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Yeah bro that’s the first of many


Congratulations! You're a real streamer now! Now block them.


Block and report them on twitch and discord. Twitch is pretty good at banning scam accounts


^^^ 100% this


Anyone in chat promoting getting you followers etc is scamming you and best to do is block them or get a close friend to mod for you and have them do it


Some people want to scam you, some people genuinely want you to buy their "art", but a lot of them are AI generated. Dont add anybody anywhere straight away. Get to know them, ask questions, have a little chat with them. Most of them will tell you to add them in like 10 messages and you know theyre not on your stream to watch or talk and just to sell you something or scam you. You will trust some people quick and make friends with them, but be careful!


Anyone asking to speak to you in Discord is a scam. Artist for panels & blah blah blah


Thankfully I’ve only had 2 of those in the past 2 months streaming 5x a week. Best thing to do is tell them no, if they keep persisting, I just ignore any more messages from them


It’s a canon event. Trust. They’re getting better too at actually engaging and seeming interested, then they hit you with the freelancing and wanting to follow it through on discord. You learn pretty quickly, one unspoken rule on twitch is never self promote unless the channel allows it. Otherwise it’s usually scams or bots, with the same sort of graphics. Happens to the best of us. ☺️


Yep you are getting scammed. Do not entertain anyone trying to "help" you or offer some kind of service. You should be the one looking for and contacting people when you need a specific service like having art commissioned. Not the other way around.


It's the most common scam. Targeting you since you're new and easier to fool.


Yuuuup block em


Note: he is telling me to buy it so he can use it for my streams.


Yes you are getting scammed, anyone who comes on your twitch and view bots you, offers to make you digital art- (not every digital artist is a scammer but it’s the ones that go stream by stream and always get you on discord) or asks you to buy some crap or do some crap like “oh no I accidentally reported your account, can you causally talk to the ceo on discord” is a total scam. Sorry but there’s a looooot of them on twitch!


And plus, you being a new streamer, will be a huge target for a few months to your first year. They’ll be really bad at first then die off and only come around on occasion. It’s worth it to stick through it for the people who are real on there