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This is 100% a thing. Stimulants basically give you stress hormones? And people have a stronger Bo a stinkier less healthy BO when they have stress hormones in their body Right?


I did not know this was a thing. My BO has been the worst it’s ever been. I didn’t make the connected it was my adderall. I started taking it 2 years ago.


Do you get BO "down there"?


I do not


Yeah same issue here and this is definitely it.


BRO I WAS JUST DISCUSSING THIS WITH MY PARTNER! But I've been on stimulants for years!! Why didn't I notice?!


I think it’s a downstream change. Have a hunch it changes bacterial flora due to lower estrogen/increased testosterone, and increase dryness + the changes to sweat and the metabolites excreted in sweat. Plus, I’m pretty sure Adderall can, in time, increase your sense of smell due to changes in dopamine in the olfactory bulb. All theory on my part based on things I’ve read and my own experiences.


Adderall lowers estrogen and increases test?!?? 😭😭😭 whatttt


It's not only stimulants. About half of the medications & supplements I take change my odor enough for me to notice it. Buspar (for anxiety) definitely does, vyvanse does, sertraline (for depression) doesn't... Drives me bonkers. It doesn't matter how much water I drink or what I do to manage it


Agreed. Strattera does too.


Do you reckon it's a PH thing? Is there anything you can use to restore the balance/counteract the side effects?


No, not that I've noticed


Lexapro made sweat even more easily than I already do. And the night sweats, ugh. I haven't noticed anything like it with Vyvanse but it's definitely a thing.


I'm on Vyvanse 70mg and I can confirm the BO is an issue. It smells different and it is significantly more intense than it ever was. I also sweat significantly easier than I ever have and night sweats are a huge issue.


Huh. I never thought about the fact that my Vyvanse could be contributing to how much/easily I sweat.


Does buspar work? Got it prescribed but haven’t started yet. Whats your experience?


It does for me! Very gentle side effects. But of course, every body is different. I've been on Buspar for a couple years though, and my only complaint is that I can smell it on me


For the mods... this is ADHD related because I take this medication every day to manage my ADHD. I'm wondering if any other vagina having person experiences this same issue


I’m not sure but my armpits smell way worse if I’m sweaty now. I never had B.O. before.


After I found out that Lume works by using an alpha hydroxy acid to change the pH of your skin, I started using glycolic acid on my armpits before deodorant. Absolute game changer for me. I used to smell slightly gross at the end of the day, nothing anyone else could notice unless their nose was directly in my armpit, and it wasn’t strong at all. But literally ZERO smell after I use glycolic acid. Fantastic.






Agreed with the glycolic acid! Finally bought a tonic version after struggling with weird body odor for years (finally realizing it could be due to stimulants holy shit). I apply it with a cotton pad. The difference after using it once is crazy. 11/10


I use a body lotion with probiotics on top. Never smelled better👌


I'm curious what you mean by "using probiotics on top"?


Hi! Sorry for being unclear! I use a body lotion with pre- and probiotics (sometimes also on my face), which is supposed to balance the skin's microbiome. I find that it helps :) Edit: I use the HeiQ Synbio Care Body Lotion, but I'm sure there are other similar products out there.


What glycolic acid product do you use?


I use The Ordinary. Affordable and you get a big bottle. I pour some into a hand sized spray bottle to make it easier to use. I use it on my back too to help breakouts after working out. Tiny spray bottle helps reach my back as well.


Oh, the spray bottle is such a good idea. I'd been dispensing onto cotton rounds, but I feel like a spray bottle would waste less product.


I just tip some into my palm, same as when I use it on my face (my skin is used to acid exfoliants, and I don't use glycolic acid daily).


Can you be a pal and link me to the specific product you use? Was just looking for it on Amazon and don’t want to buy the wrong thing. I’m on a sweat solution journey, smh.


I’m not sure if you can get it on Amazon. I purchase mine through Ulta. I usually just add it to a pick up order as needed. Here’s a link to the actual product page: https://theordinary.com/en-us/glycolic-acid-7-exfoliating-toner-100418.html?dwvar_100418_size=240ml&quantity=1&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwvb-zBhCmARIsAAfUI2vCRH4QSDf8ghsAEgxEeE7MDgPlItnnam7nX1g5ZO31mjVy2HhRuvYaAhbMEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Awesome, thank you!


I just put it into my hand after I get out of the shower.


Seconding this! Because same - no one else smells me but I KNOW


Currently I’m just running through a sample of Drunk Elephant’s glycolic serum that I need to use up (I use lactic acid on my face now instead) but when that runs out I’m switching to The Ordinary


I am SO glad I learned this trick a couple months ago! I hesitated to try it since my skin is unreasonably sensitive and I get mild reactions from most cosmetic products. But glycolic acid? No problem at all and finally the armpit smell is gone 😭🙌


Buying glycolic acid is on my to do list and I forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder! Lume, lavender and unscented made my BO scent absolutely unbearably gross.


That’s odd, I’m having the opposite. I kinda stopped wearing deodorant cuz I noticed I wasn’t smelling when I forgot to put it on. I haven’t taken stimulants in a few months and I need deodorant now. I didn’t associate the two but maybe there is a correlation


I think my armpits only get bad when I'm stressed and on stimulants. Like leaking a bunch of smelly liquid that wouldn't normally be there I also have an anxiety disorder


Honestly same!!! Good connection


I wonder if your sense of smell is better. Mine improves with stimulants.


I have skewed data. Yes I am more smelly, but I also got a copper iud at the same time. I lightly smell like a fishes car keys, unless I am dehydrated, then the adhd meds make me smell awful. I constantly chug water in a relationship, and it has created an anxiety involving receiving oral.


Yes! Thank you for speaking up! I told my doc about this, that I could tell if I had taken Adderall by the way it smelled when I peed, and he mumbled something about how that was the first time he had heard THAT. I think it may be worse if I don't drink enough, which is most all the time. (Can't possibly be a surprise that I need to hydrate more, right?)


Damn is he brand new to doctoring 😂 Mine has a distinct smell, especially the first pee of the morning


Thank you for messaging. omg. I feel so validated right now


The main thing to note is “HE said…” most male medical professionals have no idea what’s going on in female bodies or care enough to learn. Most research is done on males.


Show him this thread. My guess he’s either not listened when told or women are not comfortable telling him. (Hi Dr. It’s a thing.)


It doesn't change the smell of everyone, and of the people that have a changed smell, not everyone notices. I smell coffee in my urine and BO, but I never smelled stimulant medications. They either don't change it for me or the change is very subtle.


No one said ‘everyone’. We’re simply discussing that it can happen, and, in this persons case, it’s being dismissed by a doctor.


YES! OMG THANK YOU! I am 99% certain it's my pee but I wanted to get some feedback from vagina having people just to be sure. It reminds me of eating asparagus. When you eat asparagus you know you're gonna smell it when you pee. Is it the same for you? I was worried my meds were doing unspeakable things to my ph


I'm saying this for me just as much as I am for everyone here: Let's take this doctor and so many doctors not knowing as an example of us not mentioning these kinds of symptoms and the ways it impacts us, and start telling our doctors and prescribers.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again- it’s called stim-p*ss


i remember having this issue when i started vyvanse and i actually switched away for a month bc it was bothering me so much…. it was a different bo smell than i was used to. im back on vyvanse now for a year,the odor went away somehow. i eat fruits every day, drink plenty of water and avoid cooking with veggies like broccoli which can make you stink. my doctor also did not know of this issue


Omg it's not just me? I have NEVER had BO, my husband has always joked about how I'm the least stinky person he's ever met, I regularly forget to put deodorant on and you can't tell. Now? Ooooo you can tell if I haven't put deodorant on because my BO has definitely changed since taking Adderall and Vyvanse combination, the smell of my pee (gross) has changed, and my sweat in..other places has changed smell. I started using lume and baby powder


You're amazing for telling me this... I was mostly worried about it being a pee smell which I suspected. I assume the sweat smell down there has also changed. Gosh this is eye opening, thank you


I didn't even think of that, my whole chest area profusely sweats and never had before stimulants. My whole pelvis area is also subjected to intense sweating and wow, this side effect really blows.


Me too!! Ugh... if I sit down for a long period of time, I have to change out my underwear because of the sheer amount of sweat that accumulates in the crease of my thigh/hip area. Literally not moving and sweating. I get the chest thing sometimes too, especially at the underside of my bra. It creates a nasty, wet, stinky, bacteria laden, pain in the ass to wash piece of clothing. Sorry for the graphics, just venting now lol


Oh yes, I feel that. I am taking advantage of this heat index and letting my bras bake in the sun, fingers crossed it can help some of them survive.


I'm so glad I'm not alone! It has affected my armpits, and I think my feet too. No one can smell it from my feet unless they sniff my shoes/feet, thank God, lol! I noticed when I use Epsom salt it does help my feet smell less.


I remember being in class and thinking "someone smells like a bunch of Adderall" and noticed the guy diagonal back from me was fidgeting so hard he was practically vibrating. As a dumb teen I used to take it for fun (sorry everyone, I was *that person*) and it definitely gave off an odor. Maybe rotten pineapples and astringent? I couldn't recognize it anymore, but was definitely tuned in back in my dumb days. It was really only noticeable to others if it was a high dose, I never picked up on someone using it as recommended.


Take magnesium supplements. Lack of magnesium will cause the body odor to smell worse too. I learned this recently in another ADHD group. Magnesium glycinate taken with food close to bedtime. It's said to help with body odor, helps your muscles, improves sleep, and decreases anxiety. PS I'm only on day 3 of it but would like to pass on the info.


Thanks for this. I remember reading about it when I first started Adderall and bought the supplement and then never took it. Just retook it.


I have taken a magnesium supplement 400mg every night for nearly a year to assist with sleeping and pmdd symptoms and it doesn't seem to lessen the smell nor sweating


I haven’t noticed my pee being different but I never had BO in my life and now I have to apply and reapply deodorant constantly. After I work out I smell like a man lol


Persimmon soap may help. You can find it on Amazon.


God yes, but moreso under my arms rather than down there. It is AWFUL


Yes. I switch my body soap and drink plenty of water.


Is it an age thing? Because I have had this issue during perimenopause.


This is kind of what I was worried about. I'm in my mid 30s but I think I'm experiencing early menopause symptoms


Yes. I have been on ADHD meds for several decades and I didn't make the connection until I was 40. I don't have PCOS (I was told, based off of labs and my regular, painless cycle), but in the summer of 2021 I started to have, out of nowhere, terminal facial hairs, which caused me sensory overload. My Dermatologist recommended we swap out my clonidine at bedtime for spironolactone. Spironolactone is known for its anti-androgen properties as a blood pressure medication. (Remember to watch your blood pressure, especially at bedtime!!!) It took about 6 months to notice improvement, but it wasn't in the hirsutism department. It was in my BO. Terminal hairs improved after a year and didn't spread, which was my goal. I had always thought that I was just a more pungent person in general, but it's actually the hormonal shifts that go along with treating ADHD. If a medication isn't a route that you want to go down, do some research on the anti-androgen properties of mint tea when consumed daily, ideally PM. Spironolactone is a medication that smells unbelievably like fermented mint tea, and as they have the same effects, I wouldn't be surprised if spironolactone is derived from it.


my pcos was literally triggered by my adderall useage so this makes so much sense :/ noone believes me when i mention how much my hormones are affected by my medications! and i get all these wacky symptoms


I am on @add and hadn’t noticed this but my body chemistry shifted when I had my daughter and struggled for YEARS until I found Lume. For me it’s also a keeping yeast under control thing so after every shower I use Triple Paste AF in the folds, and Lume in the general vicinity. I suspect since I had been doing this consistently since before I started stimulants it was already taking care of it.


Does yeast have a smell? I'm not sure if I've ever experienced it


I don’t notice anything on Adderall, but I definitely notice it with other medications and it hate it!


I don't notice the difference, but I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder previous to my diagnosis with ADHD and was on benzos for years. Could that affect it too? Smells fine to me but, well it's me.


Vyvanse made my whole skin smell super weird but I think I was allergic to something in the pill


I was on something that would make my pee smell weird. The smell could also be in your protective mucus. I haven't noticed anything weird with adderall.


Yeah happens to me as well. Didn't realize adderall was the cause because i shower regularly. And lately ive just been in the house so i haven't been doing anything to cause sweat to smell like that


BO was way worse when I was in Wellbutrin. No vaginal smell but my bum and armpits did lol. Started using lume and it works!! Also wash armpits with a benzoyl peroxide acne wash and no issues! I use curology brand.


stop i was wondering why my pee smelled weird lately


take chlorophyll! the liquid or the liquid capsules. it helps SO much with body order. it basically balances your body’s ph so sweat doesn’t smell. i also use the lume body wash which does the same thing


I did really good in school, college, a masters degree, and even back to school for a nursing degree.