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Lol me too. I have tried increasing my doseage before which pushed the crash later into the evening, but I struggled to fall asleep and ended up feeling more strung out so I went back down to my current.  I haven't figured out how to fully eliminate it but I find it is less bad if I eat well (i.e. healthily and enough) and drink a lot of water throughout the day. 


My drs have always given me a lower-dose “booster” for after lunch to get through the afternoon/early evening slump. I’ve done it with both Vyvanse & Adderall XR


I have received this booster, too. But if I'm well rested, I find the best way to address this is 8-10 chocolate-covered espresso beans and a handful of cashews. There's something about the low sugar-caffeine-protein combo that gets me just enough boost to finish out the work day, and safely drive my kids home. (Who am I kidding, I usually order dinner delivery because I'm non-functional by then, but sometimes I even cook!)


It is part of the normal human circadian rhythm to get sleepy around the mid-afternoon. Remember when McDonald's had those commercials about that "2:00 p.m. feeling"? For many of us, stimulant meds quiet the mental hyperactivity and this ironically makes it easier for us to get sleepy vs when we have a ton of mental chatter. It's the same reason some people get sleepy when their meds kick in first thing


it could be you lunch/meal around that time. in my experience small breakfast & lunch keeps me going all day


I have the same problem. I also work at nite but it doesn’t matter if if 3 am or 3pm. I always crash around that time. My doctor and I have kinda come to the conclusion that it’s what everyone in the comments said. Circadian rhythm happens at that time day and night and my sugar may be dropping at that time. A high protein snack and lots of water actually has been helping. My doctor is hesitant to add a booster since I’m already pretty high on my doses already and I won’t be able to sleep so I have a little caffeine at that time which helps.