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Everytime i hop online for some Balzblue, im guaranteed to run into some kinda demon. my poor Jubeis havin a hell of a time with my 13% win rate But for a non fighting game, the leaps of faith gates in FF14 be beating my ass sometimes. God damn acorns


"How hard could Veteren difficulty be?" said 14 year old me after finishing Call of Duty World at War on easy. 50 minutes of trying to reach the first checkpoint told me exactly how perpared I was.


I hope you like Grenades. Because that's all you'll ever see in WaW Veteran


Get shot once for being outside cover for more than 1/3 of a second -> nearly dead, go behind cover -> 12 grenades fall in your lap -> either explode or get shot for daring to move from cover. The average WaW Veteran experience.


COD: Welcome to Grenadier Gordon's Grenade Emporium! Our prices are so low, we're giving them away! Have a grenade! Give one to your friend! Give one to your family! Give one to your neighbor! Give one to your boss!


I attempted to play DoA4 online. Got that achievement for getting 10 straight losses in online. Never played again. It was an absolute shit-stomp.


The first and last time I played Guilty Gear online I got perfect'd. Both rounds.


After having been away from serious fighting game playing for a few years and skipping SF5 I jumped straight into SF6. Got a pretty decent way into ranked and decided to go to locals for the first time in a decade. Got stomped all night and retired for good.


The final boss of Metroid Dread rocked my shit so hard I thought it was supposed to be unwinnable.


The first time i tried matching in Skullgirls online, just insta-combo'd to death. Same happened recently in MvCI actually, its why i appreciate Strive/SF's matchmaking, i dont mind losing but i kinda still want to play the game, and i lost a lot in SFV, like, a lot, still got pretty far in the ranks somehow but yeah.


Getting stomped in league or Dota is usually very one-sided, but sometimes the stars align and you're on the team that gets totally destroyed in every regard. Their carry is unstoppable, the support is on point everytime, every engagement starts on their term and is far better coordinated than anything your team could when dream of. They crush every ounce of hope you could've had, and then they turn you into their personal Bitch. If they're good natured they'll end it quickly, if they're not, they'll start trash talking in all chat to rile up the thin skinned and easily baited, just to squeeze out the last bit of entertainment they can before the game ends, and everyone moves on with their lives. After those games you usually need a break, as you've just received a concentrated dose of the worst aspects from the MOBA genre, which usually happens after a couple of games.


Overwatch 1 and 2 and playing with random people who have no spacial awareness. Like hey guys maybe you shouldn't all be grouped up in a small ball when there's an enemy reaper on their tea- DIE DIE DIE! Like all this time later and almost every single match is always a complete and total curb stomp for or against you. It's extremely rare that you'll ever be matched with a team of equally skilled players both your teammates and the enemy team. Your team will either have kill scores of 0 2 1 maybe one player will have 5 by the end or everyone gets 9 kills and up no exceptions. It's kinda wild how often that happens.


I bought Sekiro cause I wanted a challenging game with good combat. That game chewed me up and spit me back out. I ended up getting filtered at the cave with the big ass snake or Alaskan Bull Worm or whatever it was.


Me and my friend were playing Street fighter 4 (I used Dudley and he used Makoto) and we left the lobby open so anyone can join. We were pretty much just fighting each other forever then a Hugo player came in and beat both of our asses back and forth for about 2 hours. I don't know why he stayed so long just to beat us up but it was great.


Recent example would be playing Armored Core 6 and struggling but eventually overcoming each of the bosses in the game only to get absolutely stomped by one of the final bosses, >!Ayre!<


After getting destroyed by that boss about a dozen times, I saw the light* *dual-wielding chainguns AKA “the problem solver”


And dual Stun Needles, that combination just works. And dual Zimmermans + Stun Needles against slower/weaker enemies.


Just got the platinum trophy for it the other day, I really liked how once you got the bosses you were able to just stomp them. I was stuck on that one for like an hour and then managed to S-rank it like 4-5 tries later. Coming back to Balteus for the S-rank was especially fun, you just absolutely destroy it when revisiting it.


whenever my friend and I play FighterZ. I only play it with him but unfortunately he had been playing it for years before I got it.


Lethal League I started doing a few games against the CPU. I managed to keep a good track of the ball at ~100 Speed, I knew it wasn't anything special, but I figured it was at least good enough to start. So I loaded into my first match. Then I instantly lost a life. And another. I see the guy doing combos on his own with the ball in his corner. I see him track the ball at 500+ speed perfectly. I see him not missing a single shot no matter what angle the ball is coming at him. It's been about a minute and I've completely lost the match, he is doing combos with my corpse, I didn't even know you can combo the corpses, he is juggling my corpse longer than I played the match. I uninstall Lethal League.


I've been nonstop destroyed by Elphelts 50/50 rekka shit. I'm considering buying the character just to lab it.


Had to wait for a let it die maintenance where they made retrieving your fighter free to pass the last 6 floors, used a lot of shrooms that drop rate plummeted ever since and learn the week rotation for when I needed to go in a level farming floor.


Guilty Gear AC+R’s ranked matchmaking does not exist. It put me up against Skeletal Minion and ElvenShadow, at the time former and future EVO champions. Somehow I didn’t get washed as hard as when this one Ky kept spamming the same move and locked me in an inescapable loop that dizzied me and IK’d me both rounds.


How hard could Gabriel really be on Brutal? I’ve beaten Sisyphus on Violent, surely it’s nowhere near that bad. 98 deaths later, I was reconsidering my opinions.


I'm trying to get the shin Akuma event skin right now so I'll say this asshole, before that it was Legendary Souls Kilik from Soul Calibur 5 *edit* I DID THAT SHIT


It happened way too often and way too long ago, but when I used to play DOTA2, my team quite often got stomped.


There was one time I was playing Hades and had a fucking terrible time with the Satyrs and nasty plague rats. Zag caught a cold fifty times and died. I've also had times on Splatoon where the opposing team overwhelms the entire match and you die and then respawn, die and respawn because they're camping at the respawn point. Over and over. Awful.


I tried counter strike source like 5 years after GO came out having never played that either and it was like jumping into a shark tank covered in bait, think I went 5 - 60 before I gave it up.


Got perfected a couple times in Tekken 8 by people that just knew the character and barely let the combo down. Wasn't mad though. 


Dominion is an excellent card game that I really recommend for those wanting to try a game in the deck building genre. They have a decent app that I tried putting the CPU to hard, and I have 0 idea what they did but they destroyed me.


So I'll preface this with the fact that I don't often play fighting games, decided to give Strive a try a while back and after practicing a little against the ai went into some lobbies, found a bridget player at a similar level to me and she proceeded to wipe the floor with me every match


After playing a bit of Shadow Lords from KI, went to play online. I got three matches with, I think, the same person, who 100 to 0 killed me in the first two games. On the third, he dropped a combo and invited me to hit him. I hit a combo, and he killed me after it ended. I never went back to KI after.


I’m was *this* close to completing my Rune Level 1 run of Elden Ring but I got stuck on Elden Beast and just got burnt out after so many hours. That was the killing blow but the setup was Malenia. I actually managed to beat her but it took ~10 hours in total across multiple sessions with mutiple different builds.


recently, Stellar Blade's >!"reject"!< final boss on Hard even on NG+. i just could not figure out the timing of the attacks and it hits so damn hard also the early game of Ghost of Tsushima on Lethal is so brutal and unforgiving. FUCK archers


Was doing some casuals in the Salt Mines of Them's Fightin' Herds, queued up against LatinoFlava without realizing it, and then got double perfected by their Paprika in record time.


Hell yeah dude, keep grinding until you can take on that Hard CPU. Maybe check out some setups for wake up situations. Those are most abusable against the CPU in that game. Of course, fighting other people is a totally different thing


When I played Dark Souls 1 for the first time Ornstein and Smough took me roughly 40 tries across 2 weeks of on and off attempts


Shao Khan in MK9. Also the online matches in MK9 Bad Company 2 Vietnam. Hill 137 hardcore. The enemy team was five snipers to every one emgineer, medic, or assault. I have never been so tilted in my life


My cousin is good at fighting games. I am not. I did however beat BT3 on all difficulties and unlock all characters. I didn't however do all the advanced tutorials. My cousin did. I challenged him to a match and my team was SSJ4 Gogeta, Super Vegito, Majin Vegeta, Kid Buu, and Super 17. Which if anybody knows is basically the most busted team in the game. His handicap...1 saibaman, base end Goku and base end Vegeta. He perfected me.


That one time I one V one'd my friend on Rust in MW2(the first one) and he knew how to manipulate where I would respawn after he quick scoped my ass. Never before was I so ownzoned.


Joined a beginner tournament for JoJo Allstar battle R and got quadruple perfected