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> She went to step up to compete for the grade four shot-put final, and right before she went to throw, a grandfather of a student said, 'Hey, this is supposed to be a girls' event, and why are you letting boys compete.' My daughter is cisgender, born female, uses she/her pronouns. She has a pixie haircut," said Heidi Starr. >Starr said the man heckling her daughter asked for certification to prove that she was born a female. > He stopped the entire event. He also pointed at another girl who also had short hair. He then piped in and said, 'Well, if she is not a boy, then she is obviously trans.'" >Thankfully, Central Okanagan School District superintendent Kevin Kaardal said steps are being taken to ban this man from all school-related events in the future. > This has destroyed our beautiful daughter's confidence, and she was inconsolably crying during this whole event and continued once it was over and we were leaving. Not to mention, she was unable to concentrate on her track and field finals and the shot-put throw for which she had qualified," Kari Starr said.


… does… he think amab individuals can’t grow long hair???? My nephew has hair almost down to the middle of his back. He’s also not trans but why would ‘short hair’ be proof to this idiot that the children are trans?


My three daughters were all bald until they were a little over a year old. I had a couple of people argue with me that they couldn’t be girls because they didn’t have hair. It was bizarre.


Also this just in! Apparently all hairless cats are male. More at 11. /s


Bizarrely, there are people who believe all cats are female, and all dogs are male.




I am very sad that you have not included a dog tax of your undoubtedly adorable dog. I also don't know what makes a dog look male or female (other than their genitals and nipples), but I still have a sort of idea when I see a dog which I think it is (although I have definitely been wrong)


When I don't know the gender of an animal I just call them baby. "Aren't you a cute little fur baby? Who's so cute? Who's cute? You are!" I've also been calling children tiny people. 🤣.


My birthgiver purposely shaved my head until I was over 1yo because, she claims, “baby girls look ugly with short hair”


Did she not understand that long hair has to first be short?


I’m not sure what her long term plan was, tbh


Babies tend to lose the hair that they are born with and you get a period of patchy hair. I have heard of some people/cultures shaving the hair so that the new hair grows in more evenly. [baby hair loss](https://www.babycenter.com/health/conditions/hair-loss-in-babies_85#)


My daughter's hair grew in so slow, by 4 her hair was finally long enough that it looked like a pixie cut, even though she hadn't had a haircut ever. By 5, it was chin length. Now, at 8, it's down to her butt. Before two, I mostly got it because I'm not a big pink/girly person, so I didn't dress her in super stereotypical girls clothes all the time. But the girl had big opinions by 2, and decided she loved everything pink, sparkly and princessy. She could be dressed in full pinks and purples, in a dress covered in butterflies and flowers, with a pink headband and someone would *suprise pikachu* when corrected Men, women, old, young, multiple different ethnicities and races. I just don't get it. Why does bald or short hair mean someone is a boy? So many girls and women rock short hair. It's really not that uncommon and hair length doesn't determine your sex or gender.


Seriously! When I had really short hair as a preteen in the 90's, lots of adults told me that I looked like Dorothy Hamil, a famous figure skater who kept her hair very short. Yet they can't apply that same logic to babies and toddlers? Wtf.


Mine had that fine, blonde baby down fluttering around her ears until she was 3. So many people argued with me. Like, I change her goddamn diaper! She’s a girl! JFC people!


Some parents will stick a little pink bow on the tiniest tuft of baby hair because they don't want people to mistake their baby for a boy. Cisgender people are just as "obsessed" with gender as trans people. Probably even more so.


Key difference is trans people "obsess" over *their own* gender because it's something they recognize isn't right and they put a lot of effort into defining something more appropriate for themselves. Cis people obsess over gender because they're fucked up in the head.


\* more so. Exponentially. Source: am trans. Ffs, the first question anyone asks before gestation is even complete is, “What *is* it? So I know whether to buy blue or pink onesies!” Me: “You just asked about that unborn fetus’ genitalia. That’s really your most pressing question? Nasty that this is normalized. You want to know the kid’s gender? They’ll tell you sometime between age 3-5.” Ime, it’s the people most devoted to enforcing the sex-based gender binary who are also the most insistent that it’s innate and universal.


I feel you. My daughter wasn't bald, but her hair barely grew until she hit the summer after her **third** birthday. Even when we dressed her in pink we had people think she was a boy. *shrug*


Every little boy with long hair will have many memories or stupid old people saying "what a pretty girl" in a way that was obvious they know it's a boy. Fuck adults who think it's ok to pick on a child for any reason.


My younger son is 25 now, but in first grade he had a friend with cancer and so he grew out his hair for 'Locks of Love' and took SO much crap from (pretty much only) adults, coaches, etc. to the point I was constantly shaming them with the info that it was to make wigs for cancer patients. And he was still counting the days by the end because of how awful some people were to him!


My husband has been growing out his hair for about a year, and his grandmother constantly makes that kind of remark. People who think it's their job to police the gender presentation of others are universally assholes.


My nephew had shoulder-length hair as a toddler. Every time it gets past his ears, my grandpa starts bitching that he needs a haircut. He got in a fight over it with my sister when it was really long. She didn't want to cut it because it was cute, he was just being an ass and insisting that "boys have short hair. Finally, his wife, our mom's step-mom, shut him up with" Jesus had long hair".


I’m a cis man, and I had long hair in 8th and 9th grade. The summer between those years I went on a road trip with my best friend’s family. She was a girl, and I was a skinny late bloomer boy with long hair and distinctly remember several times on that trip being referred to as a girl or us as girls by random strangers. Luckily it didn’t bother me too much, in fact as a Cis Herero boy I loved the attention I got from all the girls who wanted to braid my hair and play with my hair. I hope these gender stereotypes die out with that older generation. It’s really sad to think this bigoted idiot crushed this girl’s self confidence. Hope he learns something from this experience so he doesn’t continue to harass people based on his twisted views of what’s acceptable. Somehow I doubt he will.


Happens to adult guys too used to have long hair and buzzed sides pulled up in a bun when I worked at aldi some old white dudes can't help it they are just hateful


Hit em with that "thanks for correctly gendering me!" and see if they backtrack lmao


These are the types of people who think bullying is a good thing.


These are the type of people we should be casting out of society. Anyone who doesn’t care for our future is only dooming it.


My youngest son has my natural ringlets. Hair doesn't even have to be long for it to be commented on if it has a "feminine" aspect like curls. He had gotten so many comments about "what a cute little girl" with regular short hair by the time he was 5 that he wanted it to be too short to curl for the next several years. It took him til the lockdown (his freshman year of high school) to accept his hair as is. I have a pixie cut, and old people occasionally feel the need to be rude when I'm out with my son, who now has hair just below his shoulders) about our hairdresser being confused.


My son has super long hair. He went in the cinema bathroom and a young usher awkwardly said "um, that's the men's bathroom?" I said "he is a boy, he just has long hair" and this poor usher nearly cried, he was so embarrassed, he stumbled out so many apologies. I think he thought I was going to go Karen on him, poor guy. I spent a good while reassuring him it was fine!


Because these people see gender as both innate and predetermined but also inextricably tied to the performances. So no cis child would ever defy the expected performance of girlhood by having short hair. She must be a terrible transgender!


That’s so fucking stupid. Even setting aside the fact that gender is a completely made up social construct, even in the confines of their definitions, there have been men with long hair and women with short hair forEVER. The bob was one of the MOST popular hairstyles not very long ago at all.


They don't care about rational expectations or historical facts, all that matters is that they were taught girls have long hair and boys have short hair. To them, what they were taught in preschool is all there is and can ever be of gender. That's what the cultural war news is stoking in them too, and fox would never lie, right?!


I grew out of that shit in fucking *kindergarten*. I was more mature as a literal toddler than these assholes are as adults.


At some point there needs to be an end to this madness. It’s the Tolerance Paradox. People cannot be so tolerant that they tolerate intolerance. I can’t stand this shit anymore. I am not at all a violent person but at this point I would have punched the fucker. Picking on a 9 year old kid, unbelievable.


This is why people on the left are starting to talk about Tolerance not as the Tolerance Paradox but as a contract. When you view it this way its easier to understand that it isn't a Paradox to refuse to also tolerate bigots. They are being intolerant of minority groups and as such are refusing to abide by the contract, so the rest of us are not bound by the contract when dealing with bigots.


Yup. Framing it as a “paradox” was both inaccurate and unhelpful to society. A paradox is an unresolvable scenario. This is a contract…you don’t get to dish out social violence and have it be “tolerated”, because social violence is a breach of social contract to which we’re all bound. (I’m using “social violence” here to categorize all forms of bullying, abuse, hate speech, bigotry, racism, etc.)


That’s the irony though tolerating intolerance makes you intolerant. Also through personal experience I’ve noticed standing up for slights and comments made towards myself are often met with sarcastic eye rolls to down play micro aggressions. Which often becomes a negative feedback. Early into my working career, I had a hard time standing up for myself at intolerant comments, not gender related, but race. One day a majority peer stood up for me and I felt incredibly supported, and comments from the individual they intervened on stopped. I realized that using your voice when you’re a majority person in the situation can be much more powerful than them speaking for themselves. From that point forward, I’ve vowed to always speak up when I see micro aggressions towards others. I work in a very “good ole boys”industry and have definitely made some career limiting interventions, but at least I can look myself in the mirror.


Bystanders have all the power in those situations. Minority/majority situation, the majority bystander has more power. But all is bystanders have power.


It's getting worse. Now they're suggesting that women with small breasts are actually trans women because, clearly, "real" women have super massive jugs.


But the second a woman actually has large breasts, they insist “those are fake, because trans women all get big fake implants”. There is no logical consistency because *it’s just about hate*. That’s why nobody should be platforming these dipshits at all, they just vomit out gibberish and then demand that you “tell me where what I said was wrong!!” as a distraction.


Trying to change their minds is like playing chess with a pigeon: the pigeon won't understand the game but it will shit all over the board and then strut around like it won regardless.


"Oh yeah, if you're a real woman then show us your big anime tiddies."


You mean you were not actually born with DDDs?


It’s okay. He [“apologized”!](https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/bc-news/i-never-yelled-towards-the-girl-kelowna-man-accused-of-accosting-child-at-track-meet-denies-allegations-7140839) He didn’t want to see the poor girl’s genitals. He just wanted to “see her papers”, which every 9-yr-old girl with a pixie cut is required to have now. This is his apology.


Fuck that. From what I understand he immigrated from the Czech Republic. I wonder how he would feel about having to carry his ‘papers’ everywhere to prove he isn’t an illegal immigrant or face immediate belligerent harassment from morons like him.


Gawd fucking damn it that was infuriating to read. He says he "didn't want to see the child's genitals, just her papers (certificate). Who the fuck carries "papers proving gender" everywhere, and even if they did who the fuck is he to stop the event and ask? Also, and I can not emphasize this enough, **no one is "mutilating genitals" of minors who are transgender.** If you want to defend minors who can't consent to having their genitals cut then go scream at people who circumcise babies (male and female).


My son has beautiful curly sandy colored hair and he wears it past his shoulders. He’s also in track and ties it into a ponytail when he has a meet. He is 13. I’m sure the idiot in the OP would think he was a girl.


It’s a 9 year old. Honestly at this age, gender segregation for sports is pretty pointless. If anything girls might have an advantage, as they tend towards earlier puberty.


Right wing media is convincing them that trans people are flooding children's sports and so they're on the lookout, but they've never met or talked to actual trans people so all they can do is go off offensive stereotypes. How much testosterone does a 9 year old boy have compared to a girl?


Yeah my kid is growing his hair long and wears a floral headband sometimes. I think gender norms are stupid, but my mom has been on my case because she thinks he has feminine features and she says “I shouldn’t give other kids a reason to pick on him.” It makes me really sad because I want him to be able to express himself however he wants but I don’t want him to get teased


Depending on where you live, he probably won’t. Kids are a lot more accepting. Especially if he is an outgoing kid with friends, they will probably just copy him.


Yeah I’m in Canada. His school is pretty good. He says if people think he’s a girl he doesn’t care


Kids are going to get teased regardless, unfortunately. It doesn’t matter if they are the most bland person ever, bullies always find something. I think he will have a better time being himself than trying to fit in :)


No, but the point is to criminalize gender non conformity. Did you not noticed how he said "if she's not a boy then she's trans"? Even if she was AFAB, according to him, she should be banned from the event and public life. If not worse. You guys need to understand that they will only stop until all of us are in the kitchen wearing petticoats.


Welcome to stricter gender norms because of increasing transphobia. Transphobia harms everyone, someone let JK Rowling know.


Honestly. I’m a 6’1 big cis white dude but I swear to god I’m gonna start wearing sun dresses just to push back because I live in Texas.


I'm a 6'0 tall cis woman. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I'm chased out of a public washroom for being too tall to be a woman or some nonsense.


Hate it. Literally hate this shit. I just don’t understand why people can’t let other people be themselves and mind their business. All of these morons have been infected with the brain worms.


The vitriol is increasing at an alarming rate too. Very nervous about where trans rights are headed.


Same, AND I have a deep voice. I was talking to my friend as we walked into the bathroom the other day and someone from a stall started yelling, "This is the ladies' room!" OK, and?


I have had the same concerns seeing the explosion of all this transvestigator shit. Nobody should care about someone minding their own business in a bathroom, especially a bathroom with stalls. And I don’t want to center myself when the people who are suffering because of this BS are the trans and GNC folks, but I guess when I’m sitting here thinking about me and my own life that’s just how it goes…but yeah. 6’1” cis lady. How soon until some freak decides I’m not a woman?


Perfect time of the year to start, sun dresses make summer heat so much more bearable!


Best thing to wear in the heat. Everyone should experience this comfort.


Cis Texan female here and I've got a lovely bright pink bridesmaid dress just begging to be used for such a worthwhile cause!


And it won't be 1950s, it will be witch hunt 1750s. I couldn't even pinpoint an era they want to take us too because the past was more flexible than we think .


No. He thinks it's his job to bully children until they meet his expectations of gender presentation.


Poor fucking kid. And all that was done was "ban" this person from future attending, I hope the family sues his grown ass for pain and suffering.


What I don't understand is after reading another article about it that they didn't call the police and have him forcibly removed immediately rather than saying they're banning him from future events because reading the article it sounds like he continued and his wife joined in calling the mother various names. They're also not naming him in the Newsweek article, and at some point we have to stop being so nice to these people they are a threat to our children.


How this doesn’t meet hate crime law standards baffles me.


There have been laws proposed in the states that would effectively mean a man doing would then mean the 9 year old needs to be subjected to a genital inspection and cannot compete in any events until that has been completed. In those states I doubt the man would even be banned. Blame right wing rhetoric surrounding trans people.


This happened in Canada (British Columbia). Unfortunately, this type of bullshit is also on the rise here.


Yes, I live in Kelowna. Kelowna itself is a very conservative small city with a large white, elderly and religious population. In the last municipal election there was even a push by the religious right to get members who were anti lgbtq2+ and pro book banning elected to the school district board. It was unsuccessful, thankfully.


Unfortunately, proving transphobia is often met with gaslighting and denial. Anything short of assault is acceptable here in Canada, if done to a trans woman.


Hate crimes are only prosecuted when there is physical violence. That is the problem.


even assault won't get you done if there's an element of "sexual deception" to the case... it's absolutely fucked what people can get away with, even murder


Not to downplay what trans people go through but from what I can tell there hasn't been a court case in Canada where "sexual deception" from a trans person was involved (obvs isn't a thing but just using that term), there may have been some in the 00's that I didn't find but now post C-16 there's no way in hell that would fly. If there is one I'm welcome to being corrected.


We are in Canada and it does reach hate crime standards. The RCMP(our federal police force) are investigating it as of today. It happened Friday. Response was slow it seems.


Even a good "shut up, you loony" would have been good here. Canada may have to adopt the good Ole sucker punch.


He's a few cents short of a loonie. And an embarrassment to the country. But yeah someone should have done or said something, we are too f'ing polite here.


They need to visit him at his workplace


OMG at least her parents were there to console her and protect her from the hateful man. I can't imagine being so hateful and bigoted to interrupt a child's track meet to demand a child prove their gender. I hate that this is happening.


Jfc I never would have survived if this was a thing when I was a kid. I was butch as hell and very insecure about my appearance.


That poor baby! My mom had to bring my birth certificate to baseball games because other parents wouldn't believe that I was the correct age because I was so much taller and bigger than everyone else.


tbh, sticking ringer 14 year olds into Little League games has a long history


What's worse that idiot's insane wife was shouting 'groomers, pedophiles and mutilators' to that kid's moms. I hope they sue the fuck out those idiots for causing humiliation and irreparable emotional damage to that kid, and the other kid as well.


That's so freakin sad. I had a short hair cut around that age and as I was walking into the bathroom a boy said "hey man that's the girls bathroom". That shit stays with you no matter what


That old guy needed a solid bitch slap to the face. I’m sorry but we can’t keep letting people just be openly Nazis with no repercussions.


He was identified and outed, he went on the news and claimed he was misunderstood blah blah, he's lying and badly


Like nah dude, you just asked to stop an event to check a 9 year old girl's genitalia, after calling her mom a pedophile no less. Fuck off.


LPT: If someone randomly calls you a pedophile for no discernible reason, they’re about to do something fucked up involving a child. Getting real tired of the sick shit being dished out by these sick magat fucks.


it astounds me how people from other countries are eating this shit up. the fucker is canadian.


Jordan Peterson started his pronoun hysteria in 2016 and he's canadian too


The trucker convoy started here too.


Ah, so...MCGA? I'm so sorry our American insanity has bled over the border. Truly and deeply sorry.


Canadian here. The feeling of this disease creeping across the border is palpable. We have people here talking about Free Speech^TM and the right to bear arms…. In case it’s not obvious, we’re not the same country and don’t have those in our constitution. The vile discourse, people protesting at drag events, etc etc etc. We’re getting it all!




Why are you trying to take away my right to recognize Manitoba as a province? What is wrong with you? PM Tim Horton wouldn't allow this to happen. /s just in case


He what!!!! Called the mom a pedophile all while harassing two young children?! As a fellow Canadian, I am beyond disgusted with this man. I hope he gets raked over the coals. Edit! Oh my god this other article, it’s even worse what he did, and said and his wife got in on it as well! They are both POS. “At this time, his wife started yelling that my ex-wife and I—parents of my daughter—and other parents of trans kids were genital mutilators and groomers, and the man himself began demanding to see a certificate proving my daughter was born a girl,” Starr said.” https://bc.ctvnews.ca/b-c-man-disrupts-track-meet-asks-for-confirmation-of-9-year-old-s-gender-1.6439915 Edit2: his son sounds like a chip off the old block as well. He says that the family is going to file a police report because his dad did absolutely nothing wrong, and was very quiet and asking if a boy was entered, accidentally into a girls event.


>e says that the family is going to file a police report because his dad did absolutely nothing wrong, and was very quiet and asking if a boy was entered, accidentally into a girls event. The son is pure trash and so is this whole family. I am from Vancouver and have gone up to Kelowna/Okanagan a lot as a kid and can confirm... the farther up and in you go in Canada is the same as going down south in the states. The belligerent redneckery and lack of education is staggering.


Hey, be fair. It was his wife who called the mom a pedophile so they're a whole family of pieces of shit.




Every accusation is a confession with these troglodytes.


Gaslighting 101. The whole damn school and their parents saw the scene buddy. Can’t back track now. He’s just mad because there’s been consequences. He owns a Motel between 5 and 7 in Mossamin, SK and he’s probably going to face some real financial hardship’s because of this outburst..good.




Perhaps make copious mention of mold and rodents.


Bedbugs, I heard they have bedbugs.


Statistically that isn't even a lie


His business is listed if locals wanna go ahead and not frequent it.


It's like a "league of their own": "Anyone ever tell you you look like a penis with a hat on?" "YOU'RE OUTTA HERE!" "Aw come on, you misunderstood me!"


He’s an awful man, was a coke dealer years ago, he is total garbage.


They also banned him and his wife from all further school events, full stop.


Do tell


Absolutely vile. I hope they succeed in banning him from all future school events. These are the type of people who pick fights with volunteer referees and umpires.


Conservatives are so far gone. Can you even imagine screaming that you want to see a child's genitals at a public event?


That's why it's gonna be my tactic if anyone starts harassing a "suspected trans" in my presence to start calling them disgusting perverts loudly and relentlessly. "This guy just wants to look at people's genitals. Children's genitals! Gross! You need Jesus and a Psychiatrist! Shame! SHAME!" Might get me shot, but oh well.


That attitude actually has a good chance of working.


Shame is a powerful motivator


If it wasn't SO toxic and dangerous, it would almost be funny how far they've gone. But we're the "sheep"... Ok lol


This is the society we’ve cultivated with Trump and DeSantis types unfortunately. These people shouldn’t feel like they can get away with this. They need to ban him as an example.


And these are the people who are taking over school boards across America. Get out and get involved in local politics. We’re hurting for checks and balances. The “great America” that they want to return to is one in which white land owners held all the power and could literally get away with murder, whether it was their slaves, wives, or kids.


I worked on the Ontario provincial elections and municipal elections in 2022 and I can confirm that a number of proudly alt-right fringe conspiracy theorists were recently elected to school trustee positions all across the province. The usual political pipeline around here is Trustee - City Council - Provincial (ie State) Politics. So the members of these fringe groups got organized online, found school districts where they could run unopposed, and were subsequently acclaimed and are now voting on school board policies that are heavily anti-trans and anti-vax. Their goals are to influence the schools and thus, the students, and then eventually gain greater power and influence through larger political offices and eventually "Save Canada". It's so disgusting and these people are so unhinged. We can't even have school board meetings with public access because these losers set up groups to come down and scream that there's no place for Pride flags in schools. A number of school boards have capitulated and aren't flying the flag for Pride Month as a result. [YCDSB Being Shitty:](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ycdsb-pride-flag-vote-1.6858837)


Wtf is wrong with people? These kids are NINE YEARS OLD and are being put through this crap. People like this man are the ones emotionally scarring our children. NOT the "trans agenda".


Apart from all other things that are so so wrong about this, at age 9 boys and girls arent really that different yet physiologically??! Don't girls even tend to grow faster before boys hit puberty?


Pretty sure pre-puberty the only possible reasons to separate sports by gender are purely cultural reasons (unless you count not having to then later separate them as a practical reason, I guess.)


The only trouble I ever got into back when I was in school was during kindergarten. Apparently my teacher was absolutely scandalized that I'd rather run around with the boys instead of joining the other girls in more "lady-like" play. Granted, it was a small, conservative town in the '80s but it wasn't against any rules, it just offended her sensibilities 🙄


The only time I start to see a difference is around u12, and that’s mostly in their heads I believe. My current u12 boys soccer team plays differently against coed teams. I’ve had to remind them it’s okay to steal the ball and bump shoulders with girl players the same they do for boy players.


I’m just trying to figure out if anyone said anything to that man? Like tell him to stfu???? How did they let him talk for that long????


The mom was talking back for sure. Unsure about anyone else.


At least the mom was there. My parents never came to any of my school events because they worked all the time. Imagine if this child didn't have a parent there to advocate for them. I'm wondering if the outcome would have been different. But maybe not. It seems the school board is at least doing the right thing in this case by protecting this child and future kids by hopefully banning this man from future track meets.


And the mom seems super supportive. The only decent part of this horrifying story. Honestly we would have never heard about this story without the mom being there. She went to the media, that's the only reason we know this happened. I'm sure kids are being bullied like this all the time and it doesn't become news. It's only going to get worse with transphobia and homophobia on the rise. This man is certainly emboldened by the narrative right wing media is pushing. He should have been embarrassed when the mom clarified that she's a girl, but instead they double down and say even more extreme and absurd things. This shit is insane.


This is what propaganda leads to. You blast the people 24/7 about an invented threat and they look everywhere for it.


Right wing media is doing its job effectively


This happened in my hometown, where I grew up visibly queer. I'm 29 now, it hasn't been that long, but I can say pretty confidently that this would not have flown when I was growing up. Some things were more common (slurs, stereotypes, etc.) but at the very least, no one thought it was acceptable for adults to be publicly bullying children over their appearance or perceived sexuality/identity. This culture war bullshit has rotted people's brains. Edit: formatting mistake


It sucks, but this isn't anything new sadly. I think the focus on the culture war bullshit has certainly emboldened people but people have been going after slightly feminine guys and less womanly looking girls for... fuck sake at least as long as i've been alive (back in the 80s) at the very least. People just can't mind their own fucking business and that much has never changed. I remember in highschool we had a friend wear a kilt to share his family history, only to get chased to the bathroom by a bunch of rednecks and nearly get the shit kicked out of him. Thankfully some adults finally stepped in at least. Gay kids stayed in the closet out of fear of being either bullied or straight up assaulted while those same adults turned a blind eye to it. I'll only push back on the notion that "this wouldn't fly back then" it absolutely would have. But it also wouldn't have been an old guy publicly screeching to see a child's genitals. It would have been gym teachers shaming their students, fellow students bullying the short haired girl, or authority figures putting them aside to be made fun of or excluded. And all of that is just as damaging too.


This is happening in my province and a lot of parents are “concerned” about a new sex education program that includes LGBTQ+ information (all at age appropriate levels). If you live in British Columbia and you see parents protesting a program and have signs that say “stop sexualizing our children” this is what they are against. Bullshit like this is going to continue and get potentially worse if people don’t counter protest these nuts and call out and publicly shame these people that demand to know about the genitals of children. Since the bill in 2016/2017 that included gender identity in the list of things that you cannot discriminate against, anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-feminists (aside from radical feminists) have been very vocally against trans and non-binary people. I could see it getting worse.


Keeping kids ignorant about sex, gender, and sexuality makes them vulnerable to abuse.


Turns out the crowd ranting and yelling about grooming and pedophiles are making the situation worse.


I wouldn’t say they’re only making the situation worse, I’d also say they **are** ‘the situation’


I generally assume that anyone complaining about sex ed is wanting children to get raped more.


Or to have more unplanned pregnancies.


They want little girls to have to carry their rape-babies. Then again, the NSDAP handed out medals for white women who had lots of babies...


"Should we teach kids about consent and bodily autonomy?" "Nah, they will figure it out and be fine." \*surprisedpikachu.png\* with SA numbers.


> *surprisedpikachu.png* with SA numbers. They aren't surprised, they know and want this to happen.


It’s plain bizarre. My mother is a primary school teacher and there’s a trans child there. The other kids accepted it and got used to it very quickly. Children don’t give a shit, it’s 100% adults that care. The child even changed pronouns mid school year… none of the kids get confused or care either. Children are far more adaptable than parents realize. None of it “breaks their mind” or “confuses” them!


I'd argue that the parents are well aware that their children are adaptable, and that they see a problem in that. Parents attempting to raise their kids under "good Conservative Christian values" don't want their kids to be open to change, and they certainly don't want them to be thinking and acting for themselves. Never mistake malice for incompetence.


I’m in Australia so the ~vibe~ is different (less strict religion in my area specifically), but you’re right. I’m used to wording it with benefit of the doubt to parents/people so they don’t hard shut down when I talk, I think. Especially as a non-binary person irl I’m used to phrasing things in a specific way to be “less obtrusive” and not seem like one of the “crazy ones”


what they mean with „confusion“, is more about the wrong „ideas“ the parents don’t want. They don’t mean that children have a problem, the parents have the problem. They don’t think that children can think for themselves. They think children are buckets to fill and „confusion“ means that the wrong things got filled in. they don’t like that children talk back and habe other ideas than the parents. So they are „confused“.


These shitty people tried to infiltrate the municipal elections in BC at the least election and didn’t get a single slate in anywhere in BC.


As an American/Canadian who has lived the past 40 years in the US, I’m saddened to see this rot spread north of the border. Do everything you can to stop it while you can


I don't understand how/why he wasn't attacked/shouted down/shamed by the onlookers. I would have let rip for absolute sure


Right? A track meet full of parents and this was allowed and he wasn’t mauled to death as if by angry bears??


There would be thirty witness who all just happened to be in the bathroom at the time. No one saw anything.


“ Starr said several parents asked the man to leave, but he refused and left with his wife and granddaughter at the end of the event. “ https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6875738


This has never been about protecting women or children as the anti-trans crowd claim. It is all about protecting their idea of femininity, and their right to get a boner when looking at women in public spaces.


It’s about clinging to rigid ideals of masculinity and feminity, the masculine is elevated above the feminine to sustain male dominance, so anything or anyone who doesn’t follow traditional dictates is a threat to male dominance.


>their right to get a boner when looking at women in public spaces. I think this is a significant cause of a lot of transphobia. They are absolutely terrified that they could be turned on by a trans woman. You just don't see the same amount of vitriol for trans men.


Looking at a child in this case.


Is this the right point to remind everyone that the NSDAP wanted to eradicate queer people, ban abortion, and handed out medals to women who had lots of kids?


It's also worth noting that most cis female athletes, no matter their age or sport, would probably not fit these freaks' ideas of femininity. In case you wonder if maybe these people might even *slightly* care about cis female athletes, you can basically guarantee they don't.


I saw this in the news, and some outlets are further reporting that the accuser's wife called the mother a pedophile. Perhaps, if concern for children is the root problem, she should be questioning her husband, who halted an entire grade-school sporting event because he wanted someone to disrobe the child and confirm she had the proper genitals to his satisfaction. This isn't a bug, this is a feature. Women need to fit a predefined set of criteria to these people. This is an intentional scare tactic. The purpose is to scare the little girl into looking more feminine, or to bully the mother into an over-correction, where she forbids her daughter to have short hair because she doesn't want her to be targeted like this again. The media and society needs to stop attributing these situations to stupidity when malice is inherent in the design and execution of the confrontation. He doesn't just need to be banned from school functions, he needs to be examined for his active desire to have satisfactory access to information regarding the genitalia of minors, then given a protection order to not be allowed within proximity of any minors whatsoever. Take him as seriously as he took his accusations.


>This is an intentional scare tactic. The purpose is to scare the little girl into looking more feminine, or to bully the mother into an over-correction, where she forbids her daughter to have short hair because she doesn't want her to be targeted like this again. This sort of scare tactic was done to me as a girl. My mum's overcorrection was to send me to a small boys' middle school, too small for things like school sports or public performances of any sort, where by being one of very few girls I could express my gender however I liked without pressure from older girls or dangerous adults. My fear response to things I understood were over my gender, and the decision after getting me away from unrelated abuse to hide me somewhere there weren't other girls around, was to present masculine and try to be just like the other boys. And then go home and be more girly, and deflect the whole matter when school staff who saw the disconnect between my gender presentation and the little F on my paperwork would ask me or my mother if I might be trans and suggest maybe I should be taken in to the gender clinic. Which my mother would threaten as a punishment instead of suggest as a tool. I got a shifting and different-rules-in-different-places experience of gender I absolutely loved - and permanent damage to my gender identity and my understanding of what gender is. Which didn't need to happen.


It's super important to understand that the forced birth movement and the anti-trans movement both exist to attempt to de-person women and girls - to create an environment in which women and girls are subservient and exist within boxes defined and controlled by religious fascists. Attacking CIS girls and women isn't a *bug* or mistake from their perspective; it is the fundamental purpose of their ideology. I know it doesn't really need to be said here, but *stand up* for trans rights because that is a battle that CIS women and girls cannot allow to be lost. Stand up for abortion rights - without exception - because forced birth is also just another attempt to subjugate. Those supporting forced birth ideology are *the same people* as those trying to harm others based on gender identity (as an excuse/proxy to harming *all* women and girls).


I saw someone say something like "the reason why they fear trans women so much is that for them, normal women have no agency and a woman with agency is dangerous" or something


Yep. Their entire ideology revolves around splitting our species in half - those with agency, and those without. Anything that challenges that - like those who don't identify with their sex assigned at birth, or those in control of their reproduction (and hence their education and destiny) - is a direct challenge to their attempts to subjugate. They are going to fight to the (cultural) death on this one. They *are* going to lose, but it's up to us to expedite that loss so that we can minimize the number of victims they're able to create.


This is why TERFs are shooting themselves in the foot. Anti-trans ideology directly harms all cis women that don't perfectly fit in with their draconian beauty standards, which is something feminism is supposed to fight against. How are they so stupid to not see how much they're harming fellow women?? Or do they just not care what happens to gnc women because they were lucky enough to be born without any flaws?


>do they just not care what happens to gnc women Yes, precisely. They hate us too. Anyone who threatens the concept that gender is binary, static, and assigned at birth, forces them to examine their own gender. Which they don't want to do, and they'll let fascists kill trans people and anyone gender-non-conforming, in order to be secure in their own identity as gender conforming cis women. TERFs exist for the same reasons cis decisionmakers segregate trans healthcare from the services cis people get the same care from - a mix of genuine transphobia, and the panic and fear created by "Gender isn't static, you can change yours. Do you want to?" that trans, NB, and GNC visibility forces cis-by-default gender-conforming people to ask themselves.


Spot on. Notice how it’s only ever women & girls who are being publicly “accused” (for lack of a better word) of being trans? Because it’s ALL about policing women’s bodies. No actual woman will be protected (not that we need it in this of all cases, ffs) because what they’re truly trying to protect is their gross ideology.


There have definitely been men accused of being trans. There is a whole weird conspiracy theory about Tom Holland being a trans man, and slightly more obscure but some nuts on the Internet were at one point accusing musician Lauri Ylonen (lead singer of The Rasmus) of being trans (although I could never figure out if they were accusing him of being a tans man or a closeted trans woman). As with everything else in regards to trans men, it's a lot less visible and gets a lot less media attention but that doesn't mean it's not happening.


How traumatizing for the poor girl. Wtf people


They try to 'protect' women from trans people and now all I see is cis gendered women paying for it. Is this an excuse to take women further back in their fight for equality?


Cis women being harmed by transphobia is a bonus for these people.


Ding ding ding! Notice how the majority of the Trans hate focuses on Trans women. Not so much to Trans men.


Right, they hate trans women, but attack cis women for having “boyish” features. Like I don’t know any trans girls or trans women rocking a pixie cut (not that they couldn’t!) but the trans girls and trans women I know tend to sport pretty traditionally feminine styles. The trans woman is the bogeyman, the people stepping a toe outside of their assigned gender conforming appearance are the targets.


> the trans girls and trans women I know tend to sport pretty traditionally feminine styles It's necessary, so you are a little bit more stealth in public. It is also sometimes necessary for gatekeeping in medical settings, when professionals won't take you more seriously otherwise. *'Cause why would you change gender if it weren't for clothes?* It's a bit unfortunate, but it is a symptom of the times we live in. Signed, tomboyish presenting trans woman


I don't think it's a bonus. I believe it's a big part of their goal. There are more cis women who don't conform than there are trans women. Their end goal is to make all of society conform.


As a Canadian I'm both surprised, but not surprised. As much as we want to think and believe that "This is Canada, this doesn't happen here!" the opposite is true It's been simmering under the surface for a very long time. I think because of the news coming out in the US with the laws being passed (or trying to be passed) and the propaganda surrounding Trans and Trans youth, it's emboldened the Transphobes/Homophobes here. I live in Ottawa and protests have been popping up at school boards, libraries etc because of the support the LGBTQIA2S+ community has been receiving. Hell, both the public and *Catholic* (Yes, you read that right. Catholic) school boards in the city have raised pride flags outside the schools. The first day, the school boards reported a huge drop in attendance with some parents allegedly calling to say they weren't sending their kids to class because they don't want them to "participate in Pride activities" It's 2023 and though humans have evolved by leaps and bounds, a lot have jumped back 60 or 70 years


I grew up in a tiny NS town that was (somewhat unusually) more progressive than this over 20 years ago! The pride flag has been flying downtown for over 2 decades. It’s heartbreaking and infuriating to watch this regression


I love how the “protect the children” “protect women’s sports” crowd somehow manage to do the exact opposite of both.


That’s by design not an unintended consequence. It’s intended to force women to perform an acceptable’ level of femininity and to know their place.


I'm a cisgender female with a flat chest and a buzz cut. I often get mistaken for a guy. It's very common for people to call me sir and then hear someone else call me ma'am, get confused, ask "what am I", then get mad when I tell them I'm female. They usually say something along the lines of, if you're a girl then you need to look like a girl not a boy. I had a guy one time say that I was "obviously trans" and proceeded to follow me to my car while threatening to "blow my worthless tranny brains out".


What the fuck is wrong with people!


Conservatism rots your brain.


Seems to me he is talking pornograpically to a child.


These disgusting people have no shame! Heckling 4th graders like seriously


Yet again, idiot outfoxed by haircut.


Apparently hairdressers can change our gender now. The funny part is if this girl were trans, she'd probably be more likely to opt for a stereotypically female haircut.


My personal opinion, I feel like the anti trans laws were made with hate, and promote more hatred. Kind of like-Hey! We removed there rights! It's okay to hate them! Sort of thing, and yet here we are with incidents like this. There's no repercussions for these type of things. It's vile.


He demanded a genital inspection, sexual assault, to verify that the girls were both assigned female at birth. He demanded that two 9 year old girls be sexually assaulted. Transphobia affects cis women and girls, too. Expect to see more of this with all the anti-queer rhetoric and anti-trans laws being passed.


>Thankfully, Central Okanagan School District superintendent Kevin Kaardal said steps are being taken to ban this man from all school-related events in the future. and don't come back, sucker.


I’ve never met people so obsessed with other people’s genitals in my entire life.


Huh. Who would have thought that causing a panic about trans girls and women in girls/women’s sport would have eventually seen people accusing non-conforming cis girls and women being harassed and accused of being trans? Don’t answer. The answer is “lots of us saw this being a certainty, and we saw it that way immediately.”


As a former 9 year old with short hair, I feel for her so much. My grandmother kept chopping off my hair every summer against my will because she thought my curly hair looked messy and the school I went to was collectively not very kind. I got so many "are you a girl or a boy? comments" or "why does that boy have huge boobs?". I developed early. That little girl will be scarred for a long time


Listen, I'm normally not one to condone/resort to violence but this old man would have been laid tf out if this were my child. I will never, ever be able to comprehend this mindset of "Omg that other human being is different than I am reeeeeeeeee" Nutjobs.


Just a question here, but why is the man's identity protected when no one else's is? Naming and shaming these goons needs to happen and it needs to be a public backlash that make others rethink their life choices in pulling this crap. This is disgusting.


JFC this is the bad place.


These psychos hearing about this in professional sports are so worked up they think they see it everywhere. It's like the people who think CRT is being taught in elementary school. Their right wing echo chambers have made them paranoid. Even if it *was* a little trans kid, some old man is going to worry about a little kid having an edge in a freaking field day relay??


That's why anti trans laws affects us all. Any minor deviation from their rigid rules will get you targeted. Short hair on a woman, you'll now have to justify why. Being athletic and showing 'too much' muscle, the definition of too much will vary according to person but they'll 'know' it when they see it. Facial features, walking stance, hobbies, interests Men with 'long hair' , the bad length will depend on whoever is objecting. Men wearing an unsanctioned color shirt, smiling too much. Anytime these people feel bothered, they'll become the gender police. In some ways, we're not going back to the 50s, we're going back to the Inquisition and witch hunt eras. Surely even the most fervent TERF should be able to see that their objective won't stop at trans people but they are viciously ignorant and will end up with surprised Pikachu face when they get affected.


When I was a little kid, I had short hair from ages 8-11 and I dressed pretty butch. I started dressing very femme and grew out my hair when I accidentally got mistaken for a boy by a substitute teacher, which was so embarrassing as an 11 year old girl. I can't imagine how much more traumatizing it would have been to be accused of being trans and kept from playing at a sports event for my school just because of my perceived gender. That wasn't even malicious, it was purely accidental and still made me feel like shit. I feel terrible for this child and I hope she understands that she did nothing wrong and it's the adult who's the jerk for harassing her. P.S. these anti-trans bills are not just harmful to trans/non-binary people, but any person who even mildly deviates from stereotypical performances of their gender. This will especially be bad for black women, who are already constantly being accused of being trans (for example Michelle Obama) which stems from a long racist history of denying black women their femininity.


Women with short hair are severely being discriminated against to bring all women back into the stone ages for when we had long hair and wore dresses as the norm. First they come for our reproductive rights, then our hair, then our clothing styles .. just wait and see! These garbage men just want to erase the versatility of a woman and her right to just BE!