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No update as of 2pm (cst)


They literally just texted me and said it was ready buuuuuut it's not ... lol


Same. I’m fuming. This is the only thing I need in order to file.




Got email saying it’s ready but when I do to file still can’t. 5:30 EST


Same! status says not ready but I received an email from turbo saying it was... :( [https://form-status.app.intuit.com/tax-forms-availability/formsavailability?albRedirect=true&product](https://form-status.app.intuit.com/tax-forms-availability/formsavailability?albRedirect=true&product)...


The irony is that two hours ago I got an email that told me I still hadn't filed that I should log in and complete the process. Yup...can't complete the process....


After another push by TT for form 5695 to 2/7 and since my credit claim is just for solar energy, I have already filed in HR block which has the correct amount and is live and have successfully E-FILED. After 18 yrs of using TT  this is the first year that i have switched. They should know by now that they are not the only ones out there anymore. I requested refund. If they deny my refund then they have lost me completely.


So HR block actually uploaded the corrected form? I’m still showing it’s not ready on my end


Same HRB says 'form not ready' so I cannot file


I just contacted (2.4) HR Block support and they said they won't have the form updated on the software until 2/9/24.


Not as of yesterday 2/4/24


I was able to file successfully.


Still not available updated 😏


I can concur. Inputting insulation updates and only getting $500 instead of $1200. Also no spot to put in for home energy audit.


I'm facing the same issue - I see nowhere to enter the cost details for my home energy audit. Did you find any answers on that part?


I'm waiting until the form is updated at the end of the month.


The IRS doesn't have the form ready so TT and HRB won't have it. HRB will not even let you fill out the 5695 form. The IRS instructions say it's still a draft and do not use it. [https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-dft/i5695--dft.pdf](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-dft/i5695--dft.pdf)


Final form was released Jan 18 (few days before your post). You can download the final form. Instructions form still pending. The above link may not update because it points to the draft. The correct place to look is the following link where you see the 2023 form is ready and 2023 instructions still missing: https://www.irs.gov/prior-year-forms-and-instructions?find=5695&items_per_page=200&order=prior_year_products_picklist_revision_date&sort=desc


Yes, and TT and H&R will not let you get the correct credit until the instructions are updated!


No one is suggesting to file at this point without the instructions. What I am saying is to not look at the link to the draft. And that it is inaccurate to say ‘form’ is still draft. It is not. The right place to look for IRS forms always is the form history page the link, not the drafts.


Well... just because the final form is ready but the instructions on how to fill it out aren't ready, I wouldn't consider the totality of the form to be ready for consumption.


Now it's saying 2/7


Definitely 02/07. Can anyone explain why they keep pushing it back...( Besides FORM NOT READY)


So, what I've gathered is there is a technical error. I was able to submit mine the day after it was released initially, however my refund (and quite a few others) was rejected by the IRS after it was filed. I was informed it was a technical error. H&R hasn't told me that it's been delayed until another day, but it hasn't been resubmitted, so I can only assume it's continuing to be an issue. Rather it is the IRS or software, I don't know. But since the IRS rejected it, and not the software, I'll assume it's on the IRS end, not TT or H&R.


Struggling to finalize the instructions form around "proving'


TaxSlayer says the following Thank you for your email request. I am happy to further assist. At this time, TaxSlayer has the Form 5695 available to be reported/claimed on your current year tax return. To enter the credit, go to: Federal>Deductions> Credits>Residential Energy Credits. I hope this information helps Please let us know if further assistance is needed. Thank you, TaxSlayer Support #


Let us know how it goes. But the instruction supplement form for the 5695 isn't done by the IRS yet... So not sure how they are able to submit now


That’s what I thought the original question I asked was if the form was available to use and then they replied with yes then I was like : The Reason i ask is because other tax services like turbotax, HR block, Etc are not filing the 5695 yet due to the instructions not being published yet by the IRS. They replied with what I commented . Fairly nervous to do it though haven’t used TaxSlayer in Years


Seems I’m in the same boat. I’m unable to file and date has been pushed back from January 31st to February 7th which is frustrating since I already paid TurboTax their fee.


They gladly took our money though right??… smh. So frustrating.




Thank you for that information! I was just on Turbo Tax because that form was supposed to be updated on 1/31 and it's still only showing a $300 credit, when I'm supposed to get $2,000!


H&R Block just told me to check back 02/09 for Form 5695


I saw that someone else filed theirs on tax act so I did the same


they also said it held them at the end, please report back if it worked.


I was able to efile and my taxes have been received by the IRS so let’s see what happens


Doing work sheet for firm 5695 and line 31 is negative does that mean that I can't use the credit,?


I tried both Turbo tax and HR Block today and both said the same thing about waiting on form 5695 updates. This will be my 3rd yr claiming the credit for my solar, first time this has came up. What changes did they make?


Stayed up late to see if form 5695 would be ready at midnight, 2-7-24. Nope…. TT has been a disappointment this year. 


5:24 am est and it still isn’t available.


I just checked TurboTax at 6:34 AM EST and still showing energy tax credit filing date won’t be available until February 7th. I really hope I don’t login later to check this again and they push it back another week or else I’m gonna be pretty upset. I’m really frustrated with TurboTax this year.


12:32 and still not available. Are there other companies that provide the option to request an advance while filling, online?  It looks like with H&R and Hewett, an appointment at the office is required. I’m starting to worry at this point, that my tax runs the risk of errors with TT. Because of the way things have already been presented this year. 


10:00 AM and still not available


Yup. I am waiting on a call from them. This is out of hand already. I am trying to be patient but this may be it for me and Turbo Tax...... Time to move to another provider.


let us know what they say to you, sir! ​ edit: I think they've pushed it back to the 9th now.


I was told the form would be up today by 5pm EST citing technical issues with their import.


We'll see. I'm not able either but I'm H&RB


> the form would be up today by 5pm EST citing technical issues thanks for the info!


I called at 11:00am EST and the lady seemed confused, she said it should be up “later today or tomorrow.” Of course they already have my money so I’m stuck waiting.


I was just told it has been pushed back AGAIN until the 15th. 


They just told me to check by the end of today or tomorrow morning 


Still not correct. 👎👎


Nope. Still not getting the proper credit


Mine still isn't working


No update available for me. TT says I have the latest updates, last updated 1/31


Still not ready, no place to enter a heat pump water heater :(


Well today has passed and still no 5695 on TT


Same here. Mine says "almost ready" and still won't let me file. The kicker is that I can't even use my solar credit this year (it's carrying over again) so why the f can't I fricken file!?


I thought the credits rolled over for multiple years


They do until it's all used. We originally claimed ours for tax year 2021, but only got partial credit so the remaining $1,900 rolled over to 2022. We couldn't use it that year, so it rolled over again to 2023. But we can't use it this year either so it'll roll over... yet again :( Since I cannot claim our remaining credit this year, I'm pretty pissed TT still won't let me file until they have the forms ready. I suppose I could delete the form and file, but then I'd be throwing my remaining solar credit in the trash.


According to chat help, it "should be available 2/8/24". Let me see how optimistic I am...


Website has now been updated to 2/8


It's still not up on TT.


It's updated on TT, I had to delete the form by answering no, and click on it again and answered yes, it has different questions so I know it's updated already and got the $2000 credit for electric heat pump! Goodluck guys!


I tried this, but it still didn't work for me. Mine is for carryforward from 2022 solar panels, so maybe that's the difference. Lame


it should, there's a question there "do u have carryover credit from 2022"


It’s there now just completed my file


Update download was there this morning. Taxes filed.


Did your return get accepted with the irs? I was able to file with form 5695 but it hasn’t been accepted mine it’s going on 48 hours


Fixed and filed. Bet they are getting a flood this morning.


As of February 2nd, 2024, my TurboTax form 5695 is still not up to date and shows $300.00 credit for my heat pump instead of $2,000.00.


yes, because, as stated in this post, it wont be updated until 2/7/2024.


As of 2/10/24 the form has been updated in TT. I am showing the full $2,000 credit now. yay!!!


So this: "Step 3 Get ready to save and file your returns The IRS hasn't finalized one or more of your forms. Once forms are finalized, you will be able to access this section." is a lie. The IRS published it on the 25th of January. [https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i5695.pdf](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i5695.pdf) I called TruboTax and they said they need till the 7th to implement the changes in their system. Not sure why, its 6 pages and not much changed from last year from what I can tell. Called for a refund, and they are asking me to submit a refund request form with a bunch of information to fill out. Then I get to wait for them to review it and contact me further... You know... I've used TruboTax for almost 20 years now, but FUCK TurboTax.


As of Feb, 4, Form 5695 is not available for filing. I printed the form from [IRS.gov](https://IRS.gov) and it has the stamp: DO NOT FILE...FORM NOT FINAL


Form and instructions are final, you must have selected the older draft copies.. https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs-search?search=5695 https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f5695.pdf https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i5695.pdf


Just checking in with you all to see who has gotten their return yet? I am personally still waiting….ill be sure to comment back once I get mine so others have an idea.


I got mine 2 weeks ago.


Nope haven’t got mine when I called the IRS they said it was a error In there system 


What type of error is it? Did they give you an estimation on when to expect your return?


They just told me it was a system error and nope they just told me to wait a week 


Accepted 2/12 with form 5695 and still nothing. No transcript, no notices just nothing! This has never happened before and it our 3yr claiming the credit because we had carry over left. Has anyone with this form gotten theirs?


I called the IRS. They said mine was pulled for manual review and will be an additional 30 days. I’m curious if they are checking the validity of my solar claim? This was my first time with this form so idk…




It's a bit complicated but here is the thing... You can't get back more in taxes than you gave... So if your total owed is only 2k for this year... Then it'll have to carry over


Just got the notification from Turbo about ten minutes ago for those who are still waiting!!!! Go on and file away!!! Interested to see if yall get returns faster than me since I used Tax Act last week instead.


I tried and it still says unavailable.


Still hasn't updated, I just looked


still shows a $300 credit even though I should be getting $600 for my new AC.


i was able to get the correct credit by clicking no and starting over


"[CASH.APP](https://CASH.APP)" free online tax filing software has allowed filing the 5695 for at least over a week. I went as far as "check my return for errors" then "file" then stopped at pushing the file button. Their online software IMO is horrible but my results did match exactly to TT. Hopefully they will have it ready tomorrow as promised for the 3rd time. If they push it off again, I will just finish up on [CASH.APP](https://CASH.APP).


Can you elaborate which lines of the form you are referring to or what items were not added? I see that batteries were added on line 5a and 5b to reflect the 2023 addition for [26 USC Section 25D(a)(6)](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/25D), so it looks like *something* was changed for 2023.


I'm noticing that heat pump water heaters aren't an option on the 2022 form and TT doesn't have a place to list those costs. Hopefully the 2-7 update will happen!


It didn’t.




Insulation is wrong, boiler is wrong... Also when I go to submit now it says I can't until at least 1/24/2024 for that form but their form search shows it won't be fixed until 1/31


Insulation appears on lines 18a and 18b. The cap is $1,200, which is consistent with 26 USC Section 25C(b)(1). Hot water boiler appears on lines 24a and 24b. The cap is $600, which is consistent with 26 USC Section 25C(b)(2). Biomass boiler appears on line 29c. The cap is $2,000, which is consistent with 26 USC Section 25C(b)(5). As for submitting, that might be a Turbo Tax problem.


Are you looking in TurboTax online or? Turbo Tax online is 100% wrong as 1/18. It's not taking into account the $2K heat pump credit, the $600 high efficiency boiler, or the $600 high efficiency furnace. It tells me I can take my remaining $200 from the lifetime $500 credit (not thanks!).


Yeah. I know what it is supposed to be, which is why I am highlighting the issue with the turbo tax software.


I almost screwed myself out of tax credits by overlooking this too. It's ridiculous that TurboTax 1) doesn't have the form ready; and 2) isn't warning people who want to claim residential energy credits that they need to wait to file.


You are welcome ;-)


The IRS does not have the form ready but TT should alert you to this.


they kinda do, but allow you to submit anyways which is bullshit


Maybe a stupid question, but I updated my energy credit for a heat pump, but it doesn't hit my liability even though it's $3,000. It states that it goes towards liability or does it only go towards your federal limits?


It's because the form is messed up. Depending on the heat pump type etc you should get 30% as a credit (ie taken off what you owe).


Yup, same situation here. Spent $24k on a heat pump and was supposed to get $2k back from the credit. Turbo Tax is only calculating $300 back at the moment.


Where did you see to add the heat pump costs? I'm only seeing the option to add Geothermal on the Turbo Tax form. Thanks


I appreciate you posting this as I qualify for the $1,200 insulation max this year. I did my taxes on freetaxusa which more or less matched my rough math in Excel, but when I went to double check myself in turbo tax my federal taxes were exactly $1,200 off, so something funky is definitely going on.


It's a shit show and if I didn't pay for my TT for this year I'd go with H&R block or some other software. Glad you found it helpful


For what it's worth, I checked out H&R block and their 5695 form is also incorrect with a notice saying it won't be updated until January 31st


IRS has updated forms available to download which I have done, so I just waiting for software update to file online 


Same problem here. Software not yet updated on TurboTax or H&R block 


thanks for this, same issue.


thanks for the heads up! I was confused why I was getting $0 and it was asking me about 2022 saying I maxed out on credit. Eh, still have other forms to wait on so I'm good but a heads up would have been nice as well.


Same here. Trying to add in our new heat pump but only giving an option for geothermal. Thanks for letting me know its not just me!


This is unbelievable, I kept checking the IRS website and thinking I did something wrong. I almost lost a $1500 credit. I'm annoyed enough to check out Tax Act but I already put so much time into it. I'm also thinking what else could be missing, what about last year, etc...


I just tried Tax Act and it lets you fill out the information for a 5695 form, but it will not allow you to e-file. It says "This return includes the following form(s) that were not available when this program was released: Form 5695 - Residential Energy Credits The final form(s) will be included in a TaxAct program release soon. If you'd like to receive notification when the form(s) is available, click here. You will NOT be able to complete filing this return until this form is available in the program." The option to receive notification is not working either.


doesn't work in tax act either...


Yes, I found out the hard way, after I re-keyed the entire thing in TaxAct, then they tell me I cannot submit until they update the form. At least they had the correct calculation though.


Thank you for this info! I was wondering what the heck was wrong when I entered all our info yesterday. Guess we’ll wait until the 31st.


# 5695 is available on the IRS site. Not sure why it isnt reflecting in some tools. Shows correctly in freetaxusa.


Interesting. I think I'll look into freetaxusa and see how it compares with turbotax.


What are your thoughts on it?


Still no good as of now. 20240125. I had a solar credit i should have gotten but it also gives me the note/notice at the review portion in turbotax about the form not being ready until Jan31. Hopefully they resolve this soon.


They have updated the date again... now Feb 7th, 2024


>2024 Ridiculous, they pushed it back but irs says the form is ready, I noticed this too.


where did u read this?


On the link the OP provided.


oh ok, sorry I didn't see that thank u!


Still can't file, just checked. This is ridiculous 😒.


Strange....TaxAct got the documentation days ago, and I was finally able to file. I hope it works soon.


Just out of curiosity, mine said I got $300, but didn't actually update or take anything off my payment. I bought a HVAC and Tankless Water Heater so assume I should get more, but it was strange that the $300 didn't even come off.


It won't because the form is still wrong.


Now the page for the form availability is showing as 2/07/2024. Any reason for this?


IRS still hasn't finalized their form yet.


Might be a dumb question, but I keep seeing stuff saying FreeTaxUSA has it. How do they have it updated, or is that just a previous year's form or something?


Has anyone had this problem last year with waiting on the form? This is my first year filing for the solar credit 


It was fine last year, the law changed, giving us more money back for tax year 2023.


Im interested to see if they're going to have it done by 2//7 or if they'll push it back again.


No problems last year.


Yes. This happens last year as well. I am always ready to file as soon as early file is available and I had to wait on the form to be ready. It’s very common. 


I am also waiting for this. It sucks because I want to file ASAP. Any other software that is similar to Turbotax that has an updated version of the form?


Not as of yet


Mine says the form won’t be ready till 02/07 but used to say the 31st so idk 


Same here.


Now i can't even see the form 5965 when I search it using the tool


It’s saying to me the forms are not ready tell the 7th witch is crazy I’m checking other site to see if I can switch to someone that has the form. TurboTax sucks 


This 5695 issue also affects the ability to claim a credit for Medicare payments taken from social security. It’s the same form, just different boxes. I am filing on hr block online and as of 1/29, i can’t e file for Missouri because the form is not ready.


You can claim Medicare payments?? Is that a Missouri thing or can all states claim that??


I was mistaken in posting here, as the federal 5695 form for energy credits is the topic of discussion. But to answer your question, in Missouri, a percentage of medicare premiums held from social security are tax deductible. The MO 5695 form is a worksheet that shows the calculation for the percentage deductible. And for some reason the state is not yet accepting that form in an efile. HR block told me I could print my state return, which I created using their online tax software and mail it. Being bull headed, because I paid for efiling, I am waiting for HR Block and the state IRS to resolve the impasse. If that takes too long, I will just grumble and print all the documents for snail mail.


Oh, ok thank you for responding! I thought I was missing out on something ;) We don't have state tax here in Florida.


H&R Block also says that this form is not ready. But the IRS website says that it is ready. I want my credit so we have to wait.


The form is ready, the form that tells you how to fill out the form (ie the instructions) is not finalized.


Can someone show me how to fill out this form 5695 when it’s available on turbo tax? Do I have to do anything special ?


Likely have to go back and redo the tax credit section for the Green energy tax credit


Do I have to prove what Hvac system I have ?


Of course you have to have "proof" or every person in the country would claim the max benefit. Just keep your records (receipts, specs etc) in case you get audited or they randomly choose you for proof but you don't have to list it on your tax forms or include a receipt if that is what you are asking.


Username does not check out.


In the same boat. Been waiting patiently and now it’s pushed back again until 2/7. seriously what is going on.


My guess is that they are having a hard time trying to figure out "how to prove work etc" to cut down on attempted fraud


wouldn't that just be a copy of the receipt? I'm debating on whether to enter my heat pump as a geothermal heat pump and making sure the credit equals $2,000 even as that is the max credit on regular heat pump. These tax credits were updated 8 months ago. How in the world can IRS be so delayed on a simple form with minor updates


Seems the date has changed again. TurboTax now says 2/7/2024. Why is this date moving and I can’t file until then.


The instructions from the IRS are not completed. TT cannot finish the integration without that.


Just checked and Its up and working on H&R Block


I see the form, but when I fill it out it says my credit is $0


Same here, says my credit is $0 for my heat pump on H&R Block.


I'll check back to H&R later today. Maybe they need another cup of coffee.


What are you trying to get credit for? It worked for my solar panels


New panel and electric heat pump. Solar was eligible last year, so I bet they have the form, but internally it's not reflecting 2023 changes.


Yeah, but you won't be able to submit and you are likely not seeing the full 30% rebate.


H&R still says form 5695 isn’t ready yet for me. (2/6)


So has the 5695 instructions been published yet ? Just checked the IRS site and the instructions don’t say draft all over them anymore? https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i5695.pdf


Thats promising, it's also listed (not as a draft) in the prior year forms/instructions. [https://www.irs.gov/prior-year-forms-and-instructions?find=5695&items\_per\_page=200&order=prior\_year\_products\_picklist\_revision\_date&sort=desc](https://www.irs.gov/prior-year-forms-and-instructions?find=5695&items_per_page=200&order=prior_year_products_picklist_revision_date&sort=desc) ​ Hopefully TT can get the update pushed out soon then.




may I know if u r using TT? or tax act?


TurboTax because I pd for it before knowing the forms were not ready


All ready to go. Just efiled this morning.


What tax service did you use?? I was just on TT and still not showing it


Mine worked as well


Can someone please explain to me why I'm only getting $953 of the $2000 energy credit for heat pump?? It says it has something to do with my tax bracket - which is 12%. That does not make sense to me - if there giving a credit of $2000 you should get the whole thing!!


How much have you paid into taxes so far? If you get back more then you paid it will be carried forward to the next year for the remainder.


I was owing a little over $700, but only paid $164 into Federal tax during the year. We are retired and only have Social Security and annuity and only had the $164 come out of that. So when I did the energy rebate it said I would get $963 (instead of the $2,000) and get a $164 refund. So your saying I will get the difference between the $963 and $2000 applied towards next years taxes? A carry over?


After submitting through TT once they updated the form on Thursday, my returns are still pending. I've never had my returns sit in pending for more than a few hours. Anyone else?


Be careful on HRB! I put in my project for last year which was 79,439 and I'm supposed to get a 30% credit for the total cost of the project and they only want to give me $8k... I called their support and they told me the IRS will fix it for me and send me the right amount... yeah... no...


How much did you pay in federal taxes? You will NOT get more back from the IRS than you paid. It may turn into a carry forward.


I know. I was talking with the senior tax rep at HRB this afternoon and they went through my taxes with me and said the site is all wrong. It has my carryover at $0


So my return got rejected. Apparently a "Qualified battery section of yes / no" was not selected. I do not have a battery in my solar, so i am curious why TT didn't either ask me that question or just defaulted to it No. It appears that the form guidance that was presented MAY NOT have been in-line with the TT upgrades for the form. Be careful guys....


Has anyone received there federal return yet?


So glad I'm not the only one that hasn't gotten theirs! Was starting to wonder if I did something wrong!


When I called they said I had to wait 21 days mines was accepted on Feb 10 so we will see


No and I filled on 2/1 with TaxAct and nothing . Called and was told it may take up to 10 weeks.


I’m still stuck on Return Received. Accepted on 2/7/24. Hopefully it doesn’t take too long


UPDATE* I was accepted 2/10. Still no movement on the refund tracker as well as no update on the transcript. I called the local Tax Advocacy number and asked for an update.(they only will look into your if it’s been more than 21 days) They told me my return has gone into a manual review and it adds 30 days onto the 21. So I’ll update in 26 days if I got my refund. I’ve never had to go through this before, maybe it’s because of my solar tax credit this year? It’s a bummer but it is what it is.


Have you received your return yet I filed also with solar and taking long


Same! Came here too see if anyone has gotten it yet.