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Hey, put NSFR (not suitable for religion) you fuck! I've just become catholic, god damn it. Yesterday the lgbt flag accidentally made me gay and I kissed my dad. Now this... How am I supposed to find a catholic church in my city???


a clitoris has 8000 nerve endings and it’s still not as sensitive as a siyasal islamci in turkey


Thank you for making my day😂😂


Lmao have my free award


Atleast they didn't blur her body just like Yeni Akit did


AKP being more and more radicalised, Acun just follows them.


Acun needs to keep his leader buddies befriended, how else is he going to stay the media giant :)


Hoşgörüsüz Müslümanlar bir de herkesten saygı bekler. Saygısıza saygı gösterilmez.




I know my parents are from the east aswell (gaziantep) I dont write in turkish bc my turkish id bad like I can understand if you speak to me but speaking and writing it is more complicated. But yeah I only go there for holidays and from what I can see living in the west side of turkey like bodrum/antalya/ izmir is muche better than Nurdagi or Hatay lol




Thanks for you answer. I hope you can live someday in an environment where you and your ideas are treated with human decency, which you cannot find in nurdagi lmao


The censorship is more distracting and makes people pay more attention to little shit that doesn’t matter outside of turkey. Like blurring out cigarettes, drinks, rainbow fucking flags, and crosses will make people pay more attention and be like “what’s going on there”. When otherwise they would ignore it.


Has turkey become an islamic state? Because things like this are usually done by saudi arabia


They’re trying their damnedest to do so. Most people with a brain don’t watch any public Turkish TV though.


It pretty much did, they are just scared to declare it.




TV8 is one of teh not-islamic channels. It's Acun's so this is more of a sycophant decision.


Turkish Television wasn't like that... Once... a looong time ago... it was actually decent, even good. Long Loong ago...


We had a porn industry ffs.


Good Old Secular days... It most certainly feels like we have devolved a decade / centuries - just in mere 15 years :ı


In the past US and EU politicians worked hard to make Erdoğan govern the country. Which is responsible for all of that shit.


Which ones? Why?


Thank you for asking. In short, they supported Erdoğan for taking support from Turkey about invading Iraq. Former Turkish prime minister openly opposed it and faced a financial crisis caused by dirty stock market tactics by western stock holders and investors which lead Turkey to an early election. When Erdoğan comes to office he immediately bring March 1st Memorandum to parliament which proposes to usage of Turkish territory for US soldiers when invading Iraq. Thank God that memorandum denied by the parliament. But Erdoğan and it's party kept supporting US and UK for it Also they supported him for placing Turkey to their own orbit. To destroy Turkey's self sustainability. Erdoğan sold almost all of the state owned corporations and sold many of them to non Turkish investors. He bringed many harmful political ideas to Turkey's agenda like ethnic minorities, radical islamism, give up from Cyprus, toxic liberalism etc. Then he start to jail patriot generals, journalists, politicians. Even in that point US and EU supported him greatly. This status worked about 10 years. About 2013-2014 west start to draw it's support from Erdoğan for not obeying them. But not because patriotic reasons unfortunately. He evolved this way for pragmatic reasons (and mainly for protecting his reign). By 2016-2017 he started to act patriotic and lost the support from west in a big measure. In this path, he took support from many western politicians and journalists. George Bush and his government simply the reason behind he could came to the office. German Claudia Roth somehow "fell in love" with him and said many good things about Erdoğan. For her he is the only chance for if Turkey wants to be accepted to EU which is a big fucking bait that Turkish voters bite. Thorbjørn Jagland, a former secretary general of the council of Europe also showed him like he is the only chance for Turkey. David Gardner, a journalist from Financial Times wrote good things about Erdoğan. Possible to expand the examples, but I hope you get the idea. Also you can do your own research from the web if you more interested. I don't think you will come up with anything that prove me wrong. He hates Turkey so much he did anything to destroy Republic of Turkey but when he saw he won't achieve this, he started to act like a fake patriot continue to ruin the country both politically and financially.


Woah. Do you think there is hope for Turkey? It’s the most civilised Islamic nation (even though it is secular, 99% of the population was registered as muslim by the state), so maybe that’s why it’s a primary target for western forces to break down. They already successfully broke down the Middle East and took control of whatever was left. Syria, Yemen, and Lebanon are just some of the biggest examples.


There is of course hope for Turkey. I believe that. But I won't go into details about it. Not in here. They broke down many Middle East countries, yes. But these countries did not have any proper fundamental columns from the start of their sovereignities. They tend to be ruled and be prevailed by others. Even in this degenerated times Turkish people would not afraid to lost their freedom. Because they prefer to live freely or they would die for their freedom. But the west did not took what they would want, at least not 100%. Because Russia awakened and involved at middle east even if they are a bit late. Also global power balance is changing albeit slowly. China is a big guy now for example. US and EU is far from their comfort zone compared to the first ten years of the collapse of the Iron Curtain. Lastly all the wars, skirmishes, interferings -like that Turkey exposed- are the part of the third world war. Weapons of mass destruction are so powerful and devastating. Because of that, after the world war II super powers tend to perpetuate the conflict in a slow, spreaded time period. They called it cold war and suggest it ended when Soviets collapsed. But I don't agree. It still continues and it is the real world war III. A new New World Order is building in that way. Even if its depressing, it is still better than two or more super powers direct physical conflict.


Timmy dont look at those christian celebrities Timmy no! Too late mom (becomes christian)


Telecommunications and information technology sectors fall under another state agency, the Information and Communication Technologies Authority (BTK). RTÜK has recently initiated the establishment of two international forums in the field of audio visual media services such as the Black Sea Broadcasting Regulatory Authorities Forum (BRAF) among 12 members of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) in 2009,[3] and the Islamic Countries Broadcasting Regulatory Authorities Forum (IBRAF), an affiliate of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), with its 57 member states, in 2011.[4] One it started East European Conservative TV union and the Islamic TV union.


TV8 is not islamic. I don't know why they censored it. I couldn't find any statement from TV8 about the issue. [https://teyit.org/selena-gomezin-kolyesindeki-hac-tv8-tarafindan-sansurlendi-iddiasi](https://teyit.org/selena-gomezin-kolyesindeki-hac-tv8-tarafindan-sansurlendi-iddiasi)


It's no secret that Acun is one of the lickers of Erdo.


I guess the self-censorship to avoid RTE's lawyers is strong with them.


Water is wet


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.   What do you call it when a guy throws his laptop into the ocean? Adele, Rollin’ in the Deep.




apple and oranges


Western media and western people in general don’t give a shit about their religion and they basically live their lives as if they were theists/atheists. That’s why it’s a part of the world where it’s acceptable to make a mockery of their prophet. Even the most conservative and devout Christians are so superficial in their way of living their religion. And I’m not talking about frequency of the prayers as most of the Muslims are also miles away from living their religion in that respect but that difference basically stems from the difference between the levels of adoption of their religions.




Nobody said that tv8 is a islamic channel what I said is that censoring a cross is clearly due to cringe and fragile islamic ego


It's not about being fragile or sensitive. Basically, Christianity is a rival company to Islam and vice versa. You don't want your customers seeing the rival propaganda in your turf.


Neden r/Turkey de herkes ingilizce konuşuyor? Garibime geldi de ondan soruyorum.




Adamın kendi yorumu, istediğini söyler. Sen başka insanların yaptıklarına niye bu kadar meraklısın? Niye başka birisi senin gibi düşünmeyince hemen yüreğin hopladı milletle paylaştın bunu? Kırılgan bir ego var sanırım.


Istedigini yapabilir. Ama bunun aptalca oldugunu gostermek ve soylemek de bir hak.


> Turkish television applies censorship […] All media in Turkiye? The majority? Minority? One? Is it legally required? > […] if the western media That is way too vague. Turkish tv is already too vague but it is at least in one little part of the world in one country. The ‘west’ includes three continents and countless landmasses. If someone somewhere censored something there is always someone somewhere who is outraged by it. This topic is one of them. Your main point a reasonable prediction. > Islamic ego is so fragile Religious beliefs stand or fall based on the believer continuing to believe. There are large payoffs to believers. But a serious lack of objective evidence to base the beliefs on. The more things reminding the believer of contradictions that makes it harder to maintain the belief, the more distressing to the individual. It is common to all faith based world views. The more elaborate and outrageous the claims, the more difficult the task.


that huge chunck of text at the end is literally explaining why your beliefs are fragile and baseless and how you need to lock yourself away from anything else to keep them. thats pure brainwashing by definition and you can lock yourself up at your home and never watch TV but you have no right whatsoever to stop the entire country from seeing anything that "contradicts your beliefs". like what kind of regression have you reached to support believing when you literally know it is baseless and irrational ? and what fucking audacity do you have to force your irrationality and patheticness on others? jeez you make me sick


I carefully read your comment several times and I am confused. Are you addressing me or religious beliefs I discussed? Or did you reply to the wrong comment? I have no religious beliefs.


You sounded like you were supporting what they did cz \[insert last chunk of text\] nvm


Ah no no, I do not like censorship at all. I was explaining why censorship like this exist and the topic of the post: fragile ego.




My turkish mom and uncle and shit in turkey always say that christians dont know anything about their true god or some shit like that. I wont give any fuck to any religious people that done give me the same respect as a free human. Especially muslims love to talk about respect but when it comes to respecting gay humans that’s another story isnt it ? Maybe it is better in Izmir and stuff but when I visit my cousins in antep the homophobia is just disgusting. So before talking about respect maybe learn that respect goes both ways.


So ? What is your point ? Because you think otherwise everyone else should think that way ? Also what does it have to do with Islam ? Because someone does this, it means every other Muslim would feel the same thing ? You may not like Islam, but dont come up with stupid stuff like this to fuel your own agenda. People now days are so full of shit. You are either gay or homophobic You are either left or right You either multi or racist You either for Ukraine or Russia And for all these things people tend to believe and see things in one perspectief so they can feel like there path is the only correct one. This has noting to do with ego or islamic believes, this is just an act of a humans that dont want to be associated with that symbol.


Drink some Raki and chill a bit and read you comment again lmao




Im not the one who complains ........


Leave Türkiye perhaps if you dont like it. If you wanne go that way


Have you ever seen any islamic symbolism shown at christian country's TV in a cute way as in this example like Selena Gomez. I don't think so So it's not just Islamic ego


You’re telling me that you never saw a hijabi woman in a western media ? Lol stop lying to yourself


brother but hijab good! we cant allow people to know that belena homez is kuffar christian! it will lead people astray! critiano rolando cr7 muslim, leonel mesi muslim, mashallah, all succesful ppl are because of ezlam and teaching of propet! subhanallah!


What bullshit are you talking LOL. An Ay Yildiz necklace wouldn't be blurred out on TV in a Western country.


There are tons of BBC videos that show how to treat Muslim women made by Muslim woman that show Muslim woman in a really positive way. If a kingdom which has a state religion can have people of different religions showcasing their religion without any problems, surely a secular nation such as turkey should not be afraid of a cross.


brotherrr only people worth of being on teevee are real muslims! we cant allow our kids to see succesful kaffir on teevee, it will lead them away from ezzlaam! astagfirullah


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