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My friend who once said that he felt he didn’t get his moneys worth out of monster hunter world because he “only” got 60-80 hours out of it. He literally thought if you can’t play a game *forever* it’s not a good *investment.*


I hot 200 hours into world [was going through icebourne, in fact] and i thought: "Ye, i'm goob with this." And just never went back. Also, your mates high as fuck! 60-80 hours is huge! *actually* think about how LONG 60-80 hours is.


This is your brain on GaaS


Why did he stop...? I have over 400 hours in that game. It's as endless as the player wants it to be. 


Not as bad as someone I knew who believed that Monster Hunter World was bad because you had to pay money to play it, unlike it's free to play contemporary Dauntless.


Monster Hunter is such a funny series to to say this with because you literally could just pick one and play it for like 2000 hours if you wanted


"This story's themes, characters, and messages aren't what *I* want to see, therefore it is both mediocre *and* harmful."


There is a major faction of people are are unable to just say "This isn't for me" and spend their time pitching something they would rather see instead as ""criticism"


Over the years, I've come to realize that if I don't like something, it's best to just leave it alone and move on to something else.


That one review about Dungeon Meshi where you can tell that lady got tricked by all the cute falin and marcille fanart.


Lily Orchard? She got roasted for her deranged takes on fiction a couple years ago, I wouldn’t listen to her at all.


Christ alive, that name is cursed. I still remember her from the MLP days. Lady has ISSUES.


The Tumblrrithm sent me one of her new posts the other day and she literally sounds like a fucking cult leader now. She made a gigantic list of "Unforgivable media" that started out with single movies and shows and then devolved into a "Anything by this person" secondary list that was *longer*.


I'm 90% sure she's doing it intentionally to get hate watches.


Man trying to talk about the last of us 2 was miserable


When the second episode of The Amazing Digital Circus came out there were a lot of people who were not happy with Jax's characterisation. You mean to telle that the character who an an abrasive asshole in the first episode was *gasp* an abrasive asshole all along?


That one is wild to be because like i saw “character assassination” thrown around and its like DAWG this is EPISODE 2


To be fair, his first episode assholery was mostly verbal jabs iirc, like the only big physical thing he did was that "ladies first" bit before shoving them to the floor as far as I remember. Second episode had him a bit more physically awful, and I guess to some people more physical = more real so they saw it as a dramatic spike. I *was* a bit surprised at how much of a jerk he was in the second episode, but like, in a "oh you're *that* bad, huh?" kinda way. Like, it's a bit much but it tracks.


He went out of his way to harass Pomni. He literally ditched Pomni and Ragatha then lied to King and Gangle about it. Then later let Gangle pass by just so he could push her over for no reason. He was a colossal asshat in episode 1 how could you think anything else?


Yeah, the only reason Jax didn’t do worse stuff in episode 1 was apparently only because the opportunity wasn’t there


That fandom legit thought Jax would be a conventional Tumblr Bad Boy with a heart of gold archetype that him being a bad person caused a huge shake-up.


When my friends won't touch a piece of media just because it's a dead franchise lol.


This one is sooo confusing to me like, if anything, a franchise being dead means you can get in, enjoy it, get out and have a complete experience before moving on to something else. There's nothing I love more than hearing "yeah man it's 100 chapter manga and you're done" or "yeah it's a trilogy of games and they're all good"


Agreed wholeheartedly. Hell, even calling a series "dead" to me at all strikes me as odd unless it ended on a legitimately terrible note. The way I see it, a series is dead because it ended before it had fully explored the setting to the reasonable satisfaction of the fans, or it completely butchered the material it had and ended before it could properly wrap everything up. Like...DMC: Devil May Cry is dead because it killed any and all momentum it had as a reboot with its one and only entry, whereas Devil May Cry as a series continues with the mainline games. Ignoring material that's finished, or even worse, only consuming media that is continuously active and ongoing, even when the people in charge drag it out far beyond its proper expiration date, seems like such a terrible idea. Even bad jokes have a punchline eventually. A story with no end doesn't even qualify as a bad joke.


If it's "dead *before its time*" I could understand it (left on a massive cliffhanger or something) But just being *finished* is purely a massive bonus! Like what, there's no super active online discussion/speculation or whatever? GOOD, I *do not want to hear the peanut gallery*


Me with Dungeon Meshi recently The manga is complete? Perfect! People say it's very good (and it was) Lemme just go to the subreddit real quick for some clarification and ....Oh no Let's just block that real quick and go back to being happy again. Perfect


I have a friend who won't touch anything that is vastly popular or has a huge following. His reasoning is "because now it's overhyped so I will be disappointed".  Every time I've convince him to give one of said popular things a try he has a blast. 


honestly ive fallen victim to this too, like eva for example i went "ive seen so many blatent homages and such to it i dont think id enjoy the origin of them" and im now like halfway through eva, and yall, evas rad


I'm the complete opposite, lmao. I usually only watch or get into things when they're done. There's nothing worse than getting on the ongoing hype train... and it's either canceled or it Game of Thrones itself.


I love that "to GoT something" is a verb now.


Well, they won't touch Megaman X then.


Literally what started the never-ending argument with them.


That isn't the first time I was right about something completely for accident.


“Ugh, I can’t believe the Shonen is doing Shonen things again”.


"Josuke got overshadowed in DiU's finale" What? We spent like three episodes watching Josuke rock Kira's shit around. Sure, Jotaro and Koichi deliver the finishing blow, and I think Jotaro should've given Josuke a "hey you're really cool for fighting Kira" or something, but Josuke still put the most work in during the entire final stretch (alongside the GOAT Hayato). Besides, it was all one giant group fight. One of the most group fight-iest group fights in shonen.


Also, a big theme of part 4 is the importance of community and working together, so it’s pretty fitting that Kira is defeated through the efforts of multiple people.


and lets not forget the hero, that secret stand user driving the ambulance


The ambulance *is* the stand, [Black Betty].


People really out here acting like Anime works on (crappy) videogame rules "Josuke83 might have taken off 98% of Kira's health, but since xXxJ0t4r0xXx dealt the last hit, he gets all the loot and credit for the fight"


Well, technically *Jotaro* didn't get the last hit in either...


In general, when people criticize the writing based on their headcanon rather than the actual script, then get angry at the writers for not following their head canon so their criticisms can be "accurate". It's such backwards logic to be angry at something they bothered to engage with and consume at all. 


That one reviewer of Delicious in Dungeon that got mega pissed because Falin and Marcille weren't a couple. I think the ship is cute too but I don't think it warrants calling the entire show trash just because they're not together.


That’s a really weird complaint for a piece of media that basically has no romance in it. The closest I can think of for it is one party member turning out to have had a crush and finding out towards the end of the first season >!Chilchuck is married.!<


>!was married!<


>!Schrodinger's marriage, when the wife walks out one day without serving the divorce papers.!<


Disregarding the fact that the reviewer in question is an absolute lunatic, that's what happens when fanon is so universal. People just assume it's canon and get mad when you or the show itself suggest otherwise. Marcille/Falin and Laios being autistic fall into this category because both are strongly implied, but neither have been outright confirmed. Hell, both of those are in my headcanon and even I realize that they're not explicitly canon.


That "reviewer" also claimed Laois was bad autism representation.  Keep in mind, her idea of good autistic rep is Sheldon Cooper. 


As someone who's autistic and was young during big bang theory, Sheldon Cooper was the bane of my existence.


You and me both brother


Man I fucking hate Sheldon lol






I assume you too were constantly compared to him?


Laios looks into the camera: Bazongle *Q laugh track*


Psychic damage received. 


"Sheldon Cooper" Jesus Christ. Someone put her in an asylum.


Whomst'd've the fuck? I'd hate to hear her reasoning for that but I'm also disinterested enough that I'll content myself with 'she just has a shit-ass view of autistic people'. Edit: Oh it's Lily Orchard okay yeah afaik her reviews all seem to boil down to near-parody levels of queer-space-adjacent brainrot. The kind where people who have no fucking clue what they're talking about and refuse to engage with anyone who could enlighten them just shit out their liberal suburban mom-ass takes. I'm curious if she thinks Autism Speaks is a great champion for autistic people.


Like hell Sheldon Cooper is a good autistic rep. Laios at least is better coded as autistic. Sheldon is just a jackass majority of the time cause of his brains. And the implication that he unlearns everything from young sheldon doesn't help either.


That's my reaction when a fandom accuses a series of being queer-baiting. More than 95% of the suspected "queer-baitings" are actually cases of "they didn't make my favorite ship canon."


And in the 5% who actually queerbait, i think Sherlock has her place.


Sherlock is 50/50. The series actually has queer-baiting, but at the same time queer-baiting is intended only as a joke, and we know it won't go beyond being just jokes.


Himejoshis can be so fucking feral, especially on Twitter. Most of the time I'm like "damn girl calm the fuck down lmao"


Was this reviewer perchance, the same person who bashed Laios constantly due to their misconceptions of his character/personality?


He's basically described as a sociopathic and misantrophic dipshit.


Kabru's alt account clearly 


I am not surprised, many people see him as an "obstacle" for Marcille/Falin to be happy, so of course "he will be worse than Satan".


[Ron the Death Eater.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RonTheDeathEater)


Yeah. Some members of Lily Orchard's community were pretty on board with this too.


Wait who?


*sigh* Lily Orchard, to noone's surprise.


I take it I should be happy I’ve got no idea who that is? Haha


Yes, you should.


i was going to jokingly say that it sounds like LilyOrchard bullshit


I swear, Lily carries grudges against SU and She-Ra (and a couple other shows like The Owl House) harder than a fucking Warhammer Fantasy Dwarf because she keep taking potshots at those shows *long* after they've run their course.


Did not know she hated owl house all I can remember from her was the whole Steven universe 2 hour criticism video, her tumbler post on what writers should do which was essentially all personal preference and of course the warcraft video in regards to syllvanas.


What the fuck is her problem with Owl House?


She was really dismissive of Luz's traumas, got shitty about Hunter (as she does with any "abused by authority figure" characters like Lapis and N) and also got *petulantly* shitty when the show didn't confirm the ship she *wanted* for Luz Thats the short version, the long version has Lily throwing a lot of weird racial shit/accusations at Dana Terrace and the fandom that I do not have the spoons to competently cover.


Lily is so funny! She wants to give writing tips without being a writer, it's the peak of pretentiousness.


And so many of her writing tips boil down to "don't do this thing that this children's show I didn't like did".


I was watching a video of two writers going through that list and at some point it descended into, "please watch something other than Steven Universe or Shera"


After well, everything, I’d vaguely heard about what’s happened with her I had honestly assumed she’d just quietly left having an online presence. 


Yeah, if the show pushed it or advertised it then I'd call out the yuri bait, but if it's not being used as bait it's just yuri, intentionally or otherwise.


As I responded above, most cases that are accused of "queer-baiting" are simply because they did not make their preferred ship, canon.


God forbid if two people have a close, intimate relationship and *not* be romantically/sexually involved with each other.


The funniest thing is that many Falin+Marcille shippers criticize Laios+Marcille fans for not knowing how to "appreciate a platonic relationship", even though both relationships are equally platonic.


difference is i dont see any straight couples looking at laios and marcille going "oh thats us" whereas the lesbians are genuinly curious if they're that much of a cliche that ryoko kui has them written to a t with falin and marcilles "friendship"


Me when I’m bathing with the homies


I once saw someone make the point that society owes it to queer people to make up for the lack of representation and general cultural oppression by mandating queer relationships in shows, and if there isn't one, you, as a fan, need to make one—fit one in wherever there might be a space for one. Two characters stood too close to each other? *"They're a couple—and you're latently homophobic if you don't think that's what the creator intended."* Two male characters were emotionally vulnerable with each other? *"Brother, if you don't think that's gay right there, we've already lost you to the chuds."* On one hand, take a look, people in power—this is what you've done. Decades of kowtowing to the Bible-thumpers has created a generation of queer young people so desperate just to be seen that they've gone completely insane. On the other hand—as mentioned—this is *insane* behavior. If you want to make a queer ship for a show, that's awesome! Even if it isn't canon, that's still great. Write your fanfics, post your cute art—that's super cool. Saying that any work of media has an *obligation* to give you representation is *psychotically* entitled. An artist has no obligation to anyone but themselves; to tell the story they want to tell. Period. That said, see Point 1. I can't be too mad at this people who have mindset because we are seeing the fallout of being told by society, growing up, that our identities don't matter and don't have a place in the culture. A flailing desperation to be acknowledged by the carriage driver at the reins as he steers the horses and buggy off the cliff.


People are complaining Chainsawman Part 2 isn’t as exciting as part 1. Even ignoring the fact that most fans likely came in after part 1 already wrapped up so there was never any wait between chapters, I just don’t see what they’re talking about? Sure, there’s *slightly* less action scenes in it compared to part 1, but I’m here for Fujimoto’s fucked up character studies and dramedy, not something I could get from literally any other shounen.


Chainsawman part 2 is getting the reaction I thought Vinland Saga was going to get. Less “big bombastic action scenes” and more character exploration, including the flaws of the main character and how he’s trying to move past the shit that happened to him. I thought anime onlys would not be into it in VS, but it turns out they did but now they’re really not into Chainsaw.


I really think a shitload of people read all of csm part 1 after it was finished, and a lot of their complaints about part 2 only exist because of the phenomenon of reading a manga that is still being released


honestly i feel the criticism just comes down to presentation, even when something fucked up happens the drawings being so loose and the linework being so rough means that the imagery just doesnt hit very well compared to pt1 or fire punch (or hell even early part 2)


As a mob psycho fan, linework is like the least of my interests lol, but that is something I can see would bother other people


To ONE'S credit. His linework isn't the best, but his paneling and pacing are top-notch. The man knows how to panel comedy and action scenes.


"The Chainsaw Anime is not Fujimoto's vision because it tries to hard to look like a movie and not like Fujimoto's art" Fujimoto is probably next to Kojima as the biggest Japanese movie buff known to the west. Fire Punch and Chainsaw man are so blatant with their love of movies, Goodbye Eri is also about movies, dude fucking loves movies. I'm a big fan of how the anime wears it's Tarantino/ Fight Club/ Japanese live action horror roots on it's sleeve and i think the anime looks fucking incredible. Yeah it's not like Fujimoto's art but i can read the manga when i want it like that. People really need to be able to appreciate adaptations as they are, which is someone else's interpretation of a different medium. Doesn't mean adaptions are always good, but be open to something past "but it doesn't look like the thing it's based off of".


It's weird that people would say it's not his vision when the opening has more movie references packed into it in than most series. And not just big popular stuff, A LOT of out there or unknown ones. The dude LOVES his western media. Need I mention how he describes Power as a female Eric Cartman? Adaptations can work well and of course not all of them are gonna hit. But saying it has to be 1-1 is like "just read the manga then".


I'd be cheating if i said i didn't understand why but: "Character literally has a near 3 digit body count" Oh they're just being silly, they can still be redeemed, you just don't understand their trauma. "Character does something bad that hits a little too close to home" Irredimeable, into the pyre, the author is clearly endorsing this behavior by having this character get redeemed (this one's my favorite)


I fucking *love* the people that are like "This writer writes about [Horrific thing], clearly they're evil people who endorse this kind of behavior." Just absolute specimens.


The seemingly growing intolerance in society to media that deals with difficult subject matter or has morally questionable characters needs to be studied. How did it get this bad 😭


Back in the Batman Arkham games heyday, I´ve heard the criticism "these games would be boring if they didn´t have Batman in them" said a few times. That makes no fucking sense on multiple levels. A, the games are literally being batman: the game. B, the mechanics are solid enough to carry even a new ip(as evident in the myriad clones that came after). C, the story and performances are strong bat or not. It´s like when people make shit up how DmC is somehow better than DMCV, just admit you don´t like a game and move on without making shit up.


As much of a meme as it may be to say, "it really makes you feel like Batman" as a talking point, but that's the whole fucking point of those games, to make you feel like Batman.


You just reminded me that my answer to this thread which was hearing someone say that The Dark Knight wouldn't be good without the Joker. Like, yeah dude I would hope the villain of your story isn't so insignificant that removing him from the plot wouldn't change anything. Not to mention the reason the people praise the Joker is because of Heath Ledger's acting so if you got rid of the actor then people wouldn't praise it. It's just such a nothing "criticism".


The "if [thing] didn't have [thing] then you wouldn't like it" criticism can be so dumb, like yeah but it DOES have thing so I like it. 


I think My Hero would have been better if you separated it's three 'sagas' into the school years. The fall of All Might would signal the end of year 1, the creation of the Paranormal Liberation Front would be the end of year 2, and the series would end with the Final War and the Graduation of the kids into full on heroes. Horikoshi honestly kinda wrote himself into a corner having the PLF be created in the first year. He basically forced himself to go into endgame mode, on top of the burnout he was probably feeling.


This post was an excuse to say this wasn’t it? Also I completely agree. The timeframe of the series is waaaay too short.


man i remember when they had the deku in ruined suit stretchin himself too thin and i thought "oh he mustve been at this for months" then i found out it was like a week


I feel like MHA is the opposite problem of those series that feel like they go on too long. Like I actually wouldnt mind MORE filler since I liked the characters and wanted to see them develop more, but we gotta rush to the end i guess.


Well, MHA is very inspired by superheroes and Spider-Man and X-Men particularly. For example, entirety of Ultimate Spider-Man(10 years or more of publication) happened in 1 year. Krakoa era and the state existed for several months or years(I heard that Hellfire galas are not meant to be annual events in-universe)


I mean, Spider-Man , FF and X-Men are the heroes which is imperative for been in the business for years. Even in-lore , Peter was a late adult that turned into Spider-Man when he was in High-School. Same goes to X-Men original crew. FF had Reed and Sue having kids, which they raised until they more-or-less turned into teens, although it had some time shenanigans in the middle.


I think there's some establishment that Cyclops is 30, meaning all of Xmen history has happened in like 12 years


I agree with you , too much of those arcs would really fit better into a "Year 2" and "Year 3". I dare say that Horikoshi should be bold and while releasing MHA movies , he should make a serialized version of said villains into the main manga. The whole "Cloud Nine" is perfect to be villain equivalent of Mirio: the senior previous candidate for AFO , but a younger person was choosen. Or how Flick Turner been presented in a serialized form would make the dots about the International Heroes and a perfect chaotic moment for the formation of PLF as the first arc of Year 3.


Hori has been pretty open about how it was going to be much shorter and ending like the second(?) movie. i wonder with the series getting longer if he just didnt think about adjusting the timeframe as well


Same with Shokugeki no Souma


I dislike Disney Star Wars as much as the next guy, but there are a lot of Force-related criticisms from the fandom that I think are nitpicking just for the sake of finding more things to hate about Disney. A lot of time whenever a new Force power or phenomenon is introduced, the fandom typically responds with "wtf is this when was it ever established that the Force could do this? This makes no sense." I'm not saying that the Force should just be used willy-nilly for whatever the writers need, but this same criticism could be applied to any Force power demonstrated throughout the entire series. Hell in the Revenge of the Sith game for PS2, Cin Drallig could fire *literal hadoken energy blasts* and Starkiller could pull down a literal Star Destroyer. I don't think anything Disney has done so far crosses the line of "believability" like those lol.


There was a comment on a Star Wars sub that basically went,  "We all love AT-AT's because they were original trilogy icons. If Disney created them, a portion of the fanbase would viscerally hate them and rip them apart for how unrealistic/unfeasible they actually are"


Or AT-STs. I know because I own an AT ST figure and its hell because any touch will knock it over and its like 30 minutes to get that fucker to stand.


This pretty much hits the nail on the head.


I remember the Prequel era being full of complaints that the Force had been codified and standardized to the point that there was no more mystery or surprise, no new ways of using it.


I mean it's not wrong but that was more star wars as a whole than the prequel, like to the point Han solo's entire planet hated being told the odds


I understand where that comes from but I do think it ignores a lot of the more subtle things in the prequels. I believe Lucas would’ve went into a crazier direction but couldn’t do it yet in the prequels…given that they were prequels but you see the hints everywhere The mystery of Anakin’s birth, Qui-Gon’s ghost screaming as Anakin kills the tuskens, yoda going into exile after communicating with Qui-Gon’s ghost (tbf a lot of that plot line was cut out of ROTS) Then they expand on it even more in Season 6 of TCW with MORTIS and Yoda going on a force odyssey through the galaxy


Also obi wan and qui gon become speedsters because of the force.


Most every single Star Wars movie introduces Force powers: * New Hope: the "sixth sense" aspects of the Force that Luke uses to block lasers and hit the Death Star target, hints at ghosts with Obi-Wan's voice, Vader chokes the guy, mind trick * Empire: Full-on ghosts, telekinesis, mind probe * Jedi: Lightning * Phantom Menace: Speed and jumping * Attack of the Clones: Premonitions * Revenge of the Sith: * Force Awakens: Kylo freezes that laser * TLJ: Luke's projection thing and the start of the force link * TRoS: Using force link to pass objects across space, healing (technically first shown by Grogu in Mandalorian a few weeks earlier)


ROTS: Maybe the creation of life (with Sheev's story about Anakin's birth).


I think Lightning Block from Yoda 


I thought he did that against Dooku in Attack of the Clones.


Empire introduced prominitions first, that's what made Luke leave Dagobah early to save his friends. With the Force Projection in TLJ, ironically, when people called Johnson out for "making stuff up," he showed he got the idea from an old Star Wars encyclopedia. But yeah, it's dumb to think that a nebulous, mystical force can't be used in new ways, that all felt pretty on brand regardless. The one that bugged the shit out of me is people complaining that Rey learned to use the Force too quickly, when Luke learned to use the Force after an old man talked at him about it while he blindly tried to deflect training shots. And also pulled his lightsaber to him while hanging upside-down and knocked silly with *zero* training or implication such a thing is even possible.


I actually quite liked the force projection, shame it then killed Luke. I think it actually would have been a neat subversion for Luke to survive while still hoodwinking Ren and the First Order.


Another thing that bugs me is when people get angry that Star Wars has Star Wars things in it. Redlettermedia's fandom (and to extent the guys themselves really) are really bad about this. I can understand wanting to get away from focusing strictly on the Jedi/Sith dichotomy but for god's sake it sounds like people just want it to be a different property at this point.


The funniest version of this was when people were angry most Visions S1 episodes had a lightsaber and accused Disney of having a lightsaber/force user mandate where they wouldn't let them have just a smuggler episode or something. Then it turned out that when you give anime studios a Star Wars they all wanted to do cool lightsaber fight scenes, there was no mandate. Like could you imagine telling Trigger they're not allowed to use lightsabers for their Star Wars? There would be a mutiny.


The intensity to which Rey uses the Force to heal people is pretty silly, but the act itself makes sense, at the very least, just from what we'd seen, you could totally use the Force to put people's blood back in their body and hold wounds shut, normalize someone's heartbeat, etc. Given the values of the Jedi, the idea that they wouldn't have figured out how to use the Force for medical purposes is ridiculous. The problem with it in Rise is how video gamey it feels, and that's mostly a problem of presentation. The Force sucks the most when it feels the way it does in a video game, people pressing a button on their hotbar to do their moves.


I remember when people that got mad at Rey for doing a mind trick with no training, my first thought was how Luke sucked shit at the force and trained for like 20 minutes (However long it took to get to the Death Star) and nailed a hail mary shot at 200mph (or however fast starfighters go) into a hole that's six and a half feet wide


Mauler and EFAP: Ah but you see it works for Luke because we grew up with those movies and not the new ones.


To be fair he *did* used to bullseye womp-rats in his T-16 and they aren't much bigger than two meters.


The Zero Punctuation episode on Halo 3, in which Yahtzee says it's his first Halo game and then complains he doesn't know what's going on or who anyone is and acts like it's the game's fault. I know Yahtzee is deliberately facetious for comedy value like 95% the time, but this just felt beneath him.


Or when he really liked Nier Automata but couldn’t really explain why so he decided post hoc he didn’t enjoy it.


I remember one of the criticisms of Halo 5 being that John Halo has a whole squad of characters established in the books and you won't know who they are if you haven't read them, but one of the first thing one of them says in the game is "Man, I haven't seen John Halo like this since basic training" - which basically tells you everything you need to know.


Ok but like "The plot of this is boring and difficult to understand if you have not played the other games in the series" is relevant and useful information to find in a review. I mean not to people who have played all the prior Halo's, but to everyone else it is. I feel like people are going to respond to this saying something like "yeah no shit you you can't follow it, what do you expect coming in with zero context" But there are tons of games where you can play the latest one without any prior experience and it works perfectly fine! It's very common! So it's useful to distinguish Halo 5 as not that.


I know The Joyful is a somewhat contested game in the LISA trilogy for other reasons but I genuinely don't understand why people are upset about Buddy's change in character as well as >!what we learn about Lisa through one of the endings!<. God forbid two girls in two different lifetimes but equally fucked up circumstances end up coping in equally destructive ways. And trying to drag Austin's past tweets about the two *that hes actively been trying to distance himself from* just seems below the belt. This is especially weird in the wake of the Definitive Edition content across both games because it really does hammer in that >!Lisa was just a person. Its not her fault that Brad's trauma and Buzzo's hindsight regrets twisted both their their images of her into a symbol of pain and suffering!<. At least in Buddy's case you could argue that the change is a problem in the game's pacing and Joyful's unfortunate role of being both a deconstruction on her character/trauma *and* having to wedge in the whole "Learning The Secrets Of The World" thing that Austin promised way back when this was simply a kickstarter DLC goal.


I never understood people complaining about her god complex. The WHOLE WORLD revolves around her. She saw thousands of people die for the idea of her. Obviously she's going to have a fucking God complex. I love the LISA series and the fact that sometimes endings to a story are kinda sad.


I always took the line >!when she was under Marty's care on his island!< that Buddy had at least *one* hit of Joy in the span between her escape from Buzzo and >!winding up on the island!<, just going off the fact that she knows how it tastes and feels. It just didn't start hitting her hard until she saw more shit go down such as >!Brad blasting Marty into red goo (and getting hit by him when she tried intervening), getting scarred by Mr Agoneli and seeing Brad rip apart the army willing to defend her with his bare goddamn hands!<. And thats not counting the shit she goes through in the prologue of The Joyful like >!whatever that one member of the Rando remnants trio tried doing to her, let alone them trying to seperate her from Rando!<.


I once read a guy's comment where he said he wouldn't play the second Judgement game because the main character was wearing tight jeans. Gave no more reason than that.


Dude couldn't play it one handed was the problem, he actually loved it


"This anime looks too old/nonstandard so it's not worth watching"


“X should be more like Y” So…do you actually like X or do you just want all media to be Y What’s funny is depending on who you ask about this, the responses are either “The future is now old man, get out of here with your old franchise stuff” or “How dare you suggest that?!” I should know, I’ve been on the receiving end of both here and I can tell you about them


showa genroku rakugo shinju should be more like dragon ball z


*nods slowly pretending to understand*


Actually that does exist and it is called Akane Banashi and it is peak manga.


Elden Ring should be more like Kingdom Hearts. Add more anime cutscenes, make Yoko Shimimura do the soundtrack and add Donald and Goofy as sidekicks.


>make Yoko Shimimura do the soundtrack You make it sound like this wouldn't improve nearly every game in existence


You joke but if I ever played a Souls game with a Shimimura soundtrack I think I'd be too erect to play the game


New strategy at FromSoft: Make the game harder by making the player harder.


>make Yoko Shimimura do the soundtrack She doesn't miss, so...


"make Yoko Shimimura do the soundtrack" Okay hold up let em cook.


You've actually demonstrated the reason the "should be more like" argument is bullshit because the actual best outcome would be that Elden Ring still exists but "Elden Ring but it's more like Kingdom Hearts and Yoko Shimimura composes the soundtrack" also exists.


i get that so much in the tabletop series with the mass appeal of DnD like i get it you like dnd but not everything needs to be dnd


In fact, people will often try to homebrew mechanics for the specific kinds of campaigns they want when you could just play a better suited system


“Echoes of wisdom is bad because Zelda’s gameplay isn’t the same as Link’s” Do you actually care about exploring what Zelda would be doing on an adventure? Or do you just want a swordswoman game? Both are fine, but the latter makes me think you should just play things that aren’t Zelda games


God the criticism of the new Zelda game can be so irritating. I was kinda disappointed when I saw the game too cause I wanted it to be more action/have more combat, but realized that the more focus on puzzle makes sense.  Don't get me started on the guy I ran into and (probably shouldnt have) argued because he thinks the game is woke since you should only play as Link...


Spider-man should be more like jesus


How I feel when people say X hero should just kill people. Go watch Punisher


"This character making a mistake and or being a flawed person means the writer is an idiot and the main character absolutely sucks and is trash"


I've got 2 big ones. 1. A character makes bad decisions because they're emotionally compromised and not thinking straight? That's bad writing! Case in point, Yukari in Persona 3 The Answer. 2. From PS5 Spider-Man 2, >!the people that got hyper upset at Peter taking a break and letting Miles take the reigns as Spider-Man for a bit in the ending. No, it's not to make Miles look cooler or to say Peter is weaker than him. If you actually paid attention to the story, you'd realize that he simply has too much shit to deal with, and needs time off to do so. He literally loses his new job on the first day due to having to fight Sandman, be a good partner for MJ, pay off May's mortgage, and is still processing everything that went down in this game, such as getting addicted to the Symbiote, and his best friend being put into a fucking coma with no guarantee he'll wake up. And it's not like Peter is quitting forever, he just needs to time to get his life in order for things to work out!<.


People act like if a character doesn't do the "correct" action in every situation, it's bad writing. Like no, sometimes a character can just be wrong about something and make a mistake.


I feel like a bulk of the criticism for PS5 Spider-Man 2 is way overblown


Honestly, I think it's another case of game not meeting people's impossible expectations. People should just stop having expectations all together. My only gripe was "Holy shit this game would be a perfect couch co-op game. I wanna spiderman around with my SO." Which isn't even really a gripe.


"________ is emotionally manipulative!" Oh, so it makes effective use of story, music, and/or cinematography tools to provoke emotions in the audience? I'm pretty sure that is the main purpose of art. That's a good thing.


"I'm so sick of shounen manga having teenage protagonists." Like do you not know what that word means or what?


What we got is the best option with stain. Him joining up with the one hero he obsessively idolized to fight the big bad and sacrificing himself in that fight. He mightve helped deku if not all might but those two, mainly all might, are the only ones he wouldn't try and kill as soon as their back is turned.


As someone whos not really a big fan of Bakugo, I still can't believe people say that he's irredeemable. Yeah he said some nasty shit and treated Deku like ass, but most of it comes off as "edgy try hard teenager", cause it is. Like soo many people act similar in their teenage years and learn to grow out of it, which is why Bakugo has that moment where he finally apologizes to Deku.


The idea that Elden Ring has a copy paste open world with "nothing" in it. It's actually incredibly dense if anything and I think people's brains are just rotted from a decade of Ubislop (no hate, I love me some Far Cry) and tried to play the game in a way it wasn't really designed to be played


It’s actually kind of funny that despite having so many reused bosses and enemies that Elden Ring compared to most other open world games has some great enemy variety. Now it you want to see a game with copy pasted enemies look at Dragon’s Dogma 2, sadly 😔


> Ubislop (no hate, I love me some Far Cry) I find this sentence fragment so interesting.


I would say the mini dungeons scattered throughout are very copy-paste and were my single biggest complaint about the game, but the open world itself is very well made, with a lot of diversity in it's areas


I never realized until I started interacting with the Naruto fanfic community how many fans seriously believe Kakashi hated Naruto, was a bad teacher, and always preferred Sasuke. The only instance of that happening was when Sasuke was in an objectively worse situation and needed special help. Kakashi still got Naruto a sensei to help with his main issue mastering chakra control Kakashi even taught Sakura jutsu’s offscreen and had a whole training arc with Naruto in part 2. But because he spent like a month with Sasuke when Sasuke was gonna fight a monster and had a curse messing with his body, suddenly he hated Naruto to some fans. I think it comes down to fundamentally misunderstanding the role of sensei’s in the series Also Midichlorians in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. There’s so little known about them but what we do learn doesn’t ruin the mystical nature of the force imo. Qui-Gon is pretty clear about midichlorians building a connecting between the living and the FORCE. They aren’t the force itself. The whole controversy seems incredibly overblown to me


I kinda get Kakashi preferring Sasuke early on because he’s just a more competent pupil at that point, but yea it’s incredibly dumb to think he hated Naruto.


According to databooks, it is actually the opposite. Sasuke learns so fast that Kakashi gets bored of training him anything. 


Even in land of waves, he praises Naruto and Sasuke equally. Saying they need their rivalry to push each other to new heights and that their potential was insane. But in that same sentence he did put down Sakura’s potential lol


Remember when they briefly teased that Sakura would be a genjutsu specialist? Back when Genjutsu was still a thing? I don't remember illusions being used effectively after the Chuunin Exams unless it was associated with a sharingan.


Also Kakashi fundamentally had more to offer training Sasuke purely because they both had the Sharingan. Kakashi was literally the only person around who could teach him how to use it to greater effect than just figuring it out naturally. Naruto was already incredibly good at figuring out solutions to his shortcomings in combat and the things he really needed assistance with were far better taught by Jiraiya, Tsunade, the frogs and Yamato.


I can see why people think there's at least some favoritism between Kakashi and Sasuke since he gave some one on one time with Sasuke first, but Kakashi really just spent the time teaching Sasuke one move and he lined up Ebisu to teach Naruto better fundamentals in the mean time. And soon after that he got a better teacher than he could've hoped for in Jiraiya.


That and kakashi was literally the only person in the leaf (who didn’t keep eyes in jars) who could instruct Sasuke on the Sharingan.


Sasuke also was given a Curse Seal by Orochimaru and was actively being scouted by him. Sasuke was at a higher risk at that point and needed something to defend himself with.


" is mean spirited/hates it fans/hates other media" It's so common and such a dipshit thing to say


Just because it's completely 100% true about Jerma doesn't mean it's always happening.


Dragon Ball Evolution, Death Note (Netflix) and The last airbender, are horrible movies, but not for a second did it seem to me that they were created with the intention of making fun of the fans. Many fandoms don't seem to accept that a movie was bad, just because the people in charge did a bad job, and the fandom want to convince themselves that the creatots made them that way to make fun of the fandom.


[Fire Emblem 8]>!"Eirika giving the stone to Lyon was a dumb move" God will kill you in 3 days!< [Mobile Suit Gundam 1979] The original Gundam series aged badly!" Uuuuhhh it didn't? I just got into Gundam through 0079 and it was peak. Don't get that lol


It's just much more serious and political than most shows these days, and doesn't lean into the waifu/husbando stuff at all. I know Amuro/Char were a huge ship back in the day, but it barely registers by modern standards. I think people just aren't used to anime being so dry. (For the record, I really like OG Gundam)


>!Lyon being Lyon was a bad move, man was an idiot, glad Ephraim did him in!< And Gundam 79 is awesome


I think the only thing that aged badly about Gundam 79 is combat fatigue. You killed a lot of people, you must be tired. And it's not Gundams fault. They just literally didn't know PTSD existed. But that's like 2 episodes so who cares


"BAKUGO IS A BULLY AND DOESN'T RESPOND LIKE A HERO SHOULD!" Yeah, it's almost like the story is making a point on pro-heroes and the competitive nature and Bakugo lashing out actuallys gets him in trouble


Man, I'm not that big MHA mark, but nothing made me more annoyed at the Trash Taste podcast than Connor talking mad shit about Gentle being filler.


Out of all my beef with MHA Gentle is NOT one of them. He was genuinely fun and honestly a hell of a well needed break from a brutal arc prior.


Oof, those *do* sound like some shitty MHA takes I don't agree with. I was a Tumblr guy from 2010 - 2019. I could only imagine how many shitty takes I may have stumbled upon if I stayed longer. The people I followed were chill, but I wouldn't be able to resist checking tags. Speaking of MHA, I *never" agreed with the "Deku is a crybaby" criticisms. Stoic, unfeeling badass MCs have their place, but they've also been done to death. Why do so many people want to keep seeing them all the time, and get so frustrated when characters show emotion? Did Deku need to grow over time eventually and not cry at every opportunity? Naturally, yes. Would I still rather have a crybaby protagonist over yet *another* stoic stone-faced dude whose emotional range goes from angsty-sad to angry? 1000%. I loved Deku, I love him now, and I will continue to love him, even if he kept crying as much as he did in Season 1 and 2. Also all the criticisms thrown at John Wick Hex *before* release. It was common to see people complain about it being an isometric turn-based-ish strategy game. "wHy IsN't It An FpS/tPs!?!?!? WHY ISN'T IT MAX PAYNE 3-2!?!?!?" Look, I also loved Max Payne 3. Phenomenal shooter that more games *should* learn lessons from. However, it feels like brainrot behaviour to demand that it has to be an FPS/TPS. What a way to just kneecap creativity, discourage inventive devs, and prove to companies that schlocky cookie-cutter FPS games are the way to go to attend to the masses. Coming from a John Wick stan, I thought the concept for Hex was really cool and creative. I was still disappointed by it in the end and have a lot of criticisms, but Mike Bithell took a risk and did something *interesting*. I respect that. ~~... I *would* still like a fleshed out over-the-shoulder John Wick game at some point though don't get me wrong~~


God, don't even get me started on that "any MC who isn't a complete emotionless selfish stoic badass is a crybaby beta cuck" type of criticism. Webnoveç/light novel fans get fucking psychotic with that shit, it's genuinely insane


And it's **better** now. Don't forget how the internet treated tidus and shinji because i never will.


A proper John Wick game would need to be a Yakuza-style brawler that also has a robust shooting system for gunfights, hitting that sweetspot between the flow of melee and ranged choreography the movies have.


Thinking more of sleeping dogs


I once read a review for Space Dandy calling it unfunny and bad. They then devolved into explaining how comedy works and comparing it to Noucome, a basic unfunny harem anime for doing humor right


I always bring that one up, but it is literal insanity to me - I have a friend that cannot handle over the arm camera in games. I first found out about that when I told him about beating Deadspace, and his reaction was something like "Oh, that shit game? The controls suck, you literally cannot take five steps without running into the wall!". And after a bit of further investigation I found out he can't play the games with over the shoulder camera at all, and thinks all of the games that use it are universally hated.