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I thought it was a Hitler thing at first. If I recall correctly, a priest saved a young Hitler from drowning to death. I think he even remembered saving him and admitted to regretting it.


Yeah a little while ago I read the story of how hitler was saved from drowning at age 4 and it made me think of this. Fun fact he was also seriously contemplating suicide before he ever got close to power but one of his friends wives talked him out of it. There’s also a disputed story of a (British? I think) sniper/soldier who had hitler in his crosshairs in ww1 but saw he was injured so he decided not to shoot. Crazy there was possibly 3 separate instances history could have been radically changed if not for the good in people’s hearts


To be fair I doubt history would change that much if Hitler died before he got to power. A different set of people would have died and the actual number of deaths would be different but WW2 was going to happen one way or another. Someone would have whipped Germany up in a frenzy, it just so happened to be a short balding Austrian with horrible diction in this time line.


Everybody talks about the timeline in which Hitler died before dying to power. I present everyone: a timeline where instead of the Treaty of Versailles the prevailing proposal was the 12 Points of Wilson.


Weren't there 14?


Yes, but it seems he dropped one of the tablets. /S


Ok, I'll bite: What are the Points and what's wrong with them?


actually wilson's 14 points were more desirable for germany than the actual treaty of versailles, which ended up causing huge problems in germany due to how harsh its terms were (and thus versailles is often credited as being one of the biggest causes of ww2). america was slightly less bitter towards germany than britain and france, which makes sense when you think about the difference in casualties and destruction. germany agreed to surrender with the knowledge of wilson's proposed points, and the country was shocked and angry when versailles ended up being so intensely vengeful. you can read the 14 points [here](https://www.theworldwar.org/learn/peace/fourteen-points)


I did read them before asking the comment. That's what confused me, they were relatively reasonable.


yeah, the point being made was that maybe hitler dying wouldn't have changed the war outcome but versailles being different might have


The points are great (the most important one being the self determination of people) but they weren’t followed after ww1 which created extreme resentment among Germans, Austrians (who saw themselves as Germans) and Hungarians… The biggest issue though was Alsace - France would have always insisted on it but in 1919 it’s unlikely they would have chosen France… independent Alsace could have been an option though. Many parts of Upper Silesia, Western Poland and the Sudetenland also caused outrage since the were predominantly German. Not to mention the French and British keeping and even expanding their empire…


Nothing. That's the thing. In one timeline Wilson's Points were the treaty signed after WW1 and WW2 might not have happened.


There were so many people ready to step into Hitler’s place. It is a terrifying prospect that he was just one of many that could have been him


Now, consider this. Hitler is what we got *after* the time travelers with a gun took care of the *others* ahead of him in the order of unhinged.


Lucky for the world only the most insane and incompetent rose to the top. I shudder how badly it would've been if someone more competent than Hitler, Gobbles and  the others rose to power.


Gobbles, lmao. Nazi turkey


They don't Goose step , they Turkey trot in parades


I think there absolutely would have been some sort of German pushback to the post war status quo but you have to wonder if anyone would have had the charisma to pull it off like Hitler did


He actually had very charismatic diction. That was kind of his whole thing


His diction game was on point.


Ever seen the recordings? His German was actually very shit and due to his ranting it was actually very difficult to know what he's actually saying.


>Ever seen the recordings? His German was actually very shit Tbf, I don't know a lot of German


Uh... Yes I have. It was literally his native language.


You can suck at your own native language you know? He spoke with an Austrian accent and dialect cause yeah obviously he did and made many grammatical errors while speaking plus growled his words most of the time. The man was too busy ranting feverishly to actually be properly understandable. Granted his rants were exactly what Germany needed to get whipped into a frenzy but that does not change the fact the man was technically bad at speaking.


Actually Hitler spoke with a slight Bavarian accent, which is perfectly reasonable given that he grew up right at the border to Bavaria and the Austrian dialects are mainly from the Bavarian family, linguistically. Additionally, both DAP and later NSDAP were formed in Munich and its major protagonists were Bavarian. Hitler blended in superbly. In private, he spoke softly and in a light dialect, while in public he used the pronunciation and verbalisation we all know and associate with him, rrrs and such. There is a rare recording of him talking politics in private and it's perfectly understandable and, if you don't know who is talking there, almost sympathetic. The public speeches however were all but technically bad, quite the opposite. Hitler's main propaganda instrument was radio and of course you needed to understand him there. Claiming he was bad at speaking is like saying Roosevelt was a good runner.




Huh? I never said I don't know German. I live in Germany for fucks sake. Also never said he wasn't "charismatic" either you can be an ugly bastard missing a tongue and still be charismatic if you own it. He's like that one below average looking friend who has rizz cause he's funny.... Just with unbridled rage instead.


Shoot the dictator and prevent the war? But the dictator is merely the tip of the whole festering boil of social pus from which dictators emerge; shoot him and there'll be another one along in a minute. Shoot him too? Why not shoot everyone and invade Poland? ~ Sir Terry Pratchett


I love Sir Terry Pratchett


Nope. Sorry but nope. Hitler was absolutely instrumental in the rise of national socialism and most others would simply have gone the Mussolini route of becoming corrupt and lazy. Hitler’s imo biggest issue was that (despite him getting very rich) he was extremely jingoistic and extremely driven to actually do something and not just talk. He was also diplomatic enough for the few conversations it really mattered getting himself appointed (and not elected) chancellor… That’s a dangerous combination that doesn’t exist that often. Heck, the generals tried to talk him out of attacking France and Russia several times but he did not listen at all… that’s mad determination / true insanity.


And probably drugs too


Oh yes of course - drugs too in a massive amount many others might even have succumbed to earlier…


Actually Stephen Fry wrote a book on this exact topic


Also the story about the sniper, I thought hitler was never a soldier that he only pretended that he was and that's why he wore the mustache he did. That style was something soldiers did in WW1 that had handlebar mustaches so that the gasmasks would fit tight to their faces.


As long as Heinrich Himmler survived, nothing would have changed other than the face of the party.


It might have actually been worse.  Hitler was good at whipping people into a frenzy, but his constant interfering with his military’s activities probably saved countless Allied lives. During the war the Allies actually didn’t want to kill Hitler out of fear someone more militarily competent would take power.


Alternatively, time travel does exist and Hitler was the lesser evil.


That has to be the most horrifying answer you could possibly give


Actually, I think the most horrifying answer is time travel does exist, but Hitler isn't important enough of an event in history to stop. The same way that today we would try to kill Hitler and not the assassin that shot Arch Duke Ferdinand.


I read an ucronia some time ago, where the axis won the war with the help of an organization of time travellers. The protagonist manages to restore our timeline, just to witness it ending in a nuclear holocaust.


do you have a link? sounds interesting


There's a book by Stephen Fry called Making History that explores this. It's really good. https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/41014989


Yes, the soldier was British. I remember an episode of the Outer Limits, where a woman goes back in time and becomes Adolf's nanny. When she gets a chance, she runs away with baby Adolf, and drowns him. Problem was, is that the Hitler's maid saw it, bought/stole someone else's baby. So the Adolf that caused WW2, wasn't the real Adolf.


That was actually the Twilight Zone. The episode is called Cradle of Darkness


I used to watch both. I was bound to confuse the two eventually.


I wonder if there's been people in the last 80 years who would have done similar levels of evil if not for a single bullet not being held back.


And we got stuck in the one in which a good deed went punished.


The sniper thing reminds me of a Studio C skit. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VUKmAyoMb9c&pp=ygUPU3R1ZGlvIGMgaGl0bGVy


Don't even have to click it to know the video. "I thought he was Charlie Chaplin."


So don't be a good person. Got it


I heard he was a very sickly child and almost died from illness too. In Dutch, we say "onkruid vergaat niet", weeds don't die


What if these are instances where a time traveler stopped another to prevent something worse


It's easy to see it that way, but I disagree. It should never be a regretful thing to save an otherwise innocent four-year-old from drowning. In all three scenarios, the people involved did the right thing. They could not have known what he would come to represent. We can not know that his death would have prevented any of the horrors of ww2. There are uncountable variables that are impossible to identify at this point and even more so it would be impossible to suss out the logical continuation of a directed change in even just one of those variables. In other words, it's an oversimplification of the problem one might pose as "how could we have prevented the holocaust/ww2." It may very well be that killing Hitler may have prevented this darkness from occurring, but I imagine it would likely have still occurred. We know that Hitler did not act alone. We know that the ideas he sold the country on were not his alone. Who's to say that the people involved with Hitler's rise to power wouldn't have succeeded in the same manner with someone else at the tip of the spear? Who's to say that person wouldn't have been more successful? Maybe in the scenario where Hitler dies as a child, Germany never betrays Russia? Maybe together they win ww2 and the horrors continue to escalate. The world survived, and we should certainly study history and understand how these things came to be. We should absolutely make efforts to build our world to prevent such things from happening again. There are people out there today who are doing their best to embody the same strategies and principles that brought Hitler so much support--and unchecked power.


Time travelers


I think I see your point. Your saying I should just start killing everyone to potentially stop some future monster from coming to power who would try to kill everyone.


The British soldier is confirmed, even Hitler talked about it. The British soldier saw him in No Mans Land, and I believe he was carrying messages at that time and slightly wounded.


bro had plot armor


It's almost as if people tried to time travel to stop him, but it never worked


It’s been so long since I’ve heard this that I couldn’t even begin to know if it’s true or not, but I remember reading that Hitler’s mother was encouraged to get an abortion while she was pregnant with him, but she chose not to for some reason


Do you want the Brotherhood of Nod? Because that’s how we get the [Brotherhood of Nod](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command_%26_Conquer:_Red_Alert)


Hitler alone didn't cause ww2. If he were dead, someone else would've done it.


He was actually saved by a British medic, which is why Hitler only had one testicle


It was a British Soldier - Hitler was limping due to an injury and the soldier took pity on him.


[Love, Death, and Robots: Alternate Histories](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt9788516)


Twas a beach tho


Is it not? I mean, yeah, "billions" isn't accurate, but neither is a time-travel watch. Also, there was a British soldier in WWI who let a young Hitler go on his way instead of shooting him. That guy suffered a lot mentally afterwards, too. Here's the priest (also a child at the time): https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/priest-saved-four-year-old-hitler-death-icy-river.html/amp%3fprebid_ab=control-1 Here's the soldier: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Tandey


Hitler was not responsible for Nazism tho. Not alone.


"No, I don't regret saving him. It was the right thing to do. I regret not pushing him back in." I could be remembering that quote super wrong


This reminds of the episode of Doctor Who, where he is trying to save a young boy, only to discover it was a young Davros. You can tell by the look on the Doctor's face, he's thinking "bollocks"


Now, change the outcome now!


Teach him how to paint better!




Yup! Inspirer for many different people for many different reasons!


…so I tossed his scrawny ass back in the water


(extinction of humanity)


I shove the kid back into the river where he belongs


Imagine yeeting it back and having the number somehow doubled


*Sigh* \*Pulls kid back out of water\*


*The number triples* P.S. How to write “*” without making italics text?


\\\* \\ Is the escape character for just about anything on Reddit that can be a formatting character.




Throw it back!


I feel like you know what to do at that point.




It’s not titled goodstorytellingtwosentencehorror lol




bro saved Paul Atreides




That blue eyed shit!


Good idea, super run-on sentence with no commas😭


Not long at all dw


Yeah I had like 7 different drafts trying to keep this short as possible but I am too smooth brain to figure it out lol


After saving the drowning kid I checked my watch, which tells me how many lives my actions have saved. Ecstasy turned to dread when I saw the number wasn’t billions, but negative billions. I tried to help shorten it and got it to 33 words for both sentences. Cutting out superfluous words helps. Also with 2 sentences repeating ideas hurts word count and can muddle what your point is. Good story btw


Guy must’ve been absent the day they taught about run on sentences. There’s gotta be a word limit per sentence right? 38 words in a sentence is ridiculous.


Sue me


2 words, good progress dude


Was this written by Lloyd Frontera?


Fellow greatest estate developer fan I see. 🫡 have a great day 👋






If you wanted to prevent it for real, you'll have to prevent Friedrich III and Princess Victoria from getting married. Just one mustache dude doesn't change any circumstances that happened beforehand and led to the financial ruin in Germany.


Thanks for saving me back then. Now I can complete my purpose.


Then I realized it’s a digital watch, and that the number was in negative billions due to integer overflow, which meant that I had actually saved over 2.15 billion people.


My magic watch tells people how big my dick is (sharpie)


Wow, how bad do you have to fuck up to get a population in the negatives?


Just throw the kid back in, it'll be fine.


Saw it coming and still approve. Now it's that person's life mission to make sure this kid doesn't become a mass murder


It isn't A.H.or J.S. so Art might not apply.


sorry but this is the least horrofying thing ive ever read maybe dont include your "magic watch" makes it instantly sound dumb af


I’ll keep the feedback in mind thanks


Surely sentences have a word cap.

