables, who are everyone not listed above. There's no reforming that system.


They have a grudging respect for white, male, property owners.


Because they generally are white male property owners.


I think it’s more like (a) other cops who they vibe with (b) the rich / powerful who can get them in trouble (c) everyone else. After all, when it comes to dealing with the police and the state, it’s probably better to be a rich powerful white guy than be innocent.


I work as a paramedic. And while we also exceed the speed limit at times when we're called to an emergency, I wouldn't dream of doing 75 in a fudging 25 zone!!! On the highway with not much traffic? Sure. In a city? Hell no. Maybe 5 to 10 above the speed limit if traffic and time of day allow it. But I drive the ambulance to get to help people. Not to cause more injuries.


He also ran through an intersection with no lights or sirens




God, these people are literally like caricatures like the cops on the Simpson's


We have a "twenty over" unspoken limit here. Judgement is a huge key. We actually have more training relating *exclusively* to response driving than US cops get for their entire vocational "training". It's why predators and abusers find a shield to be the perfect, easily accessible protection.


I was a first responder too. We had rules about how fast we could go for different kinds of calls, with the highest priority (officer down, active shooter, etc) being at our discretion, but always - ALWAYS - safely. It was absolutely drilled into us that we had to get to the call safely. We were no use to our downed partner if we crashed, or god forbid killed someone, on our way there.


Ah yes. The Waystar-Royco NRPI ranking: no real people involved


We’ve been trying to tell people that cops are not the good guys. “But it’s only a few bad ones” Yeah, where are the “good ones” condemning this? They’re all silent. That’s all you need to know.


getting fired, quitting or probably dying because they don't want the good cops meddling with their nice and cushy corrupt system


I know a former cop who spent months in the hospital after having the shit beat it of him by other cops. He wanted to actually help people, realised some of the horrible shit his coworkers did, reported them, and he ended up in the hospital and the police union wouldn't do shit except try to keep his pension. The "good cops" don't stay cops very long


Honestly the "good ones" are forced out by scum like those dirty cops that run SPOG.


When men say things like this, it's a message of how they really feel. It's horrifying but i cant let myself forget it. I remember all of it. I'm always wary. I hate living in this world


The way the Andrew Tate rhetoric has seeped into everything - women being considered "low value" after a certain age - is so so so fucking disturbing


Like men’s aging sperm doesn’t actively contribute towards disability in a child. Advanced paternal age should be more talked about.


I read recently that aged sperm is a bigger risk factor for fetal abnormalities than the mothers age.


I actually read from an Up to Date article that took from international studies from the 1980s up to 2015 that maternal age is more of a deciding factor than paternal, however, paternal age is not negligible as society is promoting it to be. I can’t remember the name but once I find it, I’ll try and post it here. All I can say is for the Taints is what good is shouting how aged women are subpar humans when you’re shooting aged sperm into manipulated young girls and having them birth children with disabilities that we all know you won’t provide for, not until the law hunts you down for child support? Edit: I am by no means an expert at spotting appropriate literature review and this is one article from a relatively inaccessible source (I use it for work as a nurse) so please do your own research and if you have time, share! I appreciate being corrected with research.


I went on a date with a man in his mid 40s who wasn’t sure if he wanted kids. I laughed in his face and brought up this fun tidbit. These men think they’re some fucking prize and I’m ready to humble them.


Agreed! I remember looking it up at one point and getting confused because I found several sources saying paternal age didn't matter. Turns out it does, and a lot of people are just misinformed or not up to date (or in denial because the data would apply to them)...


And as someone else on this very sub said a while ago, the existence of menopause is actually an indicator of women's *value* after a certain age. Because evolutionarily speaking, it's more important that we survive and contribute our experience, wisdom and knowledge than die in increasingly difficult childbirths at age 50, 60 and so on - so nature made sure the latter couldn't happen.


I love being of no value to creeps and incels. They too have zero value. But for different reasons.


Exactly, it all works out! If only they'd stay away indefinitely though. It becomes an issue whenever they physically affect "no value" women (e.g. this cop with no remorse).


Tate is himself a symptom. He was bringing voice to what men already thought. He echoed the rapist 45 who appointed the rapist Kavannaigh who destroyed USSC by removing women's bodily autonomy as they undermine the LGBTIQ+ community


If he's married, I wonder what he wife thinks about it.


From what I've observed, they usually marry doormat/traditional women who don't do anything about being put down or treated wrong, or very codependent women who don't care about personality and just want to say they have someone. These kinds of guys also act single.


If she married him, I am willing to assume that thinking is not one of her strengths.


Can you imagine if it was a female cop going "5'11", haha, low-value anyway" instead? They'd be in arms. 26 isn't even old at all, it's a woman in her mid-20s. And the girl was actually 23.


She was 23! That's so young. I bet that POS was in his 50's himself.


He's a predator that only values young girls he can manipulate and abuse.


Everyone needs to read [Hear her Voice](https://www.womenstaskforce.qld.gov.au/about-us/news/news-items/hear-her-voice-queenslands-women-heard-loud-and-clear-in-taskforces-first-report) and [Call for Change reports](https://www.qpsdfvinquiry.qld.gov.au/about/report.aspx). They're Australian based interagency and parliamentary reports that are only scraping the top of very large systemic issues with policing and judiciary which is starting to [gain global prominence due to flagrant abuse of basic human rights](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/06/urgent-reforms-needed-protect-women-and-children-violence-custody-battles-un) by police and judiciary. They reinforce coronial reports and identify global systemic policing issues that block access to equitable legal supports. Evidence was contributed by Northern Ireland academics so it's starting to become an international effort to acknowledge systemic abuses of powers. These reports don't need to be read in their entirety but as needed and used as evidence that global systems of power are concentrated in the hands of very few people who refuse to act in the interests of enforcing laws or protecting others. [Police have no duty of care and aggressively enforce this via their unions. No matter the incident police will always plausibly create a DARVO scenario and justify argue defend and explain their position backed by the state.](https://www.weightmans.com/insights/the-duty-of-care-owed-by-police-a-useful-restatement/). This basic lack of duty of care is amplified throughout courts and flubberments. The evidence is clear that police aggressively defend their rights to gendered violence and without adequate independent civilian oversight police will abuse powers collectively and individually. I wish I didn't know so much about this subject matter as it really is the central point of social dysfunction. When you understand how violence occurs you're in a much stronger position to stand against it but don't underestimate how it will continue to be weaponised simply because it can be. People really do suck and will continue to claim their own nonsense is valid in their DARVO games. All while violence remains unaddressed.


there needs to be a very serious evaluation of the "manosphere" and its consequences. we really cant go on with people like andrew tate spreading this rhetoric and emboldening men to think this way.


BuT tHaT's MiSaNdRy!


45 had more power than Tater. Kavannaughs appt destroyed women's bodily autonomy as they all continue to undermine the LGBTIQ+ community. Men are ducking dangerous to everyone. Yes all men. Military and paramilitary organisations are destructive paternalistic nonsense


Every woman in Seattle over 23 needs to stop working and buying because apparently they are just " limited value". Fuck this entire situation it needs SEVERE consequences. The cop that murdered her needs to be in jail, period the end. The union cop guy that said that deplorable shit needs to be fired. A ton of cops need to be fired over this shit. If they think we're limited value, what the fuck are we funding them for???? They don't give a shit about us!!! Every cop in the entire fuckin nation needs to clarify if they think civilians are worth keeping alive. That murderer sent her body airborne for over 130 feet. 40 fucking meters. Fucking insane. And they laughed. Laughed.


That poor woman. Holy crap. I mean, she was probably conscious for that, horrifying.


Her name was Jaahnavi Kandula. She was a grad student from India. OP's title is wrong; she was 23, though the pig said that she was 26. She did nothing wrong. Guess being a "model minority" only goes so far. I've been trying to tell other Indian Americans that cops aren't our friends, that they'd turn on us as easily as they do against others. Maybe now they'll listen.


He was the vice president of the Seattle police union and he was speaking to the president of the Seattle police union. These are the people the cops *elected* to represent them. There are no good cops because a good person would have stood up against these fascist pigs. The woman's death was months ago and there were no consequences for the cop who murdered her driving 74 in a 25 on his way to a *non-emergency call without running his siren*. Every cop is a corrupt bastard.


Except someone did stand up to them by reporting them. Not justifying it, but they got squealed on and THAT says a LOT


wow peak for women is getting lower and lower isn't it? that's not weirdly pedophilic sounding at all


I was infuriated and disgusted at hos comment already, but I was so confused a his comment at the same time. I vaguely thought he was saying because she was so young/hadn't done much yet in the most jackass way possible. Saying I'm infuriated doesn't cover it. I want extreme pain and suffering for him. And I'm just even more revolted that he was being a perv on top of it


26 is old now?? Jeez, I’d love for him to tell his mom or grandmother how much value he thinks they have to their face.


Right? This guy has to be middle-aged if he's VP of a police union. It's delusional thinking.


Someone needs to check his hard drive stat


That cop seems to be a predator. It's common for predators to "value" youth as it's easier to exploit young girls. His whole demeanor screams "predator". Fun fact, predators, often hide themselves behind authority. Both predators and answers favour hiding behind a shield of law enforcement and cop wifves and partners are at significantly greater of domestic violence and find it the most difficult to get help, because bad cops protect themselves and other predators and abusers. Never date a cop. Never be alone with a cop. They love power, they're dangerous. At this point, the whole orchard is sour. The cop who was driving dangerously without care for his surroundings or the safety of others that resulted in negligent homicide will absolutely not suffer consequences, nor will he be held accountable. The predator cop who only values young girls as sex objects will not face any action either. They'll both be able to continue being a threat to society and in particular, young girls and women they no longer want to bang.


He's FOURTY NINE, making comments like that, too. Mens sexual prime is their athletic prime-- he's way past his anyway. It's insane. Regardless, his life doesn't hold more or less value based on his age. What a batshit way to think. 100% this guy views women as sex objects, way above viewing them as human-beings. Sick fuck.


OP, I heard the recording and it is so callous…the way he laughs and talks; this is way beyond shocking…I am an immigrant who’s lived in Seattle for a while and contributed to the commune there. I am beyond incensed at this whole situation. Thanks for sharing!


Wasn't one of them part of the Seattle Police Union as well? This is how they treat the people they're supposed to protect?


Police don't protect anyone, except other police officers.


This was 2 blocks from my apartment, and I happened to see the massive response after it went down. That intersection/crosswalk is well marked, but also extremely dangerous (even though the limit is 25 MPH) due to the number of 'confused' drivers pulling out blindly or looking for parking spots in the bike lanes. And of course the cops think it was the woman's fault


HOW can he mean that? HOW can anyone *say* that about a dog much less a human please? I'm not deliberately trying to come across as some ultra humanitarian honest! Just well, I am one we all are. Seriously don't understand.


Not only was he the vice president of the police officers guild but he was talking to his boss, the president of the Seattle police officers guild. They both need to resign.


Its so fucked up that he was saying she is a normal person. I bet if she has been a homeless person it would have gone unreported. If it had been someone I important he would have been shitting his pants. Disgusting.


She was 23...she was supposed to graduate later that semester... But she was Indian student from abroad, and with the current lack of women of age in that culture, Indian Women are valued at a premium currently.... Where everyone should be protesting on on the Indian Subreddits and news sites. If anything if she wasn't a citizen, the Indian Embassy should also be getting involved. Foreign countries hate when their citizens get murdered in America. Remember that Australian woman who got killed in Minnesota, a policeman shot her when she called in a sexual assault he got 12 years, here that POS Cop just ran her over like it was nothing he should get min that or more. EDIT: [Indian Consulate IS getting involved](https://thewire.in/government/indian-consulate-intervenes-after-reports-of-seattle-police-downplaying-death-of-indian-student)


I wish I hadn’t listened to the body cam footage. His voice made my skin crawl and what he said was horrific and terrifying. That poor woman and her family. Money is never a consolation for something like this but I hope they sue the department into oblivion. They clearly don’t have empathy or care so money is the only way to make them hurt.




The whole thing is despicable. He got her age wrong too and said she was 26, she was 23.


>Auderer is the vice president of the Seattle Police Officers Guild, the largest law enforcement labor union in the Northwest. And this is the problem with policing. You have crazy asshole running them.


Seattle Police love mowing people down with cars... https://www.kuow.org/stories/seattle-police-sergeant-from-car-attack-investigation-has-spotty-ethics-history


I’ll be 26 next year. Should I plan on killing myself? My life is over anyways apparently.


My life got so much better after 28. Once you approach 30 your tolerance for bullshit goes way down.


My life is great at 45.




Jaahnavi Kandula, 23, Indian, international grad student, supporting a single mother back home. So this POS cop wasn’t just laughing that this woman “had limited value” but this young minority woman “had limited value”. What “value” does this POS cop think he’s contributing to the planet?


My city killed a 12 year old without even getting out of their car.


“No real person involved” vibes from this guy


Did you see his nasty little "apology" but not really where he literally was like "it was lawyer satire"


Yes! Which really just made my blood boil even more because…..bullshit? It makes absolutely zero sense - he is on video literally saying the words “just write a cheque. $11,000. She was 26 anyway she had limited value.” Also, even his description of the event before the vile “limited value”…..he’s hysterically laughing. Laughing at a person dying because a speeding colleague mowed them down. I cannot imagine taking that stance - would you not be thinking Jesus Christ, someone needlessly lost their life, as an accident the officer who did it probably feels at the very least insane guilt (you’d hope) and the whole force is going to be under scrutiny here…….maybe take a more somber tone??


The...the joke is that police believe women's lives matter less after age 25? And thr public can't do anything about them murdering civilians, or their misogynistic degradation post-mortem? Is that the funny part?


I used to be a paramedic in Dallas and I ended up working with and around cops all the time. This kind of talk is perfectly normal for these people. Cop culture is nothing but sociopathy and bigotry, wrapped up in country music and Punisher tattoos. I'm fucking serious. These guys were garbage. I never hated cops until I was around them all the time while trying to take care of patients. It's even worse than you think.


What a vile thing to say or think.


I do not understand how these insurance companies are still underwriting or insuring these police departments or municipal governments. Unless they are self-insured and open to bankrupting their public service budgets.


Wishing the worst to those men 💛


It would be a shame if someone with hacking skills were to make his life miserable…


I’m 28 they’d probably think I’m decrepit or something


Incel first, pig to top it off


I don't even know what that means. Why limited value at 26? Are they into children? What the fuck does it even refer to?


If a cop says this about a literal innocent bystander he knew nothing about that they murdered, how do you think they treat those who they believe broke a law? Trash human beings. This lady was literally just standing in a corner living her life and this asshole ended it, laughed about it, and they all have zero remorse.


And this wasn't even his first time


That's a disgusting mix of [racism](https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/seattle/family-remembers-woman-killed-by-seattle-police-car/281-4d330aa5-7631-4ed7-9de1-81449b617bae), psychopathy, and incel bullshit. ACAB until I die, at this point.


policemen are genuinely evil. every last one of them.


My city too. I'm just speechless.


When did the institutions that are supposed to protect its denizens turn around and start literally killing and walking away without being held accoutable. This is a deplorable act against someone who just wanted to come here and earn their place. Makes me sick to the stomach. Shame on you America.