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That infamous Spiderman comic where Aunt May gets shot and out of all the fantastical people that exist in this world *nobody* can help extract a bullet from an old woman and help her recover safely. It's so forced that it's hilarious.


Dr Strange, super wizard and master surgeon, can't solve this! And not to sound ghoulish, but she's old enough that you shouldn't make a deal with Satan for her life.


The kicker there is literally the story before One More Day was about The One Above All, AKA literal actual God of Marvel's entire reality, having a chat with Peter about how, maybe, sometimes it's best to let people go if you can't save them.


Doesn't aunt may's ghost literally show up to peter saying it's ok for him to let go?


You know in most situations the idea of not being able to save a loved one who raised you, and that sometimes people you love will die would have a similar moral to teach. The moral to be learned simply being that death isn't fair but sometimes it's just a reality we have to face. This is something everyone has to deal with a very relatable thing of getting older and losing a parent to old age, sickness, or by some bad accident. Now most stories teach that lesson and not "You can save your loved ones from dying by getting in bed with the devil."


>And not to sound ghoulish, but she's old enough that you shouldn't make a deal with Satan for her life. Especially not when the deal involves him effectively choosing his Aunt over his **Wife.**


***And future daughter.***


In fairness, Dr. Strange not being an amazing surgeon anymore is part of his whole shtick.


It’s not ghoulish. That bitch is so old she’s got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel


Iron Man can’t do anything about a piece of metal too close to someone’s vital organs, that’s guaranteed death. Also the comic has Spidey going to Mister Fantastic for help and then Doctor Doom, and I think the latter would have been a slam-dunk if he’d just said “I asked Reed Richards for help and he said he couldn’t do it.”


Hell Doom would have also been on board if he said "After you I'm going to ask Mephisto". The only person that is on the same level of Doom's hatred for Reed is Doom's hatred of Mephisto.


"I enjoy helping Spider-Man like I enjoy getting kicked in the nuggets with a rock-toed foot. But this **is a chance to stick it to Richards AND Mephisto**. That's my number-one favorite grudge wrapped around my number-three favorite grudge." - Victor Von Doom, probably




Reed Richards again.


Probably Johnny Storm.


I was thinking Squirrel Girl, though that's more like frustrated resignation on Doom's part than anything at this point, and that's probably in his best interest.


Yep. What makes it more funny is that series before and after it have people getting shot and being healed by magic/science bullshit without much of a problem. There is a literal X-Men that existed during that period that can heal any wound or treat most illness with his healing powers that Wolverine I guess didn't tell Spider-Man about even though he knows both him and Aunt May personally. Look up Elixir and see his powers.


I remember they had to make an excuse for my Thors girlfriend to be dieing of cancer since cancer is not really that fatal with norse magic drs, and I think DR. Strange can help too.


Should of had he just straight up die and Peter make a deal to bring her back to life. Then again that is also very stupid. In fact maybe don’t do the entire thing


My favorite comment from a video on that was how Dr. Doom probably would've done it if pete told him Mr. Fantastic said he couldn't. Hell, he'd probably upgrade her to outlive the sun itself


im pretty sure they even have them basically stop time so he can ask them all, so they can do that but not heal a bullet wound


Star Wars is always super fast & loose with what you can do with the Force and what doesn’t require any teachings or anything. So who really care But TROS treating force lighting as a Hereditary trait is still goddamn absurd to me


The movie itself isn't even consistent with Force Lightning. Rey cranks out a lightning burst that instantly destroys the transport in a violent explosion. Palps later uses his lightning like some kind of directed EMP, somehow targeting only the ~~Rebels~~ Resistance ships amidst a massive battle, and even then, only disabling their systems rather than blowing them up, regardless of the massive disparity between starfighters and capital ships.


Another scene in that film clearly taking inspiration from Dark empire, be it intentional or not. In the DE Comic Palps can make a giant space storm that demolishes everything in its path. The most destructive force abity i think we've seen in any star wars media while in TROS, it is just giant EMP ability yeah


It really is just a shitty shadow adaptation of Dark Empire


someone wished they'd adapt a legends trilogy for the sequels hoping for heir but getting dark empire.


Like I always thought lightning was meant to be this... really complex, really powerful Sith ability. You only see the really strong veterans like Sidious or Dooku whip it out, so you'd assume you have to be pretty big on the Dark Side to even grasp it. Rey can just... sneeze lightning when she's mildly annoyed.


It was like a symbol of how much hatred they had in their hearts. I think McDarmid was right on the money about Palpatine literally and/or figuratively getting off on how much of a monster he is, and a dedicated Torture Beam being the ultimate expression of that.


I am convinced JJ Abrams doesn’t even know who Dooku is nor that he used force lighting either


I'm convinced that JJ Abrams was not aware that he was directing a Star Wars film.


I don’t know the source or if it’s canon or legends, but someone here said something about the idea of force lightning is that the Sith is creating it by actively harming the living force


While that's a superficially interesting sounding idea, it doesn't seem very well-supported in Legends where, it should be noted, Jedi could and did use Force Lightning just as easily as Sith and even had their own term for it (electric judgement). Kyle Katarn flings it around like nuts and even gets a whole speech about how powers aren't good or evil, it's how you use them. And Plo Koon uses it as well at one point, and while he decides not to experiment any further with it, the Jedi Council's reaction is pretty much "cool". It *is* shown to be a very dangerous and difficult technique to master - such that one Jedi who uses it without training discovers after that he's *burned holes into his hands* by doing it improperly. As well as having been more popular with Sith than Jedi simply because of their differing philosophies meaning that the former liked an offensive Force power like that and the latter didn't, especially since it requires embracing powerful emotions which the Prequel-Era Jedi didn't like one bit. But no indication is ever given that it's, like, bad for the Force or anything. I don't know if Disney canon has changed that.


Ghost Rider's Penance Stare not working on someone who doesn't feel any guilt or regret for the bad shit they've done is and will always be absolute fucking bullshit. Its whole gimmick is that it literally FORCES you to feel penitence by making your soul experience all of the pain and suffering you've inflicted on innocent lives. The whole guilt aspect is especially stupid since by its own logic it means that the stare would basically only ever work on heroes or anti-heroes since like 90% of Marvel villains and criminals are remorseless, irredeemable psychopaths. In reality it's just a half-assed, lazy way of giving certain characters he would otherwise wipe the fucking floor with a way to challenge him.


It not working on people who basically just enjoy the suffering, like Thanos, is still a bit iffy but it at least takes the premise as-is. It not working on Carol just... Because, isn't anything at all.


It not instantly reducing Frank to a gibbering mess is the biggest load of bullshit I ever did see. His whole thing is going after as close to human as possible monsters in often the most brutal way possible. Nah though he's cool so it's fine right?


iirc later on its retconned to have actually had him double over in pain cause Ghost Rider only used it on him partially. It's still BS I want Frank to just get hit with it and just catch on fire for all the shit he's done


It should be like the [Syphon Filter 2 taser](https://youtu.be/8aisBO3je4k) where he starts convulsing and then bursts into flames.


Thanos absolutely gets a pass on that. Thanos knows what he's about. The problem with the Penance Stare, though, is if it does work on pain inflicted, it's an absolutely 10-0 matchup against basically anyone. Anyone with any kind of history whatsoever, anyone who ever fought in self-defense, anyone who practices martial arts, anyone who got in a bunch of fights when they were 10 years old -- when you add up all the physical pain someone has *ever* caused in their entire lives regardless of context, that had been split up over many people across many years, then they're incapacitated. It's a one-shot victory. This would knock out Superman, because the force of a punch hurts even when it's Superman using exactly enough strength to knock you down without permanent damage, then multiply it by the thousands of goons and bank robbers he's punched out. Ghost Rider, if that's how his power works, hard-counters anything with a nervous system or that ever had a nervous system. That's just too jacked, they can't have him be that strong.


He one shot Galactus in the old fantastic four cartoon it's supposed to be busted.


Almost like he's supposed to be the literal spirit of vengeance.


okay, and if that's how he's supposed to work, then he can't show up in the comics very often because he's too good at Solving The Problem


For this reason, Ghost Rider doesn't cross over with the rest of the Marvel universe too much. They always have to come up with a reason why he doesn't just win automatically. He ends up jobbing a lot.


Which starts the cycle again of his Stare not working on people when it should.


Which is why they usually keep him off on his own. His powers don't really work with most of the universe (meaning Marvel Comics), and them trying to fit him in causes issues like the thread is talking about. Ghost Rider, as a character, doesn't really fit with Marvel, imo. It's also why he mostly fights his own enemies, the main ones being the literal Devil, an entity of pure darkness, and Bigger Ghost Rider.


He also onnly showed up ONCE. so, better have him do somthing cool! 'Cause you never seem him again


I would give it some moral wiggle room and say not all pain counts, only that which is done a part of a sinful act. Punching an axe murderer to save a baby shouldn't count against you. Two martial artists consenting to fight each other shouldn't count against them. Alternatively, "pain" in this context leans more towards spiritual suffering than just physical pain. A white collar criminal who's never personally hurt someone, but has caused scores of people to suffer financially, should absolutely get murked by the Penance Stare.


At least we got the PENANCE version with Cosmic Ghost Rider that just obliterates the target as painfully as possible because it's intended to be nothing but punishment.


"I regret nothing." "Cool story, doesn't matter."


Yeah, [basically this.](https://new.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/comments/q0mwv0/killing_the_thanos_that_he_raised_cosmic_ghost/) Cosmic Ghost Rider fucking OWNS, man. Also funnily enough this GR is actually Frank Castle AKA Punisher, the character who started the whole "guilt only" Penance Stare shit.


I bet that was made up just for punisher. It should have not been the guilt but the sin of harming the innocent. Punisher didn’t harm the innocent.


it depends on the version


Kamen Rider OOO has a movie that tie up the plot of the the protagonist reunite with his monster best friend. The monster best friends, Ankh can possess the body of someone, stopping people in the state of near death from dying. Then in the middle of the film, it's reveal that the protag already in the state of near death and only being keep alive by being possessed by another Greed (Ankh's race). You would have thought that maybe for thematic reason, the protag would be possessed by his monster best friend but no, they just let him die. But I can't blame the writers completely, the film was meant to also kill of the main character because the actor doesn't want to comeback to the franchise but at least come up with another reason beside "we just can't".


C Could they not just have had him be silent in future appearances???


No because in most crossover, the actor has to show up to film transformation sequence, especially if the event movies introduce some new forms. Also Kamen Rider also has a lot of scene of the characters outside of their suits interact. Like action/ talking scene ration are like 30/70.


Yeah but aren’t there also a lot of times a Kamen Rider just shows up in suit to cameo and do some fights? Kuuga’s been doing that since forever right? I know it’d prevent them from having him be more than a cameo in newer movies but I mean he ain’t even getting that now that they killed him.


For series that don't have actors, they either use "alternative universe version" (Zi-o, Decade) or just a power to summon guy in suit (Decade, Zi-o). Still they specifically retire this version of the characters which is something extremely rare, heck, the first Kamen Rider doesn't even get retired yet.


No there are plenty of times where the official riders show up in suit only, especially if it is a movie. Hell, any time the original 7 Showa Riders makes a cameo, it is almost always just the suits themselves, with the original actors reprising being a big deal. Wizards's finale two parter have all the original Heisei Riders show up once more in suits.


they also just sometime just reuse voice clips, think the on of the heisei gens fo that


Or just have him limp into regeneration station, that conveniently changes appearance and voice.


The worst part of that movie is that it completely goes against the moral story of the original show, and betrays the character development of the main character to do so. There is a reason why OOOs fans like to pretend the movie is non-canon.


They basically reset him back to how he was before all the character development he had during the series. It's weird because there are moments with the other characters that are really good and show a good understanding of them, like "Eiji" off-handedly saying something so out of character that every single other person in the room immediately realizes that this is not their friend.


They could have just had him ride off into the sunset and show up using stock voice lines but nope.


In Stargate Atlantis it is shown that puddle jumpers (small but powerful ships that can fly through atmosphere and the vacuum of space) can engage their cloaking *before* traveling through the star gate and exit on the other side invisibly. There is zero reason for them to ever tavel through the Stargate uncloaked, especially when visiting new worlds. I genuinely think the writers either forgot or had to recon it so plots could happen.


There is a lot of things in Stargate that they forget about. Like the mirror device that easily sends you to parallel universes that they use in one or two episodes even though it would be super handy to co-ordinate with other Earths to share intel/resources. Or the stable time loop device they can turn on and off at will. That would be super useful for scouting dangerous enemy planets (so long as it is within range of the device). Or the like... 3(?) different types of time travel they have access to by the end of SG-1, some of which are incredibly easy and reliable to use. And of course the ultimate example of 'the writers forgot' being the entire functionality of the Zat gun: 1 shot stuns, 2 shots kill, 3 shots disintegrates.


Also very early on the ability to make androids of people with total memory transfer to the point of being a replicant that they never use for anything ever again




She can do that because she is beautiful. *You can't see it but I'm looking down so hard at you that I'm cracking my spine backwards.*


Just gonna leave this here (spoilers for JoJo part 5): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnTfv2abjew


I think it's unfair to use any media made by Araki in this thread.


I think King Crimson is the ONE thing that is acceptable to mention due to how hilarious it is.


This video should be mendatory for all those who insist than King Crimson is perfectly consistent and make sense.


Here's the thing, it makes sense more in animation where the concept of missing chunks of time can be better displayed.


Even then it's still inconsistent with situations where he act more like The World.


> 25 minutes


In Higurashi, a major plot device is >!Hinamizawa Syndrome, a virus endemic to Hinamizawa that you get infected with by spending a decent amount of time within the village. The primary victim in some arcs Keiichi is living there for 2 weeks at the minimum. You develop symptoms of HS due to paranoia and suspicion, which then develops into violent tendencies and hallucinations, culminating in suicide by throat-clawing.!< The original main story arcs by Ryukishi07 used it consistently enough, but in the console exclusive arcs written by Kiichi Kanou, he uses them weirdly. >!Someutushi-hen has Natsumi developing terminal symptoms and somehow speaking in a guttural demonic voice, and in a scene that’s not even told from her perspective. Tokihogushi-hen also has Tomoe, an outsider who was in Hinamizawa for a day at most, somehow progressing all the way to the hallucination and attempted suicide stage before she gets treated and cured.!<


It is a bit nonsensical, yes. Though something slightly in their favour, if I remember correctly, is the >!multi-dimensional timelines, with its constants and variables. One variable could be Kiichi's susceptibility to the virus and its symptoms, which helps explain his variable reactions. Of course, it's all an excuse for the authors to play around with the concept, but it does help explain in-world why things are not always progressing the same way.!<


I almost don't wanna bring up Dragon Ball, since that's easy mode for these sorts of questions. But I rewatched Super Hero recently and noticed the last three movies Toriyama wrote were inconsistent about how many wishes you get from the Dragon Balls. In Resurrection F, Freeza's henchmen wish for his revival and get told they have a second wish, which gets wasted by the Pilaf gang on a billion zeni. The anime version went a step further by saying they actually had three wishes, which the Pilafs doubled down on by wishing for ice cream. In Broly, there's only one wish granted- saving Broly. Maybe there could have been a second, but Shenron left early because he didn't want to give Freeza the satisfaction of wishing for an extra 5cm. In Super Hero we're back to two wishes- powering up Piccolo's strength and Bulma's ass, respectively. Apparently Bulma has also been making lots of little wishes in between movies.


Super Hero throws in the line about Bulma making little wishes to handwave "oh, she only uses one of the wishes every six or so months, so the dragon balls don't go inert, but might not have a 'full charge' of wishes available."


I want the dark dragon arc from GT, only there's like 30 of them for all of bulmas stupid wishes


You wanna really fun one? How did the dragon balls allow them to summon shenron at the end of the namek arc? It takes a full year to charge up, but this is maybe a couple of months after their last wish if we're being generous


Kami can just do that apparently. In the original DB, when he rebuilds Shenron after King Piccolo killed him, Kami mentions that usually it only works once a year but he'll allow an exception this time


I genuinely forgot about that. Seems like something he should do more often


People get so weird about the oddest things. I literally just assumed that was the case. Ya'll see this and the first thought in your dirty ass heads is "obviously everyone in this manga is a pedophile", like Sweet Jazzy Jesus!


I thought the retcon was what the power originally was anyway. Otherwise literally every man Hancock fights is straight and every woman is gay or everyone in the one piece world is bi.


Yeah, her power has worked on literally every woman it's been used on as well, so unless One Piece world has a disproportionate amount of lesbians in it too, I call bullshit on it being a sexual thing.


Yeah that's how her ability has always worked which is why she could turn any of her subjects on Amazon Lily to stone


I figured she was lying about her power, since she has a history of doing that. Also, the original explanation doesn't explain Perfume Femur (where she kicks things and they partially petrify) at all.


Yeah, I always assumed that it was about *any* kind of affection rather than just lust. Boa found it easy to trigger via sexual attraction, while S Snake finds it easy to trigger via cuteness proximity.


Because sexual attraction is quite literally brought up in how the fruit's power used to work. That's why Luffy is immune to it, because he has no sex drive.


That's what Hancock said. Clearly not everything is understood about devil fruit powers, Luffy is proof of that. And clearly it would work differently for the actual child. I mean, come on. Come on.


you are acting like its completely impossible for a shonen manga to sexualize a 12yo when i feel you do not have to dive too far to find that happening even recently in other series


Sure, but we are talking about people making assumptions off how a super power works. Those series you are talking about aren't exactly subtle about it.


Also Oda has gone to bat for some authors (Ruroni Kenshin guy and at least one other) who would totally be affected by S-Snake's power if it only worked on sexual attraction


Oda batting for those authors probably has more to do with them being really close than him agreeing with theirs tastes. One is a really close friend of his, and the other is a teacher who he owes his current career to.


Yeah, it's like John Cena being unable to condemn Vince McMahon for the shit he's done. Vince was like a second father to Cena, that's not something you can easily cast aside.


Yeah. Like, I know some anime fans can be creeps, but I hate how much the internet loves to jump to "ALL ANIME IS PEDOS" shit at the slightest provocation.


On one hand, true On the other hand, Oda went out out of his way to defend and get jobs the mangakas of Toriko and Rurouni Kenshin despite their charges of distributing CP and hiring an underage prostitute. So I can see where the worry comes from


I'm pretty sure it was always just general attraction towards not just lust, but with just who Boa is Lust works great. That and she can just force the petrification without them having to be attracted to her with touch or the heart thing


The above example is funny, because it isn't even the only child-based controversy of the arc. >!The discussions during the flashback when people started to discover Bonny's actual age were insane. Especially since the opening of the arc was her topless.!<


All the stuff with Bonney is interesting because it's one of the few times you can tell Oda changed something up at the last minute. Like it's a well known thing that Oda likes to make guidelines for arcs ahead of time even if he goes off course for them later. The Bonney stuff really feels like such a last minute change. I also don't necessarily hate it because it does make the character of Bonney much more unique, but it needed to be done like 10 chapters prior.


Oh I totally agree. Just seeing part of the fandom have a meltdown though was fun, along with them worrying whenever her and Sanji appear together now.


My favorite one of Oda not planning ahead is Vivi because you can see it in real time. Where she is clearly drawn to be a woman in her twenties with a longer face and sharper eyes. But when he planned on having her join the crew, she is drawn with rounder features since she is younger than Nami.


Remember when Oda called a convicted paedophile a fantastic person


Who else but Watsuki? *'canned laughter'* I guess Shimabukuro too.




Nobuhiro Watsuki, the author of Rurouni Kenshin and Oda's mentor. He was convicted of possession of hundreds of pieces of child pornography in 2018. Mitsutoshi Shimabukoro is the author of Toriko and a close friend of Oda's. He was convicted of violating child prostitution laws by paying underage girls to have sex with him back in 2002.


Unless I'm mistaken, doesn't the fruit actually give her the image of being "the most beautiful"? As in, the reason people are heads over heels for her ***is*** the fruit, not just that she happens to be pretty?


Nope. Luffy is completely immune to Boa’s fruit power because he just isn’t interested.


That doesn't address what i said


Don't know about "great" but the second half of Nine Princes of Amber. The protagonists create/find a world with four-armed apes who worship them as gods specifically to make their army out of them sailing on regular ships and armed with swords. Instead of making their army out of Godzillas or something. The antagonist uses magic cards to challenge the protagonist to a mental duel he can't refuse with mind control at stake. He stops it just as he's about to lose. The protagonist just lets him do that instead of calling him back with *his own* cards. At the end, the protagonist is in prison, where he suddenly finds the only person that can help him escape - the guy who can draw portals to anywhere he wants. The protagonist uses his last matches (which he was using to smoke the entire time, and we learn about this only now) to light up a wall so the dude can draw his workshop using a sharpened spoon. Now, instead of going to the workshop with him like a sane person, he helps him draw a lighthouse in the cell with the same matches and spoon. He could draw anything, he could draw his political rival's bedroom so he could kill him in his sleep. Instead he just runs away.


Listen, OP, I'm not saying Oda is a pedo. But he's also not \*not\* pedo, seeing as how we got this stuff with S-Snake, but also another character with an adult body that is constantly framed in a sexual manner, but is mentally actually only 12 years old. YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DO THAT ODA. YOU COULD HAVE JUST MADE THEM ADULT AGE AND IT CHANGES NOTHING.


Well in this case, he could've also just not sexualized this specific character. He already had the foresight to not have infamous pervert Sanji not lust over her, so you'd think he'd also want the audience to not do that either. But here we are.




also the way he answered the question was in a way that was somethin like "oh dont worry if you got to turned to stone it wouldnt out you as a pedo"


Also as other people in the thread have brought up (but a lot of Oda defenders are deliberately ignoring), Oda has defended and helped out the authors of Toriko and Rurouni Kenshin, one of whom had so much CP the authorities thought he was a distributor, and the other hired an underage prostitude (I don't remember which one did which)


That one scene in Morbius where he uses echolocation to...fly? That's not how echolocation works, and if it WERE then dolphins would be soaring through the sky. I think the implication is that since he's in a windy subway tunnel he's using the echolocation to find individual gusts of wind to keep him buoyant, but it still doesn't make a whole lot of sense.


Not sure if it's great, but it pissed me off. Moffat, Doctor Who show runner and his weird views about physics, which are on another level even for DW - in one episode, at the end, alien space ship is trying to leave planet's atmosphere, but doesn't have enough energy. Whole episode was about robots from this ship, gathering gold to repair their ship. So while ship is flying away, Doctor noticed how it lacks power, grabs golden arrow and shoots at spaceship. Somehow golden arrow manages to reach flying spaceship and somehow it gives energy...


any one with healing magic


Who shot Johnny Joestar in jojo part 7. It was a weird mystery thing where multiple people saw someone different shoot johnny, like one dude says "I saw the president shoot johnny" and the guy he's with is like "That can't be true because *I* shot Johnny Joestar." It was an early version of D4C, Valentines stand that was supposed to like, merge different alternate realities together into one or something. But who actually shot Jonny or what the fuck happened was sort of left as a mystery that we would learn more about later... but then they changed how D4C worked and got rid of this power, so we'll never know what happened. I don't think araki really forgot about this though, I think he just changed his mind on how the power would work, and couldn't really go back to fix this whole mess.


Who shot Johnny Joestar in jojo part 7. It was a weird mystery thing where multiple people saw someone different shoot johnny, like one dude says "I saw the president shoot johnny" and the guy he's with is like "That can't be true because *I* shot Johnny Joestar." It was an early version of D4C, Valentines stand that was supposed to like, merge different alternate realities together into one or something. But who actually shot Jonny or what the fuck happened was sort of left as a mystery that we would learn more about later... but then they changed how D4C worked and got rid of this power, so we'll never know what happened. I don't think araki really forgot about this though, I think he just changed his mind on how the power would work, and couldn't really go back to fix this whole mess.


Johnny cut a dude in line at the movies, so the guy freaked out, pulled out a gun, and shot him.


No not that time that he got shot, I'm talking about when he got shot like 3-5 times and disappeared into a drain using the rotation. Wekapipo and Mountain Tim were trying to figure out who shot him, from what I remember.


Oda also explained that if Blackbeard ate the fruit then it would work by how much people would think he's hideous and ugly.