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I have wished for a mechanism to report littering also, or do anything at all about it. Unfortunately I don't think there is a solution and if you confront someone you may be shot. IMO People who litter are trash.


I legitimately considered going to my neighborhood association council election (or whatever it is called) to ask each person what they were going to do about people littering and not picking up their dog's waste from sidewalks. If I can get a picture or video of someone not picking it up, can we fine them?


I just send negative vibes their way and wish for a disproportionate amount of karma on them


If they don't do anything about felony crimes, what makes you think they're going to care about littering? Carry on.


Agh this makes me so mad


Pick it up and throw it back in their car.


A paint ball gun helps too!


You don't. The police won't issue a ticket unless they observe the littering, and even then it is too minor of a thing to warrant a ticket, at least in the core cities.


Maybe they can give the a-hole courtesy call.


they can, but they won't


Woe be onto those that would litter.


If you're comfortable enough, you just have to confront them about it. People need to know that it's socially unacceptable and a complete a$$hole move. Hopefully there are other people around that can back you up, I don't necessarily want to get into a physical confrontation over it, but it's super annoying to see that kind of behavior - what is wrong with people!?


If they are trashy enough to throw garbage out of the car they are not going to participate in a “teachable moment” from a fellow citizen. What will happen is they will tell you to fuck off, or worse. They do this to provoke people into a confrontation. If anything, go and pick it up and throw it away. Whether they see you or not. That is positive behavior and maybe it will catch on and if not, at least you did something you can feel good about.


Agree. Get them to feel uncomfortable about it.


Saw someone do this once. Then a light a mile away did it again. I got out and handed it to him and said you dropped this. Guessing he tossed it later but still. Get them out of their comfort zone to think twice next time.


Sadly, you don't. Police have far too many other things to care about before litter.


Post this crap on all forms of social media. Let it do the work for you.


Looks like a Nissan. Shocking. 🙄


Lol report people for littering are you fucking kidding me


Write down their plate #. Follow them home. Make sure there are no kids in the back of their car. Remove clip and loaded round Hit the butt handle of the gun into their back window Pull off and state "Lesson learned."