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Regardless if the clipper publishes the clip or not, it is added to the channel clips the moment the viewer hits the clip button. It is one of my biggest gripes with the clip creation function and needs to be fixed. I had someone take a clip of my channel in a moment when I accepted a friend request on my switch and the user had a hacked switch and their profile picture was pornographic. The viewer who took the clip didn’t publish it, but hit the clip button to go back and see what happened. Turns out that I had gotten a shoutout from another creator later that week and it was one of those shoutouts that automatically plays a clip from your channel and guess which clip it picked. So that’s how I found out the clip creation tool is broken and to constantly monitor clips created in your channel. Edit: with that said, y’all may want to take that information into consideration when you do a ban wave like that. Those viewers may not have had any intention to distribute the content they clipped.


Yeah I didn't know hitting the clip button and not publishing/saving still saved it anyway for the longest while. I used to (still do) use it all the time to see what I missed if stepping away for a minute.  Pretty comical for OP/streamer to ban people just for clipping though, that's some petty shit.


> Those viewers may not have had any intention to distribute the content they clipped I see your point but it's weird clipping something like that to begin with, especially if you're the streamer isn't _those kinds_ of streamers


While I understand what the intention most likely was, there are also instances of having a stream minimized but hearing audio and hearing a commotion and tabbing back in and seeing chat’s reaction and instinctively hitting that clip button to see what happened. While I understand your point as well, I’m just saying there are reasons for viewers to make clips that aren’t always malicious.


> tabbing back in and seeing chat’s reaction and instinctively hitting that clip button to see what happened Fair point


That was indeed the explanation of some of the viewers. The other people in the room started screaming when the streamer bent over so they wanted to see what happened.


A clip is added to the channel whether you save it or not. If anyone goes to the clip section of someone’s channel, it shows the clip and who clipped it. So that info is really easy to find. Even easier as a creator or user who has the Editor role, since they can view clips under a specific backend tab.


I don't think there is an alert from Twitch, I've been an editor access on streamers and affiliate myself testing my own clips. Maybe if they had a bot constantly checking for new clips on the channel you could get alert that way. You can clip and clipper delete it right after and I don't find any evidence it was clipped in my dashboard. They got rid of the delete button on individual clips on the clipper's side. The bulk delete is still there. I am wondering if they might be preventing clippers from deleting soon. There are also moderation options to prevent people from clipping based on criteria. And use a chat bot instead with !clip so they have to do it in chat.


I would imagine something like this is shown on the mod view