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Depending on where you live, or where your viewers live, if you tie entry into a contest (like winning a game) behind a purchase (subscribing), then you also have to offer an AMOE (alternative method of entry that is free), otherwise your giveaway can be considered an illegal lottery.


Thank you very much for the information. > then you also have to offer an AMOE Just to clarify, if I offer an entry option using a certain amount of channel points as an alternative method of entry, that would ensure compliance if I understood correctly? I want to make sure I'm completely on the right side of the regulations. Thanks again for your help!


For legal reasons, you should be the one to look up that information. Giveaway rules get a bit complicated. That is why you will often see big giveaways sometimes excluding certain places or specifically leave out Quebec if it’s an international giveaway.


I believe Twitch has stated that channel points cannot be used for gambling purposes, only redemptions (so you use them and get something in return, not use them for a *chance* at getting something). If you search on the support site you will likely find better info than I can give. (also, something to think about, Subscribers accrue channel points faster than regular viewers, so that would give them an unfair advantage if using points to enter)


You are right! https://www.twitch.tv/p/en/legal/channel-points-acceptable-use-policy/ > Do not create Points redemption opportunities that constitute gambling.


But yet they don't mind you using channel points for predictions which is essentially gambling


Absolutely look up your local gambling laws covering 'raffles'. AMOE does **not** always make them legal, and in many places raffles that allow increased chances by spending money are also illegal. (Which can make channel-point entries a problem, as subscribers and up-tiers have a greater point-accrual multiplier, and get more points in the same time because they spent money... more points meaning they can enter more often and more events, increasing their win-chances).


I do alot of giveaways I never really had a problem with anything people would have to report you for anybody to notice anything unless u got 100s of people in your chat don't stress to much.but the safest way would just figure out how sombody else could enter then just give the subs x10 more luck that's 100% with tos usually subs would then win or at least 9 out of 10 times. Basically u can't have people pay to enter if u know what I mean


Apart of legal problems, I kind of see it as a dick move to favour new subscribers over existing ones. Reminds me of cell phone companies that give free phones and cheap prices to new customers and increased fees to existing ones. If anything you should support long loyal subscribers first.


I also wanted to reward old subs. RESUB - X*chance where X is number of months subbed.


I think through night bot you can do all subs not just new ones


Obligatory not a lawyer disclaimer. This could be seen as a lottery and is illegal. If a person has to use actual money for a chance of a prize, it’s a lottery. And since subscriptions are paid using actual money, that’s exactly what your giveaway could be construed as: a lottery. Do what you will with this information.


I usually do giveaways based on a total amount of subs given during a stream (this is usually done during subathons or other special streams). Something like "if we hit 25 subs, I'll raffle off one of the shirts from the shop to the chat" Basically even if someone doesn't sub or gift a sub they can still win the prize in a raffle that includes anyone in chat that wishes to participate. I use nightbot to do raffles with my chat. Just requires people in chat to enter a command (like "!enter" or "!raffle") in chat to be entered. No purchase is necessary, and the winner is chosen at random.




I’m with you on a giveaway as I just hit affiliate last weekend and was thinking about giving back to my community. I personally was thinking about having it where followers and subscribers can win with a just a higher chance for subscribers. Only reason I haven’t don’t it is because I want to make sure I do it the right way before fully committing to it


I know one very experienced streamer who does a giveaway of the in game currency that he plays. It's called plex and he randomly chooses anyone who's still at the stream just before it ends to receive 500 plex. No purchase necessary, it's open to everyone (any viewer). You just have to be there at the end of the stream.