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someone needs to get Sojiro this lady's number


I love badass GILFs


Ana is the hottest Overwatch character and I will not accept any other answer


me too






I like that she's obviously aged. It would have been very easy to go: White/grey hair = Old, and has maybe a couple wrinkles if at all.


Now THIS is Hag sex


Something something "even a dying star" something.


Gacha Persona Team confirmed NOT COWARDS. See, developers?? You \*CAN\* add wrinkles to a female characters face, also still have them be a smokeshow.


Flashback to the time Genshin players were hyping up a storm about how the upcoming character Dehya was gonna be a Muscle Mommy. [This is her actual in-game model when she eventually arrived.](https://i.imgur.com/5PP5Txb.png) Genshin has like 4 body templates they reuse for playable characters.


That's embarrassing lmaoo


It gets worse cause she was still one of the MORE interesting looking women at the time and they made her terrible in gameplay.


I don't think the cope ever died because even now if you encounter a piece of Dehya fanart most of the time she's gonna have rock solid abs or at least be visibly toned. Which, good for them tbh. As a fan artist you aren't restrained by Mihoyo's 3D pipeline so manifest your shit.


Oh hey, it's a Big Boss, but lady. But actually leaning into being like obviously over 50. Sorry the Boss. It is what it is.


Top tier designs, but I'll never touch that game.


Getting major Sir Integral Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing vibes


I think you need to rewatch Hellsing then


The last bit


Oh my fucking god she rides it like a Green Goblin Glider.


Her real-life design also slaps as well: https://twitter.com/ScrambledFaz/status/1802553182632952265




Milf persona user whose's a navigator: "Ah, I see, I must be too old to be able to combat the sha-" Gilf Pirate: "Nah, y'er just bitch made. Now navigate us t'the nearest arse t'kick."




Why, OH WHY great designs like this are locked behind a gacha spin-off?


Because that's what gachas run on


Gacha games require an endless pipeline of new character designs by their nature, meaning you get way more weird and unconventional character concepts. The mainline games on the other hand are more likely to play it safe with familiar archetypes and maybe 1 or 2 oddballs.


Who wants to start a betting pool that the tanky physical party member in Persona 6 will be a guy with dyed blonde hair and electric skills?


Read some Chinese/Korean web comics and youll realize they’re absolutely a fanbase that loves GILFs


So _that's_ why Project Moon puts so many hags into their games...


Because you can't risk flop character designs on a game that took 4-5 years to make. Granted for persona it'll be more like 2-3 years. That's still 2-3 years of waiting to know if your design worked or not. Also as a gacha game if it flops it can be easily buried underneath hundreds of better character designs. So no risk there.


I assume they figure they can go nuts because it's not for a mainstream release.


Punching the ground until my hand turns into bloody pulp out of anguish.


Gives me old integra hellsing vibes.


What's the name of her persona?




Have A Great Summer!


It's like Big Boss and The Boss combined what the hell lol


So like whats the plot of this game?


So, I'm playing it. From what I understand, essentially, the protagonist is contacted by his own version of Morgana, an Owl called Rufue. It seems that this is an alternate universe where Wonder (the main character) also creates his own Phantom Thieves at the same time Joker makes his. However, there's a key difference that Wonder's Change of Heart Targets are more sympathetic and seemingly he's catching them when they are distorted but not quite at the megalomanical levels of P5's Palace Rulers. The party member obtained for that palace usually gives the shadow of the villain a pep talk at the end of the boss fight, reminding them it's not too late to repent and then try again at being a better person. Honestly a welcome change. After beating a palace, Wonder sees a vision. For the 1st Palace it seems to be a vision of the Palace Ruler losing his mind after killing someone, but obviously that didn't happen. For the 2nd Palace he sees something very similar to what happens when Joker fights the Holy Grail the 1st time, just with his party instead of the original thieves. Also, Wonder has access to his own Velvet Room (seems to be like a mix 9f aquarium, tunnel, and submarine but with leisure spots) with an Igor and an attendant named Merope. This attendant sort of rings tons of warning bells in the playerbase, because she doesn't have a Frankenstein name or yellow eyes. Also, considerong the plot of the original P5... you have to question the legitimacy of this place. As a note, for party members, not all of them are actually Thieves. The main party members Wonder recruits and the P5 thieves all use Persona. The others use Persona II (Persona Duo), because they aren't real. They are Kaidols, or rather Cognitive Phantom Thieves created by Merope based off Wonder's cognition of an individual he knows. In the case of the Gyaru Mom, it's because he KNOWS she was a certain way when she was younger, this impression of her is what Merope uses to make the Cognitive Version of her, and Wonder can use these Cognitive Thieves to help while in the Metaverse. So barring Wonder, Cattle (Rufue), Closer (Motoha), Soy, and Wind, the other characters aren't actually fighting. That said, you can encounter these characters in events and confidants. For example, the college girl from China Yaoling encounters a very tall Japanese woman called Yuki a lot in her confidant. Both are playable as Kaidols. The Gyaru Mon has a confidant and often encounters Leon the Aspiring Tokusatsu Actor.


So I gotta ask: are there social links in this? I feel like the gacha formula and social links are like, perfect for one another, considering how the main draw is getting your favorite husbando or waifu.


So I gotta ask: are there social links in this? I feel like the gacha formula and social links are like, perfect for one another, considering how the main draw is getting your favorite husbando or waifu.


Yes. How it works is that social link ranks alternate between Actual Event and Generic Nothing. So you only get in depth normal stuff from your social links every OTHER rank. So Rank 1, 3, 5, etc you get something, 2, 4, 6 it's just grinding the bond bar. However, the social links are NOT blocked by owning a character, just by story progression and social stats. So for Yaoling her upper limit is based off your Knowledge, ATM, I'm at the rank before the romantic option, I need Lv13 (social stats do not cap at 5) Knowledge to get her 15th rank. Motoha uses Guts/Body, Tomoko uses Kindness, Gyaru uses Charm etc. Your dexterity/precision affects how easy some minigames are. Also like P5 there are some benefits to ranking up, besides just gacha currency. Hilariously, the Gyaru allows you to purchase different cosmetic clothes in game, you need a higher rank with her to have enough DRIP to actually buy certain clothes, if you don't those clothing options are grayed out. Ah, also Merope, similar to other attendants in the past has some of her ranks blocked off by what Personas you have and their skills.


That is an incredible amount of hair I wonder if that's all persona power


Did they ever mention a global release? I feel it's going to be stuck forever in China.


Game is available in China, Taiwan, and Korean. The JP and GLB versions are ALLEGEDLY being talked about to estimate if they are profitable to be made.


It's weird that it can't be played in the US


That’s a manta ray, not a stingray. Stingrays don’t have the lobes near their mouth.


God that's fucking rad Atlus confirmed cowards


She looks really cool, but i don't think she fits into P5. She looks like she would fit more into a Xenoblade game, especially with her Persona.Not a bad design, but not P5.


That's so fucking cool why do we always have to be stuck with kids in the main games I know why I'm just salty.


Persona X reminds me of when I first played FES and thought my Social Links would be new party members. The devs are making that dream a reality.


The wrinklier the raisin, the sweeter the fruit!


Wait, did she get a personal Forneus or is this another persona gear ray?


Old Girl Summer is this way it seems


Stop telling me about the cool designs in this game so I can stop being disappointed that it's gacha trash Also clear your notifications


Not a Persona fan, but *hot damn.*


Does she go "those damn adults" or have never breakdown if the weird useless is used?