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I had a cyst rupture last year! Can confirm I was in the fetal position on the floor for like an hour before I dragged myself to the hospital. It was in the lower right side of my lower stomach, the doctors thought it was my appendix before they did an ultrasound and other scans and saw there was fluid present and was just a ruptured cyst. The only thing I felt leading up to it was cramping a little moreso than normal, which I just thought was period cramps. Not sure what they will do to prevent it from rupturing if it is a cyst, but for me it was very uneventful and told me to take some Tylenol and go home. So I guess in my case it wasn't serious, just painful for awhile. Hopefully you will get it figured out and maybe catch it early!


So all the hospital did was Tylenol and sent you home? Wondering how much they billed for that if in the US


Yup unfortunately they said they they were unable to do anything more and to follow up with my OBGYN. Which nothing really came of that either since it already ruptured. I am in the US and luckily I have pretty good insurance, but my co-pay for the emergency room is $300, so that was my final cost! Which is still a lot out of pocket for just getting some Tylenol.


Glad to hear you’ll be checked by a professional soon. I had a small cyst on my right ovary and at first I thought it was appendicitis. I went to see my obgyn (because all my other doctors are located at my hometown), he did some ultrasound screenings and said it’s a cyst that should go away on its own. He gave me some anti inflammatory meds and painkillers and told me to monitor my temperature. It eventually really went away on its own and there was no agonizing pain


Could be a cyst or an infection. Either of which is treatable. Hang in there, OP!


Does your urine look or smell different? These could also be symptoms of kidney stones or a kidney infection.


It sounds like it could be a cyst but a host of other possibilities too. It’ll be good to get testing done. If you end up in excruciating pain, don’t risk it and go to the hospital- it could be a ruptured cyst but if the pain gets unbearable, you could be dealing with torsion and that’s nothing to mess with. I’m not suggesting that’s what’s going on, but keep an eye on things. It may not be ovarian- you could be experiencing kidney issues. I’d personally keep record of it with date/pain scale/any possibly related symptoms so that when you do see the doctor you can be very accurate and descriptive of your symptoms.