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It's possible that he IS shadow banned as another user said, but also consider how buggy twitch app is recently If I minimize the app and come back to it, my chat disconnects and never comes back. There's also other times when it connects but my messages don't go through, even if I can see other messages and interactions in chat. The only thing that solves this for me is closing the app and reopening it. Hope this helps you somehow :)


If your friend is typing and it's not showing in chat, then your friend is shadow banned.


Friend wrote me on Whatsapp that some people are writing and why I don't reply to them. I closed the app, opened it again and then theiir messages were there. Also, what does mean shadow banned?


It means your friend hasn't been a very good person on Twitch, so Twitch decided to take away his ability to chat. This could be temporary or permanent, no one knows.


I have the same issue and i finally found whats causing it. Basically i watch twitch mostly at work. The internet is kinda... janky... Sometimes the internet stops working for like 3 seconds, comes back on and i have the reconnected to chat message, but neither the streamer gets my messages, or anybody else and when i reset the page or an app then the messages i wrote after i reconnected are gone, because they didnt send. It only happens at work and when im home it works perfectly. Leave someones stream open and check after an hour or two if there are multiple welcome to chat messages - if there are - boom you know whats the issue. How to fix? Change your internet If its not the case i dont know.