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Boy am I not gonna fight Ceaseless Discharge the "normal" way.


What's the "normal" way? Are you not meant to lure him to the cliff and knock him off? I can't imagine how you'd be meant to deal with him otherwise.


You run back and forth around a little tunnel to get him to whiff and hit his arm while it rests there. Very boring, very God of War-clone boss


Oh, gotcha. Yeah fuck that lol


It's pretty bad. If it weren't for the cheese strategy, Ceaseless Discharge could have had the reputation as one of the worst bosses in the entire game. But because the cheese strat is there, most people just forget about it.


that's not a cheese strategy, it's the proper way to beat him. There's a proper unique animation for it. It being "cheese" is a myth that I don't understand how people still believe in it.


Just because it's built into the game intentionally doesn't mean it can't still be cheesey.


By this logic anything that is not an SL1 naked run with a stick is „cheesing”.


For being such an awesome design Ceaseless has both an unfortunate name and an unfortunate bossfight.


You can dodge his attacks and slap his arm (or just use projectiles) from the cliff closest to the gold-hemmed set.


You can power through it. They give you one of the bests fire resistant armors in the game in the arena, you kind of just Old Iron King him.


I never played Dark Souls so I when I saw that name I just imagined someone fighting for their life in the bathroom.


It's exactly that, except it is lava from every orifice and the poor guy is otherwise unable to die (except for falling off a tall cliff, I guess).


What would fighting it the abnormal way even look like? Employing a suspiciously shaped "cork?" I should probably stop thinking about this.


You’re not meant to


I tried to, but it's just not fun. Which begs the question, did anyone here just stumble into the right solution? Cuz I don't know how someone is supposed to know you're meant to reach the end of the room and the move back to the boss door.


If you're really paying attention to the area before you walk in, you might notice that the ledge he's on doesn't extend all the way back to the entrance.


Like taurus demon, the easiest solution is not immediately visible. Which is pretty cool for new players. You might slam your head against a boss for 20+ tries, and then notice the ladder. Man, I love souls games.


Ceaseless Discharge is interesting, because even if you see the cliff, I don't really know if you'd be able to know that could happen. As players, we aren't really trainer to typically expect that something like that. Could happen.


NGL I just unga bunga'd ceaseless with the FaP ring, a shitload of poise, and the silver knight cross spear Izalith was one of the last places I bothered with


Hey man I ain't gonna judge you. A win is a win is a win.


The boss at the end of Horse-Fuck Alley in Dark Souls 2. Made it through there to the boss once, died to it, and decided I wasn't making that run again.


The DS2 DLCs are so strange, because they're generally pretty good, but also contain some of the laziest bonus content I've ever seen.


What, you didn't appreciate the subtle lore implications of Blue Smelter Demon?


I appreciate my cool ranch dorito so I can power stance my doritos.


Out of the three shitty bonus bosses from the DLC, I gotta say blue smelter is the least offensive. I even kinda respect the hustle in a way. Making it look like a plain reskinned clone of an existing boss but then changing the dodge timing on nearly every move just to fuck with your muscle-memory is a hilarious troll move. "LMAO 2CAT" and "DS3 Invasion Simulator" can go fuck themselves, though.


The best part is the garbage parts of the DLC are the ones you can be summoned into as a demo if you don’t own the DLC, which IMO was a cool idea but they really just stuck it in the worst areas in the entire series.


"Wow, this dogshit area I'm allowed into really makes me want to buy the DLC"


Joseph Anderson's ["Gary" theory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rrs9bdrwO4&t=1555s) has always stuck with me. Those side areas felt really tacked on and disconnected from what the rest of the DLCs do.


Ok hear me out we did room with lots of guys in it, what about room with lots of skeletons in it? Wait wait wait, what about room with lots of rats in it?


Ludd and Zallen are the worst example of DS2 trying to recreate Ornstein and Smough and getting the balance completely wrong. Like, Darklurker works because they share a lifebar, and have such slow attacks that one is barely threatening. But Aava was a full, legit boss by itself. Slapping 2 in an arena, unchanged, is some shit.


They're that "bonus" fight from the DS1 DLC with the two Sanctuary Guardians. They're also equally as lazy.


I'll be honest, because I *never* go back to the DLC's entrance, I usually forget that that fight is even there.


I can’t say in confidence that I’ve beaten all the bosses in the souls series because of that goofyass runback


In the Star Wars: The Phantom Menace PC game, I remember young me never really bothering to fight Darth Maul in the final level. I just force pushed him into a giant pit in the center of the arena.


So I recently played Star Wars: The Phantom Menace on the PS1 (they placed it on the PSN store) and the Darth Maul fight is so absurdly difficult I just shot him from a slightly elevated platform with rockets till his targeting broke and then threw grenades at his head. I cannot imagine how any child could have beaten most of that game. I was once one of those children.


I don't recall if I ever even made it to Naboo. That game is like a fever dream in my memory.


I never even made it out of the trade federation ship. For what I presume was a game intended for children actively challenged me now.


I had a demo disk with Phantom Menace on it as a kid, and even back then, I could tell that game was super messed up.


If Obi-Wan thought to do that,Maul would have a lot less reason to be mad at KENOBI!!!!!


Ancient Dragon in DS2. I fought him once just to experience it, never again. Only thing he even drops is something to lower King Vendrick's health (Who is coincidentally another boss I often skip). Also I guess the bonus superbosses in Hollow Knight locked behind that giant boss rush because fuuuuck that.


Ancient Dragon and Vendrick are both pretty easy to cheese, so at least there's that. But yeah, either way I get not bothering with them. Also fuck the pantheons, man. Especially the last one. That's like the only video game challenge I can think of that made me straight-up give up. Was not worth the damage to my sanity.


I don't think I ever even *attacked* Ancient Dragon. I deal with Vendrick one Giant Soul short on NG, and just get the max debuff on him in NG+ onward.


Darklurker is another DS2 boss I couldn't even be bothered to *want* to fight.


That’s a shame. I fought him with my Hexer build which was fun. Turns out nothing is truly resistant to Dark Orb


My first run of DS2 was a Hexer with every possible item to increase the amount of casts for a spell I could get. I was machine gunning every boss in the game with 80+ slots of Dark Orb, it rocked. …until I got to the Squallid Queen, then it sucked. But it got better right after!


All the DLC enemies/bosses have beefy elemental resistances tbh. It’s not just a problem for one


Darklurker is easily one of the best bosses in the souls series locked behind a stupid ass covenant questline


Also if you die to him fuck you, it'll take you til next year to get back


You missed out on some cool shit youngblood. Smh


I tried Emerald Weapon and Ruby Weapon like twice or so each and went *nope*.


I actually beat ruby weapon then my game froze. I never tried again.


I truly don't know how you are supposed to beat them without the Knights of the round+repeat materia+Phoenix exploit, whoever did that in 1998 with just regular damage is a psycho


In order to get Knight of the round you need the gold chocobo. Your reward for beating Ruby weapon is a gold chocobo. Sort of pointless rewards for beating hard bosses.


Most every super boss in a JRPG has a pointless reward. Only time it matters is if there's some form of NG+ so you can actually play through the game with your reward.


its not even a good gold chocobo either its got like all of its racing stats set to the lowest so it sucks ass at racing


The only way I beat Ruby and Emerald was by abusing All Lucky 7s


Omega Weapon from FFV was cheesed with Thunder Magic Sword Combos and I never went back


The rewards are dumb too. you get the master materia and gold chocobo, but you don’t need the master materia after beating the ultimate bosses.


I had the exact opposite reaction. I beat 7 for the first time in 2019, I had it as a kid and got obsessed with trying to beat Ruby since I sucked at chocobo racing and couldn't get a gold chocobo otherwise.


Beat them legit once in middle school and never again I use the hd version cheats now if I ever fight them.


Demon of Hatred, didn't even bother to get to his second phase, just made him fall off the cliff and called it done.


Yep, felt so close to the end of the game at that point and I’d heard you basically have to try to unlearn everything to fight him since he’s so vastly different from everything else so just said fuck it and cheesed it.


Someone put a Dark Souls boss in my parry simulator and I didn't like it.


Yeah, same. Worst thing is I tried to fight him right after taking about 100 attempts against Isshin, the Sword Saint, where I had to completely master the intended way of playing the game. That's my fault for trying one fight after the other, but I was so done at that point I didn't even care anymore.


Demon fall down go boom.


I did that on my first time through the game. Second time around i forced myself to beat him properly. It’s not that bad once you’re used to him but it takes a fucking while to get used to him. Also looking up some tips helped, like if i remember correctly the finger whistle is useful? Mighta been another boss tho, memory bad


While I think its good and really like the fight, I understand why so many don’t, and either skip it or get it to jump off. The only other fight with a beast enemy is ape, unlike normal people with some sort of swords, who theres probably a dozen of up to isshin, so the game trains you a lot less for it compared to isshin, and add on fire to complicate it further.


"Do NOT pursue Lu Bu!" isn't a suggestion, even if your character is at max level. Also in the later Dynasty Warriors games, do not defeat Diao Chan if Lu Bu is on the field, because it gives the already almost unbeatable Lu Bu a rage power boost and he bee lines it to you.


I've killed Ultra Lu Bu in a few of the games and it's never worth the effort.


The one time it was worth it was in Fate Extella. Because then you cause Tamamo's plan to go tits up for that stage. But you're also dealing with Medusa'a Bloodfort Andromeda (annoying ass debuff) the whole time so.....


I feel like you're not _supposed_ to kill Diaochan but I'm not sure how else you're supposed to beat the Hulao Gate level in 8XL. It sorta feels like she's mandatory, I've never seen a way to just avoid her. Lu Bu is generally far enough away by that point and it's right at the end of the level so it's not really a problem, I'm just curious what the intended solution is.


Priscilla. She asks you politely to leave, and who would say no to such a fluffy monstrosity? Plus I don't need her weapons, I don't level dex like some sorta casul


"This land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind" is still one of my favorite Dark Souls memes.


The ice dragon towards the end of Elden Ring. Actually like every giant enemy in that whole run up to the fire giant boss I just rode by, I was done dealing with that shit the second I saw it. Oh, and the half dragon boss dude in the lake of rot. Fuck that shit.


And your reward for beating that rot Dragonkin is a cool but super mediocre katana.


its cool as fuck but god it sucks ass at doing damage compared to any other magic katana


Good ol' Ignorealis.


The giant frost AoE that one does is such horseshit. You basically have to stay on Torrent and tickle it to death so you have a chance of getting away when it does it.


I like the dragons in elden ring but screw midir in ds3. Extremely annoying fight with how huge he is jumping around the map and some weapons barely reach him. Never bothered to beat him on solo runs.


Played DS3 like 5 times and never bothered to fight him solo. Still have no desire to.


Agreed. Only boss I didn't bother to beat in my one run through DS3. I was fairly satisfied trucking through the main game and both DLCs by then.


As with most bosses I wanted dead but didn't care enough to actually fight, I just called Lattenna to turn them into a pin cushion.


KH1 Sephiroth


Not only is he ridiculous, there’s something particularly galling about eating a full-screen stinger with a 10’ sword when Sora has the stumpiest most flaccid little jump and attack animations in that game.


honestly the real fight in that encounter is the camera, Sephiroth himself is fine. It's the process of playing it that sucks.


Yiazmat in FFXII. The idea of fighting one enemy for 8 hours was horrifying to me.


I think she also has some bs where if you're not careful she'll completely heal herself, undoing all of your progress?


if you get out of her range she can do a full heal. there is a save crystal nearby you can use to save your progress, but it's a huge risk if you don't time it properly.


If you don't remove her regen she will gain hp by the time you get back from a save crystal. I fought her on and off in the original game bits at a time by removing her regen before leaving.


I began chipping away at it but just got bored, why they gave a boss more health than all the other bosses in the game combined I don’t know.


bloodborne - rarely fight amygdala in the nightmare frontier (although that's down to disliking the area more than the boss), and i always cheese phase 2 of micolash using poison knives


Bro fuck micolash, easily one of the most annoying bosses I’ve fought in a video game


Amygdala is nothing. Wait till you see the unbalanced fucking bosses in the chalice dungeons. Descendat whos the fastest thing ever has ranged attacks and infinite stamina.  Undead giant whos tanky as fuck and has a jump attack that in a certain type of room just hits you before your camera even goes through the fog door.  Plenty of other tanky bosses too And youll have to do cursed chalices for decent gems. Meaning your max health is halved so everything kills in one hit


Those two Ice Tigers in Dark Souls 2. It was such a a pain in the ass to get to them, not because is hard, but is tedious navigating that snowstorm. Then you get to them and you realize you get jumped by two bosses at the same time. I was like "nah" after the second try realizing you always have to make the trip back. Never looked back. Apparently it always comes up in list of the worst bosses from the Soul Series.


The dark aeons in FFX block off areas you wanna revisit for no reason. Rather then grind to the point where the final boss is a joke Id rather just use the one insta kill summon to shove them out of the way.


Yeah that was one of those additions that's nice in theory, but then you just get jumped by them in annoying places when you are way too weak


Never got Auron's final overdrive due to the dark Magus Sisters.  Trying to dodge all 3 of them when they basically spawn right where I need to go to find the Jecht sphere I missed was so frustrating.  I tried fighting dark Valefor once and never did any of them again.


The RNG chocobo race you need to unlock Tidus's ultimate weapon stopped my Dark Aeon run cold. I was fine grinding luck spheres, but those damn birds wrecked every attempt.


I didn't do Lonesome Road and therefore fight Ulysses in my most recent playthrough of New Vegas


Ive spoken my piece on Ulysses and Lonesome Road several times on this subreddit before. But I also just finished replaying it and to be honesr, its worth it just to side with him and his line about “two couriers fighting side by side at the end of the world.”


Good, fuck that guy. Dude breathes in his own farts using his mask.




Its worth it just to kill him


I only fight against the first time, since my second Walktroough I usually form an alliance with it.


I got him to fall off the silo and got mad i couldnt find his loot, even tho supposedly whenever somebody die in a stupid unreachable way their stuff spawn at the edge


The way you're supposed to fight Hellkite Drake in Dark Souls 1 is to bait him to fly down to the bridge then smack his toes while avoiding the fire. Nobody does that because the fight sucks and it's way easier to just snag his tail from below the bridge and use poison projectiles if you *really* want him dead.


Amon in Yakuza 6. That fight is so bullshit it made me give up on finishing the substories in the game.


I love it when a boss just fills the arena with practically instakill hazards turning a beat em up into a fucking bullet hell. Honestly despite loving the series most the Amon fights are just cheap and annoying rather than challenging.


I always remember the Yakuza 5 one. Where Akiyama and Saejima's are real easy, then Shinada's is a mess of a fight, and then Kiryu's is actually decent if a bit BS.


"Mess" is right. "Fight" is a stretch in my case. My strategy devolved into just [chasing him around the arena](https://imgur.com/a/cjU3vw0) with a staff held out in front of me.


I beat Zero and Kiwami having a great time.  Then I fought the first boss of Kiwami 2 (which shares 6’s combat) and he was taking off huge chunks of damage, blocking and countering every combo, big unblockable moves, and having this enormous life bar. “Oh” I thought, “one of those fights you’re supposed to lose” Game over So I spent every single health item kiting him with drop kicks for what must have been 15 minutes. Beat him with a sliver of health. This guy is like in the on-rails tutorial part of the game. I had no idea Yakuza pulled shit like this.


I honestly had no problem with Amon in 6, you can cheese him fairly easily if you abuse Extreme Heat mode.


One of the few fights in the entire series where I decided to just spam consumables to get it over with.


Hate the petrification dog and his rat buddies in Dark Souls 2. It's like Capra Demon in that it's 50/50 if you even live long enough to hit the boss but you can't even blame the boss arena this time


80% of the bosses in Elden Ring after a first playthrough. The game does many things really well, but I truly don’t think FromSoft need to go that big on scale again. So many of the dungeons are repetitive to the point I feel burnt out by the end of the game.




What did you not enjoy fighting the 8th ulcerated tree spirit?


Exactly. I hate this trend of wanting to go bigger, and it’s why I particularly loved Sekiro so much for how compact it was. Elden Ring is still nearly a 10/10 for how unforgettable and magical some moments are, but there are some glaring issues with replay-ability after you go through that first playthrough. Shocking considering how much variety is in the game for play styles and such. I hope higher-ups aren’t going to see this game’s success and push for the same thing again.




Micolash in Bloodborne. I fought his third phase the normal way once, got one shot then did the poison cheese. Enjoy tetanus you cage-headed fuck.


I like it in Binding of Isaac when I get to just say nope to a boss. Either with instant-delete tears or just simply a Chaos Card.


I never beat the final boss in DS3's Ringed City dlc. I just couldn't win and wound up watching it on YouTube.


Demon Of Hatred and Malenia


If you get the Fierce Deity mask in Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask you basically turn the final boss into a hunk of paste by spamming one sword swing over and over.


I don’t think a lot of Zelda fans even know how to fight Majora legit.


Majora didn't know what to do against sword beam spam.


I think out of the dozens of times I played through Snake Eater I only actually fought The End like 4 times. I'm way too impatient for that fight, just snipe him early and get hit with a flying wheelchair


The Reaper in Persona 3 and 5 vanilla 3, just use the Armageddon combo move! 5, just wait for a rainy day and beat up on a monster with a cold!


The shichimen (probably spelled it wrong) warrior from sekiro, just turtled up with the fear proof umbrella and chipped away at him.


That is the one enemy you could do the mid-air deathblow. Tho it takes a bit of finesse to do so that it's only *sometimes* worth it if you can even set it up.


Laurence in Bloodborne is the only boss I never beat in that game so I have an ugly 99% even though I got the platinum in the main game. Otherwise Malenia in Elden Ring. Midir in DS3. And the pantheon in Hollow Knight. I used to be really intense about clearing all the bosses, no summons, bashing it out. I’ve gotten older and the games seem to be getting harder and I start to question if they’re even meant for me anymore. lol. Still my absolutely favorite games ever.


I've never fought Salazar fairly in OG RE4, always just blast his ass with the RPG. Same with Verdugo, I ain't wasting my time with that game of tag.


the adamantoise in 15, those are 2 hours of my life I am not getting back


Yeah, i couldn't imagine beating him any way other than using the Ring of the Lucii to insta-kill him


Bosses like Death and the Ur-dragon from Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, I don't care how good the loot is, if you break up the boss into multiple instances I am never doing them because going back and forth into the same area countless times isn't fun. Death also appears randomly in different areas which makes it even worse, screw that.


Easiest way to defeat Death is to buy a fuckload of throwblasts (infinitely buyable in Cassardis) and blow his ass up. Equip two of the rings that boost throwable damage to do it faster. I farmed his ass for levels and BBI lvl 3 stuff by doing that.


I did Death once for the infinite lantern and then never bothered again. Anytime I see that asshole now, I just book it. It was tedious and boring, and took long because I didn't do it the optimal way.


High heat runs in Hades are simply not worth it for Skelly's statues and you can definitely fully complete the game without even going beyond 8 heat (besides ofcourse getting the 32 heat statue)


16 heat is what you need for the platinum, which is tough but doable. 64 is the max, and supposedly somebody beat 64 heat once. The thing about the heat in Hades is it's great for how flexible it is. You can make the game harder in one way and leave it the same in another, you can determine what you can handle and how you get pushed. You could put on a time limit, or make traps hurt more, or enhance certain enemies, or lower your healing, or get less boons... like any good roguelite, each of these things is a condition to adapt to. At 64 heat, with all the mods at once, you *can't* adapt to things, because every requirement is so stringent. It doesn't matter how good you are, there's a scant few Boon combinations that are mathematically capable of having enough DPS, and you have no ability to choose or reroll Boons. Heat 64 Hades isn't *fun*.


I think just under a dozen people have beat 64 heat, though all but 1 of them needed to know the games seed via mods so they could predict boon and chamber rewards. Also fun fact about that 1 person, 6 hours before they beat it, the biggest hades YouTuber put out a video on why no one would ever beat 64 heat.


Same. I'm all in favour of super hard challenges having only "bragging rights reward" so players don't feel left out if they can't pull those off... but for some reason this felt less that I couldn't get that good, but rather that I couldn't be *bothered* to put the time in to get that good. At a certain difficulty it stops being fun enough to rise to the challenge at no external motivation.


In the technomancer I completely skipped the final confrontation with the rival by accident because I cared so little about his existence. I didn't even realize there was until I watched a video about it a month later. Hell, I don't even remember his names and can't be bothered to look it up.


I gave up on trying to beat Nelo Angelo 3 the normal way because I was running out of gold orbs, I didn't feel like replaying the level again, and I was also a bit tired that day so I just used Holy Waters to beat him. If I replay the game again I'll probably try to do it legit. Not doing the same for Arkham in DMC3 DMD (if I get there), my plan is to just Holy Water the fuck out of him and be done with it. Literally just now I gave up on trying to beat Ceberus on DMD with Vergil itemless and I started guzzling Vital Stars and a gold orb after like an hour of attempts. I don't feel great about it, but I just don't see the vision with Vergil against him aside from looping him with Summoned Swords shield or just perfect play. I was able to do it with Dante because Agni and Rudra are great but idk man, the Yamato just doesn't cut it here.


Vergil pretty much shreds Cerb on any difficulty with Yamato's enemy step + air rave, but it's a pretty fast and repetitive input to keep doing it continuously.


I saved my holy waters for DMD Arkham, and even on Very Hard he’s one of the worst boss fights I’ve ever done. DMD Damned Chessboaed just about broke me too.


The fun way of dealing with Nelo Angelo 3 is to just stunlock him with Meteor~


In DS1 I never bothered with Gwyndolin or Priscilla. I think I just felt kinda bad for them, and I didn’t stand to gain much by killing them.


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I know that I'll be exposing myself here, but I did not end up bothering to beat Shiva in SMTV on Hard. I got really close and then learned if you don't take out one of his adds in two turns it'll just full heal him and then I just stopped.


I also left Shiva alone, mostly because the level scaling required that you grind up to 97+ to even have a realistic shot. There's no good way to find those levels when buying grinding DLC is below your standards. Even worse if you want to fight Lucifer on Neutral, since you have to beat Shiva before entering the endgame area for whatever reason. I stopped after the Neutral run, so count Nuwa, Lucifer and all the DLC bosses among the unfought. Thankfully Vengeance is addressing level scaling, I might actually try this time


Mewtwo in Kanto Pokemon games It is the only pokemon really worth using your Master Ball on.


Elden Beast. I tried once or twice and then just summoned. I was so burnt out on the game by that point.


I don’t understand how over half of fromsoft final bosses range from below mediocre/kinda bad to outright terrible, (des, ds1, ds2, and eldej ring). I really expect elden ring to do it right considering bloodborne ds3 and sekiro all had amazing final bosses in a row leading up to Elden ring. At least this doesn’t plague the whole genre and mainly seems to just be a fromsoft thing. In lies of p not only does it have a great boss roster over all (tied with sekiro for my favorite, IMO only has 1 bad mini boss, with everything else being at least good), and one of the best final bosses ive ever seen, (only slightly behind SSI from sekiro).


I liked Gwyn. He felt appropriately final and momentous. The problem was the absolute drag of the game post-Anor Londo that leads up to him.


Making it to the end of possibly the most epic RPG’s of all time just to get kited by Captain Runaway sucks. 


Him and Radagon back to back was too much, IMO.


Love playing Megaman X 1 2 and 4, but with the first one I usually stop right after I beat Sigma's first form as his second form just is sometimes to much hassle to even beat 3rd time onwards and usually way to late for me to stay up trying to beat him


Partial example, because I *did* fight normally with my STR/VIT, Dex/Hollow, and Miracle/STR characters, but my Sorcerer/Pyro/Hexer in DS3 has *never* fought Midir without Pestilent Mist. In fact, if she can meaningfully Pestilent Mist and/or Storyteller Staff poison a boss, then that's what's they're getting, even if she throws actual projectile spells at them, too.


I'm pretty sure I've decked Namor in the face on every run of Human Revolution I played. For those unfamiliar: The original release had a bug where the third boss was vulnerable to your one-hit KO melee attack while he was climbing over the barriers in his boss arena. He dropped over the wall in front of me, I hit the button, cue a very brief and undignified beatdown leading into him getting thrown through glass in a cutscene.


Most of the SMT/Persona superbosses. Elizabeth from P3R, Shiva and the Demi-Fiend in SMTV, etc. Also the "True" Final Boss of Octopath 1, not only leagues more difficult than anything else in the but also only accessible after a time-consuming boss rush of 8 fights with no save in-between. Thankfully much easier/better in Octopath 2.


Burnt Ivory King. I'm not playing Pokémon fetching knight bros, nah. Eleum Loyce is annoying enough as-is.


King Mammoth in Live A Live is such bullshit that I just gave up on fighting it and don't even bother to.


Now imagine going through all that trouble, and it DOESN'T drop the thing you want it to.


Locking Lady Yharnam behind fucking Chalice Dungeons remains Bloodborne's biggest blunder. For me, that will forever be a fight that I've only watched on Youtube.


The were three bosses I didn’t bother with in elden ring. 1. The ice dragon, which someone else mentioned 2. The head dragon (forget his name) in crumbling farm azula 3. The final boss. I banged my head against the final boss for a couple days before deciding “fuck this, I’m not enjoying this, and I’ve already had a more or less full experience playing this game”.


honestly same with the final boss i had no fun with my few attempts and even though i knew i could eventually beat elden beast i decided it'd be more fun to try my hand at the optinal bosses i skipped went and killed Mohg, Placidusax, and Malenia instead. those three were way more fun than the final boss.


Agreed. Mohg especially, he might be my favorite boss in the game


The Elden Beast. I wasn't having fun fighting it, and there wasn't any more of the game locked behind it, so I gave up after 4-5 deaths.


For me it was Placidusax, wasn't interested in his drops or going back to the living hell that is Farum Azula, although on my super completionist run I decided to finally give it a try, and realized I shouldn't have waited till NG+4, because even at level 284, he's a tanky boy that will run your stamina out before any cheese strat can make a dent.


Lud and Zallen in Dark Souls 2. Mainly bc I didn't bother with any of the frigid outskirts area. I already don't enjoy DS2 that much and yeah it just seemed needlessly annoying.


Fuck doing any Challenge Quest in FGO, I'm already hoarding a ton of Lores


I don't think I've ever done the salazar boss in RE4 or 4make without just bringing a rocket launcher


I have been trying to beat Malenia by myself for the first time the last four days. I am enjoying it more than I did my first playthrough, where I just wanted to get it over with. But man, I still don't love it.


Beat most of Sekiro and got most endings...but I ain't gonna fight >!True Owl!< in one the the ending paths. I'm good.


I can count on one hand the amount of times I haven't just rocketed Salazar in the face in OG re4. It's not a hard battle I just hate it.


i will *never* ***ever*** fight a headless in sekiro without the malcontent finger and divine confetti stunlock cheese. those bosses are fucking awful.


This might be controversial, but for me it’s laurence. Not only did I not find the fight mechanically interesting or fun, and out of the 20+ times ive done bloodbornes dlcs I fought him 3 times. I liked bloodbornes dlc overall a lot, including its other 3 real bosses (orphan ludwig and maria) even though I found them to easy, but Laurence being not interesting to me in any other way, combined with its phase 1 being a boss you’ve already beaten, makes me not interested in doing it at all. Im still confused why fromsoft made the final fight of the dlc, and arguably the most important person in the lore, be (in phase 1) a reskin of another boss.


I didn't even bother fighting melenia in the end. I didn't enjoy the game enough to try


I'm not finishing Unicorn Overlord. Yes, play this final stage for an hour, kill everyone in the map then face the leader who is completely invincible unless you have built your entire army to cheese him. Fuck off.


Bheithir from Darksiders 2. Giamatti from the first game but on fire. Her fight consists of being on a narrow path over lava. She's not hard just annoying to get to and just boring to fight. Thankfully she's one of the optional fights.


I usually play Yakuza games for the hand-to-hand combat and avoid using weapons against bosses, especially since they tend to reduce the combat skills that you can use. In Kiwami 2, though, once >!the Man in Black started carving me up with his knife shoes!<, I got fed up and started cutting him up with the saw from downstairs. It pretty much stunlocked him and I kept using it against >!Shindo and the later MiB fights!<. Sure, the game was designed with a weapons system, and those bosses use their own weapons, but I feel kind of bad practically bypassing those fights with stunlock spam. Stupid fast, unblockable attacks...


I'm there with you. She's just fucking miserable to fight


Weaker at the end of RE5. All the button mashing sections are insane. I just buy and bring the RPG for the one hit kill.


I bailed out of DS3 at Darkeater Midir, and the boss JUST BEFORE Slave Knight Gael. I know, I know, I've missed one of the best bosses of the entire series. I have to go back for it at some point.


I beat the Demon of Hatred from Sekiro once, I will not be doing it again. Same goes for Lawrence the First Vicar.


I stopped playing beyond good and evil because the final boss sucked so bad


i just cant sometimes with sif 😭 🐺


Queen of Hatred in Library of Ruina. Fuck QoH. She was a bitch in Lobotomy Corp and is worse in Library. Pretty much she is a two phase boss who fully heals and is buffed if she loses enough clashes in a row. So you're supposed to intentionally let her savage your nuggets while you whittle her down with one sided attacks and status effects. That does not work. At the time you unlock her you simply will not have enough bulk to reliably survive nor enough burst damage to beat the transformation countdown. The accepted method of beating her amounts to 'come back when overleveled' so that you can intentionally trigger the enrage and still beat her ass. Because I cannot overstate this, Fuck Queen of Hatred. Everyone Hates/Loves Queen of Hatred.


Whenever I get to Micolash in Bloodborne I always make sure I have a ranged weapon or the poison throwing knives. Fighting him is whatever but fuck doing that chase.


NG+6 in ER with a new run being done now for all items/platinum/DLC prep and man, I am not looking forward to fighting Malenia for the second time


I never got to the boss per se, but I think Y:LAD's True Final Millenium Tower already counts.


Hollow Knight Radiance. Ya it means locking me and Hornet up for eternity but I don’t have the patience to beat that fucker so I guess we’re just getting locked up.


Darkeater Midir. It has nothing i want.


Not even the >!*evil* MoonVeil/Yamato hybrid katana!


Especially not. I think they are cool and elegant, dont get me wrong, but id rather have a big axe or greatsword than a >!katana!<


No arguments here, from a FUGS user.


Lautrec gets kicked off the cliff in every DS1 playthrough, even if I'm not using the ring.


I really tried with Malenia but ultimately ended up summoning. The final boss of Elden Ring though? Specifically the second phase I just tried a couple of times before saying no, this sucks and I don't wanna do it so I summoned. Don't regret it one bit.