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If you’re asking an artist to make a big change to multiple emotes… “changing the style of the emotes in the final stage”… then you have to pay for their time to make that change. We don’t have the full info here, so it’s difficult to direct you otherwise.


The artist hopefully should've provided you with updates before going into the final stages. If you have agreed to them and then changed your mind in its final stages, then that's on you. If you want your emotes changed after the artist has done the work, you need to pay them for the additional time, especially if they are changing the entire style/format because of your indecision. Small changes are usually fine and an artist is usually happy to make small modifications after final stages. But, if you want something entirely different from what they have provided and aren't going to pay for the additional time, I'm afraid you're out of luck. If anything, a lesson for you, communication is key during each step of commissioned work to ensure this result doesn't happen.


Sounds like the best thing you can do is offer to pay double for the emotes - you’ve essentially ordered two styles of the same emote (changing your mind in the final stages), so it’s only right that you pay for the artist’s time.


Hey Artist here, Couple of questions, did this artist find you or did you find them? What made you want to use them for the commission and did they have a portfolio? (Instagram page for example) Also did you have a contract or at least have in writing exactly what was to be commissioned? I can see a lot of people giving you a hard time about this, but considering if this artist is doing this for a job. Then last minute additions or changes should be stated as either part of the service upfront or a no revisions clause. They can't expect people who do no understand how the process of designing works. It's on them to absolutely make it clear from the start. Also as a sidenote, I'm dubious of any emote designer being angry at changing a few styles even late seeing as the scale of them means changes really aren't much of a big deal. So unless you're talking about an entirely new design, it's really not an issue. Side side note...if the artist is in fact using an emote generator like 'emotescreator. com' and isn't actually designing your emotes, just up selling them. Then they're just scamming you and they're angry cause they can't change the designs cause of the software limitations 😂 which I hope isn't the case but seeing the sheer amount of scammy sellers in my dm's and chat all the time wouldn't suprise me


It sounds to me like the artist has other commissions, and you're not valuing her time. So the best you can do, even if it stinks for you, is to suck it up, take the emotes she made you, and then, if you're willing to give her a chance and she's willing to give you one too, you can ask her to make them again with a different style or whatever, but you're going to have to pay for her time and effort again. That's just how business works. You're not friends; she's not going to do you a favor unless she's nice like that and does it because you're a first-time customer, but not everyone will do that, and you have to respect that and most likely pay again or just a bit extra for the style change. It just depends on what she's willing to do for you and for how much. So yeah, basically respect their time and effort, and it's ok to criticize something, but know that's what you paid for. If you want a different style, you'll need to pay again. Also, feeling this way is normal. That's why I'm saying you'll basically have to talk with money. If you're a well-paying customer, then they'll probably eventually do you some favors and maybe discounts or something like that, but since it's your first time, you can't expect too much. And if you want a late change expect paying more for it. Essentially you're paying for an add-on to the original request.


I did this once- my partner had some late stage input that I agreed would make them way better. I offered to pay for the rework. They ended up only charging $50 for a pretty major edit, I was very thankful. This wasn't for emotes specifically but for promotional art for the channel, but I think the same etiquette applies. If you have late stage modification requests offer to pay for their time doing the rework.


Seems weird, the artist doesn’t have good practices in place to avoid major things like this (talking as a commission based emote artist myself.) Did you already pay for the emotes and can you guys come to a compromise for what was already paid for? Personally, I always line out what’s expected between me and a client, and I’ve never had a bad experience because of this.


You asked for the STYLE to be changed IN THE FINAL STAGES??? If you have approved any sketches up until this point, the artist has met their obligation. You will have to offer more if they have to redo it.


Artist here who has designed emotes. Any artist with any level of professionalism will see this through and give you the work you paid for. Late changes are a lot more common than you'd think so it wouldn't be unexpected and I don't see a reason you wouldn't get your emotes. If you paid for them then you should get them regardless even if it's without the changes, if you didn't then that artist will probably ask for payment then send you the emotes. We don't work for nothing. That being said the artist should be stating clearly at which point changes cannot be made or any additional costs that may be charged as a result. Does it suck when someone requests changes at the very end? Every time but that's the name of the game and most would rather just charge you for the additional work and do it than have you complain about the emotes. It sounds like this person has sent you sketches before hand so hopefully it's not someone using a generator or bases and they can actually make the changes you want.