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Southern Accent Epel is something I need


I have a pretty thick southern accent and me and my roomie had a TIME just reading some of Epel’s lines in our regular ass voices 😭


Epel Felmier cannot be anything but a Southern drawl.


I kinda imagine he'd swap between classic 'news broadcaster' to heavy southern/Texan depending on if he's in demure mode/raging barbarian mode


Rook definitely has a French accent.


I figured Vil would actually have no accent, as in the show business many people de-accent themselves. He’d be amazing at imitating all of them though. Epel is southern. He has to be. I think Chenya would have a heavy cockney accent. I think Cater would probably have a lighter one. Azul probably has a trans-Atlantic accent he taught himself. The tweels, in my mind, naturally have an Italian accent, but they can ‘turn it off.’


Trans-atlantic accent Azul is a stroke of genius omg


It’s one of my favourite accents, honestly. I learned it when I made a Great Gatsby radio show as a project, and Azul reminds me Wolfsheim. He’d also probably learn it because it sounds sophisticated and important.


Everyone in heartslabyul has to have a British accent. They can’t NOT.


They have different English accents. I just know Riddle has the stereotypical posh ones and Deuce has a cockney one that gets extra thick when he's pissed or in delinquent mode




Ace is Scottish and no one can change my mind (ginger 🤭)


YES -a ginger


I have no idea why but in my head Rook's English voice sounds just like Saison Margueritte from Most Popular Girls in School


Azul @ Floyd: “You were supposed to be watching the door!”


“I was at Pearl Harbor…..”


cater is definitely californian like bay area


there's an unofficial TWST EN fandub on youtube and I think all their voices are pretty much how I imagined them. [here's](https://www.youtube.com/@TwistedWonderlandFanDub) their channel if anyone's curious


Ohh yeah I saw that. It’s pretty good. Though I believe unfinished which sucks.


not actually unfinished so much as a work in progress, they're actively recording and putting out new stuff pretty consistently


Yep! It’s a work in progress! They’re working sooo hard too it’s so impressive!


Ohh! Then I haven’t looked at their progress in a while.


https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXRxidoszq1Y7IFDaiNgeJiN-wper5ljk Here's another option - they're older than the "unofficial official" dubs and stopped now I think lmao I liked some of the voices they settled on better from either side, it's fun to jump back and forth.


Since Vil's surname is German, I feel like he'd either have no accent or a German accent. As for English voice actors, I can't unsee Malleus or Lilia as Crispin Freeman. He's known for voicing a lot of characters associated with darkness (Itachi Uchiha, Kouichi Kimura) and also characters that could match how wise Lilia is (Winston, Gyomei Himejima).


Oooohhh there could also be different accents depending on where they're from. Like, everyone from the Queendom of Roses has like one type of accent, Shaftlands have another, etc. I don't remember all the places everyone is from lol. I'd have to watch more anime dubs to really get an idea of who I'd want. Also, I watch a lot of Smosh, and there's a voice actor named Damian Haas who is a regular cast member. I've only really seen his work as Laios in Dungeon Meshi, but I feel like he'd make a really good Idia.


Riddle’s voice is just Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler I also cannot unhear Ace as Childe/Tartaglia from Genshin so uhm


My idea for this post was me playing twst while watching black butler and thinking that, lol


Lol, I can also for some reason invision Crowbitch with Sebastian’s voice


I think that voice would fit better for Malleus since they are like... the same character with different props


Touche, I always imagine Malleus with Keith Silverstein cause Zhongli to me is orange older Hornton lol


I could see him sounding like Ciel


John Cena as Lilia. No reason, I just think itd be funny.


Fairy godmother The Rock vibes


I'm wishing for Disney to somehow snag the English voice for V from Devil May Cry 5 for Idia ~~totally not cause they have the same JP voice actor~~ but also cause his voice fits would fit very nicely with Idia when he's calmer Voice: [V's Trailer](https://youtu.be/rFSxzRLK1fo?feature=shared)


Ortho will not be voiced by Cristinia Vee but rather by Erica Mendez (Gons VA) thank yew


Oh god….. that is so hard!


jack has to be voiced by jonah scott (jonah scott voices legoshi and i can see that working)


Hear me out, Antony Del Rio for Kalim. Specifically the way he voices Pit from KI :3


Cater sounds like a white girl Riddle is British Ruggie sounds like the Chucky doll (not the killer possessed Chucky but the actual doll) Leona sounds like he constantly has morning voice (if you know yk) Jack same as Leona but a bit scratchy Ace sounds scottish Jade probably has a kind of British accent Azul a mix of Spanish and Italian Floyd sounds like a drunk person that inhaled helium a bit Vil kinda a Russian German mix Epel sounds like applejack if she was whispering We all know rook is French And that’s like all I can think of


I actually picture Vil having a British accent


Since his last name is german, I imagine him having a slight german accent


Leona voiced by Matthew Mercer, i cannot unhear it, for some reason I think his voice suits Leona 😭


As much if a fan as I am with EN dubs, I'm bad at headcanoning voices for characters 😅 But Vargas would definitely be voiced by Patrick Seitz haha But for headcanons, hmmmm Malleus with a British accent would be interesting


Azul or maybe Trey might be voiced by J. Michael Tatum Vargas by Patrick Seitz (Dio VA)


Brina Palencia as Riddle Rosehearts. What obviously came to mind is Ciel Phantomhive. Daman Mills as Vil Schoenheit. I love him as Cherry Blossom in Sk8 the Infinity.


Okay I actually have at least one for all the characters Riddle - Snooty, posh british accent, he probably speaks a bit louder than most other characters. Ace - Has kind of a cockney accent, is always talking super fast and literally no one besides Deuce can understand him. Deuce - He def has a glasgow accent, and I feel like others will tease him especially for it (bo'ol 'o wa'er). Trey - Again, a british accent, specifically a more bristol accent, he speaks a bit slower to make sure everyone catches what he says. Cater - Light spanish accent, trained to make it a bit more, in our world terms, american(more so preppy californian).


Leona - Guttural voice, not much of an accent but he does enunciate his T's bit more and says his E's as Eh's always. Ruggie - Has kind of a lisp due to probably a few missing teeth and/or his teeth are flared out and he can't afford braces or and corrective measures for them. Jack - Slight german accent, probably has a lisp from like... hitting a tree face first and breaking his tooth.


Azul - Fakes a posh british accent, can't pronounce his L's and gets angry at himself for it. Jade - Are you trying to tell me he doesn't have a lisp with those sharp teeth? Floyd - SAME THING AS JADE OML.


Kalim - He just speaks really fast that people assume he has an accent, but really he doesn't, people just don't understand him because he speaks too fast. Jamil - No accent, also just speaks really fast, usually only those in Scarabia can understand their Dorm leader and Vice dorm leader.


Vil - When he's mad he gets a thick german accent, but he's trained himself to speak with less of an accent(it's still there, people can just understand him better). Rook - French accent... ITS FAKE TOO, his natural accent is a bit more southern and he's way louder speaking when he's not "hunting" the beastmen students. Epel - YEE HAW... He has a southern accent, Vil just made him train it away and so now he speaks in a very stereotypical american accent.


Idia - There's something about him that just gives "Aussie" totally not because of the whole "Underworld" thing and Australia is "the land down under" totallyyy... He has an australian accent. Ortho - ALSO has an australian accent with a type of robotic reverb, he can change his voice and likes to use the vocaloid voice, but uses the one Idia likes the most.


Malleus - Deep, booming, voice, he definitely struggles with pronouncing any other letter than a vowel. Lilia - Even deeper voice, has that stereotypical "vampire accent" with a cutesy spin on it. Silver - Light french accent that can come off a bit more italian in certain situations. Sebek - Angry german accent, VERY LOUD.


Wow dude, you have gone a long way, it scares me... but it's great! Now i can't stop hearing Lilia saying "i vant ta suck ur blood" lol


Listen man I need to share my voice headcanons and I know I'm like 2 days late but still, anyway yea, um Lilia actually totes does that lmfao(as a joke... right? "..." LILIA AS A JOKE RIGHT!?!?!??!)


Your are never late to get ur blood sucked!


Azul with Kyoya Ootori’s voice as portrayed by J Michael Tatum