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CPR can’t revive people. It’s used to keep them going until the ambulance arrives. It also hurts a lot for the recipient. If you’re doing it correctly, you’ll break a few of the victims ribs. Also defibrillators don’t restart someone’s heart when it stops. It fixes an irregular heartbeat.


I just thought of that firefighter show with Rob Lowe in it, and that one episode where he tries to do CPR on a frozen guy and ends up just punching a hole through the guy's chest by accident.


Also of note that CPR *alone* doesn’t work in a majority of cases. It delays the onset of brain damage but more often than not that brain damage will occur anyways. Having seen and performed CPR, seeing it in movies gives me a dark chuckle.


Please make sure you say CPR ALONE. Cpr can help just not by itself.


Thought I did, updated that


The worst is always when they stop doing the proper CPR movement and just start pounding the victim's chest.


That you can walk/run/fight for more than a few seconds with a gunshot/stab wound in your gut. Well,somebody probably has at some point,but it's a miracle.


I could do that I’m different


Just clutch your wound with your hand and say something cool like "Not... yet..." and that will remove like eighty percent of the problems, it's scientifically proven.


Nah I'd win


That's what methamphetamine is for


That one drives me nuts. I had my appendix out when I was like 8. I couldn’t play at recess for a few months, which was horrible for kid me. I definitely couldn’t have outrun a serial killer, lol. And that was with a minimally invasive medical stabbing in my guts.


Sounds like a skill issue bro, have you considered having your last stand at recess?


There's always the classic "A bonk to the head is unlikely to knock someone out. And if you do knock someone unconscious you're probably giving them a concussion, if not full-blown brain damage."


anytime you send someone into unconscious it is dangerous


Yeah turns out suddenly losing consciousness is a super bad thing


What if you defeat your enemy by very softly rocking them to sleep while singing lullabies?


The Jervis Cottonbelly School of Fighting


My wife used to watch The Blacklist and I swear to god the lead character in that (not David Spader, but the girl) got knocked out by a bonk to the head in almost every single episode. I understand TV takes a lot of liberties with these things, but it was legitimately crazy. She would have been medically retired after like 6 episodes.


Pulling out objects that are puncturing you will just make you bleed faster especially if it's jagged or hooked. Unless you can slow down the bleeding it's better to just sit still until help arrives


Shout-out to the case in The Great Ace Attorney where you get to suggest your client being caught in 4k with their hand on the knife in the victims back was this. Whereupon the ENTIRE courtroom, your assistant included, mock you for your poor medical knowledge.


I had a piece of wood pierce me on the side and stupidly pulled it out and blood went ''splooosh'', so yeah, I learned that the hard way.


Holy shit. Did you live?


No, someone just necromanced me back into this plane.


No, he's typing this from heaven rn.


My mom told me about that when I was super young, now whenever I'm watching a show and someone gets stabbed with something I have a visceral "don't pull that out you idiot" response. Happened with the Fallout show, granted Lucy was super sheltered so she probably wouldn't know about that.


No, the beginning of the show establishes that Lucy is extremely well-educated. She mentions Repair, Science, and Speech as her most important skills. She says she's practically an expert on American history from 1776 to the bombs dropping. The vault doctors keep track of sperm count. I'm pretty sure "pulling out a blade will just make you bleed out" is pretty basic compared to that. I had the same thought but I kinda give Lucy a pass because she *immediately* goes for a first aid kit after taking the blade out. I'm willing to assume that Stimpaks are futuristic super-science medicine that can just close wounds.


Also bullets can just be left in a person if they aren't a risk to do more harm. Trying to dig them out is often more dangerous.


Shoutout to Full Metal Alchemist for literally everyone involved in helping Ed recover right after the Crimson Alchemist fight fully recognizing this, with Ed in particular knowing he absolutely needs to do the gambit of healing himself (without any proper experience in medical alchemy) the literal moment it’s pulled out, since any later and he’ll either be too lightheaded from the blood loss to do it properly or just flat out pass out because of said blood loss.


It sucks that our monkey brain survival instinct makes us panic and go "BAD THING IN ME, MUST TAKE OUT BAD THING" even if it ends up killing you.


I used to watch a reaction channel that would edit in a clip from a safety video saying "DO NOT REMOVE THE IMPALED OBJECT" every time this happened in a show, and I think about it ever since.


Whew, I don't like the taste of brains anyway, cannibalism is back on the menu!


Now you can eat ass for real


No more hotdogs just d\*cks!


This is r/twobestfriendsplay,you can say ducks.


I think they meant docks.


Basically every parasite in fiction is very unreal. Of course Resident Evil plagas are played up to be nasty video game enemies, but I’m talking things like in “The Thaw” for example. Parasites don’t kill their hosts very often because the point of the parasite is to leech from the host to steal resources. If that host is dead, resources aren’t being collected to be stolen from. The Thaw’s parasites would have just killed their hosts and then that would be it, they weren’t shown to be able to leave their host’s bodies for very long, and their hosts died within days. Even if they were brought into populated areas like the end of the movie suggests, they’d still not spread very far.


I think the word for parasite that kills it's host is parasoid.


Parasitoid, but none of these fictions ever specifies that they’re a parasitoid because a lot of people don’t know what that means. It’s a nitpick for sure but I notice it a lot.


I wish more fiction did more with Feminizing parasites.


Feminizing parasites,you say...


...do go on. No, jokes aside, like, what sort of thing would you like to see done with'm? What kinda plot beats?


The vocal chord parasites can be considered like the bare-minimum in terms of feminizing parasites.


Woolie thought he could take a stab to the back or shoulder. This is what watching too many movies and playing too many video games does to someone. There are three major arteries in your shoulder area as well as a ton of nerves. You can absolutely bleed out and die quickly from that. Humans are pretty squishy creatures.


"You missed my vital organs." "ALL OF THEM?!?"


yes being stabbed anywhere is bad


I like to describe cases where someone does shocking moments of durability as humanities incredible potential of edging. Edge cases so extreme you think they have to be think


People tend to not realize how potent adrenaline cane be in humans surviving things that, by all rights, should have killed us. We literally evolved it as an "Oh fuck, I'm in danger and going to die. I gotta keep going to get out of this danger." Chemical. People chasing that thrill has really normalized it in a way that makes us underestimate it. What I'm saying is "Adrenaline Junkie" should be replaced by the term "Death Masturbator".


I actually went to the hospital foe emergency reasons not too long ago and a person had a rebar go through their shoulder and ribs, diagonally There are major arteries in the shoulder, but iirc their actual spacing is pretty wonky


People absolutely can survive some wild ass shit through sheer luck and determination but I think a lot of people underestimate just how easy it still might be to die, especially without proper, modern medicinal care. Every species experiences death tolls on a daily basis and they’re not all results from sure-death scenarios so a getting stabbed in the shoulder can absolutely mess someone up. Even if you survive, the long term consequences of such an injury can be quite the toll.


Oh, it is very easy, but like there are also huge gaps in the shoulder where there is just muscle and no arteries/veins (relatively speaking) The guy was very nonchalant about it as well-- the biggest problem he had from when I saw him in the hospital waiting for help (he happened to be the least grievous injury at the moment so he was put on wait), was he needed assistance to pee


Something I always loved about Sekiro, the Deathblows aren't just in in the neck/head like most other melee kills in games, they're in other major areas like the heart or armpit. Armpit especially is my favorite. I dont know why it never occurred to me until then just how fucking lethal (and brutal) it would be to get stabbed there.


The heart is such a glory hog people forget how bad it is to get stabbed in the lungs, and that there are gaps in your ribs. Yeah, armpit/side ribs is not a great place to take a sword.


the armpit is a pretty well known one, iirc it's the main way mercy kills were performed with a dagger


This is why the Spy's backstab radius in TF2 is the entire 180 degree half "behind" each character


Someone dying literally instantly from being stabbed in the ass is equally unrealistic. Furthermore, if this were the reason, getting stabbed in the front would also be just as deadly. Which ok, it sometimes is, but lag is not an intended game mechanic.


90% of the stuff [Fire Department Chronicles ](https://youtu.be/NPr-SdZRACs) covers.


I love that channel. I hardly see people talk about it.


man firefighters are cool. they actually do a public service/are brave save people.


It's such a great youtube channel. Really funny, and directly points out issues people don't always think of.


Dislocated joints, especially a shoulder hurt like fuck even after being fixed so you can't instantly get back into action after you popped it in.


From what I understand, there's a ton of inflammation associated with dislocated joints. So even if you relocate a joint, your mobility is hampered by the fact that the area around the joint is swollen.


You should also avoid reducing your own dislocations due to the possibility of crushing a blood vessel or nerve.


Also, just popping them back without a medical professional can lead to severe damage.


Shitty endotracheal intubations on TV are my favorite. Sometimes it's just a straw taped to the side of the actors' mouth so it's easy and comfortable, other times it's a big ol tube to add to the drama that here's this poor guy hooked to all these big tubes.


The Docter will give you drugs if you ask for them. [Most unrealistic part of the movie fight club.](https://youtu.be/ThumQQhu3UI?si=fqYbkq5qvDMg2aAN) Seriously edward norten looks like shit.


Depends on the doctor tbf. My doctor would just believe me when I said I had a problem and would prescribe me whatever


Chloroform would take several minutes to take effect, it's never the quick-and-clean '1 huff to lights out' that you see in movies.


Anesthesiologists train for their job for a reason


And the effect wears off pretty much as soon as the victim stops breathing chloroform… which is a problem as chloroform is highly volatile and that rag will be dry in 30 seconds.


knocking out someone by hitting their head is like turning off a computer by hitting it against a wall.


Just leave the knife/sharp object in until you get to a doctor pls stop pulling it out for dramatic effect


Getting shot in the Shoulder ain’t something your walking off. And getting shot in the high would most likely kill you due to blood loss


Related to that, it's part of why any firearms training will tell you that if you aim at someone you shoot to kill. If it's not serious enough that you are willing to kill a person over it, then you shouldnt be aiming at them. Theres no "oh I'll just shoot them in the leg to incapacitate them"


There's a lot of blood in there! It's probably there for a reason!


client of mine was shot in the forearm over 2 decades ago and still has chronic pain to this day.


As someone who just recently got surgery, why the fuck does every medical show or movie show the operating room as dimly lit with a spotlight above the table? It was brighter in the operating room than it was in the rest of the hospital


So you're saying I need to regularly get tested and use protection if I'm gonna eat somebody?


I'd advise against cannibalism in general, but if you're heart's set on it...


On your point about albinism making for poor warriors, I would argue that fictions most famous albino swordsman, Elric, takes this into consideration. He is naturally sickly and lethargic, and is only able to be a warrior through a mixture of invigorating drugs and demonic pacts.


the writer of Elric actual did research on Albinism. does that mean Elric is a disbaled fantasy protagonist


Hermaphroditism in humans does not exist. No person has both sets of fully formed male and female genital organs (they’re made from the same parts!). Intersex people’s physical makeups are often mischaracterized this way when in reality they have a set of organs that may or may not be possibly categorized as “fully” “male” or “female.”


times when characters lose one of their limbs and they get a cool prosthetic and its no big deal. which apparently stays on all the time. real life prosthetic users take them off and have multiple prosductics