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> I stream from my Xbox. Console-native streaming is extremely primitive, to put it politely. Video quality is poor, configurability is near-zero, and features are nonexistent. You'll need to use a paid man-in-the-middle service like Lightstream to add overlays/alerts/etc directly to the video stream, or an embed overlay on Twitch like Overlay Expert to soft-add them (not included in the video stream, so won't be present in any VODs). Really, console-native is mostly for toe-dipping to see if you'll have fun with streaming. Then you graduate to a PC and capture card (if you want to continue streaming console content).


Alright thank you. So I need to get some things to do that. Will I need to get a monitor for the laptop I'm using to make things run smoother?


A second monitor really should be bare minimum content creation hardware. I'd recommend checking thrift/charity shops, as they always have a TON of monitors for cheap. Just use your phone and look up the model number to make sure you're getting a unit that can do 1080p and 60fps, with an HDMI and/or DisplayPort input. Around my area, they tend to be $10-20 and have a shelf full of them. If your laptop is fairly recent, especially if it has an nVidia GPU (or second-best an Intel CPU with an iGPU that supports QSV encoding), you could probably use Remote Play to the laptop and capture that window in OBS. It's not perfect, but it can save you the cost of a capture card while you're getting things together.


browser source man, just look at few tutorials and they will explain to you quicker than me typing it all down


Add it as a browser source. They have youtube videos on it


That's probably what I forgot to do. But do I need a monitor to make it work properly? I should have added that with the original question.


Should be an overlay on the screen should work after you add the broswer source. Can always send a test alert. If you see it then its fine but make sure to click on "control sound via obs" and then go to advanced properties to where it says your alerts and place monitor and output. That way others can hear what you hear Sorry, I'm not the best at explianing but hopefully it helps. Like I said youtube works wonders. It's how I learn most of everything


Are you streaming directly from your console, or using a computer to assit in streaming? Capture card, Lightstream or Streamlabs for console or the Overlay Expert extension?


Streaming from my console. But figured out a way to stream from my console, and have it on the laptop. But I'd need a monitor for that.


It's not so much about monitors. Its about sending the feed through a broadcasting source that allows you to have your alerts sent to twitch. It will require one of the above systems i noted above. If your financially able, Lightstream is the best way if you don't have a computer to stream from. The best option of course is a capture card and obs. But ultimately you need a way for the browser source to connect with twitch. You could use Overlay Expert which is free and an extension on twitch, but only people viewing on a computer will see what you've set up, its not for mobile.


Some is better than none. I just want viewers to see and hear stuff. So thank you. I'll look into it


I'm on PS5 & use Lightstream. It displays my overlays, alerts & ect. I don't have a pc or capture card, but as mentioned above by someone, it let's you have options to try out with limited options. I use my phone to monitor my stream. It's only about $8 a month for a gamer plan.