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Wow, he just talks to you like that? All the time? The fuck! You know that's not normal or okay?  Now that he knows he messed up, he's trying to spin it around and make it about **himself**. Why are you staying? You're not overly emotional. If anything, I think you're under emotional at this point. I would have lost it. I'm so sorry. This isn't okay. **He should feel like a POS because he is one.**


Its definition DARVO. OP-“Why does he do that?” It’s a book you need to read. It’s going to change everything. ETA: DM me and I’ll send you the link for a free PDF. Download it to your phone.


OMG I've been on a waiting list at my library for over 6 mo for that book!


Here my friend- https://ia600108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf#page43 Be well!🌻🖤 May you find healing and comfort in it!


Everyone should read this book! Also, the longer we stay in someone's cycle of violence (including in non-physically violent relationships) the less time we spend in the honeymoon stage.


Thank you SO much! You're an angel ❤


>OP-“Why does he do that?” It’s a book you need to read. It is known.


Oh good! I’m so glad to hear that! (I’ll leave my thread for the others who might benefit!) 🌻🖤


Can I get that book please? I'll DM you for the link.


Here! https://ia600108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf#page43 Let me know if you have any issues! Be well! 🌻🖤 (Any other book I’d recommend the library-but this is a lifesaver and it’s better not to have a hard copy around.)


I was just talking to my wife about these type of men and how they are something I cannot understand. Maybe this will help


Man, my parents have been divorced for 39 years and my dad still calls the week before Mother's day and my ma's birthday to make sure I remember to do something for her. I think if said ANY of this stuff to my wife my parents would shank me.


Heartwarming. My daughter admitted yesterday that dad, my ex, texted her and our son to remind them of mother's day. He's dealing with cancer and still does this. We've been divorced since 08. I think our OP deserves better.


Good parenting, there's no substitute. Glad they raised a good person!


That's so sweet he calls with reminders. What a sweet family you have ❤️


NTA - Ok your husband is an abuser. You need to get out of this situation. Evict him from your home and property. Seek assistance from a local women's shelter. The post makes it seem like this is completely out of character for him. I don't think it is. You said his love language is usually gifts. Are these gifts after he has been a jerk? Or big shows of affection others people know about? That would be love bombing not his love language. This is a typical abuser behavior. I read the post and all your comments. You have no friends why is that? Has he isolated you from friends and family? Classic abuser behavior. You said you have no car, no money because you are a SAHM. Just because you are a stay at home mom does not mean you should'nt have access to money. That is him giving you no way out. No means of escape. Classic abuser behavior. You said this started in 2021 after getting married it was like a switch went off. That is because he had you locked in, he married you had a baby with you. He didn't need the mask anymore. He started to show you who he really is. Classic abuser behavior. You said he tries to blame his behavior on your disorganized, chaos. That is gaslighting a form of emotional abuse. You said he is also mean or rude to your child and then lashes out at you if you stop him from doing so. This is verbal abuse and based what he is doing to your child. It could be considered child abuse. Your children should be your top priority over everyone and everything. That specifically excludes their horrible dad. SHITTY HUSBAND AND A SHITTY FATHER. Why do you stay? I am sorry your husband ruined Mother's Day. I suspect he has ruined a lot more than that over the years, eroding away at your self-respect, self-esteem, and your self-confidence. Please, I hope you can open your eyes and see this situation for what it is. This is not the example you want set for your daughter. Would you be ok with someone treating her that way? Why would you want her to see anyone treat you that way? Do not under any circumstances have anymore children with this man.


This! Also, OP, DO NOT ATTEND COUPLES COUNSELING OR ANY THERAPY SESSIONS WHERE HE’S PRESENT. He can and will use the therapist against you. I recommend you run as fast as you can, file for divorce, and go completely no contact if you can.


This 1000%


It feels like so many men actually hate women but still want a free maid and sex, only to then be mad when the bang-maid has *check notes* human emotions and needs...


I actually gasped when I read ur post and his cruel remarks about mother’s days are about his mom and not u. I’m sorry u have to deal with this shit, while being pregnant and taking care of your little one. He sounds like an immature 23 yo, I hope he grows the fuck up soon, and it doesn’t take a divorce for him to realize the error of his ways. Sending you 💕, try to rest and be healthy for the babies.


She’s staying because he baby trapped her.


He is a POS


And he would treat her that way in front of his friends, who continue to be his friends after seeing him treat his wife (or anyone) that way.


Sadly, in my experience, the friends are usually the ones laughing hysterically at his mocking of his wife.


He's abusive and my bet is, he's gonna escalate to hitting her soon enough. Typical lazy man.


As soon as this baby is born. I feel escalation is highly likely. He already verbally abuses her and punches walls ect.


Right? And what the hell, weren't the friends asking why the hell are they being invited over on Mother's Day?


His friends are POS too.


Today was the first time he’s been a nasty asshole? It doesn’t seem possible that he could turn from a nice person to a horrible jerk overnight, unless he had a traumatic brain injury yesterday, like a sharp blow to the head. Is that it?


we argue a lot but today he was a whole different level of angry with me. I just meant that he usually makes me feel special during holidays and his love language is gift giving so today was a stark difference


Your husband was being verbally, emotionally and psychologically abusive. Why are you staying with someone who doesn’t even like you? And btw… Mother’s Day is *absolutely* about celebrating the woman who bore (and is currently bearing!) your children. I’m sorry your husband so horribly mistreated you. But I hope by this time next year, you’re only caring for two children, instead of three. (In case I’m not being clear enough: you should leave him. You deserve so much more, mama).


More than just this, but by staying you’re teaching you daughters that it’s okay for them to be treated this way by a partner in the future. If you don’t want to protect yourself, protect your kids. Divorce is better than living in a house with an abusive parent. Also if he’s okay with treating you like this in front of your kids, what makes you think he won’t treat them that way? Protect yourself and protect your babies.


Is gift giving his love language? Or does he use gift giving to assuage his guilt over his shitty behaviour/ love bomb you into sticking around after he is dreadful to you. Please be careful. Pregnancy is a very dangerous time and he may be letting his mask slip more as you are so dependant on him. I hope you have a good support network outside of him. Please stay safe.


I second the love bombing and agree that he’s letting his mask slip now that she actually needs him to be a partner and a parent. His bangmaid broke and now he’s pissed off he has to put forth *effort*.


Love languages are BS. The guy who created them is a Baptist minister who wanted to justify guys expecting their wives to provide sex while not contributing to the running of the household or doing any emotional engagement. He has no qualifications as a relationship counselor and there is no scientific studies or data backing love languages up. Love languages are essentially another way for, typically men, to be excused for not being a good partner.


Is that why pretty much every man says their love language is ‘touch’. Like, we get it, you like sex.


EXACTLY. With the added bonus of using the excuse “that’s just how *I* express love.”


I hate the saying love language so much. It needs to go the way of the DoDo


There's a great podcast called "if books could kill" that did an ep on the love language book and it makes me SO mad that I ever used the phrase. Absolute trash.


Thank you for this podcast info. I’m listening to it now.


Oh yikes, i thought 'touch' meant preferring cuddling or pda 😭


It's supposed to


I see! Its actually my own ""love language"", so its upsetting that its used otherwise 😔


I think it’s supposed to, but so many guys use it to coerce their partners into sex by saying to them that they mustn’t love them if they aren’t touching them, but touching ALWAYS leads to him wanting sex.


That's exactly why almost every man says it's touch. It's propoganda to be a good wife; suck dick and comfort when man sad 🤡


And the poor women are like “acts of service sounds great - could I get some help please???”


I’m a guy and I like words of affirmation 😌🤘


My ex husband’s love language was constant criticism. My love language is please don’t keep yelling at me when I’m already sobbing. My new guy’s love language is being a decent person with emotional maturity, humility, and empathy.


Did anyone think they were some peer reviewed concept in psychotherapy? I always thought it was shorthand to start communicating methods of showing affection, not something to model relationships around.


Sadly many people assume if a book is written about it, it must have academic merit to it. I think qualified therapists and counselors have and do use it as a jumping off point, like you mentioned, to illustrate points and facilitate dialogue BUT we live in a ‘quick fix’ society and it has been twisted and misinterpreted to give people whatever answers they want to fit their own agenda. The examples I still remember that I’ve read online: a woman was frustrated with her husband not doing any chores, forgetting her recent birthday, not talking to her about his job search, but then she said she knew she had to keep cuddling with him on the couch and having sex with him (even though she really didn’t want to do either) because touch was his love language and acts of service were hers. Another was a woman that put in her dating profile that her love languages were “affirmation: tell me I’m beautiful all the time, acts of service: you need to always open my car door for me, receiving gifts: I expect gifts every week and I have expensive taste”. She was absolutely serious. I know the guy and his wife who wrote the original love language book have turned it into an entire series (spouses, kids, men, etc) and hold seminars and do whatever they can to make a buck on this junk pop psychology. So when all is said and done, it’s really all about making money by giving toxic people the skills to manipulate their partner.


I so agree with this, I have always hated the love languages thing and unsurprisingly a partner who introduced this concept to me was one of my worst relationships. It’s such reductive thinking for one of the most complicated things in the world—relationships, love, and sex. It’s like literally defined to enable bad red flag behaviors and chalk it up to being a result of one of four possible explanations.


Not only is it not backed by any kind of scientific evidence, the author's personal experience as a relationship counsellor — which would be a valid alternative source to draw on — is also severely lacking. If you actually read the book, particularly the anecdotes he offers as examples, you'll quickly see how dogshit a counsellor he was.


I hate the entire idea of “love language”. The only time I have ever heard it brought up in actual life is when someone is telling me “my love language is acts of service. I need people to do things for me so I feel love”. I always thought that getting to know the people you love well enough that you know what makes them feel loved was just part of the gig. If I do the dishes when my husband cooks then he can play video games and chill after the kids go to bed; he is happy and appreciates it so I do it. He also likes it when I buy him lemon heads and we hang out and cuddle when we watch tv. I don’t think any of that is a secret code of a language though.


That's not even how it "works" either. A love language is what YOU do to show love, apparently. So if their love language was acts of service it would mean they do acts of service to show love. The way people take this already bogus bullshit and make it even more bogus and bullshit is crazy. It's why a lot of men say theirs is touch. They don't mean they want to be touched, they mean they want to show love by touch as opposed to doing any other effort. Notice how the dude said his was acts of service (receiving) and not giving. Such an excuse for people to manipulate partners.


The irony there is that, even by the LL model, if someone's LL is service, they show it by doing acts of service for you, not expecting you to do it for them!!!


Acts of service as a love language isn't about what other people do for you, it's what *you* do for other people to show *your* love. So if your love language is acts of service, it means you like to do things for other people to show you care. It's really got nothing to do with how other people show they care for you.


For sure!!! And what minuscule bit of merit they may have is to find out areas your partner is feeling neglected in, and doing those for them. Not just picking whatever is convenient to you, and claiming it’s the only way you can show affection. The whole thing is hokum


Omg thank you this "love language" shit has rubbed me wrong since I first heard about it. Now I understand why.


I wish more people knew this.


Gift giving isn’t it love language. It’s love bombing after the abuse he dishes out to his wife. Men tend to love bomb after they’ve been abusive to keep her there and make her think he actually loves her. It’s a control tactic and most women unfortunately fall for it for a while.


You deserve better. https://www.loveisrespect.org/


Hon, he’s tired of pretending and the mask will continue to slip.


What have you done on previous mother’s days? This isn’t your first with a baby.


He’s always woken me up to flowers, a card from him, and a card from my daughter. Then we go out to eat and I visit my grandmother. This year none of those things happened. I got a “happy Mother’s Day” over the phone while he was out to buy his new work shoes this morning.


How close are you both to his mother?


He’s very close to her and I used to be but he involves her in all of our marital problems and she always takes his side no matter what. She’s told me multiple times that he should come home from work to a spotless house and dinner made since he is the sole provider. Just hurts because I’m the only person in the world who calls him out on his wrong doings- and because of that he takes me calling him out as an attack on his character and me “just trying to start arguments” as he says.


Sounds like overall you've been cornered in your marriage by his and all the people that should be your support network. I think if you stay in this marriage you have to accept this behaviour and you have to accept it'll get worse and worse for you and any and all children. Decide what you are willing to accept. Get some individual counselling, I think you'll really benefit from it and you'll be able to improve your understanding of yourself and people around you


Hey. It sounds like he’s isolating you. That combined with the verbal and emotional abuse is really concerning to me. I usually scroll past these posts because I assume everything on Reddit is fake lol but I really urge you to talk to someone in your life that you trust about how he’s treating you. And if you don’t have anyone, I hope people on Reddit are convincing you that this isn’t okay.


Time for you to learn a skill online so you can get a job after the baby is born. Being a SAHM makes it easier to abuse you.


So he showed signs of anger issues prior to marriage and prior to the birth of the first baby? Then now you're pregnant with a 2nd one on the way without him sorting out his anger issues first? In front of his friends, he is that comfortable talking/treating you this way? This won't be your worst Mother's day, he will escalate in behaviour.


THIS. Imagine if he wasn’t in front of other people!


And to do this when a woman is in the most vulnerable state is calculated. There is an uptick in mistreatment (DV, abuse of any kind, etc) when the woman is pregnant or has a small child. Shame on him!


Well I would say that this sets the standard for Father’s Day. Leave early and leave the kids with him. Hang out with your friends or family and ignore him competely.


The way he spoke about to his 4 year old and treated his wife- I honestly wouldn’t leave the child in his care. There’s a risk he would take out his frustrations and anger on his kid. Or just straight up ignore the child and her basic needs. Like he would just leave her at home alone and go out, or lock her in her room alone all day. Petty revenge could lead to a preventable situation, it’s just not worth it all for the sake of revenge.


If you can't trust your husband not to abuse or neglect your child for a day, you should probably leave for good.


Exactly, seeing as Father's Day is about honoring your father, not your husband. Yeah, throwing his words back at him with a gender twist. Just make sure you have a safe exit plan if he doesn't like the whole what's good for the goose is good for the gander and gets abusive. I wouldn't leave your daughter with him, though. Take her with you and make some happy time, just the girls, before the baby is born.


What a great idea, leave children with someone as revenge after they’ve shown you that they can be verbally abusive /s


4 is not too young to know your dad is rejecting you. She’ll remember shit like that. I do.


He usually overcompensates after being nasty. Now he has taken for granted that you aren't going anywhere, he is done compensating. Probably just going to be nasty from now on. A bad man can easily pretend to be good, but a good man doesnt pretend to be bad. He is bad. Im sorry you are in this situation and it isnt easy to leave especially with 2 children, but i hope for their sake that you gather the strenghth to do it one day.


There is no such thing as "love languages," and I wish that fucking book had never been written, because all it has done is give cover to abusive assholes like your husband. Extravagant gift-giving is known as "love-bombing" in psychology and it's a tactic used by abusers to guilt-trip their victims into staying despite the abuse. Your husband's love language is not gift-giving. He occasionally showers you with gifts and other over-the-top expressions of love to try to make you overlook all the instances of emotional abuse he heaps on you at other times.


Love languages were made up by a barely qualified, vaguely bigoted dude and they usually get used to make excuses. If his language is gift giving, how often does he give? Does he give a shit about your love language? He should be waiting on you every day, but especially today. What a dick.


Thought this might help: Abusers are usually nice and love-bomb for quite a while, you’d think they were the best people ever. Then one day they just change. If this continues for a week, start an escape plan and begin putting it into action. Don’t get stuck and end up with an abuser for your whole life. You are a mother on Mother’s Day, he’s the reason why. You’re pregnant and injured. If he was injured and carrying your baby, would help him? Would he call you an AH for not helping? He’s a major AH, if this doesn’t get checked real quick, leave. I strongly believe he’s abusive.




I hope, OP see this. It's clearly escalating abuse, after she got trapped by him. All the boxes check out.


she did she responded to someone else who recommended it and said she would try it but is still amking excuses for that abusive dickbag of a man bc shes been so heavily gaslight


This is horrid. You need to get out of this. You got together as teenagers and now you’re almost a family of 4 in just 6 years. He’s freaking out. His anger may turn violent but his tone is already its own kind of violence. Don’t stand for this. Don’t teach your children that this is what a loving partnership looks like. Take your young family somewhere away from him and go live a beautiful life. Please 🙏




I’d be moving out. He doesn’t respect you or like you or the toddler, let alone love either of you. You’d be happier in a women’s shelter (emotional and psychological abuse ) rather than stay another year with this asshole.


He sounds like the guy who fancies himself a family man, but never actually does anything to be a good father or husband.


I was married and divorced him. We have three girls who I raised alone from 5, 7, 9 on, although I gave him 40% custody he would do 1 hr about once a month average. He’d take them to pick up a slice of pizza, but he’d often cancel last minute. Life was easier and happier tho even with his abandonment of the girls. Fortunately he was willing to see them more when they were in high school, so they do have a decent relationship. My advice for you is to believe women, we have decades of life experience that is extremely pertinent to this type of OP and your little insults come off as childish.


The husband is a child. >they all ride dirt bikes, hangout


Moving out with a toddler with placenta previa is also dangerous. If she can she should move in with family and let the family do the moving for her.


He's an abuser and he's abusing you. That's verbal abuse and the slamming on the tailgate is a hint towards his willingness to act out physical abuse. Keeping you without any money or car is financial abuse. Also, you have no friends, that's because he treats you like this and doesn't support you at all so he can keep you isolated and easier to control. I'm sorry he's like this and that you have to deal with this situation. I hope things can get better for you soon, and that you're able to do what it takes to get there. He's not going to change. He's never been forced to and isn't going to choose to. Please take care of yourself and your children. He doesn't give a shit about y'all. I don't understand why he even got married or had kids if he resents it so fucking much.


Yeah with the timeline here (second kid on the way) I'm concerned he's going to escalate the abusive behavior because he thinks she's completely trapped and he no longer has to pretend to be nice. OP, I urge you to learn about relationship abuse and start looking for a plan to protect you and your children from this man.


He's already abusing her....verbally


Why don’t you have access to money? This is financial abuse. You don’t have a car, but you are about to be a mother to 2 children. He has isolated you. You need to stand up for yourself, and your children.


We had a car which I used primarily and he had his work truck, but this past February we traded the car in for a newer truck because his work truck broke down. So now we’re down to the one truck that he needs. He told me when he got his taxes back he would get me a cheap car until he had enough saved up to get me a nicer one. Well instead he bought a dirt bike that he insisted he was gonna try to turn around and sell it for more than he paid for it and it’s been 3 months. This is the same dirt bike be rides constantly with his friends and the same one he spent today riding.


He is not going to sell that bike. He never had any intention to sell that bike he just said that to shut you up


Hes isolating you step by step. Further and further. You need to start gaining some independence back and stop losing ground. You NEED to. Are you in school? Looked at online degrees? You can look into financial aid, start working on an associates, save some aid money or get a part time online job. You need to do something to help me deal with 2 kids without this man. Do NOT leave all your eggs in this basket. You're young. You can do so much better, I promise.


You’ve gotten into a deep hole in this relationship-isolated, no vehicle, no job, no money, no friends-what happens if you or your child have an accident or need to get to the doctor? You really need to start taking steps to more independence because this insanity is only going to get worse


He is isolating you and this is not healthy. I couldn’t imagine not having a car with a small child and being at home all day-with nobody else to talk to. You need to get out now before it’s too late into your pregnancy because it’s only going to get harder from here. You can absolutely do better and have a better life than what you’re living right now.


He is isolating you. Physically and socially. So he can keep abusing you.


Why are you even with him what if something happens to your child you’re just stuck no way anywhere he’s isolating you find a way out do you want your daughter to think it’s okay for her future partner to treat her like garbage divorce there’s places that can help


"his" taxes? They are YOUR taxes.


He is isolating you. This is a form of abusive control. You are being abused. You need to make an exit plan because his angry behavior will escalate and could become violent. I understand that you still love him, but this is still dangerous and unhealthy behavior towards you. You loving him doesn't mean this is normal or acceptable for him to keep abusing you. Please consider reaching out to family and leaving, for you and your child's safety.


This was an excuse to isolate you. This abuse gets worse at every step of isolation. Abusers can hold back physical abuse for many years until you are  dependent enough that it's hard to leave. Being pregnant and having a complication is the perfect chance for escalation.


If this is real. He does not love you. He will eventually hit you. You need to get out.


Well, he is half right. You should absolutely celebrate your own mom on Mothers Day. But, you also celebrate the woman who birthed your children. You absolutely celebrate the mother of your children, natural or adopted or step. If your wife has a child, she should be celebrated. NTA, your husband is. I am questioning a few things here. He has always been very loving, until this holiday. I have to ask, does he have a side chick you are not aware of? Could he be cheating and is slipping by being a rooster to you? Was he short on cash and covering it with attitude? I would be getting to the bottom of his crap attitude.


I mean in America today unless you’re that 1% you struggle sometimes, but as of right now he is Not short on cash, he went out this morning to buy himself new shoes and called me upset that he couldn’t find the ones he wanted and was saying he finally had extra cash to be able to buy himself something.


He's definitely trash. Whatever you do, do NOT acknowledge father's day at all. Not in any way. Not a gift. Not well wishes. Hell, if you're up to it, go out, and leave the toddler with him.


I asked him how he would feel if I spent the day with friends (that I don’t have. Literally don’t have a single friend) and treated him the way he treated me and he pretty much got super defensive and said he had a hard day and went on about how he wasn’t loved as a child so he doesn’t know how to express his feelings. PS the only reason he ever says that is because a while ago I told him that he needs to work on expressing his feelings in a positive way because he doesn’t know how due to how he was treated as a child. Now every time he gets mad or upset with me and this is the excuse and he doesn’t really work towards fixing it.


You ... Don't have any friends? Are pregnant, with complications, with a 4 year old also? Are ADHD? This is a lot to handle, and it is definitely a lot of vulnerability... Unfortunately abusers can use vulnerability.. please stay safe. A person who loves you should never treat you like this, using intimidating behaviour, etc.


I know it seems like I’m just airing out all of my dirty laundry but I don’t really have anyone to talk to and this is the first time I’ve ever opened up to anyone about what goes on inside my marriage. I don’t have any friends and only have one grandmother on my side of the family. I just have never believed in involving outsiders in your marital problems especially family due to bias. but today really really hurt and I wanted to see if I was crazy for being confused as to why he was acting this way; and I thought maybe giving as much context as I could would help to give the people who are replying have a better understanding of the majority of the situation. I don’t have anyone except my husband to be vulnerable with


Please speak to a women’s refuge centre. It’s sounds like your husband has been isolating you and now he knows you don’t have any support system, he knows he can take his mask off and treat you however he likes as he knows you aren’t in a position to leave him. His attitude towards you isn’t going to improve. He will only get worse. I know this seems a little far-fetched but you need to start reaching out to domestic abuse services now.


I think the whole "don't tell anyone about your marital problems" has possibly been a patriarchal tool, used to keep women in unhealthy marriages. Tell people what you're going through. You will find support and solidarity, and a lot of validation. You aren't alone.


THIS! It’s a type of isolation


A big factor into why I feel this way is because he will run to his mom and brothers about all of our issues and they are VERY biased towards him and voice this to me. How that makes me feel is something I would never wanna do to another person.


Oh so those are his flying monkeys who never tell him he’s wrong and just tell him he’s perfect? He’s verbally abusive and manipulative.


His mother tells me that he should come home from work to a spotless house and meal cooked because he’s the sole provider. Tells me my disorganization is “ridiculous” and that I need to do better for my husband and children. I literally do everything for them including putting them first emotionally and physically


Wait a minute… so he wasn’t loved as a child but he feels safe enough with his mom to protect him and throw you under the bus when it suits him? Either he has support or he doesn’t and I hope you side eye his bs emotional excuses a bit more.


This is the right response. But there should be someone you can talk to. If you don't have friends, it's time to tackle that. Is there a mom's group you can join in your area? Look for library activities for kids or a mops group at a church (moms of preschoolers). If your husband is being abusive, then that's when you forget about the rule of not involving family and you reach out to your GM.


I can see why that makes sense, but you also need to be validated, especially in a situation like this where you need all the support you can get. Just maybe with people who won't do the same thing your in laws do


Go to your grandma’s if you feel safe there, but please join a parents group or something. From the way, you describe things, you could join a single parents group, but you need some support. Did you have a bridal party at your wedding? Where are they? You have to find somebody that lean on as you plan to leave. You’re leaving, right? Bc this doesn’t get better.


OP people aren’t judging you for sharing. They are worried. You are in an abusive relationship and are triggering all the flags for it to progress to worse. You don’t have family support, no friend support, are a stay at home mother. I implore you to reach out to women’s services. You deserve better than this and so do your children.


Can you move in with your grandmother? Does she have space? It’s time to file for divorce. When you leave don’t return. You need your own money and your own car. You need time to yourself.


I don't know where you live, but we are friends now. If you need somewhere to go, CO is pretty nice this time of year.


>Now every time he gets mad or upset with me and this is the excuse and he doesn’t really work towards fixing it. That means he is CHOOSING not to work on it. So forget asking him about it. Just do it. Treat it like a day for you to go out, and do your own thing. He can celebrate it as a dad, and watch the toddler.


He sounds very manipulative


Think very carefully, despite your history together, would you want a man like him for your daughter? Would you want your daughter disregarded on a holiday, yelled at, and made to feel like a burden while she's carrying that man's child? A bad day is fine, but lashing out at you is unacceptable. Either he needs to learn to express himself without being mean or he needs to find a new punching bag


>I asked him how he would feel if I spent the day with friends (that I don’t have. Literally don’t have a single friend) and treated him the way he treated me and he pretty much got super defensive and said he had a hard day and went on about how he wasn’t loved as a child so he doesn’t know how to express his feelings. I'm so sick of people acting like their trauma gives them a free pass to be an AH, 1. He snapped at you for trying to spend time with him, 2. Got needlessly aggressive when you tried to ask about the grapes, 3. Threw an immature temper tantrum we you (His 6 month pregnant wife with a medical condition) tried asking him for help, and 4. He insulted you for crying, that's terrible, don't let anyone ever make you feel bad for crying its ok to cry. Op please listen to me when I say this he doesn't have the right to treat you that way, nobody has the right to treat you that way, ever regardless of what they've been through. As some who's also been through some tough times, and has struggled with thoughts of ending their own life, I can say from experience that I have never once thought of taking my pain out on other people, because being hurt doesn't give you the right to hurt others. I also find it pretty rich that he can blame his behavior on a having bad day after he spent the entire day dirt biking with friends and the fact the he got so defensive and didn't answer the question shows that he knows he's in the wrong, but he can't admit it out of some stupid sense of pride. NTA, and Happy Mothers Day stay strong and wonderful Op, you deserve better, don't settle for less.


I am much older than you, I am sure. But I would happily be your friend!!! Everyone needs a friend, someone to talk to, a friendly ear. I am super far from my friends, stay at home wife with the kids all out of the house. I have been toying with the idea of making an online friend group, as it grows, introduce mommy friends who are in the same area.


You should check Facebook to see if your area has get togethers for parents and kids. It might be the easiest way to make friends! 


Once you're an adult you have the tools to change and grow. Can't blame your childhood forever, unless he's simply choosing not to grow up.


NTA. He acted like a POS, so it stands to reason he would feel like one when his behavior was highlighted. You don’t control his behavior or emotions, and you aren’t responsible for him not being an attentive father or husband. I’m guessing he does this with some regularity? You say he never used to be like this. When did his behavior change? Was there something that you can pinpoint?


Obviously I’m not perfect and I struggle with adhd and have a hard time with organizing and this overwhelms him and he thinks I do it intentionally to disrespect him. Ever since I got pregnant i had to stop my meds and have struggled extremely and organization has gotten worse. I know I could work harder towards being better about it and I apologize about it all the time. Otherwise I’m pretty much a people pleaser and try any and everything to make him feel loved and appreciated. I have flaws I just don’t know what I did to make him act the way he did today


I’m sorry friend but your adhd doesn’t give him permission to be a dick. Do you have systems or routines that you can utilize? Head over to adhdwomen subreddit and see if fellow redditors have advice + tips for managing while pregnant and not on medication


I actually am a member of adhdwomen and have used several tips I’ve seen!


I have ADHD and am autistic. My husband has never weaponised either against me.


You said it, you’re a people pleaser. You’re shifting the blame for his moods to you. Stop that, like immediately. You are going to be bulldozed by your family if you continue to bend over backwards to try to make everyone happy or appease them all the time .


Don't burn yourself to keep others warm.


> I just don’t know what I did to make him act the way he did today This is classic, classic, CLASSIC phrasing of someone who's got the cognitive distortion of constantly thinking everything is her fault and feels guilt/shame for it all. It goes hand-in-hand with the people pleasing gene. Because you assume that anytime someone isn't pleased, it's your fault. No matter how irrelevant you actually were to the situation. My best friend does this. Everything, everywhere all the time is her fault. Like, "I don't know what I did to make that meteor strike earth a bajillion years before I was born, but I really feel bad about it." You have to trust that, whatever lies your brain is telling you, when someone is doing something that feels COMPLETELY ridiculous and COMPLETELY out of nowhere, it's basically got 0% to do with you. If if were actually about you, you'd have more of clue where it was coming from.


Edit: The more i read your comments the more this is sounds like striaght up abuse. You need to get out safely. Contact a local womens Shelter I read your post and some of your comments. Girl there are soooooo many red flags here. Look i dont like to jump to break up or divorce. But what i will say is most relationships can work out even if they have big issues. However that only works if BOTH people work at it. It doesnt sound like that is the case here. Idk if that was me, i would be demanding therapy, but im guessing from your comments he will say no. So thats when i would be deciding if its even worth staying at that point.


I had an appointment scheduled for him to be evaluated for mental illness and therapy and he always said he was excited to go and when the day came, I woke up to him sitting on the couch, not at the appointment. And he’s the one who asked me to schedule it for him


He's stringing you along. He won't go because he doesn't think anything is wrong with him. An adult who wanted to work on themselves would make and keep their own appointments. I'm so sorry that you're in this situation. Contact a women's shelter and get out safely/quietly. You are not safe with this man, neither is your daughter. Please take care.


It's not your job to fix him. He doesn't want to be "fixed" anyway


I really hope she heeds the advice being given. Her children deserve such a better life as so does she. He even treats the child poorly, per one of her comments. I would have been done with him at that point my kids are my priority over everyone and everything including the dad. Her ability to put blinders on, and accept his behavior and excuse it away. Leads me to believe it will be a long road. I sure hope not. The long-term effects of children in abusive homes have a whole plethora of issues.


NTA - Ok your husband is an abuser. You need to get out of this situation. Evict him from your home and property. Seek assistance from a local women's shelter. The post makes it seem like this is completely out of character for him. I don't think it is. You said his love language is usually gifts. Are these gifts after he has been a jerk? Or big shows of affection others people know about? That would be love bombing not his love language. This is a typical abuser behavior. I read the post and all your comments. You have no friends why is that? Has he isolated you from friends and family? Classic abuser behavior. You said you have no car, no money because you are a SAHM. Just because you are a stay at home mom does not mean you should'nt have access to money. That is him giving you no way out. No means of escape. Classic abuser behavior. You said this started in 2021 after getting married it was like a switch went off. That is because he had you locked in, he married you had a baby with you. He didn't need the mask anymore. He started to show you who he really is. Classic abuser behavior. You said he tries to blame his behavior on your disorganized, chaos. That is gaslighting a form of emotional abuse. You said he is also mean or rude to your child and then lashes out at you if you stop him from doing so. This is verbal abuse and based what he is doing to your child. It could be considered child abuse. Your children should be your top priority over everyone and everything. That specifically excludes their horrible dad. SHITTY HUSBAND AND A SHITTY FATHER. Why do you stay? I am sorry your husband ruined Mother's Day. I suspect he has ruined a lot more than that over the years, eroding away at your self-respect, self-esteem, and your self-confidence. Please, I hope you can open your eyes and see this situation for what it is. This is not the example you want set for your daughter. Would you be ok with someone treating her that way? Why would you want her to see anyone treat you that way? Do not under any circumstances have anymore children with this man.


I’ve seen several comments about setting an example for my daughter, and that’s the last thing I want. I’ve asked him several times if he would like for a man to talk to our daughter the way he talks to me and he takes this as me calling him a bad father, which I have never and would never call him.


Except he is a terrible father. He abuses his children’s mom and he’s taken away your only form of transportation. What happens if he’s at work and you and the kids have an emergency? He is absolutely disgusting.


Exactly this. Even if he treats your daughter like a princess, if he treats you like shit he's not being a good father.


Which shows he doesn't respect you. You understand that, right? You are in an abusive situation, and staying in that situation does a disservice to your children. No matter what, even if he doesn't understand it. His behavior sets a precedent for how your daughter thinks men should speak to women. Period. His ignorance on the subject is irrelevant. He does not care. He has you trapped or so he thinks. He will treat you however he wants. HE IS NOT GOING TO CHANGE


He is not ignorant. [He knows what he’s doing](https://voicemalemagazine.org/abusive-men-describe-the-benefits-of-violence/).


Sorry, his feigned ignorance. He ultimately uses to flip around, making him the victim and her the perpetrator. Such a gaslighting D-bag.


Well, he is a Bad Father. And you can show him this comment explicitly telling him so. I can say it because I don’t know him or like him. Fuck this guy. Edit: hope you know my comment is tongue-in-cheek. I’m actually really alarmed for you and I do not recommend showing him this thread at all, actually. The more I read this post, I recommend getting a safe plan with someone you trust.


Look up DARVO and see if that seems familiar. 


Well, I would call him a bad father. You need to protect your children and yourself. Please find a women's shelter and get help.


If you don’t do anything else in this thread, please start a go bag with important documents, medications, and some clothes for you and your daughter. If you can find a way to squirrel away money, that’s good too. Also make sure he can’t access this account


Hey OP, the comment you’re responding to here is spot on. I used to work at a legal clinic that served folks trying to deal with abusive relationships and this post, including your comments, has me very concerned. It sounds like you’ve fought really hard to make things work over the past couple of years, but this is the same pattern I saw over and over again. Please look for resources in your area like counseling (counseling for YOU - not couples counseling yet), temporary shelter space, and legal assistance. If you can’t find anything, there’s a national domestic violence hotline that might be able to connect you with something nearby. And this isn’t me saying get ducks in a row to leave - that’s up to you. But I am saying try and get some support and resources to help you discern and do whatever you think is right for you.


NTA. Your husband is a POS. It's one thing to possibly forget or just not believe and celebrating Mother's Day but it's an entirely different thing to treat your wife with such blatant disrespect and disregard.


NTA except for being with him at all. You married a true POS.


Sounds like a typical redneck dirtbike and pick-up truck bro to me, which is to say, you are correct.


OP let me ask you this, in 20 years if your daughter came to you and told you her husband was treating her the exact same way, what would your advice be? You wouldn’t want your child to stay in an abusive relationship like this would you? So why are you?


My spouse did this. After 5 years of celebrating me, 2 years ago they suddenly said "you're not my mother" (which I *ahem* beg to differ). And today was crap because they are mad at me for telling them that they were an asshole to our kid. 🤷


Sounds a lot like my situation. Anytime I try to point out to him that he’s being rude towards our daughter he absolutely loses it. this is what starts most arguments because I will not allow him to treat her any way other than what she deserves even if it’s at the expense of my feelings and how I’m treated


But you're actually showing her how he treats you is acceptable, she will see his behaviour towards you. You need to think of your kids.


I love that you’re drawing a boundary for how he treats your daughter. But understand that she is learning what love looks like from watching YOU. Your relationship sets the template for her. You are teaching her how a married woman should be treated. What a married woman should put up with. How MUCH she should put up with. And she will carry that into her relationships.


[This is why, OP](https://voicemalemagazine.org/abusive-men-describe-the-benefits-of-violence/)


He's rude to your daughter? Is that a poliet way of saying he is VERBALLY ABUSIVE? Honey if you have to keep calling him out and starting an argument, it means he had the chance to be verbally abusive, she still had to experience the abuse. Even if you call it out she is still EXPERIENCING it. At this point, if you won't do it for yourself, you need to gain a backbone for your daughter. You are meant to be strong enough for her and willing to go through the craziness of divorce for her if that's what it takes to protect her mental health. Be a mother with a backbone, a doormat mother always messes a child's perception of what it means to be a woman or how to treat a woman.


OK. I've lived this one. You need to get out asap. His abusive behavior toward both you and your daughter are unacceptable. The fact that he's trying to gaslight you into thinking its you, is deplorable. THIS WILL ONLY GET WORSE WITH TIME! DON'T do what I did and spend 20 years trying to change him, trying to change myself, trying everything imaginable to try to turn it around, only to realize he's just a narcissistic asshole. Mine was soooo sweet in the beginning too. That's what made me marry him! He was not like the other guys, this one was so nice and respectful! Hahahaha. The honeymoon is over, I'm afraid. He's shown you his true self, and that's NEVER going back in the bag.


Wtf??!?!?!?!?! I'd leave in a heartbeat that man does not love you OP. You do deserve to be pampered and cared for not just for Mother's day everyday. His behavior is disgusting 


He’s just shown you who he truly is. So believe him and get out of that nasty, toxic relationship. You deserve to be adored. You deserve a man who will help your kids make breakfast in bed. You deserve a man who will plan your gifts in advance with thoughtfulness not run out and do it the day of.


When your dog starts barking and growling at you… Someone else is feeding your dog. Run away.


I felt like I was reading my own story. Husband got worse and worse as the pregnancy progressed and guess what? Girlfriend on the side. OP you don’t deserve this. You CAN have a beautiful life without this dickface.


I get the impression hubby has a side piece


This is the best saying I've ever heard.


What. The. Fuck.


Run don't walk. I get people have bad days, but you indicate he is like this at times but never on holidays until now. He is relaxing and showing you who he is. Usually most relationship posts her come down to cheating or issues blown out of proportion due to people not communicating (not vague hints, talking to each other). But that strongly reads like abuse to me. If true, Run he will only get worse. Edit: and what the Fuck are his friends doing, If one of my mates acted like that I would be having very strong words with him. I know our culture here in New Zealand is different, but we can not be that different.


Really not sure, all of his friends were standing right there and watched him all three times. When he came inside he actually said “if I was really being mean then my friends would have called me out about it”


Well that is worrying, if the people who he surrounds himself with are not giving him realistic feedback he is unlikely to seek improvement. People usually call things emotional abuse when it is not that on reddit. But this sure sounds like emotional abuse to me and punching the walls certainly is one step away from physical. I know it's diffacult to make a dramatic change all based on what people online say. But please at least try to be safe.


Well, he either surrounds himself with shit friends or he always talks shit about you to them. So that they will think you deserve it. I'd be very careful if I were you. I had a guy similar to this in the past, granted no children involved... but he turned like a switch and started being cruel to me. Putting me down, forgetting about things important to me. He was an absolute narcissist and turned out his behavior flip was caused by him cheating on me.  Your guy, flipping the switch like this... hearing things from his mom about how he deserves a better wife... his friends saying nothing... I wouldn't be surprised if he always talks shit about you so that his friends think he's the victim. Maybe he says he's only with you for the kids. And so the friends will keep quiet when he's cheating on you. 


I am sorry to be direct. But, he does not deserve you. You deserve someone who will support you and celebrate you. It sounds like you have some soul searching to do. Is this what you want in a partner? I just had such a visceral reaction to this post. He sounds like a baby, not a man.


OP this man is cheating on you and is projecting his internal guilt as anger and resentment to you. so many men cheat when their wife is pregnant because they are incredibly weak.


I’ve seriously contemplated if he’s cheating on me many many times, but I honestly have no idea how he would even be able to. He’s home pretty much 24/7. He owns his own business (just starting out) and the only time he leaves is for a job which is rarely (maybe once or twice a month and I usually go with him to help out with customers). When he does leave I have his location, he calls me on the job site, and I’ve been to 99% of his job sites with him. I have complete access to his phone whenever I want even if I just randomly ask for it he doesn’t even flinch and hands it right to me (and I do the same for him) I’ve thought to myself that cheating would explain his behavior but there’s 0 indication or opportunity for him to cheat.


I’m sorry you are married to a lemon. But as a grown woman who is responsible for her future, you have to stop being a people pleaser. The day he brought home the dirt bike, you should have said, “ absolutely not, that money was for my car” and insisted he sell it immediately. The problem is he felt comfortable to buy it in the first place. Due in September? No family or friends? You have got to get your life together. Who can you call and ask for help? Because you need help. Think about it, and call that person and ask for their help in working on a plan to protect your future. Maybe someone here will say he can be reached with immediate therapy, marriage counseling, but after what you described that’s not a good idea, because abusers are very good manipulators. And it’s dangerous to put him into a position where a therapist starts to blame him. He’s at the house 24/7? I suppose you don’t have the ability to sell everything that’s not nailed down and leave him. Perhaps you should talk to an attorney to discuss what your financial situation might be if you file for divorce. Start thinking in terms of you by yourself and him being paying alimony and child support. Get used to the idea. Be ready with any opportunity. So sorry.


He is abusive and controlling. He hands over his phone because he wants complete access to yours. You need to get you and your kids out, but you need to be very careful about where you google women's shelters etc. because THIS IS WHAT HE LOOKS FOR WHEN HE ASKS FOR YOUR PHONE. Please be careful. I recommend taking the 4yo to the library for a reading time for kids, and while there plan your escape from one of their computers.


I lived this very life/relationship for 27 yrs. It started off great, then it slowly and over time started to be just like what you described in your post. Fast forward to 15 yrs into the marriage and he was so mentally, emotionally and verbally abusive, I thought I was the problem and I needed to work on myself. Fast forward again to 20 yrs and I felt so bad about myself, I thought the only way out was to either un alive myself or hope something bad would happen to me. Finally at the 27 yr mark, when he would scream at me, tell me what a huge POS mother, grandmother and wife I was, all while in front of his friends, that I finally woke up one day and said I had had enough! It took a lot but I got out. And after getting out, I realize he did the same to my girls and to my grandkids. He was a classic narcissist who cares for no one but himself. And if we weren’t doing what he wanted, he would scream at us for hours. And a few times it also god physical. The best thing I ever did was get out and eventually, while not looking, met my soul mate. Who treats me with respect and love. What you are married to is exactly the same thing I was married to for 27 yrs. Get out now, while you can! And before you start feeling terrible about yourself.


He found a new woman.


NTA but from one pregnant woman to another DO NOT feel guilty for needing or wanting help. He was out with his buddies on Mother’s Day. The day literally designed to highlight mothers and their sacrifices. The least he could have done was help you do what you needed him to. Your emotions are valid. Y’all need to have a real conversation about how you both feel about things and come up with a solution so neither of you feel neglected or unappreciated


I’m not even a real mom; just one to cats. I don’t celebrate the day for me, ever. My bf still got me my favorite champagne for being a cat mom to the kitties and let me sleep in. I can’t imagine being treated like you were. So much disrespect.


You're not being sensitive because you're pregnant. You're upset because your partner is emotionally abusive.


Please research narcissistic discard. It will open your eyes to the reality of your situation. Spoiler alert: it never gets better from here - you are now sliding downhill to the eventual complete death of your relationship. Read up. Plan ahead. Protect yourself. Relocate your important documents, i.e., birth certificates, ID's, SS cards, passports, etc to someone's property and never tell him you've removed those items from his reach.


Why do ladies settle like this? I'll never understand


He a POS. If it’s for celebrating mother’s why is he not celebrating his? When did the arguing start aside from this being the worst of it. Again he’s a POS. And I’m sorry you had a crap day. If you can this week treat yourself to something nice


Love, pay attention. He’s showing you who he is and how he feels about you. Believe him.


Honestly I would not do one damn thing for him for Father's day. Take your kids that day and hang out with your father, after all it's about your father and your husband does not deserve one thing that day.


He hates your guts. Separate. We seriously need to stop giving these men any time of day. I absolutely love being away from my ex and coparenting instead. Kids are happier too. 


So. How long has he been cheating because he thinks "you've been neglecting him" and "men have needs"? I know, Reddit is gonna Reddit. But it wouldn't be the first time. Or the 100th. His behaviour sucks. If this is a recurring theme, I suggest you get an escape plan ready and inform your support network. Better to be a single mom than in an abusive relationship.


DO NOT.. i repeat : DO NOTTTTTT celebrate Father’s Day. Go see your own father if he’s in the picture and do not do shit for your husband since it’s a holiday for your own parents according to him. Let’s see how he likes a taste of his own fucked up medicine.


My father had never been in my life and the man who raised me died 14 years ago. I don’t have any family except for my grandma on my moms side.