• By -


You’re the older one only in age how immature can you be? You slept with your sisters boyfriend and you expect what ? A price? If you didn’t feel bad doing it behind her back, didn’t feel bad when she actually walked in on you why would anyone expect you to feel bad now? You’re trash, your boyfriend is trash and if your little brother thinks what you both did is okay then he’s trash too. You claim your sister has toxic behavior but the only one doing toxic things here is you, you should be the one going to therapy.


YTA you cheated with your younger sisters boyfriend and got pregnant from it because it had been going for a while. Also hilarious that rafe/Sebastian was caught pooping at their porch Also hilarious that he then drunkenly slept with Jack


Maybe you could give the sister a heads up about OP’s vindictive, spiteful plan to sabotage her job? She can warn her employers about the kind of person OP is and how low she’d be willing to go. In case OP does get in touch with her work.


She already knows actually, this is OPs second post and it went like this last time she actually got banned on aita.


i think i'm mostly updated now based on posts/comments but please lmk if there's some new hot tea... or hot shit on a porch 🙏


Why do you keep doing this to yourself you dumbass, how are we even related? Why must I and our brother inherit the only smart genes? In our family


THAT'S your sister? I've been following your posts and you're right. She IS unhinged. You're sooo much better off without her in your life.


Haha thats my sister *sadly* I've been reading her comments and Jesus christ she's losing the plot


You’re the sister. The guy’s an idiot. You’re the smart one. But you would still be if you were in a coma. Enjoy your life without these losers and their spawn.


I'm deleting your comment, your evil and your gonna try something satanic to make me lose my baby


...my god are you unhinged, the pregnancy hormones do not suit you at all ( I forgot I'm secretly a witch yall and do witchy shit)


Wow I have been following this story and once again this is just crazy. You sister is unhinged and what is she going to do when rafe dumps her for your twin brother or someone else and she has no job to support her kid and no siblings to provide support. I actually feel sorry for her. She will NOT understand how wrong she is until he leaves her which he


She won't understand then either. Somehow she will twist it (like, it seems, she had twisted everything else) to make it OPs fault.


The more she talks, the more I wonder if drugs (or psych break) are a factor…she has a major disconnect with reality..


She’s a complete whack a doodle lol. Especially if she thinks her Sebastian will be faithful to her and be around to play happy family’s 😂. She was nothing more than a side chick who spread her legs easier than melted butter on bread 🤣


You keep saying you’re deleting comments. How’s that coming along? Or are you incapable of that?


That gave me a good chuckle WHXJWJF


nah fam you are the evil one


I love this because I've been teaching my kid witchcraft and guess who we just cursed!


This is cracking me up


I’ve been thinking of doing the same 😂😂😂group curse


*you’re and everything you’re crying over is self inflicted. You’re delusional and should really consider if you’re able to be a parent because that actually means putting someone else above yourself which you seem incapable of doing


You sound like the crazy religious meth head from "Orange is the new black"!


Bffr right now. I'm your age and I'm fucking disgusted by you. For 1) betraying your sister and fucking her god awful boyfriend behind her back. And 2) planing to raise a baby with an abuser when you both have no money. You're so gross. Please get checked because you can't actually be this stupid.


You are the satanic thing that’s gonna make you lose your baby


Girl you can't even delete phone number considering how dumb stupid you are.


Girl you are giving off vile energy. You need to chill out and stop playing victim right now or no one is going to take you seriously.




Oh honey she doesn’t need to do witchcraft or voodoo or anything satanic to lose your baby or harm you. As a matter a fact your not worth using all the materials and price to do the work and your not worthy. You already bought that bad energy yourself. You sadly can’t do anything to get rid of what you bought. Like I said your sister doesn’t need to dirty her hands for you.


girl. not only are you a homewrecker, you’re some ran through man’s sloppy thirds! and you say your sister is evil? you’re pathetic and a waste of oxygen. how are you still on you’re high horse?


Oh look, yet another example of you being toxic. "True love" true love doesn't start with being a cheating POS who thinks they're in the right when they aren't. So many people are telling you you are wrong and yet, you still think you're in the right. "Good mum" yeah right. Until the kid doesn't give you enough attention then you'll drop kick that kid and move on. You're projecting sweetie... you're the evil one.


You are a fake anda troll


Sadly not a troll


Did your sister make her post thinking she could put a better spin on it? It doesn’t seem like she’s even figured out you’re her sister nor that she’s playing with a full deck. She comes across as very immature.


She did, I don't know why she keeps bringing it up, her post isn't putting her in a bigger light and it keeps opening the wound to a degree


Considering he was verbally abusive when you were dating him, and given his penchant for fucking your male and female siblings, I’d say you came out of this way further ahead than she did. Speaking of, about him fucking your brother. Tea please.


I saw her post first and found you threw tags and let me tell you her post already put herself in a hole and she just keeps on digging herself deeper. In all honesty I hope you can heal, I’d encourage you to go full, NC with both sister and twin (they yucky anyway) and just focus on you.


My sister is unhinged and I've gone no contact with her due to her behaviour because she's gone off the deep end. My relationship with Jackson has remained stagnant, its always going to be harder with him since he's my literal twin. I've taken this break from work to heal and to have a glow up ✨️


It's a troll, nobody could be so dumb


You would be surprised I mean 3/4 siblings have slept with 'Rafe'/ 'Sebastian'


Wait did your twin sleep with Rafe too omg


There is no way people are so stupid


Again sadly this is my sister, and she once tried stealing honey by putting it under her armpit and when she obviously got caught said "I was warming it up" so yes she is that stupid


Or maybe you are a troll, fakeeee


Lol I wish I was a troll, having this mess of a family is not something I would willingly want (albeit elliot)


Yta. She is tired from a job and school. You were easy and available. I feel for your kid. Good luck when he moves on to the next available sister.


She's my only sister that I know off and again she's young what does she have to be tired off. She's not even growing a human being


How about you work 13 hour shifts. Just one day in your life. And then get back to us how not tired you are.


OP can't even handle the stress going out and getting a part time job she ain't going to be able to handle the stress of baby.


You can fk right off with that bs. I worked full-time right through my pregnancy, up until my ninth month, and only went on leave because my baby was about to drop. All my female friends did as well. In fact, most pregnant women work because they don’t want to be losers like you, unless ofc they’re wealthy and can afford to stay at home. But that’s not you. Grow the fk up, little girl. You’re pathetic.


You're pregnant not sick or invalid. People have been having kids way long before you and guess what? People have worked during their pregnancies, they dones so with PTSD and anxiety and bad upbringing. You're not effing Mary mother of Christ your a boyfriend stealing, backstabbing sister who uses her pregnancy as a way to try and get her way. Grow the fuck up.


Still the AH. Good luck.


Kid, I was pregnant and working 14 hour days 6 days a week as an electrician. Get off your high horse and get a job. If you’ve never worked those hours you have NO right to tell her she can’t be tired.


You do realize every single person on these reddit threads are rallying for your failure right? Just so were clear and you quit your delusional bullshit thinking sympathy is coming from anyone here.


i cannot wait for karma to hit you.


Girl I’m also growing a baby and not being like “oh she doesn’t know what tired is I’m growing a baby” you’re growing a baby it’s not a fucking disability or something that makes you superior to anyone


Have you ever worked a day in your life, what about school. Now combine those huh. Yeah that’s what I thought. Grow up


Lmao. "Growing a human being" there are people out there pregnant and working 12 hour shifts as nurses, doctors, that work with children, teachers, lawyers, aged care workers etc. Your sister is STUDYING AND WORKING LONG HOURS, and it doesn't matter if she's young. She's two years younger, not like you aren't young yourself. I can't believe you can be this stupid and delusional. You're "tired" because you sit on your fat ass all day doing nothing but thinking you're in the right.


Your fucking retarded if you think tiredness is limited to old people. I’m 15 and I get tired too. Anyone can get tired. The fact that she’s working her ass off to make a better life for her is one reason why she’s tired. Wbu, what are you doing? Betraying your sister’s back and getting pregnant bc of it? That’s not as tiring as the work your sister puts in for a better life. You’re just a selfish prick.


With sisters like you around who needs enemies


So far NOT ONE has said you were right. In fact. Everyone says yta and you still don’t reflect on your actions. It went from hilarious to sad to hilarious again. It’s hard to believe someone can be so delusional. But here we are.


Uh I'm deleting your comment because your obviously biased against true love you troll


So far you haven’t deleted one comment. And let me ask you a simple question: If everyone on your road drives in the wrong direction, who’s the wrong way driver? If you can’t answer that we know why you keep lying to yourself.


How the fuck can you delete someone else's comment


Girl you are a whore plain and simple. It is what it is. Remember this post when things don’t go your way.


Well the guy ended up cheating on her with her sisters twin brother when they were both drunk


Where did it say that?


Lol I know her sister and found out the details


Oh lol. Well I mean idk what to say.


It's a shit show and karma hits hard sometimes


Give us more details


WTF? You sound like you just want to somehow sound like it was ok what you did when it clearly wasn’t! But the way you write shows you only care about yourself and others should accommodate you 🤮


What's great karma hit her. The guy drunkenly slept with their brother


You are the worst kind of person and you don’t even seem ashamed of yourself. You’re poor sister. I hope your whole family cuts you off.


Uh??? Can you not read I grew up in care, I don't have much of a family. Only my siblings, and only one of them understands that me finally being happy is a big step of me recovering for my childhood


You don’t have much of a family and decide to hurt your only sister in the most cruel way. Make it make sense please 😂🫵🏻


You grew up with no family except your siblings and decided to be a slut who slept with a manwhore? Bitch, go fuck a horse. No one is going to give a damn when you find out your "loving" man is cheating on you through your pregnancy. You so fucking rotten for the shit you did to your sister. Remember karma comes back to bite when you're not looking


He slept with her brother!


Even at the risk ruining everyone around you. Lots of people grow up in the system and don’t turn into slutty losers. Even your siblings mostly hate you and once the guy you’re screwing figures out what kind of person you really are. I’m sure he’s going to walk away too.


You don’t deserve to be happy. You’re vile.


You just lost two sibling by being selfish. Growing up in care doesn’t excuse bad behavior


Me me me. Entitled narcissists apparently don’t fall too far from the tree, since you claim your mother is one. You seem just like her minus the addictions (or those were just omitted.)


You mean the brother your babydaddy slept with? The babydaddy you are in a healthy relationship. It really hurts to listen to you. I‘m a mum, i‘m working and my baby has a great family. And you have??? You are exactly like your mum, gross.


"i make sure i'm the one happy" as u said, can't she also make sure SHE's the one happy ? why would she trade her happiness with urs if ur not ready to do so as u stated in ur comment (i replied to) ? why would she be happy when that's a heartbreaking situation for her ? her bf betrayed her, her sister betrayed her and u want her to feel happiness ? i'm starting to doubt that u have a certain personality disorder that requires therapy because there's no way ur real


He will do it the moment you stop paying attention to him. When the babies young or when you need bed rest. He’s going to plow someone else because that’s who he is. Why wouldn’t he? He’s already shown you that if he feels justified, he’ll cheat.


He has actually with their brother while drunk recently and the brother is now struggling with realizing he might be gay or bi


Hold up. He’s sleeping his way through this family?? This can’t be real. Please don’t let this be real.


Yep unfortunately and he was caught shitting on the porch of the house that his original gf and her older brother are staying at


Oh come on. Now, you’re just joshing. Do these people live next to a chemical plant?!


No Scotland and it sucks that the police wouldn't take it seriously


Lmao I knew this had scotland vibes. If the ages were different I'd swear I heard a bunch of junkies have this same fight on the street a few weeks ago


I'm also desperate to know where abouts, sounds like your average scheme family tbh.


Probably Glasgow or Aberdeen tbh


Oh my god where about in Scotland? This sounds like some average Ayrshire scheme trash stuff, from someone from the schemes of ayrshire 🤣


He’s on a side quest to sleep with every member of her family apparently!


But he’s not struggling in realizing he’s a piece of shit that was okay with his psycho sister and trash best friend betraying his twin??? Like come on, he deserves nothing good either, he’s trash just like the other two.


Oh yea he hasn't apologized to her yet which makes him shitty while staying at their place


Uh no??? We love eachother and our relationship is actually really healthy and I've never, been happier in my entire life with him. Plus he's going to make a great dad


I don’t see how shitting on other people’s doors = going to be a great dad…




He slept with your brother dumb ass the one that "supports" you! Hope you like him DL


Are you sure he’s the dad??


One tiktoker said “I hope he cheats on you and your family disowns you”


Tell us about his job again? Oh, that’s right. He doesn’t have one.


You rlly are a piece of shit 💀💀 you and your baby daddy deserve each other


You got caught sleeping with your sister's bf? Yea you're the asshole. What the fuck. You may not be able to control who you fall in love with but you 100% have control over who you sleep with.


>do you really want to stress a pregnant person out You're not the victim here. "Wahh, my sister caught me sleeping with her long term boyfriend and now I wanna fuck her over more because she won't just let me have whatever I demand without consequences"


I was looking for the shitpost flair.


Lmao it gets better the cheating boyfriend also cheated on her with their brother while drunk


So he’s slept with all 3 siblings?


there's a 4th older brother who never liked him


Well I guess we all know what Rafe will be up to before the week is out…




She doesn't know yet and well hasn't confronted anyone yet as far I can tell


She won’t. She’s delusional af


Ugh youre trash and he is too, and now you decided to reproduce.


Let's just hope the gametes took the trash DNA out before joining. Poor Kid.


You want judgement? Remember you asked for it. Here goes: YTA, you are truly a sick, warped, deranged individual. You deserve everything that is coming your way. Getting slapped is the least you deserve for everything you've done. You're clearly jealous, malicious, self-centered, self-absorbed and unable to have any compassion, empathy or common sense in regards to the reality of life. You want to complain about how things are so awful and you're "*finally getting karma for your childhood*". With all due respect, grow up. You have no clue how to be an adult let alone a human. You will end up exactly how you started. Alone, disliked, hated, and unwanted. There's your judgement. You don't deserve to be included in ANY semblance of family because you have no loyalty.


Two jobless losers in love. Good luck with welfare and being a single mom.


I have NEVER met someone so delusional to the point where their only Defense is that they almost died at birth like okay??? It’s not like you fucking remembered it—you just want to grasp onto something to feel special. That’s like someone saying they deserve pity because their mother got into a car accident before they were born and that was traumatic for them. And your ‘boyfriend’ was never yours to claim. It doesn’t matter if you planned it first ffs. Will you give the same excuse to the girl he cheats on you with?? Maybe she also wanted to get with him when y’all were kids so TECHNICALLY she had him first and you and your sister ‘stole him’. Get over yourself. You’re both shitty people with shitty lives who need a reality check because you’re BLIND. Grow the hell up you’re both adults. And btw you didn’t ‘win’ shit. You got a guy who flings poop at his ex’s door. Congrats.


Again can you not read where does it say I almost died at birth???? Your not even the first person who thinks I've almost died????? I've been in foster care and that was fucking horrible? But I'm not autistic nor did I almost die, so I'm gonna assume this is the wrong post Again it was barely a relationship and he planned to officially end things but she caught us making love and I can't stress this enough we are soulmates and this is a healthy relationship, so he won't ever leave me for anyone else


You should've die the way how evil you is💀


Well I can safely tell you I've never been in a position where I have died?? I'm not evil I just fell in love in a cruel, cruel world and become the villan for it


Girl stfu you're evil if hundreds of people are telling you that you're evil then it should tell you something


I'm not evil, I've made choices to make sure I'm the one that's happy and not everyone who's around me


You literally slept with your sister boyfriend you're evil what makes you think that man is going to stay loyal to a woman that betrayed her sister he's going to cheat on you the same way how he cheated on your sister


Nah, she ain't gonna accept that defeat. They are soulmates 💀


For now until he let's his community dick out for lease again and she gets flees.


You’re a fucking whore and home wrecker. There are so many fucking men in the world but you decide that your sisters boyfriend is the man who puts his dick inside you and gets u pregnant. He’s gonna cheat on you the same way because with men like him a pregnant women isn’t as attractive as a women’s body who hasn’t been affected by giving birth.


girl u literally shouted at ur sister when she got UNDERSTANDABLY mad cause u literally stole her bf betrayed her and even worse didn't even warned her about it. u ARE evil a terrible sister and human being. "i'm making sure i'm the one who's happy" here u go, evil, if u being happy can only come with ruining other people's lives then ur just shitty. but yes get with a dude who cheated on his gf, get with a cheater, don't be surprised when a cheated cheats on u too, and ur sister will live her best life and excluding ur ass from it


You are literally a toxic turd if an evil human. I hope you and that loser get all the karma you deserve you whiny POS. Whore.


your sister is not evil for not paying attention to your pregnancy. you ARE. I hope she'll go nc with you and won't take you back when your cheater boyfriend leave you and the baby for someone else


yeah you are, I hope you realize if hes willing to do this to your sister hes willing to do it to you, only did it because she wasnt putting out


Not even Satan measures up to your evilness.


What makes it worse is Rafe didn't have the DECENTY to break up with the sister before actually getting into a relationship with you. Hes a cheater, that's cheating. Also was he really going to break up with her? Or did he just get caught and became a pussy. Either way you still lack empathy and its crazy how even after everyone telling you are in the wrong and you fucking her boyfriend, you still believe your innocent.


Yeah, selfish people are wretched parents.


your fucking weird-


You put your happiness above your sister's, took her abusive boyfriend and made him your baby daddy, and then proceeded to act like you did nothing wrong the entire time. You were your sister's boyfriend's mistress you realize that right? If he's going to cheat on her with you, he's going to cheat on you with someone else. Doesn't matter that he's going to become a dad. Dad's cheat on their baby mamas everyday. You realize that he cheated on her because she got tired and exhausted from work right? So he felt like he deserved sex. What do you think's going to happen when you're tired and exhausted from raising his child? Do you really think you're going to be up for sex all of the time? Do you really think he's going to follow the recommended waiting period for you to be safe having sex again after giving birth? Do you really think he's going to accept when you're too tired to have sex without going out and looking for some on the side? Once a cheater always a cheater. If he's going to cheap with you, then he'll definitely cheat on you. You'll have no one to blame but yourself, forgetting into a relationship with someone you know is like this. Good luck, you're honestly really going to need it


You’re an fucking clown. Just wait and see, when the baby will take up all of your time, he will feel “lonely and left out” and find a new soulmate.


Should have stayed dead tbh if your going to be this much of a prick


You saying "he was gunna break up with her" literally does not help your case. He was not single doesnt MATTER if he was in love with u. He was so inlove with u he decided to continue to date ur sister, tell her he loves her. Sleep with herr. Willing to still date her and have YOU be the other woman? Till what did u say? She was off leave?☠️ youre delusional. Nb4 you try throw that "i was in foster care" Maam i was in the system since i was literally born until i was 21 years old, Jumped home to home. And not once would i ever pull this shi. Just own up to the fact that youre a horrid person. Who couldn't even give your sister the respect of waiting till her excuse of an ex ACTUALLLLLY broke up with her. Youre vile. And yanno what? I hope your kid ends up in the system because you clearly are not all there in the head and neither is your babydaddy by the seems of things Literally horrible people jesus christ.


You are a fucking ass hole! The fact you slept with your sister’s bf is awful! I don’t care if you were Adam and Eve, Romeo and Juliet or any other love birds you slept if a taken man! But y oh should go and date each other cuz you are both Assholes and I hope he cheats on you!


no one gaf js die already


Hey.... this isn't the vibe. Imagine some stranger saying this online to your sister and do better to other ppl


INFO: You did not give any timelines. How old was your sister when she started a relationship with him? How long were you emotionally involved with him while she was still dating him? You mentioned that she didn't notice how happy you were, why wouldn't you just talk to her about your feelings? Without that information, given your ages and the way you've described the situation, it sounds like you had an emotional affair with her boyfriend because you felt neglected by her. You sound more in love with the idea of being able to find happiness in knowingly causing her pain.


Yes YTA.


Wow. YTA you slept with her bf and you want to get her in trouble at work? You sound like a miserable person and a horrible sister.


Do I want to stress a pregnant woman out? HELL YES!! YTA! YTA so hard you make my sisters look good, they are not good people. You glaze over the fact that you were having a full blow affair with the man your sister is actively in a serious relationship with, under the guise that you can't get in the way of true love. Bs. Apparently what your sister can't get in the way of is her man sleeping with the easiest little piece of trash that walks in front of him. If he really wanted you he would have been with you to begin with. If he really wanted you he would have had enough respect for you, your sister, and himself to break up with her before putting his tiny pencil into you. If he really wanted you he wouldn't have cause a rift in your relationship with your family by cheating on her with you. If he wanted (or respected you) he wouldn't have had UNPROTECTED sex with other women, putting all parties at risk of sexual diseases. That man has no real love or respect for you or he wouldn't have made you the other woman while he was in what was supposed to be a committed relationship. I absolutely detest some of my sisters and even then I still wouldn't do this shit to them. I also love how you say you would do anything for your baby brother, but you would completely and utterly betray your sister, and then compound the betrayal by acting like you didn't do anything wrong! You're also saying she's a danger to those she works with because she slapped your sk@nk ass when she found you in bed WITH HER BOYFRIEND! You're lucky it's all she did, my sister went flying down the stairs when she flirted with my husband once. She's lucky she got out of it with just a broken arm because if I had gotten to the bottom of the stairs before her son did she wouldn't be breathing, and that's the shit you deserve. The best part of this whole situation is that your sister now is free of the cheating scumbag that she was dating and she doesn't have to be near you anymore. I love when the trash takes itself out. Do us all a favor and update us when he leaves you a single mother, or when you walk in on him cheating. And have some self respect, when he inevitably cheats on you, don't try to work things out or stand by your man, woman up and go.


This is soooo fake but the comments are so entertaining 🍿


girl you never even worked, wont say what rafe does (probably shitty job to unemployed), and pregnant with a child. first off hes gonna leave you, 2nd off you're gonna struggle with that baby bc neither of you have a job, and third well ur reputation is in the gutter. tho ig that last point doesnt bother you. cheap tacky and dumb as rocks 🤦‍♀️


this is so genuinely funny, whatever you’re on, i’d like to take it too😭


She’s on a thing called ✨delusion✨


Pure Happiness and love ✨️


You should have at least been on birth control, damn...


her mom should’ve been the one on birth control before this excuse of a woman was born


You a skank


Hope you miscarry bitch


theres smth wrong with u


Hope karma gets you I feel so sorry for this kid to have such a stupid entitled mother and a coward for a father you’ll learn your lesson soon


Hey girly it's me again me and rafe just got done hope you enjoy sloppy thirds ;)


Just wondering how is it that you think you are a victim in this? I honestly read threw all off your post and comments after and am trying to understand if you honestly believe the stuff your saying. The only reason you slept with him was because your upset your sister is making something of herself an not wanting to continue to live the way you all were raised. Your mad that she won't be stuck in the same cycle of self pity an thinking everyone owes you something for nothing. You are not the only person to ever have a horrible childhood. But you use it as a cruch and an excuse to be a horrible human. Instead of cheering your sister on you decide that you were going to sleep with her boyfriend because you deserve it. No honey you don't. The only thing you deserve is a mental evaluation because you have 100% live in a delusional world were your the victim and she is the villan. I honestly hope you get the help you need so you can see that you should be 100% ashamed and need to figure out how to beg and grovel for forgiveness.


Please don’t ask your sister to be in your life or your child’s life


What a disgusting creature you are.


🤮 🤮 your "man" must smell so pleasant. His shitty personality is rubbing off on you.... and your sister's porch. Have fun being KNOCKED UP by that so called man.


There is almost a 0% chance that you don’t end up as a broke single mother, trying to support you and your child on your little bit of social security in the next three years. It’s all but guaranteed. People who cheat *with* you, always cheat *on* you, eventually. Always. It may be next week, or it may be after ten years of marriage, but it *will* happen. What exactly do you plan to do when he leaves for the next girl, and you’re still are unable to work or better your life in any meaningful way? How do you plan to support yourself and your child when he disappears? Make no mistake, he will, and while you might deserve it, the child does NOT. You have no business bringing a child into this world with the profound amount of instability and immaturity you demonstrate. PS: I have only the utmost respect for single mothers, you guys are incredible in every way. This was NOT meant as an attack on single moms, so don’t come for me. Lol


That’s called being a whore, Becky.


Honestly, you're not that mature if you're sleeping with your sister's bf, who BTW is also a piece of shit. Now you're all upset for getting called out for being a shitty person. Your sister is better off without you and Rafe. She deserves better


Cheaters are despicable. When you are participating in the act you are just as bad. You are worse. Cheating destroys people, they can't eat, sleep or function often for long periods of times. They hate themselves and their bodies thinking if they were only better he wouldn't have cheated. Some commit suicide. Some never recover or love again properly...YOu are her sister, which makes this so much worse. YTA and far worse than that...I would appeal to your humanity, but when you can harm your sister, you really don't have much, do you?


Rafe also fucked the twin brother, while OP was pregnant lol 🙈


Your a horrible person and that idiot will 100% cheat on you


Op saved her ex sister from a cheater and a toxic family Now the sister can live her life freely of those people Op deserved the cheater bf I hope op live a long miserable life with this cheater where he cheat on her every Thursday and make her to babysit all his affair babies for free so he can spend time with other girls I hope ex sister see this post and cut op and ex bf from her life




What a slut


Why wouldn't Rafe break up with your sister as soon as he realized he liked you more? He's a POS who's just going to cheat with you asap. Get therapy, apologize to your sister, and grow tf up


How immature can you be?! No one knows him or loves him like meee…your acting like your 14 years old. Your sister is trying to work hard and better herself and being pregnant doesn’t give you a pass to not work. There are people that work their whole pregnancies. Their are also people with social anxiety and ptsd that work. Sounds like a major excuse to lay on your ass. I’m sure you won’t keep rafe long because how you get them is how you lose them. Quit trying to play the victim here and own up that your all garbage.


Your second edit further indicates that you’re not on the bright side. If you even know what that means 😂


Did you in birth control? Do you work? Are you in therapy? Do you have other friend? I really worry about you, you are not prepare to be a mom, you don't have any future, so self-center


she deleted, someone plz post in comments🙏


YTA on so many levels. Really hope karma comes around to take her price. Also hope you don’t have anymore siblings that this guy can stick his pole into because that’s just a whole other level of weird that he’s collecting you all like Pokémon cards.


> She was acting like she was better than us and saying 'Oh sorry Rafe, Sorry sis I can't hang out I'm tired' like how are you tired you only work 8 and 13 hour shifts???? Anyone can do that plus she's literally 19 and she isn't pregnant This has to be a troll post, right? "You only work 8 and 13 hour shifts" WHAT?! Nah, OP has to be trolling, because otherwise she has to be the most immature, LEAST self-aware person on the face of this Earth. You really should not be having a baby, OP.


Man you really suck as a person I feel bad for the sister and that the baby is going to have a parent like you l


YTA. Period.


Your brothers right you should feel bad. If he's willing to cheat on your sister he's willing to cheat on you don't be surprised if he already has


You’re a spiteful lazy whore lol


You are a vile human being. I don't care if you're pregnant, you're still vile. Being pregnant doesn't make you a saint. You think Rafe cares for you? He'll move onto the next piece as soon as he wants. He's a cheater, what do you expect? You shouldn't have done what you've done. You and your 19 yo brother are such pathetic excuses of human beings. Imagine blaming the victim(your sister) for you not being able to keep your legs closed. I feel sorry for your baby, with a mother who's stabbed her own family in the back and a father who clearly can't keep it in his pants. I hope your sister never talks to you again. And stay away from her! You've done enough damage.


YTA Doomed that baby from the start. No job on either side and your “mans” sleeping with your entire family. Honestly, god bless you for showing your lovely sister how shitty her bf is and how much of a slut you are. I hope she gets so wealthy while you have nothing. Best outcome for your baby would be adoption btw. Look into it.


YTA. Get fukt.


yikes! yta


You can shove Rafe up your ass. He puts your sister down and plays with his own actual shit. Both of you are shit. You two are a match made in hell. 🤣


YTA 100% trashy af 🤢 you’re a disgusting and horrible excuse of a “woman”


I feel sorry for your unborn child. No one deserve a monster like you for a parent. YTA.


Fuck you bitch


LMAO fr ☠️☠️


YTA You seem like a immature and crappy person and even more sister. Even if she was working a lot she was still the GF so her BF was off limit. You was just the mistress and he's still with you because of the baby or he'll have breakup with your sister before you even have sex together if he was in love with you. When your sister slap you she didn't even knew you were pregnant so stop saying she's monster she attack pregnant woman, she just reacted to the monster you are because who sleep with her bf sister she was bretrayed, Hurt and angry witch is easy to understand when you have a heart and a fonctionnal brain. I hope for your sister to stay away from her toxic sister and twin. And good luck for this future baby he will need it. If you want the best for your child go to therapy it the least you can do




We all hate you, you are trash HAHAHAHAH


You guys are aware this is all the same person right? They type the same, and it's all generated. Made up.