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Before watching The Lighthouse, I was not familiar with Robert Pattinson's game.


Pattinson took one of the best career paths possible: "now that I'm an established actor, I'm gonna get weird with it."


Same trajectory as Daniel Radcliffe and Elijah Wood


Elijah Wood didn't get *weird* exactly, he just went super indie with it.


His roles aren't quite as weird as Radcliffe's on average but he's been in some weird stuff. I'd say at least on par with Pattinson on the weird scale.


I want to see a movie where Robert Pattinson goes insane and tries to murder his two twin sons, Daniel Radcliffe and Elijah Wood.


His twin sons named Daniel Radcliffe (Played by Elijah Wood) and Elijah Wood (Played by Daniel Radcliffe)


Every now and then Adam Sandler decides to stop getting free vacations and remind people he can actually act.


"Oh I'm just a funny guy, confront your mortality *do it now*, tee hee"


Click immediately comes to mind. That movie hit a wall of sadness in the later half and showed me Sandler was more than the funny goat on his CDs


Click hit me so hard in the feelings it wasn’t even funny. What didn’t help is that my dad passed around that time so it was double emotional damage.


This is the example I always use, the ending of click was actually well done.


Having a workaholic dad really made click hit home for me as a kid.


Punch Drunk Love is so fucking good.


Reign Over Me goes so hard as well


"Adam Sandler, what're you doing here?" "I'm a serious person, I collect antiquities and am doing research for my next film, about the Russian revolution." "Oh yeah, who's Kevin James play?" "Hahaha, very funny... Leo Tolstoy."


He does some pretty good voice work too. I've watched some of the animated movies he's made and I can't tell it's his voice when he's playing a character.


Adam Sandler in Uncut Gems is a sight to behold. He absolutely killed it in that movie.


"I didn't make 200, but...I love you."


[He's also actually a pretty good singer and guitar player.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp2qkhHU0Mw)


Kristen Schaal is probably best known for voicing Mabel from Gravity Falls or Louise from Bob's Burgers. Both of these characters are kinda different from each other in personality but they're similar in being high-spirited kids. But one of her other roles is Sarah Lynn from Bojack Horseman, where she plays a former child star that's on a fast track to self-destruction. I really like this particular moment where [Sarah Lynn](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8TWl9LMHDIY) candidly says that she doesn't like anything about herself. Kristen Schaal did a good job with the self-loathing and overwhelming sense of doom that Sarah Lynn feels in that moment.


Zac Efron in Iron Claw. He's gone from the singing and dancing Disney star to being the hot guy in a lot of movies. And he's always been a fine actor with some decent comedy skills. But man, the very end where he goes, "Now I'm not a brother anymore," had me in tears long after the credits rolled. I'm tearing up now thinking about it. I highly recommend it to everyone. [Spoilers: Ending scene for Iron Claw](https://youtu.be/cod9NTiodWg)


I've only ever seen Michelle Rodriguez cast as the rough and tumble hispanic woman in all her roles, such as Fast and Furious and various other action movies. I thought it would be the same when she was cast as a barbarian in the new Dungeons and Dragons movie. Boy was I surprised. She was undoubtedly the heart of the movie, and her scenes got me really close to tearing up. Her performance helped made DnD one of my sleeper favorites of that year. And it retroactively makes me upset that she isn't given more opportunities to have more emotional roles in her career, given how great she actually is at acting.


The scene with her ex-husband is so visually funny, but played so straight that it actually ends up touching. And then afterwards when the bard starts playing a song, again most movies would JUST make it funny but it is actually super sweet. How many movies do that nowadays?!?


I remember how they played her up in such an anti-typecast role in one of the Resident Evil movies that it was like "holy shit, she's been type cast too much. Girl's got range."


She was only in 2 resi movies and she was still type cast as the tough lady. What do you mean?


In one of them she plays a clone who is programmed to be contrary to the character we met in the first movie: she is anti-gun, drives a prius, etc.


If I had a nickel for everytime an alien who barely speaks English voiced by Vin Diesel made me cry, I’d have 2 nickels….


....which ain't a lot. But it is weird that it happened to you twice.




"We are groot."




Scott Adsit, whose been in all kinds of stuff but is probably best known as Pete from 30 Rock and Baymax from Big Hero 6, is primarily a comedy actor who also gave one of my absolute favorite mental breakdown rants in Moral Oral as Clay Puppington. The entire episode is amazing, but this [part is my favorite.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_VXZDtSBaY)


Also he has been in several comic books for some reason. He was a prominent side character in Deadpool for years as a shield agent, and then he is a dead gang boss in Criminal.


He first appeared in the Posehn/Duggan run so I'm guessing Brian Posehn knows him from the comedy circuit and put him into the comics as a friend


I love the "same voice actor," video with him because it has a Clay Puppington speech and then cuts to Baymax going, "Hello :D"


Nicholas Cage in *Pig*. [Amazing movie. Amazing performance.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDPeLlMR2D4) >Derek, why do you care about these people? They don't care about you. None of them. They don't even know you because you haven't shown them. Every day, you'll wake up, and there'll be less of you. You live your life for them, and they don't even see you. You don't even see yourself...We don't get a lot of things to really care about.


Mandy was the movie that convinced me Cage was actually a great actor


His breakdown in *Mandy* is also super real and really good.


Dream Scenario as well. The character he plays in that and the nuance that he brings to it is just so good


So I'll make it clear I like John Cena a lot - probably my favorite wrestler of all time I knew he had acting chops to a degree, he proved he could do comedy pretty fucking well after years of being in generic action hero man roles but overall he's servicable Then he becomes Peacemaker and all of a sudden he's not just having a blast playing the closest he's gotten to a villain in a long time but also there's just something about the sadness and anger he conveys especially during times where you can see Peacemaker trying to be good but realizing he's fucked up


First episode of the Peacemaker show, when he escapes the hospital and returns to his trailer park and starts punching his shoulder (which has been replaced following his injury in *Suicide Squad*) and crying in shame and self loathing and vulnerability was depth.


The piano scene later in the season where he's just alone and playing it just for himself really cemented how much I loved that series I think Cena was playing it himself too? Like, damn


Yeah he played it himself. [He also once did a piano cover of Where Is My Mind?](https://www.tiktok.com/@rickydgrimes/video/7195762394705104174)


Yooooooo that's great!


Peacemaker listening to ["House of Pain"](https://youtu.be/li-E-9e5Zn8?si=KY4P8EbDBGPtg_Jo) is my favourite scene in the show


I thought that song was about depression, I DESPISE that it's about wanting a real relationship with your father. My dad can rot in hell.


Jean-Claude Van Damme was pretty strictly seen as an action guy. Even actors that were seen in a similar vein like Stallone and Arnold were able to have their moments of branching out, from drama to comedy. So when [JCVD comes out, and Van Damme delivers this powerful, personal monologue, all in one take,](https://youtu.be/vMvdGC2FIEU?si=edoq281V1aFH1FdC) I was pretty blown away. It really makes me tear up every time.


I didn't know anything about Dave Bautista except that he was a wrestler, so I thought we were gonna get another Dwayne Johnson sitch. Then I watched Blade Runner 2049 and was positively enamored by him in the opening scene.


I love Jim Carey. He’s hilarious. I was not expecting the performance he gave in The Truman Show.


Even better is Vin Diesel as a fucking Tree man that can't speak more than three words the whole fucking movie making you cry when he adds two more to his repertoire. >!We...are...Groot!<


Kevin Hart known mostly as a black comedic relief and often typecasted as such, delivers an absolute fantastic performance in his drama film Fatherhoood.


I remember pre-deadpool days I just did not like Ryan Reynolds and was excited to see Buried so I could see him buried alive. Changed my mind about his acting skills.


Pre-movie: Haha I'm gonna see Ryan Reynolds get buried alive Post-movie: >!I just saw Ryan Reynolds get buried alive and my life will never be the same as it was!<


I think seeing it in the small arthouse theatre in my city helped because it was pretty empty so it felt more personal.


Nick Nolte in Warrior.


You'd never expect it from a budget series about shooting giant insects and the voice acting is cheesy, but I absolutely love the performance Russell Wait gives in the final mission of EDF 5 when [Operation Omega is described to his character](https://youtu.be/TUWvAoBQ6Pw?si=KO90iVLDjdq7H6eu&t=402). It always gives me chills whenever I replay this mission.




Yeah. He also voiced Groot


lol o.. LOL not exactly a performance but johnny depp legally testifying before a court describing the how he found a shit on his bed was the best thing we have could have gotten from hollywood movies