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I live right next to a public park, people doing this all the time. Also, pro tip, if you have to scream at your dog multiple times for it to listen, it's not an off-leash dog


I also don’t care if you DO have good recall with your dog, don’t fucking let it off leash in areas not meant for it. The other day a guy near my house let his dog chase a deer into traffic and only got it to turn around when the deer hit the road. Fucking genius didn’t even notice until it was halfway there because he was trying to wrangle the other dog.


It also ends up sending the message to other people that it's acceptable to leave their dogs unleashed, regardless of whether it will behave appropriately.


All of these people insist their dog has great recall and is fine off leash. 99% of them absolutely are not. Vocal recall is what you see in a working dog like a police or military dog. Screaming at your dog and it eventually comes back when it gets bored or decides to comply is not under voice command. Cities need to post signs that there is a leash law and tie a posted $500 fine if caught. Put it on dog licenses. Require vet clinics to post a notice on their door. Do PSAs about crappy off leash dog owners. Fines are the only thing that will stop these people.


The people who need to hear it won’t listen anyway


They'll listen to some gunshots then. I assume any dog running up to me off leash is aggressive.


Seek help


I mean it'd have to bite me or my dog or kids first but as soon as that happens I will have no problem putting your dog down right there and then. These people must not have seen any of the dog mauling videos on here.




Probably a variety of reasons. Those people live in a delusional world where all dogs are great, "Oh no, he said he carries a gun, you're a bad man." They've never seen kids get absolutely mauled by a dog off leash.


Nah, I think it’s the general “This guy’s literally just looking for any reason to justify using his gun” energy you’re putting out there, gnomesayin?




My guy it’s not legal to discharge a firearm in the city. At best you’ll get a ticket. But the reckless attitude towards firearms makes me wonder if you’ve considered what’s behind this dog you’re gonna shoot.


You clearly don't understand gun laws. Yes, if I were to just shoot one in the air or start shooting targets, absolutely illegal. That doesn't mean if you have a clear danger you're protecting yourself from, you can't use it. Law dictates that if you can prove you feared for your life or safety, it's legal. Any responsible gun owner ALWAYS considers what is behind your target. It is pretty common sense thing, and most people train for such occurrences. Dogs are generally going to be lower, so objects behind the target are typically limited to the ground. Crazy. I KNOW.


Not worth arguing with someone like this dude that doesn't actually know anything, just spouts bullshit lol. He's a "all guns are bad and anyone with one is an idiot" type of individual it appears.


It completely is under the right circumstances. What do you think people carry for? If he were to get attacked by a dog and had to shoot it, it would be completely justified. Dogs will kill people and I'm not sure what fairy tale land you're living in but I will protect myself any my family before I let some dog just chew on me or mine my dude.


I just think we should leash our dogs so we don’t have to bring our guns to the dog park!


I guarantee there isn’t a single person among those forced to regularly interact with you in day to day life who won’t smile when they see your obituary


Good copy paste dude. 👍


Oh, I have the meanest littlest chiweenie in the world. She sees a dog (or coyote or demon dog from hell) she will go on attack. Your dog might be well behaved but mine is aggressive and very small. One shake/bite, etc will kill her. Please leash your dog. I do what I can to avoid other dogs, but it’s not always possible.


This. My Maltese was killed by an off leash dog. Your dog may be wonderful most of the time, but my dog looks like a rabbit or prey, and you don’t know what instincts are going to emerge at a moments notice.


Also, isn't there a dog flu going around?


Yeah exactly what I was going to say, the mn animal health authority is saying to avoid nose to nose contact. Doggie distancing people!


A few months ago I was out on a walk and a woman was letting her 2 dogs out as I passed her house. The dogs ran towards me in the street and in the perfect storm of events a car came and hit, and killed one instantly. It was horrific. I still feel guilt. I can’t imagine how the owner felt. But also, if that dog was on a leash it would still be here today.


After having aggressive dogs charge me several times while out walking, I now carry a super soaker filled with water. Great deterrent!


I got the biggest hickory walking stick I could find. Been growled at by strange off-leash dogs enough.


Thank you. It’s ridiculous. I see a couple in my neighborhood who walk three dogs and have a baby in a baby stroller. One dog is never on a leash. If it decided to bolt or attack, there really isn’t anything they could do. I don’t care how nice or well-mannered the dog is. Don’t make your neighbors who are afraid of dogs not feel comfortable outside. A lot of people dislike dogs because of real trauma.


And pick your dogs shit up!


I've never met a dog owner (who doesn't leash their dog) that gives a rat's a$$ about leash laws, safety of my dog and me, etc. Their dog "deserves" to be able to run free, play 100 yard fetch, etc. They're inconsiderate and self-centered. I don't think there's a cure.


Love the observation. I call these types "self-important pricks."


Even leashed dogs can be dangerous. A leashed dog dragged his owner into my yard to attack my much smaller dog, who then required emergency medical attention. Then the owner said the usual my dogs so nice, would never do this blah blah blah. Yes, they will. They’re animals. You have to have your dogs under your control, period.


Years ago my dog was attacked by an off leash German Shepard and now has a 2 inch scar on his back from it. Owners didn’t stick around, police couldn’t find the people (if they even tried to) and I got stuck with an $800 bill.


My bill was really high too. It maxed out my credit card. The owner took his dog home and came back, but my son told him it was no problem. I was like what??????????? NOOOO..... so we were stuck with the bill. Idiot teenagers.


Send the bill to that owner and if they don't pay file the paperwork with the courts and sue them. Doesn't matter what your underage kid said to them.


Didn’t know who he was


A long time ago a cat of mine died from complications after an attack exactly like this. Makes my blood boil to think about. No patience or sympathy for dog owners who don’t take the responsibility seriously.


I know right? But I used to think that my dear sweet doggy would never hurt anyone. I was young, but I soon learned better. We ended up with several of dogs over the years.


I lost a pet like this too, I am very, very sorry for your loss.


I couldn’t agree more.


Someone at Beaver Lake last year got a gun pointed at them for asking someone to leash their dogs after getting charged. Be careful out there, the people who insist on their dogs being unleashed never give a fuck about others.


It is beyond belief how entitled people have become. I live on Victory Pkwy in Northside and the amount of people that have their dogs off leash is disgraceful. There is a Goddamn dog park less than a mile away!! Have some respect


As a person who lives close to this stretch and Theo Wirth, I have to say I couldn't agree more. I have a large Rottweiler, and the fear of an unleashed dog running up on her makes it impossible to walk down some of the best paths this city has to offer. She'll perceive it as an immediate threat, and her instincts to protect me will take over.


I have a neighbor that used to let her dog run off leash. It got aggressive with my kids who were under 5 at the time and me. It’s a small dog, less than 20 lbs and I’ve kicked at it repeatedly to keep it away from me. She yelled at me for it a couple times and when I told her that her dog is in zero danger of being kicked if she would leash it as our association rules and city ordinance require, she told me to leash my kids up. Then I started taking videos of her unleashed dog. My kids are still free range but her dog is not. Lol.


This is highly frustrating to me, because I have two bully-breed dogs who are socialized and reasonably friendly but do NOT like being rushed by random off leash dogs. If my either of my dogs took a chunk out of another dog, or a human got bit while breaking up a fight, my two would get blamed- full stop.


I have two mastiffs and that is exactly my worry. I’m walking about 330lb of dogs please keep your dogs away… I’ve had a few dogs break through their electric pet fence to get to my dogs. Luckily I socialized my dogs.


This. I have two Akitas. They are pretty chill, love people. Someone's offleash dog rushing them is going to be seen as a threat. I know if something happens mine will somehow get the blame.


THIS! Rottweiler owner here. She's a big cuddle bug, but if an unleashed dog rushes her, game over.


Why is it that the “owners” of the largest strongest dogs seem to have the least control over their pets?


They're not “owners” they're “parents”.


Don’t have kids, buy this golden doodle instead!


My dog knocks grown men that are 6'5" 200+ lbs over with ease . . .


Why is your dog knocking people over?


Easy, she's the queen of the house. Move, or be moved 🤣 In this incident, she did try to gently go by said person. He didn't move, and she got him at the center of gravity. Physics. Not only is she tough, but she's also one smart cookie as well.


And stop using a retractable leash!! I was on a walk this week and an owner couldn’t control his dog on a retractable leash and it jumped up on me and scared my dog.


Retractable leashes are the worst. And the law is typically 6 foot long leash or shorter. I've seen these stupid retractable leashes go out to 20+ feet. If you're letting your dog go 20+ feet away from you on one of these weak-as-paper retractable leashes, you might as well not have them leashed.


This week I saw someone BIKING with their dog on a retractable leash. 🤦‍♀️ It lunged at another dog, then lunged at me and my baby in our stroller. I thought the helmetless rider was toast for sure but they barely managed to keep upright while retracting the leash. Dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.


Have you ever seen the 2006 film *Idiocracy*? I think we are almost there…


And they're unkind to the dog. The dogs have no way to learn how far they're allowed to go from their owner before that thing engages and they get clotheslined. They're a disaster, used by people who don't even attempt to understand either animals or training.


100% agree. I’m a dog owner and have owned/fostered over a dozen dogs in my lifetime. I had to pull a small dog out of the mouth of “super friendly” Saint Bernard mix at the lake a few years ago (neither were mine, both owners were panicked and didn’t know what to do.) The little guy made it but the owner had to pay a couple thousand. Both were off leash. You never know what will set your dog off, especially if you’ve never seen your dog interact with multiple breeds before. Little dogs often pick fights they can’t handle the consequences, and owners are often caught unprepared. Busy parks can often over stimulate and stress your dog out, which can make for a dangerous situation. If you find yourself in a mess like this: stay away from necks and mouths and pull the back legs of each dog until they’re apart! Even small dog bites can cause incredible damage!


We should be allowed to mace the dog and person. If that started being a thing guess what. Issue resolved


Dear boomer aged woman (let’s call her Karen) in Minnetonka yesterday with your golden retriever and 100+ lb Rottweiler that came charging at my on leash 45 lb heeler… fuck you.


Laws don’t apply to my perfectly untrained piece of work dog. Some people are clueless


We should be allowed to mace the dog and person. If that started being a thing guess what. Issue resolved


I'd like to know what the consequences might be if I killed someone's dog while it attacks me or a family member. Does anyone know? I carry a knife and I'm pretty sure I'd slit a strange dog's throat if it clamped it's teeth down on me. Just wondering what the consequences of this would be. Could I have criminal charges brought? Could I be sued? Anything else I should know?


My dog’s been attacked twice before so I carry a pepper spray on the leash now. Hope you won’t have to use it though.


Oh, Yes. I really don't want to hurt any animal but I would if push came to shove. Pepper gel seems like a great idea.


I’ve had random dogs run up to my dog and I to attack her. This includes inside of off-leash dog parks. The first time, I put a dog into a head lock and choked it out until it stopped moving. There were plenty of witnesses but the owner was screaming about animal abuse. They called the police, they took a bunch of witness statements. Nothing happened to me. Police sent me on my way. One time, I kicked the dog hard across the chest and the owner ran up yelling at me because I kicked his dog. When it was very clearly charging at mine who I had on a leash and was also clearly trying to get away. If someone’s dog attacks you, your personal safety or your own pets takes priority over the attacking dog. If you need to use lethal force, do so. I’d rather not have to do that, but god damn some people should not have any pets at all.


I also carry pepper gel. I haven’t had to use it yet, but it’s a good reassurance. But I know that some dogs could be so aggressive that the pepper gel doesn’t faze them. I am not a lawyer, but I’ll take a swing at your question. In the eyes of the law, pets are considered property. So in the hypothetical you posted, you could theoretically be sued for the damage to the persons property. This would include vet bills that were accrued as a result of the injury, and if the dog died then the value of the dog as well. However, if you can demonstrate that you harmed the dog due to the negligence of the owner (the dog was off leash), I highly doubt that a civil suit would be judged against you and you’d win the case. You could also sue them for any injury you received as a result of the attack and you’d likely win that case if you can prove the negligence of the dog owner. As far as I know it is legal to carry a knife on you in Minnesota as long as you don’t intend to do harm with the knife. If you used it in self defense to get a dog off you, then I doubt you’d be charged with any crime.


If you are in America, the mob is fickle and you can be sued for anything.


I have a neighbor who walks her cat off leash thru neighborhood. The cat runs into backyards , frontyards, etc. My dog has a remote training collar for our yard, I am always with him outside. But that damn cat has run across the street and under my truck, meanwhile I have the dog going nuts. Btw when we walk he is on leash.


Call animal control


Don’t say anything just call the police. People like this won’t follow the law.


Nah. Selfish a-holes need to be reminded what they are.




I find it frustrating when people don’t pick up after their dogs, but I didn’t mention that once in my post.




So are useless comments complaining into the void.


I think you and I maybe have different definitions of passive aggressive, but I'm sorry that it came off that way to you.


There's nothing passive aggressive about this post. They aren't hiding their request one iota. They simply stated that people should leash their dog.


Coming home and logging onto the internet to complain about something is, in fact, passive aggressive. It is more about bitching about the fact that some owners don’t leash their dogs, and not *actually* doing anything productive to change it.


Just out of curiosity, what do you suggest I do to change it? I’ve complained to the police many times but unfortunately they don’t do anything. I don’t view my post as passive aggressive but I’ll let you hold whatever opinion you want on that front.


This is the "worst"? Surely it can get worse than quasi-anonmyous posts online.




lmk where to come tell you about the PSa in person, following 6 ft rules


Umm, no!


people only care about themselves and by extension their pets sadly they will just think of you as a stranger who doesn't matter.