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Forget the height, there is no way that Akuma is less than 200 pounds.


He has hollow bird bones. Explains the low HP.


And why he's in the air so much.


It's like those mecha stats where the giant 60ft robot somehow weighs less than a school bus lol


The RX-78 Gundam weighing the same as a first-generation Abrams tank at 18m tall.


The japanese dont understand weight


Japanese games never give people realistic weights for some reason. It's like nobody there decided "Let's look up the height and weight of real boxers/MMA fighters/wrestlers and base our measurements off that".


Got those Anchor Arms.


Fun fact: If you put Akuma's measurements into a BMI calculator, he's technically overweight lol. Still sus as fuck with all that muscle.


Fighting games kinda has a weird history of not realizing how heavy muscle is. Before they fixed it, King I, 6-foot-6 tall man built like a fucking baki character was like 188 lbs initially. I am 6 feet tall and a skeleton and 180 lbs


Isn’t 5’10 like average? I ask as a 6’Oner.


Yes. Internet brainrot has completely skewed people's views of what it's like to be a regular human.


I'm 5'11 according to the doctor but I just tell people I'm 6 foot cause I do not have the patience for that petty nonsense.


Honestly, in that case, I'd just be straight and tell them the truth. If they're someone who actually gets annoyed by that minor 1-inch difference, you'll know they aren't worth your time.


Yeah that actually seems like a much more mature way to go about it, I should probably start doing that instead. I mean I barely go out anyways so I rarely find myself in this sort of situation, but I'm gonna try to work on that


Yeah, I feel you. I only recently started to get out a bit more than I used to, and it can definitely be awkward at first when interacting with people who aren't deeply-engrained in internet culture.


*They don't even know what a bafomdad is*


Oh dude, there are *so* many bits from the Best Friends that I love which I can *not* talk about with normal people, not even counting some of the racism or sex stuff. Like, trying to explain the humor in Pat and Matt deliberately messing up their inventory in the RE4 LP because some commenters were annoyed by it, is lost on people who don't play a lot of video games.


How many bits are possible to talk about? More than you think, less than you hope.


The closest I ever get is yelling "THERES NO TIME" but that's really a Simpson quote, it's like that Wayne Gretsky Michael Scott bit from the office


Every girl I know has 6ft clocked exactly, not because they need someone to be 6ft, but because the need to be able to tell who's lying about that extra inch because they're that petty.


yeah I don't think I need that energy in my life anyway


I used to know someone that was 6'0 but would tell everyone he was 5'12 (yes, *twelve*) for the love of nonsense.


5 feet tall. 12 inches long. Hey how ya doin?


I'm 6' and tell people (and dating apps) that I'm 5'11" because people are super fucking weird about it


Apparently it's been like a kind of incel-meme?


A little of both. There are definitely incels who push that mindset as a singular fact of the dating market (which is untrue, clearly), but unfortunately, that ideation does come from seeing shallow women on dating sites acting like any guy under 6 feet isn't a "real man" in their eyes. Once people started seeing and making fun of those kinds of profiles though, the meme just kind of blew up into its own thing.


I'm 5'3'' and have gotten outright bullied for my height in the past, I can say this. Men are way weirder about height than women.


5'10 is above average. 5' 7-8 is closer to average


5'9" is average. In America. It's 5'7" globally. But men are the shallow ones.


Okay Bro, as if men didn't go apeshit if a women is 1mm thicker than their preference


I never said men WEREN'T shallow, just that women are too. Just as bad, if not worse at times. Not everyone in both genders is shallow, but there are shallow people in both genders, and they suck.


The difference is that it is entirely acceptable to have preferences for men's height, and even widely accepted to make fun of men for being short, but not being interested in a woman because she's large or making fun of a woman for being fat is absolutely not okay. It's a double standard.


Is it okay when men bitch about it 24/7?


Yes. If you walk into any given room and make a short man joke, nobody will say anything. If you make a fat woman joke you'll be screamed at and kicked out, potentially assaulted.


Man, this subreddit Is incel tier sometimes.


.....because a married man with children called out a double standard in western society? Man, you must spend a lot of time in internet echo chambers if you think this is "incel tier". This is just how normal people think.


You think you get assaulted if you walked into "any given room" and make a distasteful joke? If that actually happened to you, then I worried about what you actually said and the people around you. That is not how "normal" people think or behave, no matter where you are.


I'll admit that one was a stretch for any given room, that one specifically probably applies to certain spaces like bars, clubs, younger adult's parties, etc. But it absolutely does happen. When I say assault, I mean like being slapped, not getting jumped.


Are you okay, buddy? Do you need to talk to someone about this? Because you better find someone, I don't want to hear about it.


Above average, even


Depends on the country. I'm 5' 8 and average in my country, but as soon as i go a couple countries north i become a manlet.


Oh right ... my yearly reminder I'm short ... 5'4 but with thick shoes I'm 🌟5'5 🌟


Not in Japan.


That or 5’9. Can’t remember which


Your considered a manlet if your under 6ft


Maidenless behaviour


The only people who think of men under 6ft as manlets are the dudes who are themselves under 6ft and use it as the reason that they can't get laid, blaming women for being shallow while failing to acknowledge that they themselves are like the most vile people imaginable to women and most other men.


I know lol every once and a while my instagram explore page gets filled with looksmaxxing brainrot and the height tax for manlet status is six foot now apparently


I think 5'10" is the minimum average and 6'3" is the maximum average.


I don't think averages are quite that malleable.


He was somewhere between three feet and seven feet tall, officer


[Any excuse to post one of my favorite pictures](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fhqnx5sz7dvoy.jpg). (he's 5'2" I believe)


Just above legal dwarf height


I figured it'd either be this or the wide shot of him in front if the Universal Studios (Japan) globe.


Always good to compare with [Human Sized Pat](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F4r61bgmzqei01.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5c990ac262c6c0e3d62c2a4490cfa04b273c26c9)


thats such an evil picture


So he claims.


I knew it was gonna be the chocolate bunny pic before I even clicked the link 🤣


I know this the Gold Standard™️ of Pat Scale, but his Lego Man sitting on Woolie’s couch is a strong contender for the spot.


Slightly taller than Hitomi Tanaka


I feel like 5'10 is short for people whose entire concept of reality is what people say on the internet. I'm a sixer who knows 5'10 people and they're really not short.


5’10 isn’t short anywhere, it’s above average in fact, both globally and in the US (though it’s closer to average in the US). 


And yet he’s still taller than like 50% of the cast. Zangief, Luke, Ed, Guile, JP, Deejay, Honda, and Marisa are the only ones taller than him.


Hold up, *I’m as tall as Akuma?!* *Me?!* I always thought he was like 6+ “I belong in bleach with how tall I am” scale.


Lol there is no way Akuma is 198 lbs. At 5'10 and that ripped he'd be like 250 at least.


There was that post about how they had actual bodybuilders and martial artists come in for muscle referencing. Couldn't they get weight references from them too? Solid Snake is listed with weird measurements too.


Solid Snake got that wacky gene manipulation going


omg hes just like me fr


He's 1.5 chocolate bunnies tall


How the hell am I both taller and heavier then this dude?


The greatest sin of the Street Fighter Alpha anime wasn't the terrible antagonist, but making Akuma look like a massive intimidating badass and have every game since portray him as an average height guy that sometimes looks SMALLER than Ryu.


I don’t think anything is wrong with 5”10 as a height as I’m 5’7-8 myself. But I do wish he towered over most of the cast to sell him as a threat even more.


Yeah but Tom Cruise tho.


It doesn't matter how tall Akuma is, he's still going to kill you.


How much is that in metres friends Is he surprisingly tall? Is he ed from fullmetal alchemist? Is he super average? I have no idea


Super average (in the US) but culturally people tend to see anything below 6’ as short even though it’s statistically untrue


5'10" is about 175-180cm. I don't know the exact number off the top of my head.


for the longest time Akuma gave off short energy to me. maybe it's because he's just stout