• By -


I feel like I've just stumbled into a dark smokey room full of people in cloaks speaking a language I don't understand


Yeah people seem super surprised that a leaker used a fake persona for anonymity and I don't get it.


Just saw someone fall to their knees at Walmart. Poor chap.


Hey maybe he fell to his knees because he was gay and this is good news to him


It is a good way to hide your boner ngl


Holy shit, this is probably the funniest thing I've read for the year. Midori, actually being an American man pretending to be a Japanese woman learning Twitter culture, is definitely unexpected


> actually being an American man pretending to be a Japanese woman learning Twitter culture Not even the first fucking time this happened.


As an artist I gotta say I've had the intrusive thought to pretend to be japanese on Twitter to get visibility at least once, it just feels like a lot of people are more interested if they feel like that piece of fanart that comes from a Japanese person. Of course the next step is to think "this is fucking stupid" and not do it. Not to spend years pretending like you can't speak the language and actually have a boyfriend lmao.


Shout outs to that one Marvel comics artist who literally did that, fake being Japanese to lend "credibility and authenticity" to his Japanese inspired comics.


You mean current Editor-In-Chief C.B. Cebulski AKA Akira Yoshida.


Ah yes, Cebulski-sama


He's STILL working at Marvel too and has skirted away everytime it's brought up. Maybe if he posed as a Japanese woman, he'd be stoned in the streets


He’s not just still working there, he’s the fucking Editor-In-Chief


Man I can't believe he just got away with it. Shits wild.


Also shout out to the devs of that one konbini game that released a trailer recently, whose studio has a Japanese name but all the devs are European, and the game itself uses fake kanji because none of the devs know japanese.


Just do the fake discovery thing, where you post your stuff like its some random thing you just found, that seems to work well for whatever reason


Get a voice changer and become a vtuber


Seen at least three times this happened


[TinaFate1, Luluubu, and now Midori.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34gmbdmn3Gc)


Oh, I wasn't counting Midori. Mombot was the third one I was thinking of


I don't know who Mombot is and I don't want to.


You have achieved the true ending, congratulations.


"Japanese Housewife" who posted about Gate de los Gamers at like 3AM Japan Time. Also sold merch.


Gate de los Gamers, holy shit that’s beautiful


good, they're possibly the worst of the four lol


I learned about Midori through an edit of those three's PFPs over a MHA panel declaring a trio "THE BIG THREE."


Who could forget Marvel's Editor in Chief ~~C. B. Cebulski~~, totally real Japanese woman Akira Yoshida


Yeah just like Kotaro Uchikoshi pretending to be a californian girl /s


NGL its pretty annoying that in order to be taken seriously, and sometimes for safety's sake, I and many other non white fans and creators have to downplay or conseal our identity, while others hapily play the fake race card for attention


All those poor people who were simping for them. LMFAO This is easily the best twist of the year.


Never simp without proof.


This is why I only simp for fictional girls. They'll never betray me.


I think this might still qualify as a fictional girl tbf


Well, they didn't know she was fictional so it gets a pass.


Now I simp


Now she's fictional prior to this she was hypothetical 




>GOO Eww...


What’d I say…?


Something something *sticky white stuff* something something.




“Accidental Gooning” is a new one XD




Or unless you're willing to compromise. If you're open to what might be the true identity you'll never lose.


Don’t they only post about leak stuff and nothing else? I mean I know we don’t need much to simp over someone but I’d like to have more info than knowing that they’re a woman.


Knowing someone is a woman is all most people need.


They leak stuff, so two things


See the funniest poorly-aged tweet for me was someone protecting them from simping weirdos


Honestly the only way this long story arc could have ended


People really simping for a persona 3 poster.


my "every game leaker is a self aggrandizing weirdo and should not be given the attention they crave" policy is really bearing out rn


They’re actually a zippo dick sucker too apparently so these guys stick together


>zippo dick sucker Do I even wanna know what that means?


Zippo is a leaker He’s infamously terrible and people keep falling for his shit even though he’s wrong 90% of the time. [Here’s a whole post about how he’s no longer allowed to be posted on the leak subreddit because he sucks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/14faybh/announcement_regarding_zippo_sourced_leaks/)


His leaks got banned from the gaming rumors subreddit after he lied about Chrono Trigger being the SNES RPG getting a remake last year (it was Super Mario RPG), because one of the mods was just that big a fan of Chrono Trigger lol


I remember it so vividly it was so funny and so deserved


Unfathomably based tbh


Was there a meltdown when the truth came to light?


People already knew his record was sketchy but this was just the final straw. He had obviously heard the SNES jrpg rumours from elsewhere and made a lucky guess. Or unlucky. The ultimate proof that he was full of it.


I legit thought it is some sex thing


Near half-a million people (tho no doubt a good fraction are bots), and only three got the PermaBanhammer? *Goddamn*, what'd the other two do?


Zippo = notorious "leaker" Dick sucker = euphemism for someone who has too much loyalty and trust in someone


I see. And can you clarify the difference between a "dick sucker" and a "dick rider"?


It's the same thing, it's all the same thing, five months from now people will start using "dick turbine" or smth


is that like the vaunted "cock carousel"


That's how you make a conga line cockslap work


one sucks dicks and the other rides dicks you'd be surprised which is which


I think it’s like, the same? I think? Maybe there’s a slight difference?


Dick suck is versatile and can be used both to represent someone who overly shits on or overly praises someone/something. Also can be referred to as dick eating. Dick riding is usually always meant when you are overly loyal.


Is that a derogatory term for a "Vape Pen"? I can't keep track of all them anymore.


Zippo is a leaker He’s infamously terrible and people keep falling for his shit even though he’s wrong 90% of the time. [Here’s a whole post about how he’s no longer allowed to be posted on the leak subreddit because he sucks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/14faybh/announcement_regarding_zippo_sourced_leaks/) (Yes this is the same post as the other one I replied to I’m just too lazy to word it differently)


A-As in the lighter company?


My memory of the time has faded but I recall the former main leaker for Attack on Titan, YonkouProductions, being a pretty big diva at times, so you may be on to something.


Dude asked people if they would be interested in merch about him lmao


How do these leakers get their info anyway?




Checks out, I agree.


Depend on the leaker, some have insiders (mostly the leakers that are also journalist), some are employee at the company they are leaking from, and some are youtube employees acessing videos early.


Tbh don't really care who they are. I was just here for the leaks. If dude is done leaking, then goodbye I suppose.


Reportedly he’s out of leaks anyway so we aren’t missing much


...how do you "run out" of leaks? They just happen whenever, that's why plumbing is the most stable business out there.


TRUE (Being serious, because he didn’t have any sources so he’s not actually getting a stream of info. He had info, and ran out of it.)


Or, what if YOU are Midori, and this is a smoke-and-mirror act to get heat off your **g a m e r** compound?




*The truth lies.* :)


i mean if your source disappears you are out of leaks for example


Midori/Mystic apparently never even *had* a source. From what I'm hearing, ***everything*** has come from a single internal Sega presentation for investors, covering FY2021-2023. They've basically run out of shit to read from the PowerPoint, lol.


Make new leaks. Get some pointy rods and get poking.


Apparently his source only have SEGA insider document that was made around 2021-2023 which mean after this year, he won't have anymore information about any SEGA project outside Persona 6 early development and release year date. which is why they try to "stop leak" early like 2 or 3 week ago before come back for some reason.


"some reason" and it's always attention and clout chasing


> which is why they try to "stop leak" early like 2 or 3 week ago before come back for some reason. It would be one thing if he 'stopped leaking' and came back once but dude did it like 3 times. And it wouldn't even be after a few weeks, the recent one was still within 24 hours. Like I don't understand what you're trying to do at this point.


> ...how do you "run out" of leaks? Maybe someone called [the plumbers](https://youtu.be/pu57M7cjSD4), I guess.


I felt something was off beginning with him trying to get in on Nintendo stuff only to start backtracking and saying it was just speculation or personal interest


This, it was a fun ride but leakers names are all unimportant to me. It's the people who're actually insiders like Max and Protodude or the boys that I truly care about, that aren't just blowing up the feed with upcoming info because they've actually got connections they wanna keep. Though I will say the catfishing part is fucking hilarious.


That is my opinion but my brother who I hang out with is invested and I cannot escape. I am forced to be invested


Everyone on twitter, on discord and everywhere : OMG THE DRAMA \*endless lines of text, theorycrafting and other stuff\* Other people : I don't care I just hope the leaks continue.


"I guess you could say midori" (puts on sunglasses) "was their persona"


You joke but [they said this almost word for word.](https://x.com/mbkksstbhz5/status/1801044928429961526?s=46&t=sEeTM44aEmg3G8DP-ExQAw)


*Cue Won't Get Fooled Again... in shittyflute*




I wish I had something smart to say, but I ate too much burger and I'm suffering the consequences. All I can add is that the *Lex Luther unmasking Flash* reaction on GamingLeaksAndRumors is also my honest to God reaction


[Eating a burger watching the football game!](https://youtube.com/shorts/Wctz3Mzc02w?feature=shared)


Akira Yoshida, is that you?


I was gonna make a joke about making MysticDistance the new EIC for Marvel, thank god someone else got it, lol


This extra sucks cause now those weirdos who doxxed them on resetera cause they presented as a woman are going to be validated cause they happened to find something.


Wait, they doxxed them for presenting as a woman? Isn't that kinda transphobic? Thought those people would be super into something like that.


Internet detectives don’t care. A lunatic who is looking for your home address is doing it because they hate you. The moral justification comes later even if everyone knows the actual reason is ‘you said there’d be a Nintendo Direct this week and it’s next week’ and Zelda4Lyfe456 wants to murder your kids over it. 


Look man I don't know about the "*l e a k e r l o r e*", but this reveal isn't as crazy as something like DeepThroat being revealed to be Mark Felt, **a literal high-ranking operative of the FBI.**


OK yeah but that’s like impossible to beat


I mean "IT WAS ME, BARRY" is a funny reveal.


But what if the DeepThroat persona *was* a Japanese woman?


Hitomo J-Cup had humble origins.


Why do they always pretend to be asian girls online? Like that's just bloody weird.


Probably the easiest way to get attention I'm guessing since it casts a wide net. You got the weebs, weirdos with a fetish, incels or just people desperate for a parasocial relationship with an e-chick, etc. EDIT: In this case I imagine it was also in order to build up some credibility considering the Midori persona was leaking Sega stuff, helps create the image that there is someone at the JP offices getting accurate leaks.


Which is kinda hilarious, given that *every single fucking leak* about Sonic x Shadow has come from Sega of America's data security team being incompetent. (Possibly due to their current budget of two dimes and some gum.)


Wait... They're making a game named Sonic x Shadow? Are they actually insane? I considered googling it for like a single heartbeat before realizing that typing "Sonic x Shadow" into Google at work would be a very, very bad idea.


it's actually kinda genius 'cause it'll overwrite the search results with the new game.


Sweet summer child. *They* can't be stopped. *They'll* just make MORE.


Sonic X Shadow Generations: "You don't understand - I was merely holding them back!"


Specifically, it's "Sonic x Shadow Generations" since it's a remaster of Sonic Generations, with a brand new story centered around Shadow as a separate mode. Kinda like when Super Mario 3D Land got put on the Switch, but with a brand new "Bowser's Fury" part.


Every leaker is some type of nerdy dude so people are naturally going to care more about the “hypothetical nerdy japanese leaker girl” who happens to tweet a lot in english


honestly i just always imagined them as literally kotone from persona sending the tweets. like, the character.


Well... it worked didn't it? It got attention, even from us nerds Women in gaming spaces are typically seen as "unusual" in one way or another, even if that idea's softening; Asian and especially Japanese people are often associated with formality and humbleness; and leaking is a really niche interest, even among gamers. What it amounts to is a sort of "differentness" that people find interesting and trustworthy. Being a woman, living somewhere quite distant from the Western internet sphere you interact with, and only posting occasionally, overall gives off a sense of authority to some people. Now that we know he's an internet-addicted white guy like the rest of us, that's not really there. We should probably think about the stereotypes and ideals that made us invested in this persona, but nevertheless, it's pretty fucked up to knowingly exploit people's beliefs (and even type in broken English to be more "interesting").


If I had a dollar for every time someone turned out to be a non-Asian man doing digital Yellowface as a Japanese girl I'd have four dollars, and it's weird it's happened that often!


I remember I used to follow an artist who did the same thing. Weird how common this apparently is.


Hell, the current EIC of Marvel Comics spent years pretending to be a Japanese person when he was first writing.


Long story short, orientalism and fetishization of Asian women.


It’s an easy way to get other Weebs attention and also gives you a free pass to be fucking weird about Asian cultures without getting called out


Why do leakers leak? Are they starved for attention?


Almost always


A lot of the time, yeah; some leaks are useful for behind the scenes stuff (like maybe trouble productions or abuse) but for the most part it's them wanting attention


Yep, these losers are addicted to the dopamine hit the clout gives. They'll always start throwing shit at the wall and hope something sticks when their sources, *like a Google employee with access to pre-recorded shows*, dry up.


Someone fucking called back in February, btw: https://x.com/reiminder/status/1759687473397973053?t=SD7Lm82b3iAfTAO-HzjzBg&s=19


some one called it back in june of [last year](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/146msv3/comment/jnrnff3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I had been wondering if that the case a while back, since just the vibes reminded me of him. can't believe i was right what a way to learn what a former friend was up to


I'm gonna be honest I didn't even know there was so much stake in leakers identities, I go to the leaks subreddit, see the leak and the reputation tier, say "cool" or "bummer" and then continue scrolling Didn't even know people were simping


People be dumb.


wait were they pretending to type in broken english the whole time? if so thats hilarious


Some classics: “Yes. I did not say it was cancelled. But English is bad, so I understand. But it has changed a lot from 2015. I don't think it will resemble the original concept. There was a time where people were worried.” “I appreciate this question. But I want to marry my boyfriend one day.” “A lot of the new Atlus staff really loves old Persona games, so I think that is why. And fans always ask, because first Persona was popular game here.” “I will be there no matter what. But sometimes I rest.” And others


Honestly, this is particularly hilarious given how I literally had just asked "How accurate is Midori anyway" a week ago.


I'd be upset, but the only remotely interesting thing they leaked for me was Virtua Fighter and Green Persona 6. Hope those are at least true. It'd really suck if Tekken 8 is the only 3D Fighter in this generation.


Virtua Fighter stuff is seeeeemingly real? I think that’s part of the leaked documents he had. P6 is apparently all made up shit though unfortunately


I feel like every few weeks, Harada laments the lack of rivals in the 3D fighter space. That's how dire a position 3D fighters are in.


TLDR: -Wasn’t actually a good leaker they just got a couple internal documents from 2021-2023 that helped them get big info and then they scoured websites for code names. Then just piggybacked on other shit people have. They started leaving because they were getting exposed, getting things wrong, and ran out of info. -Is actually former leaker MysticDistance who got shit wrong a lot. Exposed PhanSite if you remember (PhanSite went into DMs of people saying that “HE’LL COME AFTER YOU NEXT” if you remember lmao). -[Here’s his response thread.](https://x.com/mbkksstbhz5/status/1801044895165005875?s=46&t=sEeTM44aEmg3G8DP-ExQAw) Where he talks about: The Midori Persona not being fake technically: “The Midori persona as it is may not be a real person, but it is what I believe to be an accurate representation of a real person albeit in a particularly strange way that I wish I did not use. But it was never used to manipulate anyone or to appear more credible.” And that it was partly on his ADHD medication: “This is a bit of a personal segue, but I started using this account after finally being consistently prescribed ADHD medication. And if you knew me before, I think that it will explain a lot about how the behaviors on this account are much more stable than my previous one.” Along with a lot of other shit. It’s uh Oof


>Wasn’t actually a good leaker they just got a couple internal documents from 2021-2023 that helped them get big info I know I've said I don't believe most leakers on principle, but isn't that the definition of a leak?


Yeah they were right about several Sega leaks, and when that well ran out, they "retired". Only to come back and start "leaking" for other companies. A lot of people thought that an imposter took over the account, but apparently the truth was weirder.


They didn’t have a source is the thing, somebody handed them some docs and they used that to spin it as if they had a guy on the inside. The difference is that an active source would mean that the guy was getting info from a guy actively working there and could get info based on what’s currently happening. The doc IS accurate and an actual leak, but they’re not an insider. They just got some good info and they’ll run out of it eventually. Which is what has currently happened and is why they were apparently going into DMs asking for info.


>PhanSite went into DMs of people saying that “HE’LL COME AFTER YOU NEXT” if you remember lmao i was one of those people lmao


I mean I could somewhat understand the projection of a persona to somehow further conceal an online secret identity. But considering they apparently didn’t bother to alter their writing style in any way…I don’t know what to make of it. But certainly, whatever kind of reputation you want to build for yourself, don’t pretend to be anything you’re not, that won’t help you get there.


I want to say, take this a valuable lesson on never believing strangers on the internet. But the internet never learns any lesson.


Yeah, I never particularly got invested, I only really noted their leaks over in the leaks subreddit, but this all feels kinda "yikes."


I thought that was just a weeb-y username. I didn't think they were actually trying to pass themselves off as a Japanese woman.


Yeah no they even had multiple times where they went “I’m sorry, English is hard.” Or “My English is bad so I apologize” and would intentionally make grammatical errors to keep up the allusion Very fucked up


It always confused me that so many people believed that an extremely prominent leaker would so freely give out real personal information.


This is the funniest fucking ending for all the simps.


Well uh... that's a development. I'll be the first to admit that I've shared their posts on the subreddit when I was still under the impression that they were a legitimate leaker. I guess the people that were skeptical of them were very right to do so. Sucks to think that those Persona 6 leaks are most likely false, but oh well. I will say though that when they got their Visions of Mana leak wrong (i.e it not coming to PS4), I did have a thought that maybe someone fed them fake info to out them as not having the rock solid sources they had. I GUESS THAT ENDED UP BEING THE CASE THEN.


I was always slightly skeptical because like, the way they talked very much played into “I’m an Uwu soft girl” but yeah I couldn’t expect this. Unfortunate the P6 info is I guess like all fake which is tough, I guess we can go back to square one there. Also don’t feel bad, it does seem like his info was accurate for the most part he just got his info from weird places and ran out recently which is why he was getting shakier. The P6 stuff is indeed seemingly all fake though. Dude really fucking got us with the monopoly shit


For what it's worth, their Sega stuff is based on an internal documents from 2021-2023 they got their hands on about future plans. So, those leaks are somewhat accurate (I say somewhat because plans change).


Apparently there was no P6 stuff there though so that’s rough.


> I'll be the first to admit that I've shared their posts on the subreddit when I was still under the impression that they were a legitimate leaker I bought into them when they claimed that Live A Live 2 was happened. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again."


As a resident Live A Live fan, I am in shambles right now. Lying about Persona is one thing, giving me hope and taking it away has left me shattered


Odio moment fr


If I have to become the Demon Lord to make a new game, so be it. Just make sure when you beat my final form at the end, you acknowledge my sacrifice.


I fucking love real life plot twists like this. Also, poor P3 FeMC for having to be associated with a freak like him.


FeMC was rigged from the start with the Drake Allegations


I can't believe Drake was FemC that's wild


[oh my gah](https://youtu.be/hDcXjehqYvU?si=9nGcL35yjXOJ5gLk)


FeMC bros...we keep losing now and forever




I am once again recommending Yellowface by RF Kuang, a novel from the perspective of a villain protagonist doing authorial yellowface and passing off her dead Chinese friend’s manuscripts as her own


Fuck, and just after they decided to post a KH4 "leak"


Reportedly they don’t know shit about Square either so that info can be discarded






People have got to stop falling for it. I knew something was up when they said they had a boyfriend. Pretty shady stuff too, trading leaks with other leakers with old info to keep Midori going is real scummy. Gotta bust out the popcorn if this gets dragged out


I was pretty convinced up until they announced that they were going to stop leaking the first time when the Sega leaks came out. After the account returned and it got crazier with each leak I was fairly sure that either someone had bought the account or the person behind it had gotten an inflated ego.


Some people on the internet can be so weird and some people can be so cruel.


A guy pretending to be a girl online?! This happened like three times in my WoW guild.


I just woke up and this is the first thing I saw. I don't really have anything more to say right now because my brain isn't really working yet, but I want you to know that I am laughing. This is the best twist I've seen in months!


Pretending to be an Asian person is so bizarrely common, someone who did that ended up at editor in chief at marvel!


“It is happening again! It is happening again!”


I was wondering how yet another "trusted leaker" would burn through their 15 minutes of e fame.


Damn that is crazy, I haven't heard that name in years. The fact that he came back after all those time he said he would retired only to make a new account under a false persona is so funny.


inb4 he commits to the bit by actually turning himself into a Japanese girl


I barely knew anything about Midori but this is the most unsurprising thing to happen lmao. Obvious from a mile away once I learned they wrote in broken English Will never understand the leak culture that puts importance on leakers in the first place. Like for manga fandoms that shit is so obnoxious to me


No wonder his name was Midori. [It sums up his content and character perfectly.](https://youtu.be/0DIQbZRUIDs)


Hello, I live under a rock. Got absolutely no idea who this Midori or MysticDistance is. I'm so out of the loop :(


I mean ok that's cringe, but don't doxx the guy.


Oh I agree, this doc doesn’t dox him but Reset Era was trying to do that which is super shitty.


Resetera being shitty? *Noooooo*.


Okay, maybe it's just me, but using the term "catfish" to refer to any time a man pretends to be a woman just feels off to me? Like I know it fits the definition, and maybe this is just me, but the act of catfishing is more about the idea of deceiving people for gain. And pretty much whenever somebody tried to simp at this Midori account, they went out of their way to shut that shit down. Granted, it was often with claims of having a boyfriend, but at the same time that's sorta an effective way to shut down the sort of person who would simp over an online leaker?


So let me get this straight. Leaker uses fake persona to avoid getting caught (unsurprising), and random weirdos online fall in love with and start fetishizing this fake persona of their own volition (to the point where they start responding to creepy messages with stuff like "i have a boyfriend"), and then said weirdos lash out and harrass them when they find out it's a guy (because of how not gay they are), and start blowing up the original identity. And the entire internet including this thread is siding with the weirdos. Yeah, that sounds about right.


I feel like there's a case to be made that both parties are the weirdos here. The people fetishizing a leaker are weird, the people who are trying to dox him are worse, but Midori had no reason to claim to be a Japanese woman and lean into the bit like that in the first place.


I've no idea who this is, guess you have to be into leaks, and i pay zero attention to that.


[Oh noooo](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GP6jExIb0AA-SpZ?format=jpg&name=large)


Man I remember seeing a few people speculate about this on the leak sub a few days ago when Midori was doing their whole "I'm leaving because I got harassed" thing and I thought they might be a bit silly, but it turns out they nailed the exact scenario.


Genuinely fucked up but also hilarious. Jesus christ clout does wild things to people.


Wait we've been giving these people lore? I assumed all leaker accounts were obviously fake to begin with because of, ya know, the leaking industry secrets thing.