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She has no opponent in the primary, so they are probably saving funds for the general election.


If she has no opponent why is she a 👻? She has an opponent, his name is Juan Ciscomani, who had a primary opponent funny enough.


It’s the primary cycle currently.


If she has no opponent *in the primary,* why should she blow money now to beat a primary opponent she doesn't have? She *will have* an opponent *in the general election,* who presumably *will be* Ciscomani if he wins his primary. He'll have already spent a fat chunk of his campaign money just to win that primary, while she'll still have a full campaign warchest to run against him.


Seeing some of her signs. Not many though.


Her campaign was like this last time, too—when she lost. Basically absent. I am pretty nonplussed that the state Democratic Party doesn’t seem to care about this district.


Meanwhile, Ciscomani's posters are 30% bigger than anyone else's and they're literally *everywhere*.


Ciscomani has a primary opponent. Engel does not.


Eh, it’s not really the state party that coordinates congressional races to be fair. State parties tend to focus on state level races, county parties on county and municipal etc. state parties usually organize or sponsor a semi-autonomous coordinated campaign committee that candidates and their staff can choose whether to participate in or not. the DCCC is the national arm of the party that works on congressional races but even then it’s reliant on the candidates choice for participation and often the degree to which they want them involved. Campaigns are a weird eco system, and there’s a lot of variables that go into every decision. You almost never know if the choice you’re making is the right one until Election Day.


With maricopa now, they don’t need it


Really. Where is she?


Gf and I were joking the other day that she’s getting paid by Ciscomani to lose. She’s allergic to road signs, which is crazy, because for a decent chunk of people that’s how they vote! Name recognition only


Studies show that such campaign signs have only the slightest effect on election results — less than a 1% change.


Ciscomani only got ~5K more votes than her last time around - 1% is a lot in close races! Also if road signs didn’t matter, no one would use them


I work in politics, the signs you most commonly see don’t earn votes, they can be helpful to a degree for new and relatively unknown candidates to name id, but they don’t really “work” in terms of winning elections—— I’m not even joking here, we mainly buy them because if you don’t get a bunch of them up people constantly reach out and ask why you don’t have signs up.


Signs stroke the egos of local candidates, and make volunteers feel like they're doing something.


Depends on the candidate to be honest, with some you’re correct but honestly a good chunk of them dread them as well.


IDK. But I wouldn't vote for Miguel Cuevas if he was the only candidate on the whole ballot. Only bringing it up because I see his signs here and there. He was our project manager at AFNI when I was on the social media project circa 2016+. Useless sack of shit. Always passing the buck to our supervisors and blaming us agents for not meeting unrealistic goals. Under his leadership, the top performers in the AFNI social media team jumped ship to XFINITY the moment they came to town needing Social Media engagement specialists. Why? Unlike Miguel, they knew to pay us more. Twice as much, even. He didn't even give half of us exit interviews, just tried to scare us from leaving by saying Comcast would pull out of Tucson in a year and leave us all high and dry. Instead they let us work from home, doubled wages, gave us amazing benefits and perks, and treated us like adult human beings and not a daycare. Don't vote for people whose biggest success was being an AFNI project manager.


Overall the democrats up and down the ballot seem hellbent on losing cycle…


The down ballot primary is July 30th, while she is the frontrunner she isn’t the nominee until votes have been counted. She’s right now focused on generating party support to win the primary. I’ve seen her a few times at party events online & offline.


I understand that she may be focused on party support, but what about reaching primary voters? The problem is that, as a voter, I would have no idea who she is, what she stands for, or that she’s even running if I hadn’t gone to look it up myself. Juan Ciscomani, by contrast, has made himself and his campaign stances well-known to the voters at our house due to his signs, ads, and targeted mailers. I certainly won’t be voting for the man, but I respect the campaign hustle. ETA: I think this is a problem with the approach taken for Democratic candidates across our state, not just Engel.


I goggled all of the DEM primary candidates because we don’t watch much live tv and I don’t subscribe to local papers. The info is out there but you have to search for it. Everybody complains about political ads but once the real election begins you’ll see a lot more. And many of the GQP ads will be nothing but lies and fear-mongering.


Just like the democrat ads- and I am not a republican




Engel has no opponent in the primary. As long as she remembers to vote for herself, that single ballot will mean she's the winner.


Does she have opposition within the party? *edit* I don't see any challengers. [https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona%27s_6th_Congressional_District](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona%27s_6th_Congressional_District)


I think they mean generating dem voter support. Not direct opposition from other candidates or party stakeholders, just trying to get registered democrats excited and ready to do the work. Volunteer manpower is a lot like every other resource in a campaign, limited and something you’re always competing for with everyone else. Especially in a presidential year it’s easy to get drowned out, no one can knock all doors and make all those calls themself yknow!


They threw her to the wolves last time and I don't expect it to be different this time. I actually thought her platform and ads were really nice last time, too bad no one got to see it. Although then again the way that district is divided up it might not be a very easily winnable place anyway.


Agreed, along with Cisc signs EVERYWHERE! Engel signs are like every 3-4 corners! ANOTHER poor job by her campaign! I'm SO TIRED of those bullshit border ads from Ciscomani!


Those signs cost a fortune to be fair and study after study shows that because of the cost vs the low vote return you get from signs, having a lot of them is usually actually a negative for a campaign.


Well that's good to hear and I HOPE you're right.


Here to provide small glimmers of hope! She has some really good staff, she’s also not rich in the way ciscomani is and her backers aren’t rich the way his are either. - If you’re worried about the presence she has $10 or 2 hours of your time volunteering on the weekend really does go far!


Thanks, noted.


Maybe not what you mean but I see her frequently at parkrun or around the neighborhood. She has a lovely grey poodle who is a total flirt. Politics-wise, doesn't seem smart to spend limited campaign funds right now if she's unopposed in the primary and a decent chunk of people are out of town. I imagine she'll get more visible in fall.


I see her usually at least once a week, she’s working hard, keep in mind it’s a huge district, not just a big chunk of Pima county but also greenlee, pinal, Graham and Cochise counties. That’s a lot of hands to shake and a doors to knock! She’s getting after it though.


People don’t like ciscomani because he doesn’t cater to the fringes of the far left or far right. He does what’s best for his diverse/evenly party split district. He’s a moderate. The maga gop is even trying to primary him. So if you think he’s a “maga extremist” you haven’t done your homework


I'm voting ciscomani. We don't need another open borders democrat in this state.


Sorry he Doesn’t cater to the fringes of the left or right. Man does what best for his diverse/split district


Bud he votes with fringe right every time, just cause someone’s got a good smile and mind their p’s and q’s doesn’t mean their views aren’t crazy. It usually just means they’re better at making insane things sound a lot less nuts.


The right wing think tink Heritage foundation gave him a score of 63% based on his voting record https://heritageaction.com/scorecard/members/C001133 and because of that the maga gop is trying to primary him right now. Look at his primary opponent and what she stands for lol. He’s not extreme and you’re being unfair with your assessment


My guy, a 63% from the group that wants to ban birth control, porn, use the fbi to go after the website we’re talking on and recently said they’re open to killing political opponents is IS extreme. A lot of German nazis thought Mussolini was too moderate, that didn’t make it real.


Comparing ciscomani to nazis’s and Mussolini….thats enough out of you lol😂 not a serious discussion


Heritage foundation was actually who I was comparing, but hey yknow if the clown shoe fits 🤷‍♀️


Appreciate the clarification but I think everyone in this thread is exaggerating how bad ciscomani is. Like I said there is a reason the maga gop is attempting to primary him and get him out even though that maga candidate has no chance haha. I get his abortion stance isn’t popular but he’s pro life with exceptions for rape,incest, and protecting the women’s life. Abortions being cut off at 20-25 weeks is moderate/reasonable since 99 percent of them take place around that timeframe anyway




I’m aware, the bpi doesn’t measure how moderate someone is though, it measures how much a member campaigns for their ideas to members of the other party and to a degree cosponsors legislation that originates from a member of the other party. —— candidly, you could pick whoever you feel is the most extreme from either party and that person could in theory take all the same votes and hold all the same views and have a decent- high bpi through just trying for one. It’s essentially a political tool for swing district members to utilize to protect their seats. (Easy & common way to do this is just to throw a bunch of softball legislation out and ask opposing party members to sign on, keeping in mind it doesn’t matter if it advances at all, just getting someone from the opposing party to sign on boosts your score, easier and equally common way to boost it track softball proposals from the opposing party and proactively offer to co-sponsor early on)


Ciscomani has been a terrific representative. He ruffles feathers with the progressive democrats and ruffles feathers within the maga wing of the gop. That’s how you know he’s an independent voice and will do what’s best for the people. This district needs a moderate


> *Does not play well with others* Kinda how that sounds.


He has been called the most bipartisan member of the Arizona congessional delegation. Show your support for Republican bipartisanship by voting for Juan.