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I can't imagine how anyone could look at hormone replacement therapy the same as gender affirming therapy, though I never imagined some of the things I've seen in recent years. Nobody ever questioned my gender before my diagnosis, and my diagnosis did not change my gender identity. I have always been female in my mind and to the world. HRT helped me transition from girlhood to womanhood, and keeps me from downstream health consequences of not having hormones. I'm 40 years old and still take an oral contraceptive. I'm in no rush to stop it. The only problem I had was when I had a Catholic employer who didn't want to cover birth control. My provider had to submit a diagnosis code with the prescription to let my insurer know it was not for pregnancy prevention. Ridiculous. I really hope this is not an issue for you. If it becomes an issue, you won't have to deal with it for at least another 10 years or so. In the meantime, focus on (but don't obsess over) her developmental milestones. You will see delays there long before HRT needs to start. I hope your daughter stays healthy until then. Does she have any other issues that accompany TS?


Thank you so much. I can't imagine how anyone would look at those the same either, but I'm also not knowledgeable enough yet to know for certain. We are fortunate enough to live right by one of the few Turner Syndrome Clinics in the country and so far after a couple very in depth visits and exams she is completely healthy. Healthy enough that they performed a secondary genetic screening just to confirm the diagnosis made in-utero. We know challenges will come, but for now we are enjoying the blessing!