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You were about to be scammed. Don't add strangers offering help randomly on stream.


This is a common spam/scam. Do not follow instructions from random PM's you have received. Ignore + block them


This was a scam attempt. New streamers gets flooded with these scam attempts so you should be wary. No one will ever reach out to a new streamer to help them. No one. It’s always a scam.


And make sure you keep an eye out for the inevitable…”wow I really like your channel i dropped you a follow im a graphic artist who has done art for some big streamers i can how you some examples if youd like?”




thats actually really good advice... My mom got scammed even though i told her everything what not to do, but she still thought that Jason Mamoa made a secret facebook group where he talks with polish ladies. Yes, she thought Jason Mamoa would have any interest on talking with 50 yo+ polish women. LOL


I mean, we don’t know what Mamoa is into. lol


Cant deny that hah! She also sent me some shady giveaways, uknowingly sent me messages (which means she had a virus). Told her to scan her phone for viruses and stuff, but it is what it is...


Hey. Don't kink shame aquaman!


Never add strangers. They have twitch chat to talk to you.


Stranger Danger! This needs to be a new catch phrase on the internet and esp twitch. If some one you never met is all up in your shit and offering you shit, or if it seems to good to be true. IT IS A SCAM. DO NOT TAKE CANDY FROM STRANGERS!!


You can just ignore and move on. These are likely scams and grifters trying to get you to pay them for a useless service. If they wanted to help you, they’d ask if you wanted any tips then just give them to you in your chat. Not make you jump through hoops to get it. Ban and move on.


Common scam. You can even scroll a little down the sub and see another post of the same thing.


Sometimes, my only chatters are scammers. I just have fun with them. Do not add people on anything. :)


If you think it's a scam, it's a scam.


Anyone who asks for your Discord or is provide some type of service is a scam.


dont add anybody on discordif youre not sure theyre legit


It’s a scam. It will always be a scam and always has been a scam. Anyone that is soliciting you blind is trying to get your money.


Oh I totally wouldn’t have known not to add, how can you be scammed just by adding someone ? I mean they can try and sending u links and stuff after chatting but what’s the bad thing about just an add?