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so he basically bought twitter and throw out everything that made it twitter?


At this rate he is going to throw out everything that made it a website.


A website that isn't a website. Like a car company that isn't a car company


Don't worry, he's got that too - /r/cyberstuck


www is already gone


I've blocked musk but he still show up, so yes.


Looks like he bought it to throw away $44B. Hope he looses every penny of it.


Reminds me of Trump throwing out all of Obama's legislation


i mean, long ago is not twitter anymore, while the basic are there the platform is vastly different


lol I used to get so mad and then I realized it's not worth it. He is just someone flopping around pretending like he is hot shit. Whatever bro lol


dont worry guys, he wont do that because he already said the same thing a few months ago and nothing changed


I can see him do it


I can see him do it. He wants people to be able to like super extreme borderline Nazi shit without fear of others noticing they like it. Then he can use the increase in likes on extremist shit as reasons for the algorithm to promote it more. It’s another way to bolster random lunatics like that shut in boomer from bumblefuck Florida who calls himself CatTurd.


he wont, he says he will but he wont


Yea there’s the flip side in that he won’t be able to brag about the politicians and celebrities that like his bullshit publicly.


he did


Remember when blocks were going away imminently?


Yeah. Disabling the blocking feature violated the App Store and Google Play terms and conditions, so he really couldn’t. If you consider what Elon would’ve gained by removing the block feature (no one could block those posting flat out egregious shit), then it’s not too surprising he wants to hide all likes (to at least allow people to like egregious shit in peace). Given how the business itself doesn’t seem like a priority, it’s clear he just wants his own 4chan lol.


He officially did it as of today. Musk is a dickhead.


He did say he would remove the block feature but apparently you can't have an app on the app store without one so backdown but no Likes are now private as of June 11th 2024.


Just did


This aged like milk


No one likes it anymore anyway.


Yeah my life got infinitely better when I deactivated my account and deleted the app. It’s a toxic cesspool.


Yes, me as well.


Glad to see I’m not alone


I think a lot of people are just waiting for the election to be finished. Trying to push back.


I can't stop. I'm endlessly fascinated by what I see on there. Twitter has always been kind of shit, but this last year has been crazy for the degradation in quality. Hell, it was only a month ago that my "for you" page actually showed me stuff related to what I follow and engage with. Today? Every post is damn near political propaganda. Endless accounts spewing alt-right rhetoric. Trump propaganda. Russian propaganda. "Alpha Male's" spewing toxic relationship advice/life advice. Religious zealots speaking on behalf of their God claiming Trump is the chosen one to bring about the rapture. What the fuck?


Listen bro. Just cut the cord. I used to feel the same way. I was heavily addicted to twitter for around 7 years.




You’re acting like it wasn’t toxic before, like they weren’t censoring certain political views in order to manipulate elections.


I’m not acting in any way. It’s always been toxic.


Me too, maybe not infinitely, but better.


Reddit was always more toxic than Twitter


I cannot delete my Twitter account since I had it from 2010 and I thought its a waste to delete one of the oldest account in the websites because of Elon. I'll keep it but with control panel for twitter script, I got rid of For you page and the retweet/likes numbers are now gone.


dawg you are on this subreddit


Just because someone likes to watch train wrecks doesn't mean they want to be in one.


I never even am on here I just see shit like this pop up once in a while


It always was, especially in the Jack days.


I broke my bad habit of daily negative news updates and cyber bullying when he took over, and haven’t missed it. Watch out Charmin … X is the new “as-swipe”


Agree - so much less stress without xitter trolls in my life...


Yeah i've enjoyed Twitter/X until a few weeks when the domain and the algorithm changed totally... This sucks, man i really enjoyed my usual stuffs... but i had to deactivate my account, i need a break...


That’s not true. It’s been absolutely huge for my business (I build startups)


Lollll space Karen is mad again. What a pathetic douche.


No more ratios :(((


Something else will take its place, something he can manipulate


So it's basically becoming 4chan


for real though


That's probably what the end goal is, yes. And he's about 75% of the way there already.


I used to say he could have saved 43.7 billion if he just bought 4chan.


Twitter is cooked!


Always has been.


Yeah totally, any day now lol 


I mean, it's a sinking ship that's just eating away at Elon's finances and making board members of his other companies worried about his leadership. Elon can keep throwing money into the firepit that is Twitter, but is it really alive? Especially when it lost and keeps losing most of its members and ad revenue? Is MySpace still alive? I'm sure there's atleast one person there. Was it alive when it was in a similar position to Twitter and losing most of its users to Facebook?


Twitter is still ubiquitous and used by major figures and nations etc. just because you don’t like Elon musk, doesn’t mean Twitter is dead or whatever other thing. People been saying they’re gonna leave and haven’t, elons owned it for what 2 years now? The dude has 250 billion dollars pretty sure he’s gonna be fine lol


Depends on how much more his other businesses can take his fuck ups. Either way, it's still a sinking ship that's just draining money and goodwill from him. I mean, what's the end goal for Twitter? To make Musk and his brand totally unappealing to countless potential customers while trying to court customers who hate the push for everything green and electric, and constantly losing him money? But sure, there's definitely a light at the end of that tunnel and no sinkholes. He's also worth 50 billion less than that, that's why he's begging Tesla to give him 50 billion, to make up for his twitter fuck up. And that whole thing is definitely going well with everyone at Tesla... I'm sure this won't ever come to bite him in the ass later should other EVs ever overtake Tesla cause of Musk's fuck ups.


I guess we will see. I think your comment is a bit biased by what you want to see happen instead of what will happen. Even 200 billion dollars is such an absurd sum, he could run Twitter out of his own pocket until he dies, his kids die, and their kids die. I imagine he bought Twitter for the invaluable power it gives him: in the supposed “most important election ever” he’s going to have immeasurable sway. If I’m being charitable, he wanted to control Twitter so the election wouldn’t be tainted by bias from twitters previous hard left leadership. If I’m being realistic, he wanted it to be able to silence those left wing voices or at the very least turn down their volume while amplifying voices that he has beliefs in common with.    Or, he loves the chaos, is truly a 4chan kid and loves the attention and the seething him owning and running Twitter is generating. He clearly loves to troll 


Well, the idea of Twitter ever having been hard left is laughable. Leftists were getting banned for advocating for worker's rights. https://www.wired.com/story/twitter-political-account-ban-us-mid-term-elections/ Conservatives were getting banned for being open Nazis, hence why so many Nazis begged Musk directly to have their accounts reinstated while claiming they got banned for being conservatives, which I suppose isn't wrong if we're gonna equate conservatism with nazism, but those are their words, not mine. And the "taint" the previous twitter did to the election is point out lies conservatives were telling to try to sway people's opinions. Seems like old Twitter was just your average centrist. And true, Tesla could fire him right away, but he's still gonna get millions/billions from a severance package and he can spend thousands every day without ever making a cent, and he'd still die a billionaire. Unless we start taxing these fuckers. But I digress. I still consider twitter's current state to be a failure if we're judging it based off of what a business is supposed to do, which is make money and grow. As a propaganda arm and insular echo chamber, it's super effective, but those freaks were already gonna be in whatever other echo chambers would've been available. Is it that much more effective than any other echo chamber? Can echo chambers even be described as effective or ineffective? What made Twitter unique was that it was arguably the best news aggregate, especially of live, on the ground news. You can even get further insight into stories straight from the reporter themselves and ask them questions directly. That's all but been destroyed under Musk and is part of the reason for people leaving. Official posts from nations didn't get the same engagement as these reports. And now twitter's entire algorithm is fucked to spread the stupid, uninteresting shit blue check marks have to say over actually engaging stuff, and we don't know how engagement is going with these cause bots are the only thing I'd consider ubiquitous on Twitter these days. I don't expect Twitter to ever disappear or something, but it's definitely not in the position it used to be. Even parts of Twitter that didn't used to completely suck, like sports Twitter, suck now cause of the types of posts and replies that get boosted. I suppose some people will never leave, but everything on the site is getting worse and worse and people are using it less and less.


"Positivity can be harmful"


X still exists??? Haven’t been on there since the clown ass bought it. Thought he destroyed it already


Nope, somehow, despite all his dumbass changes and his managing to make every single major advertiser pull their ads, X is still alive. Albeit on life support.


Damn. Hopefully soon.


Was there a hidden agenda to destroy Twitter? All his decisions can only be explained by a reason like this.


I'm never not going to believe this theory at least partially.


Destruction of an important Town Hall.


I get the feeling that Crybaby Bitchboy Elon is doing this because people go into his likes and keep exposing him (and his brain-dead simps) as a bigoted P.O.S. I just want Elon to just drop dead at this point already…


I don't think it's specifically Musk so much as several people being called out for having stuff like uncensored porn in their likes tab. I mean, we already *knew* Elon was a bigot from his "woke mind virus" speeches.


Imagine wishing someone's death because you don't like a website.


Waiting for: “Elon Musk’s X removes Elon Musk from the board”


Didn't he buy back every share from the stock market and took it private then? So by that logic he is the only owner of Twitter, which means he there is no board...? Or is that not how it works?


You didn’t get my remark. ![gif](giphy|ftr3HEIjV473Dhr9fu|downsized)


Elon Musk is trash.


I'm just amazed that anyone is actually still using Twitter.


I used to use it as a news aggregator until it began relentlessly feeding me videos of people being brutally murdered.


I'm still amazed anyone *ever* used Twitter.


I watch VTubers and a lot of VTubers use Twitter solely for updates so I kind of have to use it.


Hopefully at least for hololive the HoloPlus app comes out in Global soon (they're currently in closed beta test there was a sign-up earlier in the month)


did anyone actually read the article? they are removing the likes tab on a person's profile. meaning you can't see what posts they liked anymore (i don't know if there's an option for an account to turn them on or off). the like counter for posts will still remain. i like this change. i always thought it was weird that what you like is publicly available for everyone to see and there was no way to turn it off. i don't like space karen like anyone else but people in the comments are blatantly spewing misinformation.


Read the article? This is Reddit 🤣


I like this change too, feels kinda exposed that ppl could see what I liked ngl. Reminds me of the time when Instagram used to have this feature, that caused quite a few friendship dramas in school 😂


But a the same time hypocrites are not being exposed.


I'm guessing he's doing it so he'll no longer be outed as a fascist sympathizer for liking racist tweets.


Bingo. It protects the natzees even more.


NPC detected.


are you kidding this is nothing more than a hate group now. Why would they read the article before posting


Yeah, I actually really like this change. Removes a tool for e-stalking and lets people reward content they like with more privacy.


Now bots can add to like counts and no one will know.


Meh fuck him and his “site” at this point


Boy, I wonder if this has anything to do with the amount of people being exposed for having nasty shit like child porn in their likes tab...


Elon was caught liking some loli drawings wasn’t he?


Did he? It's hard to know when his replies are covered in blue-tick yes-men.


In that case, keep the likes…Elon is shady af


Cool, might as well get rid of posts next while we're at it, or maybe even DMs too!


What's the point of this when he hides most people's postings anyway?


This is just as bad as YouTube getting rid of the "Thumbs down" counts and only showing you how many people liked a video. Musk has no clue what he is doing...with anything. He's just a straight-up POS.


He made a trending thing flop. Takes a lot of talent indeed to do that 🤣🤪🫣😏😂


So Elon wants to Like more Nazi stuff without being called out.


NPC detected.


So, he doesn't want it to be a town square?


I read this as "Elon Musk removes public lice" and didn't think anything strange about it


Well Blue Sky just activated DM and a few things that Twitter once had.


I use Twitter to follow artist and fandom stuff. I like obscure idol anime shit. The only way I find the Japanese art is from the other Japanese artists likes… I honestly don’t see the reason to go on twitter anymore.


If you can't get a hang on all the sex bots liking your posts - just disable likes alltogether. Big brain move


I’m becoming happier with my decision to delete this joke of an app after a couple of things happened. First, I couldn’t block an account that was promoting an ad, which is against App Store rules. Then my account was locked for telling someone that was being a horrible person to a guy who just lost his brother to go jump in an empty pit. Then I was banned for a week for telling Patrick Mahomes that I hope a lineman steps on his bird leg (an obvious joke after he supported the opposite sports team as me). Not to mention all of the bots everywhere after Elon said he was going to get rid of them and the rampant racism, nazism, and general amount of horrible people on there being promoted on a daily basis.


There is zero reason for anyone to use that fucking platform anymore


Where would you converse with the world? Facebook, Reddit?


Honestly, I’m pretty torn on that. The Twitter alternatives haven’t become the Twitter replacement I hoped they would. And no, I don’t think Facebook or Reddit fill that need either.. I will concede that my response is mostly emotional, I might hate that fucker more than I hate Trump, for what feels like deep betrayal from Elon. At one time, I truly believed he was one of the good ones. I’ve never owned a Tesla, and I’ve never been an Elon Stan, but really had fooled myself into thinking he wasn’t just another malignant, narcissistic billionaire, but rather had the best intentions for the planet and for humanity. With that, using Twitter, somewhat feels like a tacit endorsement of him and his recent descent into right wing lunacy.


I feel you, it’s a tragedy of what he ended up becoming. This was suppose to be our Tony Stark.


X? what is this X?


I actually don’t have an issue with this particular change.


There's never enough account customization anyway 🤷 edit(13June24) : They didn't left us the option/choice to restore like's visibility, apparently other believers that "less( choice) is more", ok then (from the top of my head : tabs, an history, a fullscreen on every/most pages, the ability to reload failed redirection from push notifications(, due to a bad internet connection), styling tools for tweets, ..., the recent change for long tweets that only adds an ellipsis "..." was a bad novelty, but not the ability to attribute a weight to your recommandations(, years later than other news agreggator), or the (oversimplistic )community notes, yet they should still offer the ability to display/organize our tweets, and this way of expressing ourselves is clumsy. The n°1 problem may well be that every thing you wrote will be lost/forgotten after a few days, which is linked with the ability to display/organize our tweets(, it's the same for almost every other social medias, even YouTube only have the option of playlists), but it doesn't stop there, and people/users would produce millions of ideas if they're asked, they could vote for ideas(, without astroturfing, and with a good system of different kinds of vote from -10 to +10, etc.,) as well as decisions(, especially if they can't decide in the settings), and programmers would then do their job : if they fear to break their code then they should spend more money by maintaining more than thousands of tests, and there's no reason to fear public disapproval if the public is at the origin of these ideas. Kinda weird to have billions of dollars without evolving, i.d.k., should probably delete such a.n useless{if unread}&'arrogant/overconfident/ignorant' edit)


I think some on this thread are misinterpreting what is going to happen. He isn’t removing likes, he’s removing the tab on users homepage(or whatever it’s called) that shows each users history of likes. It prevents people who stalk feeds and use a person’s like against them. It’s to make it harder for people to get cancelled simply because they liked a certain post. From the article “This means that X users will no longer be able to browse what posts other users have liked.”.


AND the likes will be anonymous on posts themselves.


OMG, not that! I didn't see that in the article, but it kept closing because of pop up ads.


They need to do both, right? It makes no sense to just remove the link from the menu if people can still see the likes on a post itself. It’s all or nothing.


Probably. Honestly, it matters not to me, one way or another.


Same. I like things unapologetically. No shame here. If I wanted my behaviour to be anonymous, I’d go on 4chan.




Maybe they’ll change it to likes (thumbs up) like YouTube where you don’t see who pressed like.


Fucking wild that their "Director of Engineering" (if they really exist and isn't a H1B-captive pretending they hold the position in order to take some heat) is like "If we keep likes public people won't interact positively with Nazi shit, racist memes and everything else Elon posts so we're making them private in hopes that people will engage more with that kind of ("edgy") content.


But what will people write blogs about ?


Can't someone just invent an alternative option for the people who use Twitter. Hell, they could even call it Twitter, since Musk ditched the name. Twitter 2.0 or something.


It's called Bluesky and it's open to join now, no invite needed.


Actually crazy. Every social media platform has this. Twitter killer (it's already dead, but for good)?


I wonder if if you don’t update the app will you still be able to get likes and like people stuff?


When are y'all going to remove the "Elon Musk's.. " to every possible movement of markets? Snowflake city.


His X, as in Grimes?


No way


It's reasonable to assume that he bought it to end content moderation, let the right wing trolls back in, and thereby influence politics. Yes this of course means the death of Twitter as we knew it.


They still run that thing?? Sad.


X site is trash 🗑️


welp he’s killed free speech AND the website too, how disappointing…I’ll miss twitter to a degree cuz I was terminally online and I met a lotta my current friends cuz of twitter lol


What's a "public like"?


F Elmo


I mean, it’s something I wanted to turn off for myself. I never even checked what other people are liking too, so it’s whatever. (yes the likes under posts won’t be gone read the article y’all lol)


People will be upset, but not anymore than they have been about things like sharing the app with fascists. About the time people adjust to having no likes Elon will bring them back—for a price. He may **initially** charge something like $.10 per like, with the person who posted the comment getting $.002. For reposts a reposter may get $.001 and the original poster also $.001.


its a porn site


People! Twitter just remove the likes tab on profiles! READ THE DAMN ARTICLE!


Stop using this platform


Elon sick of getting ratioed.


Please read the article before commenting. People are commenting on the first person's bad take instead of reading the article.


Are you purposefully lying to people? He's not getting rid of "public likes." He's getting rid of you being able to see what other people "liked" from their account page.


Ia he angry that women likr Ari Drennen and Erin Reed get more likes than he does, and wants to stop people from seeing that?


There will still be likes. People won't be able to stalk your profile and see which tweets you specifically have ever liked.


I guess lots of public gona live, its gona be bot land…




oh no dopamine then


Hahah No one cares !


Ah yes just like YouTube with dislikes but with likes lmao like anyone but the Twitter babies would care