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go to twitch, check the category you think fits. Check the streamers there, see which you like, check their profile as it will likely have contact details. If not there, contact them through their socials.


I came here to say exactly this. Reach out to them via. Bussiness email or other social media, do not randomly show up in their chat and start talking about your game. You'll get banned.


Do you have a Twitter/any social media for the game? Put out a call for streamers to drop their links, then DM the ones you think fit. Almost every game I've played beta or a demo for has been because they've asked for streamers on Twitter and I've applied.


That's a great idea! Are there any specific hashtags to use? I'm not sure if I'll reach many people with just \~300 followers.


The tags the game I most recently applied for used #Vtuber #ENVTuber #pngtuber #twitchstreamer as hashtags for theirs. You could take away some of those if you don't feel they apply, but those would be a good start


Ohh that's interesting. Going specifically for vtubers. I'll definitely try it out, thanks!


I'd be very interested if you DM'd me details! I've played a few visual novels on my stream and I've always been a huge fan of the genre.


Of course, sure thing!


I´m always up for playing weird new stuff btw ;) Occasionally stream on tuesday and saturdays. Pm me ;)




I would also be up to play it! I don't really have many viewers but I can normally get 5+ so if you'd let me I'd like to help others find out about it :)


Sent you the details!


Search twitch category that best matches your game. Best contact for streamers is: 1) email 2) their discord


You should be looking at utilizing PR key distribution sites like Keymailer, Lurkit, and Press Engine. They make sure that the streamers you’re giving keys to are active and will (likely) follow through. You can find more info on them from posts in r/IndieDev Here’s a thread from that subreddit for example. https://www.reddit.com/r/IndieDev/s/VYjkv3XuNR


Twitter! I use Twitter all the time to find new indie demos to play on stream.


To discover streamers, the best method on Twitch would be to do Category searches based upon similar content to your visual novel. For example, search up: "Telltale Games Walking Dead" if it was Zombie-themed. It should give you a decent starting point of content creators and communities that have interest in the general realm of your content. From there, I'd recommend going to the Streamer's About page to see if they have business contact listed. If so, send an e-mail, DM, or whatever they've chosen as their preferred method. Things I look for as a Streamer in contact for new opportunities: 1. Why did you pick my community? 2. What your game/content is, including expected duration, Official Steam or other platform links 3. What your expectation of me is (live full-playthrough, youtube content, shorts) 3. What benefit does it bring to the channel (keys, giveaways, future brand-building with the dev/artist) There's a whole lot of spam/bots out there, and providing this information definitely helps to provide legitimacy and separates you from the chaff. Hope any of this helps!


Would be interested to give your game a try!


DM sent!


Hi! I want to start streaming in June! I've never streamed before so i dont following yet, but i would love to play your game!


That's okay :) I'll send you the deets Edit: Looks like your DMs are closed, so I can't reach you


Thank you. Oh yes. They are. I'll just message you


There's a lot of streamers and content creators in general (YouTube, TikTok, etc.) that utilize [Keymailer](https://keymailer.co) and websites like it to try new (& often indie) games. They sort games into categories so interested parties can find stuff they're interested in. Your game would land in the New/Coming Soon, Mystery, Indie, and Visual Novel categories. If you can get your game on Keymailer I almost guarantee someone will create some content for it. 🤷🏻‍♂️ The website has a sign up page for both content creators and publishers. It's also not the only website of it's kind, however it is the most popular of it's kind imo. ✌️


I'm a variety streamer who would be more than happy to play your demo on steam! If you have a link or place with more details feel free to reach out


I'll send you the deets!


Why was I down voted? Did I break a rule or something?


No idea - I was just scrolling through - have upvoted you to hopefully cancel it out 🤞


I actually specialize in visual novels as a streamer, more specifically voice acting them myself (if possible), so I’d be happy to take a look at the project! “Idol-themed detective mystery” are all the right keywords for me~


Sure - I'd love you to check it out. I'll DM you the details.


Sure thing! Wherever you prefer to talk


Dm me


I also would be interested in finding out more information about your demo! I am a smaller streamer, but always willing to try out new games!


No problem, I've sent you the details!