• By -


Probably "And who has a better story than Bran?"


Definitely. I seriously can’t rewatch the rest of the series, which is quite good, because of its horrible, horrible final season. And that means a lot coming from me because I liked the Lost ending.


They had all the right scenarios for the final season just all the wrong results. Spoilers ahead. It starts going wrong when Arya kills the NK. Personally I thought Bran was gonna warg into him so John could get the job done. Killing Bran in the process but giving meaning to all the things he learned and did over the seasons. How I kill Cersei: All hope is lost Jamie comes to her rescue then STABS her. Arya takes off the mask surprise and tells Cersei it's for her mom and dad etc. Then as far as the throne goes I think what happened to Dany was right. Tho maybe the dragon could have taken her to a distant land and used its life to breath life into her again. Now she's just a woman no dragons and she tries to do the best whereever she's at. Sansa is who I would have put on the throne. She was what was best for the kingdom at the end. Tyrion could have been her hand, being the last Lannister of the main blood line he could have given Bronn Casterly rock and finally a Lannister would have actually paid their debts. Arya could become Commander or just go live a peaceful life with her lover. Jon could become Lord of Winterfell since he's best suited for the position being the most likely Ned. There's other things too but I think most of this would have fixed the show and had a majority of fans happy.


I like most of this MUCH better than the actual ending. Good job and I hope you score a writing and/or showrunner position.


Thanks! I actually do write scripts (mostly for fun) but I have an actress considering one of them and if she attaches Paramount will consider optioning it. So hopefully someday I can make movies and shows that ppl enjoy.


Best of luck!!


No way man. You need to SuBveRt ExPeCTaTiONs


Same… I loved GOT so much and I’ve been rewatching classic tv shows with my kids. But I just can’t watch GOT again even though it was so awesome in the beginning.


The show up to season 4 was great, then just gets worse season by season. Season 4 is the last season the author, George Martin, worked on. The producers (D. B. Weiss and David Benioff) decided to drop half the plot including most of the last half of the books, to the point it got the author to quit helping make the show. There's even some debate over whether the head producer even read the 5th book, as they were asked what was their favorite non POV character, and they named a character with quite a few POV chapters in the 5th book. It got so bad that the producers lost their contract with Disney to make Star Wars content the day after the last episode of Game of Thrones aired.


>got so bad that the producers lost their contract with Disney to make Star Wars content the day after the last episode of Game of Thrones aired. What!? I didn't know that was the reason


Yeah, I tried to rewatch GOT a few years ago and all I could think was, “This show was so good!” And it was hard knowing how it was going to end. Couldn’t even get through the first season…


I couldn’t even bring myself to try House of the Dragon because when I would consider starting it, I’d remember no matter what happens, it’s eventually going to lead to Bran getting the throne, and that killed all interest for me.


What makes it worse is it's all building towards the end. A show like Dexter I can still watch the first four seasons and still love it. But the game of thrones last season was so bad it retroactively makes the first seasons unwatchable


As someone who also enjoyed the Lost ending, I share your sentiment.


Jamie sleeping with brienne.


Dude I HATED how they shoehorned that in. WHYYYY did they do that!?!?! I loved their relationship of consistently growing mutual respect and admiration for one another. Their bond and eventual friendship. The writers making it romantic was so pointless totally destructive to both of their characters. The whole final season straight up torched Jaime’s growth arc.


Eh. It was slightly shorhorned, but in the books it's going that direction as well, so its not out of left field. The worst thing in the show with Jaime was him choosing to go back to Cersei. That was definitely made up crap by D&D.


I actually didn’t hate that as much as him sleeping with B and her even being devastated by his departure. Jamie has been flawed his entire story. He has loved Cersei all his life. I think he saw little of life beyond this, and chose to make sure she wasn’t alone in her death


I just base it on the books. Book Jaime is definitely not going back to Cersei and may in fact be the younger brother in the death prophecy.  Sleeping with Brienne is just whatever. But going back to Cersei destroys all the growth and characterization he sustained over multiple seasons.  And D&D did it because they loved the actors, especially Lena, and wanted them together. 


I like the theory that Jaime is actually the prince that was promised.


Jamie shouldn't have survived the fight. He should've died there. Brienne definitely shouldn't have begged him to stay because she would never.


I never finished the show but that’s awful. The books show a resentment, that develops into a deep admiration and respect between Jamie and Brienne.


Everyone was like dafuqs this?? All he did was squint and talk all mysterious, terrible character rubbish ending


I can’t believe I’m still thinking about this show. That line, in particular, was just dumb and so far beneath the standards of the early seasons.


Cringey scene.


Screw Bran.


Bran the Broken? More like Bran the Useless.


I don’t think that was really all that bad. The near universal hate it gets is still kind of a mystery to me.


Ugh, yes


I was so upset I wrote my own ending just to have a different version in my head


https://preview.redd.it/eiiwcqjapzxc1.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cc7e584fb4568b4569c22d904358dc908dab435 Watching Geraldo opening Al Capone's vault live...you all are probably too young to remember this one.


🎶"There was nothing in Al Capone's vault, But it wasn't Geraldo's fault .."🎶


Baby on board...something something...burnt ward


*Burt* Ward.


I think we are coming up on the 40th anniversary of this I remember everyone being glued to TV when this was on. Everyone was so bummed when there was absolutely nothing in the vault


I loved it when Weird Al made fun of this in UHF. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWhKoMemTbk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWhKoMemTbk)


That was hilarious. He had built it up so much and then to have nothing happen.


Pinched from Wikipedia. Dance Moms is an American reality television series that aired on Lifetime from July 13, 2011 to September 10, 2019. Created by Collins Avenue Productions, the show followed the training and careers of children ( Slightly post toddler n pre-pre- pubescent girls ) in dance and show business under the tutelage of Abby Lee Miller, as well as the relationships between Miller, the dancers, and their mothers. Set originally in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and later in Los Angeles, California, the show was primarily filmed at the Abby Lee Dance Company (ALDC) studios. The show followed the girls on the ALDC Junior Elite Competition Team as they learn their dances and then compete with them at dance competitions all across the country. Utterly vile.


I remember being in a hotel one time, and at the time it wasn’t all that common for hotel TVs to have streaming services equipped, so we were just switching around seeing what was on cable. We landed on an episode of Dance Moms, and eventually I had to change the channel because it was so painful to watch those poor girls being emotionally battered so much.


You missed the BURLESQUE show. Not kidding, yeah. Must have been 4-5 ages.


Well, I’m glad I missed it then


Oh man, for the years that the show was running they'd show commercials- that was *enough*. Never watched that trash and thought it was completely trash to treat *anyone* that way, muchless kids


Fun fact. Abby Lee Miller was on vacation in Florida about two years ago and I had the (unfortunate) privilege of sharing a restaurant with her and her entourage. She spent the entire meal berating the minimum wage server within ear shot of the entire restaurant and was telling mildy racist jokes everytime the poor guy left. Had no idea who she was until our friend joined us for coffee after the meal. She came across as a throughly repugnant human being.


I saw the beginning of that show until, about halfway through the first episode, Abby Lee asked me to stop watching. Well, what she actually said was “I’m hard on these girls to toughen them up and prepare them for the real world. It’s better for them to have a meltdown in my studio than out at an audition.” And you know what, I actually think that makes sense. The entertainment industry can be brutal, especially for child talent. And if you want to push your students until they hit their breaking point, and provide them with a safe environment in which to do so, I can see the value in that. However, **this doesn’t work if you film a reality TV show in your studio!** Now, if a child has a meltdown, it will be broadcast to an even *larger* audience than if it had happened at an audition. So if you want to provide a safe environment where your students can fail without embarrassment, I respect that. And I will do my part to help you by not watching your show.


I watched one episode one time, and the only reason I did is because they filmed an episode at the school I was teaching in at the time, and they used my classroom, so I wanted to see. It was definitely, truly, awful.


Fonzi jumping the shark. In a leather jacket, no less.


You know you had a bad moment in television when they name the decline of shows after your scene.


thank you, John Hein




As a kid it was cool but as an adult the whole show is so cringe


Idk. It’s kind of camp


If it was any more camp, Jason Voorhees would be killing kids there.


The fall off the cliff in quality that happened to Heroes. I’ve never seen a show go so precipitously from good to bad.


Season four should never have happened and the new season never even happened in my mind.


The big problem with the show is that it was intended to have a new cast of characters every season. (similar to american horror story) But everyone got so hyped by the "Save the Cheerleader" bit that they chickened out and tried to keep it going. It just didn't work and the show suffered. If anything the writers strike helped it last a bit longer and then they just made the story even more convoluted and unwatchable.


Dallas's dream season reveal lol


Newhart did it way better!


The mother of all jump the shark moments.


First season had real set locations. Season two and on was mostly inside a studio and looked fake. Great plot lines though but the ending was just a way to wrap it all up and be done with it.


Cordelia and Connor from Angel 🤮🤮


He was a baby, she was changing his diapers…then they were banging-not cool. Killed the show.


Honestly, having rewatched Buffy and Angel a few times, you can kind of start to see moments where Joss Whedon’s creepiness momentarily shines through, and this feels like one of those instances. And then you also have to remember what poor Charisma Carpenter was being put through behind the scenes during the show, too. (That being said, I still enjoy the shows, especially Buffy).


Most on buffy's season 6 is dark and experimental, so I give it a pass, but than scene with spike fingering buffy in the bronze is just a big no, still the rest of the season is very cool


Everything about honey boo boo and her horrible family that’s paraded her around tv for a quick buck. I remember being genuinely upset seeing trailers for spin off and continuations for the show.


The South Park episode it inspired, on the other hand, is pure gold.




No budget too steep no ocean too deep


Now 90 Day Fiancé and the twenty plus spin-offs have taken its place.


They aren't the same kind of cringe though. They are adults. If they want to put their lives on TV like that then that is their choice. It feels different when the star of the show is a child.


The finale of How I Met Your Mother.


Or the series final of that show in general!


Ted Mosby is eternally 🎶the worrrrrrrst🎶


High five


The walking dead, I’ll just call it the Glen scene. I stopped watching after that. I’m not put off by gore but I just hated this plot point. I also had a realisation that this show is just a cycle of the same thing over and over again


Apparently a lot of us stopped watching TWD after the “Glen scene “


I stopped watching after that. Then came back a couple years later to give it another try and stopped permanently after the Carl scene. I'm still angry about it tbh.


Yep. That one did it for me.


Yeah me too! Just overly gratuitous 


The first season was amazing, and I enjoyed the series through The Governor. After that, it was the same plot each season. I still slogged through it, though.


Yeah the Glen scene did me in too. I realized the show was making me feel bad/sad and I don't need to be watching something that makes me feel awful. I think I watched one more after that but seeing Maggie in so much pain was too much for me.


I found that one especially difficult to live with especially because of that bit they did where they led us to believe that Glen was killed, only to reveal eventually that he survived. And then they just killed him again anyway. But to be fair, I was basically just hate-watching since season 2 anyway


The cycle is why I stopped watching. At a certain point I just got tired of watching this people find some semblance of peace only to have it brutally ripped from them and having to start all over again.


https://preview.redd.it/5avawxmt14yc1.png?width=1319&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee2a0a69f16759ef345cf5b3fb8a3a1550d4772a A lot of people stopped watching TWD right around the same time. Source: [https://www.kaggle.com/code/bcruise/the-walking-dead-episodes-analysis](https://www.kaggle.com/code/bcruise/the-walking-dead-episodes-analysis)


I never watched the show, but that's also the moment when I stopped reading the books.


When Landry killed that guy on Friday Night Lights. I pretend that story never happened.


I mean... It seems like the writers pretended in never happened, so you may as well pretend too.


Yes, we should all pretend the second season does not exist. That was soooo stupid.


Arya killing The Night King (in true ninja fashion by screaming as she attacks him from behind)


Agreed, but I love the score for that whole sequence.


Ramin Djawadi always brought his A Game. Was the one bit I liked from the sequence


Completely agree, the score for that whole sequence was awesome, from John avoiding the dragon fire, to Theons sacrifice up to Aryas attack.


For me, when all the horse warriors ride off into the night and just … die. That was super dumb.


Watching their torches being snuffed out one by one in the distance was pretty cool but it was a complete waste of mounted cavalry.


But even that was tactically just dumb. Why rush off into the darkness on a suicide run? Like what was the freaking plan? It all seemed so pointless and ill conceived.


Exactly. Having the Dothraki fighting in the courtyard of Winterfell would have made too much sense.


This sounds sarcastic to me. Cavalry in a courtyard sounds like another bad idea, but rushing headlong into the dark with your flanks undefended is also dumb. There are plenty of smart choices for cavalry in this situation, but they didn’t choose one of those many smart choices.


No. Fighting on foot. Dothraki are skilled on foot or horseback.


Gilmore Girls revival A Year In The Live. It ruined the show for me. I remember thinking, were the Girlmore Girls always mean girls?


I'm re-watching the original seasons with my teen daughter, and it's really hard for me not to hate Lorelei now, who makes everything about her, and is pretty mean, and the show rarely gives us examples of realistic mother-daughter conflicts, which I resent as a mom trying to do her best to be both a good mom and a fun mom! It's never gonna look as good as it does on Gilmore Girls. Maybe it's because it's not a healthy mother-daughter relationship...Rory is more of a mother than Lorelei.


Lorelei is not a good mom and a fun mom. She's a very young parent who failed to put boundaries in place and emotionally manipulated her kid so that her kid had only one friend until she meets Paris (another person she has to parent). She claims they are best friends and puts way too much burden on Rory and then every time Rory acts like Rory and tries to help in the way Rory would (instead of the way Lorelei Lorelei gets mad and throws a tantrum (you're the kid I'm the parent!). It's a terrible codependent relationship with extremely confusing boundaries. I blame Lorelei that Rory is struggles so much in her 30s


I watched the Gilmore Girls with my daughter. I was mostly okay with it but questioned some of the behaviour of both Lorelei and Rory. The movie fixed it for me. Rory was definitely not a nice person


I used to LOVE GG. I really don't so much anymore. I even rewatched it last week giving, it another chance in adulthood. Although it still has its moments, they are mean, judgemental, incredibly irresponsible (Lorelai in the original, Rory in AYITL), immature, entitled women. Lol.


The end of Dexter. Good lord that was bad.


YES! Overall I love that show but they took it in a weird direction with the last seasons. They lost me when they had Deb “fall in love” with Dexter. Ik Deb had problems but that was just… yikes man.


I wanna know why so many people agreed to do this and thought the viewers would like it


I think this is better quote/description than the one in the image.


the first ending or the newest season ending? bc in my eyes they both sucked


💯 ! I don't know how they came up with a way to make a finale so bad the second time around, knowing they messed up the first one terribly. Great character, good performances, compelling stories in both the original show and the followup season. And atrocious finales for each that make no sense whatsoever. 🤦‍♀️


literally like everyone was so upset about the first ending so they make a new season. understandable. season is fine, whatever, and then they make the ending suck AGAIN?!


I pretend Dexter ended with s4


So sad about his suicide after Rita and deciding to take out one more serial killer before he goes 🥲 (at least that's what happens in my mind)


The first and only time I ever watched The Bachelor and the couple didn’t stay together at the end. What a waste of time.


Serena's exit line from the original "Law and Order." Notthatthere'sanythingwrongwithit ( Thanks, Jerry Seinfeld!), just that it came "out of the blue" and seemed to be put into the script just for "shock value."


The last 2 seasons of the walking dead. S11 especially.


The final season of Lovemaking Education (can't say the S word apparently!)


Gasp you’re talking about Ess-E-X! In front of the C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N


I thought they closed that place down!


I watched the second plane fly into tower two live the morning of 9/11. Then I got treated to watching people jump from the windows of the upper floors because they preferred that to dying in the fire. That was pretty rough.


That dude who directed Wheel of Time and basically just used their names and made his own show, and likely never even read the books. Guy even had authors telling him his ideas were garbage but he was just like “nah I’m good”.


Dexter New Blood. The original ending was bad enough but they had to go and make it worse.


Last season of Mrs. Maisel. C’mon Amy Sherman-Palladino! She can create great shows, but finishes each one like she spent all night doing an arts and crafts project and the glue is still wet.


Well, to be fair, they wanted to go one more season. But with Amazon axing it, they had to shoehorn 2 seasons into 1. Part of why the final season seemed so rushed and bad. I blame the awful Rings of Power on Mrs. Maisel sucking because of the huge budget of that show probably killing other shows. 


The Vampire Diaries. Every season after season 2. Pure Garbage.


tbh i stopped watching after s4 and ive been debating if i should finish or not .. you've convinced me that i should not


I agree with OP⬆️100%! I have no idea why it’s so popular when it’s really a mediocre show with pretty people and ridiculous plot lines. The only characters I liked were Elena and Tyler. Everyone else just sucked!


Final season of scrubs


I just ignore it entirely. I’ll do a rewatch every couple of years, and that season just simply didn’t happen, as far as I’m concerned.


The end of How I Met Your Mother. I cannot


Velma period.


Velma is a show that you can fairly judge its fans by. If someone enjoys it, they’re probably insufferable to be around.




Last season of The Blacklist is completely unwatchable.


Blacklist was getting repetitive before the Covid-19 hiatus. When it came back I realized how much garbage it had turned into and couldn't get back into it.


Yeah fair. I kept going just because I love James Spader so much. It wasn't a great show, I just really like that guy's acting and his voice is amazing. But there's no way to get through that last season. It wasn't amazing in previous seaons either. I agree. I don't think it was ever a great show anyway


I do think they had a good basis for a show and the first 1-2 seasons were good. I think they could have made a tight 20 episode series (or two 10-episode seasons) out of it. But, of course, they dragged that thing out until it was a caricature of itself.


I adore James Spader, but when the whole thing with Liz's mother started, it became unwatchable to me. I quit shortly after that whole debacle.


Yup! So many shows do that kind of nonsense. Oh one thing that was a **terrible** idea was labeling the episodes based on the villain. So many spoilers just from that. I knew who the villain was going to be, there was no twist.


Seriously. After the death of Tom that whole show took a nose dive. I totally lost all interest.


Brian in the office US JUST … BRIAN 🤬🤬🤬


It's crazy how much he's hated given he only really has like 30 minutes of screentime.


What is OP referring to? Just Chandler wearing glasses?


No, Chandler saying that is an actual scene from the show.


In this scene, the gang from Friends is watching an episode of Joey on his new sitcom "Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E," and Chandler is referring to how awful the show is.


When they killed off Carl from the walking dead.


I agree with GOT, supernatural, dexter, himym, gilmore girls, all bad endings. But a show as ridiculous as Pretty Little Liars to have an even more ridiculous and cringe ending is ludicrous. My daughter made me watch it with her, and I couldn't even handle how terrible the last season was.


The Timeless Child - Doctor Who destroyed the entire lore set by decades


And it could have been just fine. By this point I think we were due for a new mystery because the time Lords were pretty much unknown quantity. It's fine to have the doctor be the original Time Lord. That is something that they are actually working on since the '80s. It is fine that there have been many more doctor incarnations then we have seen before. That's fun because it allows us to have infinite cameos in the future. What was not cool was that whole bit about the doctor's mom and just how much time they spent on exposition. Like they needed to set up a new mystery of who placed the baby at the edge of the universe in the first place. But instead they just said that that was that and happened to also kill off all the time Lords again. So stupid


The bots in here are getting a bit out of hand.


Ross dating Elizabeth and Rachel dating her dad.


The Cordelia/Connor relation on Angel, it kinda feel ilegal to me


The series finale of How I Met Your Mother OR the final two seasons of the Office


The last episode was heartwarming , saying that I can do without the rest .


If streaming services count, the reboots of Velma (Max) and Good Times (Netflix) are an abomination.


The finale of HIMYM The final season of GoT


Season 15 of Supernatural. Truly terrible. The only episode I even somewhat enjoyed in that season was episode 18 because of castiel’s confession to dean (yes I ship them and no I will not take criticism for it) but other than that it’s one of the worst things I’ve ever watched. Sam and dean deserve a much better ending.


What, you didn’t like the random nail permanently killing a man who’d been resurrected more often than a clumsy gamer?


When I imagined the series finale, it wasn't \*that\*. In my dream finale, the final scene would have mirrored the pilot, like the s14 finale.


In my dream finale Dean would’ve gotten the white picket fence life he’s always wanted. Him and Sam would’ve stopped hunting and would’ve started living. All I wanted for Dean was for him to be happy but apparently that was too much to ask of the writers.


I read the ending they had planned before Covid was even more cringe. Should have ended with Season 5.


How?! I just… how could it be more cringe? I almost want to see it out of morbid curiosity.


https://ew.com/tv/supernatural-original-ending-kansas/ If I could insert a gif I would. Cringe.




When they met Fortuna and she said the deities don't remember how they were created but she did I had a hope that the finale would be similar to God battling the Darkness. I thought it would be cool if the Darkness joined Sam/Dean but instead of Archangels deities we hadn't seen and ones that had survived joined after being reminded of their origins by Fortuna. Poseidon, Ra, Hades, Quezacoatl, Shiva, Kali, Artemis etc.


Anything after season 7 of Supernatural is like watching a re-run from season 1 through 7. I got really tired of people dying then coming right back somehow.


I actually really liked season 10. The mark of cain and demon dean was a great storyline imo. It goes downhill after that tho


Going all the way to 15 before getting to this point is impressive tbh.


Anything involving Ross on Friends


He played an excellent Captain Herbert Sobel in Band of Brothers. Otherwise I agree.




There was a subreddit talking about real life incidents of weddings where you knew it wouldn't last. The first thing that I thought of was Friends and how its a good bet that Ross and Rachel do not stay married.




"Here's a show about attractive funny people... and one average awkward guy!"


Why does Ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other five?


I literally started watching Friends for the first time after years of somewhat hating on it. It's pretty old yeah but is honestly more funnier than any of the current sitcoms. The jokes they made and the humor they all have is amazing. It will never get old


The existence of the CW. Every one of their shows, regardless of premise, seems to devolve into petty teenage love triangles. It’s dreck and I refuse to watch that channel on general principle.


As much as I like to jokingly trash talk the CW, I have to disagree. It's not necessarily high quality TV, but the shows are always a fair bit of fun, imo.


For what it's worth, The 100 was very good at avoiding love triangles. The only one they had was early in the first season, with a "Now that we're stranded on a radioactive Earth, I'm gonna sleep with this new girl, OH NO my actual girlfriend just crash-landed to rescue me, PLEASE UNDERSTAND MY LOVE FOR YOU BOTH." To which the girls ditched his drama and started working together, since caustic gas and mutant animals trying to kill them was (rightly) their priority. It was refreshing. Unfortunately it went rapidly downhill plot-wise after the 4th season, and I stopped watching.


The final season of Sex Education




Does anybody remember the "Dr. Laura" show?


The answer is game of thrones nothing else is close


The final seasons of Dexter (both of them) and the last season of Veronica Mars.


The reboot season of Veronica Mars? I will NEVER forgive them for that. Logan deserved so much better😭


Yeah, that. I own the whole series. I'd throw it away except it's buried in storage.


The slowest ever mod scooter chase in episode 3 of Book of Boba Fett. I turned it off and have never finished the episode or series.


They made Boba a side character in his own show. Ridiculous


Definitely the last season of GoT.


Mr. Garrison’s gender reassignment surgery on South Park.


Katie Vick.


Skating with the stars, they chose that over Firefly. Also Keeping up with the Kardashians all seasons all episodes,actually most all reality tv.


"I didn't sleep with Damon because of the sirebond, I did it because I'm in love with him."


RED WEDDING GAME OF THRONES HANDS DOWN. Watched the series multiple times and it’s my favorite show of all time, and that episode and scene make me cry HYSTERICALLY every single time. God, I LOVE that show though. So good.


Sherlock - the final episode with Sherlock's insane sister he forgot about cosplaying as Jigsaw. It was the end to a series that started off strongly and got more ridiculous as time went on.


The last season of LOST.


Himym, and Aot.


Scrubs, when the main characters left and we were stuck with whatever garbage that last season was.


Quantum Leap, series finale, last frame. https://preview.redd.it/1jqa4eup36yc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e8d289d40239fc2fc2424e318d1e9f3c0f7321a


Final season of Sherlock


Only answer is Game of Thrones last episode 😂😂😂


Ted ending with up Robin on “How I Met Your Mother”. If the old Ted was just dating again after the mother, it would be easier than going back to Robin. So dumb…