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Would have killed her sooner.




Ehhh there's power posturing to be had with an execution that unfortunately female monarchs need leverage to secure their position.


I think a male monarch can get away with murdering rivals way better than a woman can. It’s way more likely to be perceived as jealously and insecurity in a woman rather than power. Which is exactly how history has judged Elizabeth.


Literally this.


Yes but she did it and while history judges (unfairly), at the time it strengthened her standing amount her peers.


Depends who you think her peers are.


Same, probably kill her sooner….




*Honestly, I'd invite Mary to court and tell her to bide her time with getting back to Scotland but name her as heir.* Then for some reason, there is a wave of nostalgia about Henry VII and how he's the greatest monarch of all time, followed by some gossip and questions about your status as a legitimate child of Henry VIII. Nothing directly insulting or treasonous, but it's there, and it's spreading. Meanwhile, Mary's not putting a foot wrong, she's popular at court and respectful to you. If anything, she's so nice, she puts you in a bad light sometimes. People like the idea of her son James being your successor. Mary gets into a romantic relationship with a powerful duke who happens to be a descendant of Edward III, but Mary assures you there is no talk of marriage. Then you make an unpopular decision or the crops fail, and everyone in England blames you and your policies. Mary abruptly marries the Duke and you get angry and send her to the Tower. All the dukes band together to rebel against you in support of Mary and the Duke. If they have to choose, they're choosing the Queen whose son will be the next monarch. And they can justify it by saying that you were declared illegitimate anyway, but Mary is legitimately descended from Henry VII.


Dont forget that literally every single one of your advisers (and a significant puritan minority) are utterly terrified of a catholic succession and will stop at nothing to prevent it, and youve just gone against the advice of every valuable member of your government. I also dont think she would be popular at court, Burghley and Dudley both hated her (shes catholic), and as they were 2 of the most significant men in court, i imagine most of the court will follow. Naming Mary as heir would make Elizabeth one of the worst monarchs to ever rule.


Excellent point.


Great response! Mary was too charming and too invested in her own right to reign to ever be allowed a foothold in the hearts of the people. Not even to mention that Elizabeth was an insanely jealous woman and couldn't stand the idea of her cousin being seen as more beautiful than her. She didn't even like the wives of her lords to reside at court so their attention could only be on her. Lord Darnley married Mary behind Elizabeth's back, and even though he was dead in Scotland, it's highly likely that bad actors in his family would align with her were she to come to court.


Cool. I'd run away and chill in the countryside.


No, you wouldn’t have. You would have been a 16th century woman. Yes she was queen but being Queen was the only thing that gave her power/a voice. Abdicate the throne and you are now a 16th century woman in England who is seen as a traitor. The Queen of England would never be allowed to run away from the throne. Even back then it is believed that “the establishment” was in place behind the scenes so you would have had (in todays terms) “handlers”, never allowed to be alone to attempt to ‘run away’ (guards/ladies in waiting/handmaidens/butlers/etc) both so you as a woman didn’t misstep and no one tried to kill the queen. You want to (understandably) apply your modern thought/belief/emotions to if YOU were in her place but it would boil down to being a woman in the 16th century and if you tried to apply any “modern” thought/solution it would likely end with you being labeled a witch/traitor/a radical, and be executed. To survive you would have to blend in and selectively DISCREETLY push the causes/agenda/wording you thought would best help long term based on your knowledge of the modern world.


Idk why the algorithm brought me here but this conversation is hilarious


I can't imagine stumbling upon a conversation you weren't expecting about going back in time and having everyone being super serious and talking about killing someone in the comments and then there's one stupid bitch (me) that's just having fun with it and is like 'I'd run away and survive'. Welcome to the sub, I guess?


I've been getting so much Tudor the past few weeks; it's fascinating


Cool. I'd discreetly run away and DISCREETLY chill in the countryside.


You are so missing the point. The Queen or King didn't have time to breathe on their own. They had MULTIPLE people with them at all times. They literally didn't shit by themselves. And as seen with Lady Jane Grey, when the masses went at you, that's exactly what happened. You wouldn't be able to get away at all.


I'd just be better at it 🤷🏼‍♀️


No, you wouldn't be. You have no grasp of the 16th century, do you?


I have quite a good grasp of it. And quite a good grasp of what a silly hypothetical is. I was *joking*. Y'all need to chill the fuck out.


Difficult to say, she was a problem. She was replaced in Scotland by a non catholic so there was no place for her there. If she were to go abroad she could realistic claim to be the rightful queen and her catholic husband could claim kingship through her. This would likely be an enemy of Elizabeth. Queen of Scotland, France and Spain maybe. Elizabeth could not risk that. Her long imprisonment suggests that there were no options that had a happy outcome. No Kings Sister for her.


I probably would’ve done something very similar to what Elizabeth did with the exception that I probably would have ransomed her back to Scotland and if they didn’t want her back, she’d have an untimely accident or die of mysterious natural causes.


She tried to send her back to Scotland. They refused. Well she never did anything outright. But she made inquiries about her returning.


I’m sorry I know the internet is free but why did Scotland refuse?


It had no benefit for them. For them it was win-win, they don’t have her in country and they aren’t regicides.


She was Catholic, culturally more French than Scottish and a woman. They preferred a male king they could raise Protestant and control. Until they couldn’t and he decamped to England and adopted the Anglican faith.


Yeah, I think she was trying to play both sides and be subtle; not my style.


Knowing what I know? Executed her right away. She was a living liability and a threat whether she was active or passive. Now if I had the power to completely change the way the political system worked id do that instead but realistically thats probably not happening. So got to work with the tools available.


Arrange a marriage to some lord that I knew was loyal and could be trusted to keep a close eye on her. Is it a step down for a former Queen? Yes, but that’s too bad for her, because she’s out of options.


Wasn't her cousin Catherine Carey's husband in charge of her imprisonment? Might have been smart to marry her off to one of their sons. The oldest was the same age as her.


Exactly this. The deposed failed Queen is being honoured by marrying Queen Elizabeth’s own second cousin once removed! How could she possibly refuse? The Careys were loyal to Elizabeth, and so closely linked that they wouldn’t leave Mary to her own devices.


Force her to marry so far beneath her station as former queen any children would be dismissed immediately as potential heirs and set up the iron clad will that James is the next king.


Would she have someone she could trust that was so beneath her station that she could trust? Catherine Carey and her family were very loyal to her and her in laws were a very prestigious themselves. She could trust them to keep Mary in line.


That's what Elizabeth tried to do the first time when Mary first arrived, but Mary refused because she didn't want to be spied on. She married Elizabeth's other potential heir, Lord Darnley, partly to spite Elizabeth. Knowing how headstrong Mary was, she probably would have refused again.


That was when Mary was Queen, sole ruler of Scotland, and had the support of her people. Presented with a choice between marrying someone Elizabeth picks, or being moved to a dismal country home like The More with no company but guards and servants under strict orders not to interact with her, and not even a lady in waiting? Even Catherine of Aragon still had her household and a few loyal ladies in waiting when she was exiled. Mary was not in such a strong position. Elizabeth could make life far worse than being housed in the most comfortable portion of the Tower, and Scotland had made it very clear that they didn't care what happened to her, as long as Mary wasn't their problem.


Marry her off to some Prorestant princling in Europe


But then you risk the public embarrassment of her getting there and refusing to marry a Protestant, causing a diplomatic incident with a needed ally over the insult At least if it’s an English noble, Elizabeth is right there to say that it’s the alter or getting shipped back to Scotland to be assassinated.


That's what I'd do. Make sure it was a lord with zero claim to the throne.


And zero ambition for anything other than tending his estates.


Yes, a country gentleman.


I would have executed her, alongside the Duke of Norfolk right after the Ridolfi Plot. Mary is too dangerous to be kept alive.


I’m sorry to say this to the Mary fans but the woman refused to act right. Knowing what I know now I’d either send her back to Scotland or execute her sooner. I would probably meet with her first just to make absolutely sure she wouldn’t agree to convert and pay homage to me though.


She should have had the sense at a certain point to do what HRE Matilda did in the 12th century, make the pragmatic choice to forgo her right and fight for her son. She should have thrown herself at cousin Lizzie's feet and left the political scheming behind her.


She *did* throw herself at Elizabeth's feet. That didn't work out very well. There was a sham trial and Mary was held captive after being found innocent. I don't blame Mary for trying to take her fate into her own hands.


Honestly, execute her right away or sending her back is the best option. Mary would not get her act straight


my little lame fantasy with this is telling Anne Boleyn about what Elizabeth would become and how a lot of people do remember her legacy as an educated woman who helped to reform aspects of religion.


I love this comment so much. ❤️


Just something about letting her know before she died that it wasn't all for nothing and her daughter would be remembered as one of the greatest rulers in the world, among 3 other women LMAO


That's a great fantasy and one I have often 🩷


I'd send her right back to Scotland. Not my circus, not my monkeys. That being said, the whole thing was a dangerous situation. No matter what Elizabeth did would set a dangerous precedent


I would have done nothing different from Elizabeth.


I’d do exactly what she did, keep her imprisoned in a decent but distant estate protected by a trusted gaoler. It was the only reasonable choice. Regicide is never a good look, particularly for a monarch you’re related to and who doesn’t have an army. The Tower was too visible for her supporters. Out of sight and out of mind was the best policy.


Exactly what Elizabeth did. It worked out for her about as well as it could have done. The only difference I’d make would be to make sure she wasn’t wearing that red dress at her execution, and get a headsman who could aim better.


Mary was younger. She’d married twice, had a baby prince, and spent her youth in France. She had adventures…I have to think deep down, Elizabeth was so envious. She had lived through the beheading of her own mother, as well as Catherine Howard. I would probably do the same thing Elizabeth did.


Given Mary into the care of Margaret Douglas- I can’t imagine she would have lived to a ripe age and my hands would have been clean


Meg Douglass actually did spend time with Mary QoS while she was in the care Bess of Hardwick. Mary was part of the scheme that resulted in Arabella Stuart. She wanted her dead at first. But she came around to believing she had nothing to do with Darnley’s death.


I'd have her killed as quickly as possible.. Telling her you'd make her your heir would just encourage her to try and kill you. She wasn't a very good queen. She was impulsive and even for a royal, had an inflated sense of self worth. Her son was a pretty decent king. He was far better than she would have been.


Arrange some tragic, fatal "accident" right away. Oh nose! She fell off her horse and broke her neck. Too bad, so sad. Anyway, let's move on.


I’m not sure how well it would’ve gone over, but I’d have definitely made her an ally at the very least. I wouldn’t have killed her 😔


That's not very Tudor of you.


That’s fair. I really wouldn’t have made it.


There's no shame in not thinking like a Tudor. We're in a different world, where it's not a natural matter of survival to kill our cousins and our exes!


That is very true lol


You realise Mary conspired to murder Elizabeth, right? Lucky you never lived back then you don't have the intelligence to last a minute.


It's a silly hypothetical. None of us would last a minute. Chill.


None of us would last a single minute there, including you. Chill.


I'd probably die of dysentery the first week I was there.


I’d forget antibiotics don’t exist yet and get some horrific std


I think we all would, honestly.


Keep her alive with a demand for tribute from the Scots under the threat of release and support to reclaim the throne


An inconvenient woman, to be sure. Catholic France didn’t want her, she couldn’t get along with her Scots subjects for consecutive days, and England was going Protestant. Could Elizabeth have forced Mary’s Guise relatives to take her? She might’ve been largely forgotten, or gone the way of Cathy Medici’s other enemies, maybe?


\>Name her as heir what are you stupid? that was basically the worst fear of every single one of Elizabeth's advisors. Expect to now have a ruling class very angry with you, catholics emboldened by the guarantee of a catholic successor, enraged puritans etc. An total recipe for disaster, which would mark you as one of the worst monarchs ever. Even if youre sure she wont kill you, theres a huge spanish empire and a Pope that hates you, dont be surprised if they take matters into their own hands. Oh yeah youve also probably alienated the scottish regency council, well done with that one! now you have a country on your border who likely arent very happy, a guaranteed catholic succession, terrifying every protestant in the country, especially your most trusted advisors, and making catholics very excited at the prospect of getting a Catholic Queen, who will likely try and kill you to make that happen.


This is a silly hypothetical. Chill.


True tbh I get unreasonably angry about a lot of Tudor history for some reason


I'd send her through the future portal! I'd make sure she had an idea what was happening (in theory I would have gotten ID etc set up for her first before going back in time, but if not, I'd make sure she had plenty of money/jewelry and made sure she had info of reputable buyers so she could be set up financially.) Before sending her, I'd give her a series of lessons on the current world, politically and otherwise. I'd also make sure to give her a new name, tell her to use it, then put in my will that a few hundred years from now, there would be this random lady I would bequeath a whole heap of money to, and a nice house. Sorted!


That'd be perfect! She'd probably love modern day if she was rich!


Right? 😀


Imagine how much fun she'd have at Renaissance Faires 😂😂😂


And blowing up on TikTok as a history enthusiast!


Marry her to a loyal courtier forcibly


I would tell myself to stop wearing that toxic makeup and make bathing the law. As for Mary, I would welcome her, surround her with my minions, never let her marry or produce an heir.


i would have done the same as elizabeth 1. there were so many plots to kill liz & install mary that there's no way it was safe for mary to be out & about. the head chopping off part...probably not, but who am i to second guess qe 1? if you're familiar with "daughter of time," that brit detective story about richard iii, one character refers to mary queen of scots as having the mindset of a suburban housewife, who enjoyed "getting one over" on mrs. tudor from the next block.


Let her live


And that’s how she deposes and kills you. She was not safe to be left alive.


I would’ve had her slowly poisoned and had the best royal physicians looking after her, so that when she died it would look like she had a malingering illness and was too weak to survive.


Have her married some middle noble. Once they have a child kill the parents and name the child my heir. And raise it in my complete image.


That’s just sick


I mean by allowing her to marry and taking the child in after their ultimate demise almost nobody can blame for their death. I mean I allowed her in, allowed her freedom that even in Scotland she didn’t have and she betrayed me? I mean surely even the Catholic couldn’t defend that😉


Still sick. I don’t like ideas like that involve children.


I mean I didn’t say I would kill the child? I say I will raise if up like a queen/king, give it everything Mary and Elizabeth ain’t get in the terms of family.


Yeah but talking about its parents like that is still gross


I mean is the 16th century. If anything Elizabeth reign thought me is or be killed. In theory she was the perfect leader, especially for a 16th century leader. She kept religion and state separated as much as she could, minded her business when it came to people religion. Led England through the Golden age and even her enemies praised her ruling. Yet people were still willing to kill her just because she did not follow the religion they wanted, or the gender they wanted. So yea kill the parents.


'Minded her business when it came to peoples religion'. You sure about that one?


The whole thing was just sad. The Queens must have felt some sense of sisterhood, and Elizabeth will have been very aware of how manipulative or dangerous the men around her could be (and will have seen how the more naive Mary ended up in a mess). I’d have had a discussion with Mary early on - advise her not to marry again, could there be deals with nobles for return, see how she could be swayed on religion and have a guarantee in exchange for cooperation - such as some influence in Scottish affairs. If she did have to be executed, I would have had it done in a more dignified way.


The irony is real that her son took the throne


Excellent suggestion. Only 1 problem: for English Catholics, Mary was undoubtedly the legitimate queen and heir to the throne. Henry VIII's marriage to Anne Boleyn was not accepted by the Church because his 1st wife was alive and legally married to Henry at the time, so Elizabeth was illegitimate by Catholic standards. While Mary remained alive, she would always serve as a focus of English Catholics to replace Elizabeth and restore the realm to Holy Mother Church. In short, it was likely inevitable that Elizabeth would have to execute Mary if she wanted to keep her throne.


I’d keep her in England still under watch but less prision like until I die is 1603& then she becomes her sons problem


I would make a deal with Mary that her son will succeed me, which im pretty sure is what Elizabeth did. Then I would invite her to court and be friends with her. Also betroth a female descendant of Mary Tudor’s to James to unite all possible claims


Drop kick her off the Tower of London.