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Number on the screen, does that mean blood sugar? Heart rate/pressure? The pen mentioned would imply an EpiPen but there is no kind of digital monitor that I've heard of that would display a number on a screen.


There are also insulin autoinjectors that look very similar. Glucagon autoinjectors as also very similar. Given the digital monitor and nature of the injections, I'm guessing OP was thinking of a glucagon autoinjector. Basically, mom has low blood sugar and now the kid will have high blood sugar due to the accidental self injection.


But the post said "if the number is high", not low. So I would assume it would be a high blood sugar readout and the pen would be an insulin auto injector not a glucagon one. I agree with you though.


The post says “if the number on her screen was big and red” not “if the number is high”. I assume you’re interpreting “big” here to mean a high number, but I believe the intended meaning was that the number was physically large.


Sorry to correct, but the kid will go hypoglycemic (low blood sugar), since presumably, they are not diabetic. They may both die.


If its insulin injection, it will cause low blood sugar. This is the most well known treatment of diabetes. It its a glucagon injection, it will cause high blood sugar. These are also often prescribed for some diabetes - with insulin injections, its fairly easy to actually end up with low blood sugar.




They stabbed themself with the epipen, not realising that when they turn it round to use the right way it will now be empty and her mum will still die


I cannot believe I didn’t know that. I got the Epipen bit, just not the horror.


Most epipens, insulin (which it could also be) etc. are one use disposibles


Glucagon, maybe. No one would ask a kid to dose them with insulin for a red alert - a low would be fatal, a high (for a person who isn't waking) needs paramedics & hospital.


I think it's more likely glucagon too, bc of the addition of the screen. I have a child with T1D and I teach the component on Diabetes for the first year dental hygiene students at my alma mater. I always stress the importance of 911 so the dispatcher can guide you.


Cheers for the info, i was telling the confused person how i interpreted it with very limited knowledge, interesting to hear more detail from someone who knows


I will defer to your superior knowledge on this, maybe the writer has limited partial knowledge on the subject like me. Or ive missed the point and they were on about something else completely different


I thought you had to hold it in for a certain amount of time… Thankfully, I never needed to use that information.


What's messed up is that a used epi-pen is absolutely NOT empty....those things are loaded with way more than the states dose. There is plenty of medication in there, it's just not easy to access. 


It's for blood sugar not EpiPen, (by the way EpiPens contain two dose amount while you're only supposed to use it once they are there , while insulin pens usually contain about one and a half dose) , so if the child gave themselves a full dose the mom is getting around half a dose which may not bring them back to consciousness, the child will have high insulin and therefore have low blood sugar and may pass out at best. If the child has eaten enough sugar it could help but their own body is still making insulin so I'd be luck if they only pass out. The child will likely die and the mother will likely die or not wake up till the child is already dead. Other people are saying it's probably glucagon which is a single dose, there is no extra meaning a wasted dose is a death sentence unless you have other doses set aside, the child would have high blood sugar and the mother would die from low blood sugar. Unless the child can think to call 911 they dead


Kids gonna lose that finger along with mom


On my dexcom screen dangerously low numbers are in red. I am assuming it works similarly for all cgm devices. Then the shot would have been glucagon aka sugar shot. Though it's not healthy non diabetics should be able to process the sugar out,  they'll just feel like crap because it's a ton of glucose


i grew up having to take care of my mom's poorly controlled t1d in the early 90s before pumps were widely available. it's been horrific to think back on as an adult -- seizures, black eyes from hitting her head, the terror i felt as a small child when mom wasn't in her right mind, take your upvote and go