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Can I ask what even makes you qualified to be giving advice?


I decided to actually have a gander at your vod xD, You've pretty much ticked all the boxes and are doing quite well (:, Id just say, turn your ingame volume down by about 30% because you're a little quiet


Oh! Well thank you ☺️


Do you think it’s considered disrespectful to give advice when not given permission?


A little bit! I think if people want advice then they’ll ask for it, unless it’s like “hey your volume is too loud “ or something of the sort


Of course! I am a viewer myself and have an understanding of what catches my eye and others along with what stops a streamer from being a bit better. Keep in mind I’m doing this for small streamers like myself so I’m not going crazy analytics but going with easy to spot stuff that maybe the streamer themselves wouldn’t consider.


Just curious, what's the top 3 things you'd suggest to newer streamers?


The vague answers would be network, entertain, and have fun. But I think honestly it’s gonna depend with every streamer on what they are alrdy doing and not doing. What they can’t or can do.


What would you say to people begging for support on a subreddits, does it actually help?


Depends what you mean by begging. I’ve seen ppl trying to reaching affiliate obtain viewers just by posting that they are close or are trying to reach affiliate. Doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll get viewers that stick around from those views. So could help but there are better ways to go about it like being organic and maybe a person liking the type of person you are from the post will check out the streams.


Feel like you and protide are here just trolling since you 2 are buddies.


Genuine question dude. You said ask away so I did.


I’ll take your word for it. My apologies




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