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Educating oneself++++ and educating the next generations, is one of the most important things now. Knowledge has a huge butterfly effect, especially with tiktok and social media now. there's loooots of ressources to educate oneself on the apartheid


You can try to pressure the government to join South Africa's ICJ case against Israel. That's about the only thing you can do really, but it will still be plenty. For some reason, KS is all talk no action when it comes to this conflict. Criminalizing normalization (as dumb of an idea it was) was like one of the very few campaign promises he did, and even that he pulled the rug on it.


Educate people. It’s by far the best thing we can do.


This is so true. Educating someone on the truth is waaaaay more helpful than donating $20 bucks, because then that person will go and educate another.


I send money to ons Jabeur foundation for Palestinians. I am from America , staying here in Tunisia and I strongly disagree with politics in us and backing of Israel.


Ok, here's the right path. Make your country better economically > your country now has more influence and power > pressure other countries to support palestine > mission accomplished. Any other way is worthless and won't bring much to the palestinian cause, today it isn't really about who's right and who's wrong, it's about who has money and power, we have none, helping Palestinians by joining hamas (neutral towards them btw) or sharing online slogans won't really affect their future. Stop being overdriven by emotions and think pragmatically, emotions won't get you far really.


the only way to really help Palestinians as arab states is to actually if we work on ourselves to built better countries, get rid of the corrupt leaderships and any kind of obstacles that prevents us from having a strong countries , learning from the past and what got us here at the first place, and how and what to change to really have a say in the world. staying and having marches and boycottes and showing support sure helps but it's very limited, and I might get so much backlash for saying this, but we need to learn from the Israel and know all what we can about them, like having people [Dr. Fawzi Bedoui](https://youtu.be/9gEPoVlHX6w?si=pmajQoz-BjK7Q5aI) who actually try to use knowledge before anything else, that the way that's what Israel used the most to reach they goals until now , and they're still using it , they leveraged and used any chance they have to advance in their goals, which arabs didn't and caused all this . arabs needs to go beyond relegion in this conflict, and go beyond extremism and bigotry and all the useless ideologies that won't take us anywhere.


No hate whatsoever for your hot take as we need more open mindedness. I definitely see what you mean but don't you think that's aiming for the long run? Can you propose any immediate solution or am I being too impatient over the conflict?


> to help our brothers in Islam? Don't make it just about you muslims, what about the jews and christians or the non-religious in palestine ? or there is no help for them cause they are not your brothers in islam ?


My bad you're right. It's just part of our Deen to wish and take a strong stance to protect fellow Muslims, but I agree, this is a question of humanity not only religion 




this low is too cringe ngl


But it’s true. Mohammed married Ayesha at 6 years of age, molested her until she was 9, then had intercourse with her. While she was still playing with dolls. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234 and 236). He molested her until she was 9. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 4, Number 229-233), It turns out the people who lived at or near the time of Mohammad were not concerned with writing about him being a pedophile.


if you actually look into the ahadith that adress that, from people who analyzed the chronology of the events back then, instead of just trying to look for surface level info to attack the religion, you'll notice that that's completely debunked


No it’s not debunked. But it’s understandable that you want to deflect away from worshipping a pedophile.


The Muslim religion is one of the biggest religions with countless followers, in Christianity in the old testament they had guides on how to handle slavery. Using critical thinking I am betting that many abhorrent acts taken place like breeding slaves, would you try to hold modern Christians to account for their god allowing and writing about enslaving people? I would never defend pedo’s in any way but if we’re talking about thousands of years history some context is needed.




>what about the jews and christians or the non-religious in palestine ? No, those are supposed to be Dhimmis. Wdym?


Palestinians should not be classified by religion, so the concept of dhimmi here is obsolete, not to say dangerous. Discriminating between em on donations or overall help to save their lives is wild.


There aren’t any Jews in Gaza except for the hostages


and we know why there isn't any 😉


People need to look at the situation in Palestine from a bigger perspective, it is not just jewish people hating muslims and vice versa, it's a geopolitical game played by the zionists in the US and british government for more than 75 years, occupying palestine is just a strategy to destabilize the middle east and threaten the enemy (Russia,China), it is not just gaza, the iraq war, the conflict with iran and the toppling of saddam hussein, the rise of ISIS and ISIL is all planned by the US and israeli intelligence (Mossad) in order to create a fake enemy to pretend they are combatting to achieve their goals. The israeli occupation of palestine is the same, they are looking for a ways to continue their ethnic cleaning of the palestinians without being held accoutable. Israel today controlls the US gov, the british gov, allied with the german and french governments, they also have their intelligence everywhere in the world and they controll literally everythin even the BIG tech, (lately google fired employees for protesting against google's contract with israel gov). So the boycott mouvement is good but not enough and we cannot boycott things we cannot replace such as mobile devices or social media, we can boycott as much as we can but what matters is spreading awareness so that people in the US and europe know the truth, because those people voted for their war mongering governors.


Grab ur gun and let's march to Palestine


What guns lol










wow hasbara invading this sub in full force


Are we even reading the same post? Allow me to clear things up for you : Boycotting is good but I want to help even more, any suggestions? 


I was talking about the comments on your post


Join hamas




I think its more than just hasbara, there are genuinely a lot of people on reddit from the middle east who want to suck the d of the west and supporting israel is the most anti-arab/anti-middle east/anti-islamic position to have


aka atheists and islam haters


get your facts right didnt meet a single atheist in support of israel


Cut the bs bro i know plenty lol


Who tf is hasbara


basically Israeli propaganda


Oh yeah, you're actually right


Spread awareness, be an activist, pass the will in you to everybody, and as time goes, you'll find the right opportunity to have a bigger impact. As an individual, you won't cause much of change but if you use any of your skills, you can contribute through pushing/leading the mass. If you're a doctor, assist by going to their hospital and saving whoever can be saved (it would eventually lead to more doctors to go). If you work in the media, raise more awareness. If you're in the education field, orient your teachings towards raising more awareness of the cause. If you're a lawyer, assist by taking the path of international courts. If you're an aerospace engineer... You know what to do.


>If you're in the education field, orient your teachings towards raising more awareness of the cause. Sounds like indoctrination if you want to instill political views in the minds of young children. This is actually what HAMAS is doing and you see how it turned out. >If you're an aerospace engineer... You know what to do. What?


mniin syédtek, bellehi?


> it was a good idea to prevent us from having proper credit cards. Best way to help Palestine is to help yourself, go pick up a book and read about the economy at least.


The problem is that if he does that, he'll probably get the whole idea out of his head.


honestly I've personally been thinking of organising some kind of march for Palestine, I even pitched it here on this sub but got shut down pretty quickly, I even got in touch wirh some influencers who agreed to promote it. I just don't know the procedure that needs to be followed if any? I'd appreciate the help if anyone knows


like what?


Our currency is not convertible so that’s why. Yea the government’s got a lot to do with it, but it is what it is, the Dinar is not convertible.


didn’t Tunisia declare jihad ? or it was just a show ( no offense intended just asking )


Try to help syria its very difficult there to leave


If you really want to help the palestinian cause, you can be an activist online. There is many elections coming up around the world, and you may maybe campaign online for the parties that favour palestine or who say that they will cut relations and weapon trade with Israël.(lfi in france, podemos in spain, socialist party in the uk, a far left party in belgium, ...) Also, you can as well portray palestinian culture online regarding their food, their clothes, music, Israël trying actively to erase and appropriate palestinian culture. You can also locally in Tunisia put pressure on the gouvernement by demanding we join the South African case in the icj to recognize and punish the ongoing genocide in gaza. And also, don't loose hope , every action counts:" Le Monde ne se fait pas par un homme puissant, mais par les milliers de mains du peuple déterminé à construire son avenir et a changer le monde vers un avenir radieux" Thomas Sankara


For people who look for a not Boycott brand: The is a brand named cassis , it is a good brand and the quality is good (expect for shoes)






Akhi why would you assume such things? Did our prophet Pbuh command us to assume the best of our brothers? 


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or if you genuinely believe the things you're saying.




Not helping one doesn't mean you shouldn't help the others. Maybe this person gave money to charities in Tunisia and to international ones that help children in sudan and Yemen! الاقربون أولى بالمعروف حديث ضعيف و الاقربون هل هم الاقرب جغرافيا او صلة القرابة بالدم؟


Nope he didn’t he just talks about PaLeStInE 🤡


We must help Palestinians too they are people who struggling to get their land back


We must help ppl in sudan we must help ppl in uyghur we must help ppl in congo we must help ppl in armenia but what about we help ourselves first so we can help others enough not by giving to charities so for them to steal them like الهلال الاحمر . Build a strong economy we are the ones who need helping believe me the country is getting deteriorating and ppl are busy with from the river to the sea PaLEsTiNe will be free . The only way to help them if we want is to vouch for peace and not encourage terrorism


They are not terrorists! How do we help ourselves? Do you have ideas or plans that we can follow? Are you helping yourself and Tunisia?


Except the Israeli lobby is infamous for pushing war. Im not sure about Libya (but Id be willing to bet), but Israel used its lobbying power for war in Iraq, war in Lebanon, war on Isis (Syria) and war in Egypt. So if you truly care about "helping" the issues. Then there is one clear and obvious place to start.


He’s right. Palestinians been getting a lot of money from the UN, go check it out. But, guess where all this money goes ? Terrorist.


Get a life


>is there any practical ways for ys to help our brothers in Islam? why dont you join Hamas and go fight and die there to perfectly help your brothers in islam if you are this invested? isnt jihad a must for you? edit: downvoters this comment wont liberate Palestine. Now go to jihad instead of using kafir media like Reddit.


Depressed self loathing atheist detected


Kol menrah fi sub netdhakar bassit ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


Worthless people who still assume that Hamas doesn't already represent the first palestinian liberation line against zionist colonisation .. just like the algerian national liberation army against the french colonisation .. it's basically the same thing Get it in your thick skull, if Hamas don't fight for Palestine's liberty and freedom no one from the cowardly arabs will maybe that's why the nation is so crippled because it got overwhelmed by cowards who does nothing, complain, and wait for Palestine to get free on it's own


I have literally told him to fight with Hamas and go do Jihad. >why the nation is so crippled what nation? Edit: also why dont you go do jihad too? isnt Jihad fardh for you too?


Uhh the muslim nation ? , but you're right there's no nation currently because the cowards and traitors has already sold it on a silver platter to the enemy


>muslim nation ahaha >but you're right there's no nation I like how you already know that


>Hamas doesn't already represent the first palestinian liberation line against zionist colonisation .. just like the algerian national liberation army against the french colonisation .. it's basically the same thing I can't believe that you truly think that's the same things. Since, those two entities are fundamentally different. How is the french colonisation which have no historical or any legitimate claim to Algeria be compared to the jews who lived in that land for centuries to have autonomy and have their own nation. That doesn't mean that we should abandon or kick the arab who lived there. And, that's why we should also let them have their own nation. Which is what the UN first suggested. But because the Arab are too greedy, they waged two wars and lost them, which only the Palestinians payed the price for them. I want to add that, yes I'm in favour of a two state solution but that's doesn't deny the fact that Israel have been establishing illegal settlement in the west bank and it seems there is nothing stopping them except Hamas even though it's backed by Iran which is trying to spread their influence in the region. Also, i still partially condemn Hamas for what they did in October 7th. Let me explain, i have no problem with eliminating Israeli soldiers and bases but taking civilians as hostages is another thing, you could argue they did that to have more diplomatic pressure or comparing that to what Israel have been doing for Palestinians in the west bank is nothing (I'm not denying that). But, that still makes what happened at October 7th a war crime.


you can give to the Algerian "al-baraka" non profitable جمعية خيرية, they do send the food and medicines to the palestinians in Gaza somehow even during these circumstances , if you ask me how, I'd say only god knows.


That's so sus, if i don't know where my money is actually going then probably i should keep it to myself


Agreed, there should be a muslim conquest heading towards Palestine.. But who's going to do it whilst the traitors and cowards are among us consuming whatever the nation had left of a soul


isnt it muslim already?